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From brusil@snad.ncsl.nist.gov Sun Oct 30 03:25:00 1994
Return-Path: <brusil@snad.ncsl.nist.gov>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 94 03:21:07 EST
From: Dr. Paul J. Brusil - Consultant <brusil@snad.ncsl.nist.gov>
Message-Id: <9410300821.AA06116@snad.ncsl.nist.gov>
To: bmurrill@attmail.com, dsm@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov, jlw@hpcnd.cnd.hp.com,
Subject: NMSIG-94/362 Sept Meeting Report
Cc: aow-nmsig@stc.ipa.go.jp, ewos-egnm@external.iihe.ac.be,
Attendance: 27 aggregate (7 - 20, per session)
Inputs : 151 (see attached list)
Outputs: 1 change to Working Agreements, 1 deletion from
Working Agreements, 14 Liaisons (see attached list),
2 reports (see attached list)
Next Meetins:
OIW SNMSIG, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
12 Dec - 15 Dec 94
Email Managemnt, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD
12 Dec - 14 Dec 94
Distributed Systems Management, NIS, Gaithersburg, MD
13 Dec - 14 Dec 94
Security SIG, NIST, Gaithersburg, M
13 Dec 94
Charter and SIG Name Change
- In recognition of on-going and future work beyond
the scope of managing just network technologies and OSI
technologies, and in recognition that management technlogies
of interest to the group are applicable to managing various
information technology sysems, and in recognition that
management technologies other than just OSI management are of
interest to the Group, the name of the NMSIG was changed to
the Systems and Network Management SG (SNMSIG). A revised
charter with attendant work plan summaries was accepted
(NMSIG-94/350) and will be incorporated into Part 1, section
4.8.8 of the OIW Working Agreements. The new name and charter
were liaised (NMSIG-94/374) to all relevant partner and
otherwise related organizations. This charter change formally
sanctions support of the SNMSIG to other related OIW
activities such as those associated with the Email Management
Working Group, the Distributed Systems Management Workng
Group, and the Performance Management Working Group.
ISO/RWS-CC Liaions
- Because of recent industry concern about industry (re-)use
of compilable versions of GDMO derived from standards (such
as ISO/IEC 10164-x, ISO/IEC 10165-x, and ITU-T G.744) being
potentially perceived to be copy right violations of ISO/IEC
and ITU-T publications, and therefore because of the
purported stoppage by some vendors from implementing products
which include managed objects with such DMO, a liaison
(NMSIG-94/351) was generated requesting the Regional Workshop
Coordinating Committee to send a formal request to ISO/IEC
and ITU-T to waive copy right on GDMO in all standards with
embedded GDMO.
- In order to maintain a timely flow of OSI management
standards and other documents into the SNMSIG, a liaison
(NMSIG-94/352) was generated requesting that C. Michael
Chernick be designated as the liaison officer between ISO/IEC
SC21/WG4 and the OIW SNMSIG.
Security Management
- Security and security management topics were discussed in
joint session of the SECSIG and NMSIG
- It was reported that the SECSIG would continue considering
what work it might undertake with respect to the Security
Association Management Protcol (SAMP) which may have value
in managing certain aspects of the security services for OSI
system management communications. It was agreed that there
would be another joint SECSIG/SNMSIG meeting in December 1994
at which the SAMP topic would be reviewed as well as other
potential topics associated with managing security services.
- It was reported that the SECSIG would be involved with the
development of a security integrity transforation pDISP.
Accordingly, it was felt that this pDISP work should also be
considered at the joint meeting in December; and, that any
alignment of, and/or errata to the OIW Stable Agreements on,
GULS (and/or management use of GULS agreements) relative to
the security integrity transformation pDISP should also be
- It was agreed that the SECSIG would begin development of
security confidentiality working agreements based on the GULS
base standard; and, that accordingly the SNMSIG would, in
parallel, develop woking agreements on the management use of
these new security confidentiality agreements. Review of
these topics would also occur at the December joint meeting.
