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From brusil@snad.ncsl.nist.gov Thu Oct 20 16:10:54 1994
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 16:08:52 EDT
From: Dr. Paul J. Brusil - Consultant <brusil@snad.ncsl.nist.gov>
Message-Id: <9410202008.AA29136@snad.ncsl.nist.gov>
To: nmsig@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov, snmsigl@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov
Subject: NMSIG-94/359 Liaison commenting on Management Taxonomy Guidelines
Cc: aow-nmsig@stc.ipa.go.jp, ewos-egnm@external.iihe.ac.be
15 Oct. 1994
To: Charles Moore, AOW NMSIG Co-Chair
Yoshimi Teshigawara, AOW NMSIG Co-Chair
Isabelle Valet Harper, EGNM Chair
Subject: Liaison conveying comments on Management Taxonom
Guidelines (OIW NMSIG-94/302 [AOW NM N784])
cc: Brenda Gray, OIW Secretariat
Ted Landberg, OIW Chair
1. Location: section 1.1, 1st paragraph, last sentence
Type: m
Comment: For clarification with respect to the expanded
scope of this document, consider changing this sentence to
"Therefore, there i now a need to (a) profile these managed
objects, (b) continue profiling emerging system management
function and other OSI management-related standards, and (c)
organize such profiles into a meaningful taxonomy."
2. Location: section 1.1, 1st paragraph
Type: m
Comment: Consider adding a new paragraph after the 1st
paragraph. The purpose of this new paragraph would be to
define "taxonomy", e.g.,
"A taxonomy is a structure and classification within which
profiles fit. ISO TR10000-2 describes how profiles are
arranged into classes, each class representing a category of
reasonable independence from other classes. ISO TR10000-2
also documents the taxonomy of profiles within each class."
3. Location: section 1.1, 2nd paragraph
Type: e
Comment: In the 2nd line, change the word "function" to
the word "functions". Also, consider adding more context-
setting text to the end of this paragraph, such as:
"The guidelines for taxonomy are given in this document. The
guidelines for profiles is given in a separate document -
Part 2 of this technical report"
4. Location: section 1.2, line 5
Type: e/m
Comment: For clarity of the purpose of this document,
consider changing the words "principles, documenting issues"
to "principles pertinent to the development of taxonomies for
OSI systems manageent profiles, related issues"
5. Location: section 1.2, last paragraph
Comment: Should the actual, recommended text for inclusion
into TR10000-2 be included/identified in this document?
6. Location: section 1.3, line 7
Type: e
Comment: change the words "gives an detail" to the words
"gives details"
7. Location: section 1.4.1
Type: e
Comment: Consider adding the acronyms: "A", "F", and "NB"
8. Location: section 1.4.2
Type: e
Comment: Add dates to the references
9. Location: section 1.4.2
Type: e
Comment: There are other references that appear within the
other sections of this document; and, these other references
are not detailed in this section 1.4.2. These references
include SF24A, KK73R, NMSIG-94/089R2, EGNM/94/212.
10.Location: Figure 2, Section 2 (FOMx paragraph), section
3.1.2, and section 3.1.4
Type: M
Comment: The content of this Figure and the indicated
sections need to be harmonized with any new Regional Workshop
positions that may arise due to consideration of the OIW
NMSIG liaison NMSIG-94/357 (entitled "Taxonomy for Lower
Layer Ensemble and Managed Object Profiles")
11.Location: Section 2, FOMx paragraph, Editor's Note
Type: e
Comment: Change "profiles has" to "profiles have"
12.Location: Section 2, AOM3x paragraph, lines 5-6
Type: m
Comment: Consider amplifying the sentence to give an
example of what kinds of other ensembles could be allocated
other taxonomy identifiers & what such identifiers might be.
13.Location: Section 2, AOM3x paragraph, 2nd Editor's Note
Type: m
Comment: For clarity, consider changing the first sentence
to read: " No harmonized Ensembles (relevant for the AOM3x
taxonomy) have been defined, although regionally-developed
and other ensembles have been, or are being, developed by
organizations such as INTAP, the OIW and the Network
Management Forum."
14.Location: section 3.1.2
Comment: If the taxonomy philosophy is not changed ,e.g.,
in response to discussions regarding OIW NMSIG-94/357, then
consider making the following changes:
(a) Clarify the 1st sentence to read: "It has been agreed by
the RWs that when MO profiles are submitted to SGFS, these
profiles shall use the existing "F" profile taxonomy branch
an that therefore such MO profiles shall be classified as
FOM profiles."
(b) Clarify the 2nd sentence to read: "The F/A profile
boundary is defined ...."
(c) Clarify the last sentence to read:
"FOM MO Profiles for OSI Management"
15.Location: Section 3.1.3
Comment: Are there to be profile bundling principles
defined here that are similar to principles 6 and 7 of
section 3.3.2 ?
16.Location: section 3.1.4, 1st paragraph
Type: e
Comment: Is it necessary to repeat section 1.2 here? If
not, then delete this 1st paragraph.
17.Location: section 3.1.4, 4th pararrph
Type: m
Comment: If the taxonomy/profiling philosophy is not
changed ,e.g., in response to discussions regarding OIW
NMSIG-94/357, then consider making the following changes:
(a) The existence of the FOM1 branch is contradictory with
principle 4 of section 3.3.2 (This section specifies that
Management Support Objects must be AOM2x.) Furthermore,
giving Security and Performance as examples of FOM1 profiles
is contradictory with the RW submission to SGFS requesting
AOM2x identifiers for security management and performance
management profiles.
(b) Consider adding exemplar FOM2x profile entries for lower
layer gateways or relays, as well as profiles of GDMO MOs for
nom-OSI lower layers.
(c) Consider adding exemplar FOM3x profile entries for
application gateways as well as profiles of GDMO MOs for non-
OSI upper layers and non-OSI applications.
18.Location: section 3.1.4, last sentence
Type: m
Comment: Consider giving a specific example for the one-
to-many relationship. Also, is this (or should it be)
compatible with principles 2 and 3 in section 3.3.2?
19.Location: section 3.2, 1st sentence
Comment: For clarity, consider changing this sentence to
read: " It is intended initially to categorize Ensembles
developed and/or harmonized as ISPs within the Regional
20.Location: section 3.2.2
Comment: Are there profile bundling principles that are
similar to principles 6 and 7 of section 3.3.2?
21.Location: section 3.2.3
Comment: Should there be categories for ensembles related
to (a) management of non-OSI resurces, (b) management of
non-OSI services, (c) integrated management of lower layers
(both OSI and non-OSI) and upper layers (both OSI and non-