- In recognition of new security/security management efforts
in ANSI T1M1 (NMSIG-94/340), it was decided that attempts
should be made to re-establish a liaison relationship between
the NMSIG and T1M1. It was agreed that by the time of the
next T1M1 meeting in mid Novembr 1994, a liaison (NMSIG-
94/360) would be conveyed indicating that it is felt that (a)
security management pDISPs currently under joint development
by the RWs would meet certain T1M1 requrements, (b) OIW
Stable Agreements on GULS (IS0 11586, Generic Upper Layer
Security) would met certain other T1M1 requirements, (c) yet
other of the T1M1 requirements might drive new RW profiling
activities, such as the development of new OIW agreements on
a GULS-based confidentiality service and the RW's development
of new security/security management profiles, and (d) because
of these various relationships, re-invigoration of a
differently-foused, yet non-the-less symbiotic, liaison
between T1M1 and the NMSIG/SECSIG would be useful. Mr. Hal
Folts believed that he could act as a liaison officer
- Subsequent to the OIW Meeting, it was ascertained that Mr.
Lee LaBarre had received support to accept the Regional
Workshop editorship of the profile(s) associated with the
Objects and Attributes for Access Control standard (ISO/IEC
IS 10164-9. The time duration and international travel
available through his support is limited. A workplan and
potentially a first WD pDISP are expected to be available by
the time of the December 1994 OIW meetings.
- Joseph Ghetie, OIW point of contact for PT27 (CMIP ISP
conformance), gave a status report of the work of PT27 and of
the OIW contributions to PT27. Having now expanded and
harmonized the CTS3-NM inputs to PT27 to include an ISP
11183-orientation with several Abstract Test Suites (ATSs)
and test cases, it is felt that the PT27 outputs now reflect
good work that should be fast tracked to standardize CMIP
Profile Test Suites (PTSs). Accordingly, a liaison (NMSIG-
94/353) was generated that (a) endorsed the stability and
comprehensiveness of the CMIP Test Suite Structure and Test
Management Protocol (TSS&TP), the CMIP ATS/PTS, and Upper
Layer Test Management Protocol Interfaces, (b) endorsed
submission of the CMIP PTS to ISO SGFS, (c) endorsed the
position to skip ROSE ATS work which would address
applications-independent test cases (for ROSE and for CMI),
and (d) appointed J. Ghetie as the OIW representative to the
final PT27 approval meeting in Ictiber 1994.
- P. Brusil announced that the EWOS Project Team 28 focused
on managed object (MO) conformance testing was commencing and
that he would act as the OIW coordinator and point-of-
contact. It is expected that a small group of SNMSIG members
will be rcruited to support OIW contributions to PT28. It
was also noted that there were several other efforts underway
that may have relevance to the PT28 focus area. These other
areas include (a) the PREPARE project in Europe that
apparently includes aspects of MO interoperability testing,
(b) the PROST project in the U.K. that apparently has as one
of its goals the validation of the CTS3-NM MO conformance
testing methodology that was delivered to PT27, and (c) the
Electronic Communication Implementation Forum (ECIF),
formerly the Electronic Bonding Forum, that purportedly
includes within its aegise end-to-end management testing. The
exact nature of these three activities will be investigated
and, as appropriate, relevant feedback will be forwarded to
- P. Kerr, from the Defense Information Systems Agency's
(DISA's) Joint Interoperability Test Center (JITC), announced
the potential U.S. government development of formal test
methodologies, ATSs, and so on for Intenet Protocol Suite
(IPS) management technologies. It was pointed out that some
of the difficuly associated with such work is that because
of ambiguities in IPS management specifications, such as
SNMPv1, there are undocumented community resolutions of
ambiguities. It was felt that the SNMSIG would want to keep
abreast of any further activities that might be pursued by
DISA/JITC and/or others.
- The SNMSIG referred to the OIW Upper Layer SIG, the AOW
NMSIG input (NMSIG-94/320) relative to the CULR ISP -11188.
Because of the CULR ballot cycle, it was suggested by the OIW
ULSIG that this input should be formally brought forward as
National Body comments during the CULR balloting process.
Enterprise Systems Management
- A. Tang reported (NMSIG-94/345) on progress in developing
ensembles oriented for the Enterprise Management of
electronic mail and networks. It was noted that a targeted
user of such ensembles would be the CDPD cellular
telecommunications industry wherein (a) Email Management
ensembles would be useful for managing CDPD's X.400 service
used for CDPD billing, and (b) the Lower Layers Ensembles
would be used in managing CDPD's CLNP.
- A. Tang reported (NMSIG-94/345) on progress in developing
frameworks for Enterprise Network Management (NMSIG-94/343)
and Enterprise Email Management (NMSIG-94/342). These
frameworks are deemded necessary prior to developing
ensembles pertinent to each area, such as the Network Status
Monitoring Ensemble (NMSIG-94/277) and the Email Systems
Monitoring Ensemble (NMSIG-94/344), respectively. Upon
discussion, it was felt that a goal should be to determine if it is possible to create just one framework; and, to refine
the network status monitoring and mail management frameworks
from it. It is noted that other ensembles, such as the INTAP
LAN Fault Management ensemble, are not apparently based on
some guiding framework; and, that the notion of a framework
would be useful.
- A.Tang introduced the Network Status Monitoring, Net Stat
Mon, Ensemble (NMSIG-94/277). The purpose of this ensemble is
to achieve integrated LAN management, not to replace SNMP
MIBs. This ensemble differs from the INTAP LAN Fault
Management ensemble (NMSIG-94/230R) in that the Net Stat Mon
ensemble (a) uses different domain concepts and includes and
builds upon the concept of recursive subdomains, and (b)
expands the monitoring capabilities to include performance
monitoring. The plan is to incorporate FDDI monitoring
shortly; and, to review the work in detail before, or during,
the December 1994 OIW.
- A discussion was initiated, and will be continued
electronically, regarding what would be the best method(s)
for deriving GDMO-based management information (e.g., for the
Net Stat Mon Ensemble) when such GDMO-based management
information is related to management information that is also
defined in extant SNMP-based MIBs. The method currently used
in developing the GDMO for the Net Stat Mon ensemble
apparently is a form of abstract translation of, e.g., the
IPS RMON MIB. There are, however, arguments that favor the
IIMC approach for deriving GDMO from the extant IPS RMON MIB.
- A. Tang reported on plans to develop other ensembles
oriented toward Enterprise Management. These include (a) a
Back-Up Ensemble, and (b) a Load Sharing Management Ensemble.
The former will build upon the ISO/IEC 10164-19 draft
pertinent to domains as well as upon X/Open Systems
Management work on Back-Up to provide management restoration
transparency. The latter is focused on collaborative
management computing (a.k.a. management bandwidth
transparency) and could be used, e.g., to coordinate hand-
over of management responsibilities between different management
- H.Folts and E.Zeisler presented the first results of their
work toward developing a framework for ensembles (NMSIG-
94/335). The reaction was mixed with some indicating support
and others indicating that the work was obscure and that it
was not obvious how it could be used. There was discussion as
to some of the additions that might b useful to its
companion (lower layer) network model in order for the model
to be applicable o ensembles oriented for upper layer and
systems/applications management. It was also deemed
appropriate that this framework be harmonized with those
being progressed by A.Tang for Enterprise Network Management
and Enterprise Email Management. It was understood that at
least some of the NMSIG comments would be folded in to the
work before it was presented at the NMF General Meeting in
October 1994. The OIW NMSIG offered to provide further
comments/inputs as the work evolves.
Email Management
- The Email Management Group's meeting, scheduled for late
September 1994, was canceled. The group intends to progress
sme of its work, such as the Enterprise Email Management
Framework (NMSIG-94/342) and the two email management
ensembles (NMSIG-94/341 and /344), via electronic discussions.
These documents were introduced by A. Tang at the Sept. 1994
OIW. At the Sept OIW it was noted that the email message
tracking/tracing ensemble is not oriented to management of
resources; rather, it provides a kind of fault management
capability for email messages.
- The Email Management Group, while being focused in the
interim on eforts within the Electronic Mail Association
(EMA), intends to meet, both independently and jointly with
the NMSIG, at the Dec 1994 OIW.
Management Coexistence
- M. Chernick introduced the X/Open and NMF Joint Interdomain
Management (JIDM) documents (MSIG-94/084, /244-246) related
to matters of coexistence of ISO systems management
technology, Internet management technology, OMG management
technology and ISO Open Distributed Processing technology.
X/Open and the NMF had made these documents available to the
NMSI with the caveat that these documents are for limited
distribution to only those personnel willing to critique the
documents. One reviewer had been identified by the call for
participation issued after during the summer. There was some
additional interest evident at the Sept 1994 OIW NMSIG
meeting; and , it was furthermore hypothesized that members
of the Distributed Systems Management Working Group would be
seriously interested in the topics and in contributing to OIW
review efforts on these documents. Accordingly, a liaison
(NMSIG-94/339) was created conveying (a) OIW's observation
that JIDM specifications will fill a critical gap and support
the interworking of object-oriented technology (CORBA) and
management technologies (OSI, IPS), (b) comments regarding
transaction concurrency, (c) the OIW SNMSIG's plan to seek an
expansion of the OIW constituency supporting OIW review of
the JIDM specifications, and (d) the SNMSIG's desire to
continue OIW/JIDM collaboration in this area.
- M. Chernick reported little support was generated from the
community relative to his June 1994 electronic call for
participation in efforts to translate the IETF Frame Relay
MIB (RFC 1604) and the IETF AToM SONET MIB (RFC 1595) into
GDMO equivalents. One potential contributor had reported
difficulties in translating the IETF Frame Relay MIB into the
proper SNMP version for input into an IIMC MIB-to-GDMO
converter. Community problems regarding multiple, parallel,
autonomously-defined definitions for SONET/SDH were
introduced (NMSIG-94/300). Accordingly, L. LaBarre
volunteered to provide a translation of the RFC 1595 into
GDMO and an associated ASN.1 module so that it could become
possible to begin identifying the magnitude of the
discrepancies between the ITU-T G.774 SDH MIB and the
purportedly similar IETF SONET MIB (RFC 1595).
- There was some discussion and interest expressed about
management sub-agent technology. It was felt that at least a
more detailed description of the problem to be addressed by
such technology was needed before determining if there should
be any particular role that the OIW SNMSIG should play
relative to the architecting, modeling, standardization,
and/or profiling of such technology.
Performance Management
- M.Chernick introduced the most current WD pDISPs (NMSIG-
94/269, /285, /296, 363, /364) and RW comments on the
Performance Management profiles. It was reported that very
little interest in supporting the completion of these
documents had come forward from an electronic call for
participation. Furthermore, since NMSIG-9/363-364 had just
recently been received out of the Sept AOW NMSIG meeting, it
was felt that i would not be possible to conduct an adequate
review during the time allocated to this subject at the Sept
1994 OIW NMSIG. Subsequent to the Sept 1994 OIW, a liaison
(NMSIG-94/367) was generated conveying the OIW SNMSIG's
concurrence on endorsing the performance management profiles
as being harmonized as pDISPs ready for ISO SGFS submission.
- There was interest expressed from the Lower Layers Ensemble
effort in having RW resources progressing an AOM251x General
Performance Management Profile. Such a request was
incorporated into liaison NMSIG-94/67.
- OIW NMSIG agenda work items associated with the Performance
Management Working Group (PMG) were postponed until the
December 1994 OIW. At that time it is expected that the PMWG
specfications will be stabilized in X/Open; and, that OIW
SNMSIG efforts can commence to develop a workplan/schedule
and to begin to outline corresponding OIW working agreements.
Lower Layer MO Profiles and Ensembles
- A review of all RW inputs pertinent to this area was
conducted by Kedem Kaminsky and several liaisons were created
a a result of the discussions.
- Substantial and mixed discussions took place regarding the
taonomy for lower layer MO profiles. From the lower layer
experts view point, it was felt that updating each T and R
ISP with an optional management capability was acceptable,
and that use of FOM profiles for lower layer MOs was not
acceptable. (Ensembles would then provide the mechanism for
selecting among the optional ISP management capabilities.)
Others argued that such an approach would be time-consuming
and prevent early, wide-spread availability of any Lower
Layer MO profiles. There was no input from Upper Layer
experts regarding appropriate taxonomy and profiling for
upper layer MOs. Similarly, there was no discussion regarding
profiling of MOs for non-OSI or hybrid (e.g., management
proxy) resources/services. Accordingly, a liaison (NMSIG-
94/357) was created indicating tha at least for the
situation for lower layer MO taxonomy and MO profiling, the
desirable approach is to update each T and R ISP. This
liaison also conveys OIW's concurrence that ensembles should
be identified under an AOM3x taxonomy branch.
- AOW NMSIG comments (AOW NM N866) were reviewed and a
liaison (NMSIG-94/355) was created acknowledging OIW
agreement with many points and requesting AOW clarifications
on a few points. Similarly, other AOW NMSIG comments (AOW NM
N905R) were reviewed and a liaison (NMSIG-94/356) was created
acknowleding agreement with some points, requesting
clarification of one point, and indicating the plan on how
lower layer ensembles could address manager role conformance
- EWOS EGNM comments (EGNM/94/211) were reviewed and a
liaison (NMSIG-94/337) was created acknowleding OIW agreement
with most points and a disagreement regarding how to address
MOCS static vs dynamic conditins.
- A liaison was created (NMSIG-94/354) (a) indicating that
revision 8 of the Connectionles Network Systems Management
Ensemble (CLNSME) is now available for RW review, (b)
summarizing changes between revisions 7 and 8, (c) proposing
a progression schedule that maintained consistency of RW
reviews upon the same revision of CLNSME, and (d) proposing
that pDISP harmonization be targeted for completion during
early 1995.
- A liaison (NMSIG-94/358) is to be created alerting the RWs
to the availability for comment/review of lower layer MO
profiles on the OIW informatin server.
Management Guidelines
- S.Riegner introduced the Ensemble Guidelines topic
indicating that there was substantial confusion surrounding
the status of the document and AOW and OIW comments against
it. It was not clear as to which version (EWOS EGNM/94/203 or
some future, not yet seen version) of the Guidelines is to be
reviewed and approved. Furthermore, it was observed that
previous OIW comments that had been agreed by EWOS
(EGNM/94/205) did not appear to be in EGNM/94/203. In light
that some of the OIW comments were non-trivial, it was felt
that an OIW endorsement culd not be given at the Sept 1994
OIW, and that it would be best to seek clarification from the
document editor as to (a) what is the status of the comment
resolutions, and (b) which version of the document is to be
endorsed as harmonized. While it was hoped that such
clarification could be obtained and an OIW NMSIG electronic
assessment/approval of the document could be obtained in time
for the EWOS EGNM meeting and/or the RWS-CC, unfortunately,
this was not able to be accomplished within the time
- Regarding the Guidelines for Managed Object Profiling, no
further comments were made. With the OIW endorsement having
been made at the June 1994 OIW, the work on this Guideline
was considered complete and was awaiting final approval by
the October 1994 RWS-CC.
- Regarding the Guidelines for MO Taxonomy (NMSIG-94/302 [AOW
NM N784]), a liaison was created (NMSIG-94/359) conveying (a)
the major comment (discussed in detail in liaison
NMSIG-94/357) regarding the use of FOM ISPs for MO profiles,
and (b) numerous editorial and minor concerns that were
brought to the attention of the OIW NMSIG.
Distributed Systems Management (DSM)
- The DSMWG met independently, as well as jointly with the
NMSIG. The DSMWG secretary's report is provided in NMSIG-
94/369. There were presentations covering a variety of topics
including OSF, DSM, Integrated Enterprise Management,
- Other topics considered included the development of a
document that collates, aggregates, filters, and synthesizes
distributed systems management requirements from several
extant requirements documents from larger users (e.g., DoD)
and/or user groups (e.g., POSIX, OMNIPoint). Subsequent to
the Sept 1994 OIW, an announcement was made on the DSM email
exploder that the first draft was available by FTP from the
NIST infoserver nemo.ncsl.nist.gov.
- Subsequent to the Sept OIW, it was announced that the nmsig
email exploder was deleted as a subscriber to the DSM email
exploder. Accordingly, individuals from the NMSIG email
exploder who wish to join the DSM email exploder will need to
send a request to <majordomo@nemo.ncsl.nist.gov> and in the
message put: subscribe dsm <your email address>
- Because of the sustained lack of an editor or any
volnteers with interests in the Service Request Management
Ensemble, the draft of this ensemble was deleted from Part
18, Annex D.4, of the OIW Working Agreements.
(1) "e" after document number indicates that this document
was transmitted electronically onto the NMSIG email exploder:
(2) "m" after document number indicates that this document is
only available as hard copy and that copies will be
distributed at the OIW NMSIG
(3) "x" after document number indicates that this document
was withdrawn and never distribued]
(4) no letter after document number indicates that this
document has not yet been distribted via OIW
94/192 NMSIG inputs to"Coexistence and Convergence Chernick/
Statement of Direction" Brusil
94/193e Liaison re: role of RWs in management Chernick
coexistence matters
94/194e Liaison re: OIW NMSIG plans for endorsement Chernick
of performance management WD pDISPs
94/199m MIL-STND OSE profiles Part 9 System DoD
Management Services
94/201e Liaison re: Ensemble Guidelines comments Riegner
94/202e Liaison re: endorsement with comments on Brusil
on "Guidelines for MO Profiling"
94/204e Liaison re: endorsement with comments re: Brusil
Security Management WD pDISPs
94/206e Enterprise System Management Working Group Jett
meeting report
94/207 Liaison to SC21WG4 re: Common Upper Layer Lebeck
Management Information
94/208e Email Management group meeting report Lebeck
94/210e Distributed Systems Management sub group Broder/
June '94 Meeting Report Brusil
94/211e Working Draft of Unified Charter for System Brusil
Management SIG
94/212e Meeting Report of June '94 OIW NMSIG Brusil
94/213e Solicitation for SONET/SDH MIB translation Chernick
94/214e Solicitation for Frame Relay MIB translation Chernick
94/215e Liaison to RWs re: comments on Performance Chernick
Management WD pDISPs
94/216m Ensemble Guidelines, Draft 4.1 Westgate
94/217e System Management Trends - Personal Presuhn
94/218e Connectionless Layer Network Systems Mgmt Kaminsky
Ensemble and liaison
94/219e ECMA PABX MIB/Ensemble Activities Smith
94/220e Trouble Ticket Standards News Release NMForum
94/221e=Overview NMForum's TMN-related efforts Murrill
94/222e NMForum response to June '94 NMSIG report Murrill
94/223e AOW NMSIG Comments on 12059-11/12060-met AOW
(AOW NM N765)
94/224m CMIP Run! Vol 3 Nm 2 IBM
94/225e Response to ISO document SC18/WG4 N 2670 Lebeck
94/22e Draft Overview of OMNIPoint Deliverables Willits
94/227e=Email Archive Service on NMF Obects Lurilli
94/228e Status Report on Security pDISPs (12059-7, Wesgate
12059-8 & 12060-6) [EWOS/EG NM/94/210]
94/229e OMNIPoint Helicopter plan review Brusil
94/230Re LAN Fault Management Ensemble Abstract INTAP
94/231e Ensemble Framework Work Item Description Folts
94/232e Kernel Functionality (Mini) Ensemble AbstractFolts
94/233e LAN Fault Mgt Ensemble Abstract Comments Shrewsbury
94/234 Connectionless Layer Network Systems Kaminsky
Management Enemble (CLNSME) - Draft 6
94/235e EWOS EGNM Trip Report Kaminsky
94/236ReEWOS EGNM June 1994 Meeting Report Valet-Harper
94/237e Basic AOM2x ISPs Completed Westgate
94/238e Comments on MO Profile/Ensemble Taxonomy Jonsson
94/239e Comments on OSI Lower Layer Ensemble related Jonsson
94/240e Draft Abstract for Telecomm Switching Mgt - Foster
Customer Administration - Config Mgt Ensemble
94/241e CLNSME Working Draft 6 Kaminsky
94/242e TMN Guidebooks News Release Warner
94/243e Abstract: Telecomm Switching Mgt - Generic Foster
Alarm Surveillance Ensemble
94/244e Achitecture for Using CORBA Technology in Rutt
OSI Systems Management
94/245m Translation of SNMPv2 MIB Spec to CORBA-IDL JIDM
(July 1994, rev of NMSIG-94/085)
94/246m Translation of GDMO/ASN.1 Spec to CORBA-IDL JIDM
(July 1994, rev to NMSIG-94/086)
94/247e Enterprise Management Call for Papers(ICC'95) Fike
94/248e SPIRIT Dist Computing Platform Spec News Warner
94/249m pDISP 12059-13:Summarization [Draft 2.0] Iwamoto
July 1994 (AOW NM N768)
94/250m pDISP 12060-8:AOM253x - Summarization Objects Iwamoto
[Draft 2.0] July 94 (AOW NM N769)
94/251m Network Management Community Calendar Chernick
94/252e SPIRIT Dist Computing Platform for Management Firman
94/253m JCG-TMN Sub-Group Report - Draft 3.0 JCG-TMN
(EWOS/EG NM/94/193) SubGroup
94/254e EMA/MMC Meeting Report 8/94 Lebeck
94/255e INTEROP Sub-Agent Protocol BOF Lanspa
94/256e Distributed Systems: Operations & Management Zimmer
Workshop Final Program
94/257e Journal Network and Systems Management - Malek
Overview of Volume 2, Number 3 (3Q94)
94/258e Taxonomy Structure of LL MO Profiles and Mazinani
Ensembles (EWOS/EG NM/94/201)
94/259 Connectionless Network Service Management Kaminsky
Ensemble (CLNSME) Working Draft 7 (Paris,
Aug '94 output)
94/260e Connection-Oriented Network Service Mazinani
Management Ensemble (CONSME) 1st Draft
(EWOS EGNM/94/202; Paris, Aug '94 output)
94/261 CLNSME Abstract (Paris, Aug '94 output) Kaminsky
94/262 CONSME Abstract (Paris, Aug '94 output) Mazinani
94/263 Data Link Managed Object Profile for HDLC Kaminsky
94/264 Network Layer Managed Object Profile for CONSKaminsky
94/265 Network Layer Managed Object Profile fr CLNSKaminsky
94/266 IS-IS Managed Objects Profile Kaminsky
94/267 IDRP Managed Objects Profile Kaminsky
94/268 TP-4 Managed Objects Profile Kaminsky
94/269 Lower Layer Managed Objects ISP Proposal Burg
94/270Re Sept NMSIG Workplan, Agenda, etc Brusil
94/271m PTN027 Status for EWOS NM Expert Group - Knight
Report Number 4 (EWOS/EG NM/94/189)
94/272m PTN027 - Project Handbook Knight
(EWOS/EG NM/94/189.2 and 189.3)
94/273e SNMP Testing - Potential NMSIG Activity Kutch
94/274e Ensemble Framework Overview Folts/
94/275m Domain Framework: a general enterprise model Ziesler/
and criteria for Ensemble Selection Folts
94/276m Basic Ensemble Folts/
94/277 Enterprise Network Management: LAN Status Choi/Tang
Monitoring Ensemble
94/278 Token Ring Network Status Monitoring EnsembleChoi/Tang
(Not Yet Available)
94/279 FDDI Network Status Monitoring Ensemble Choi/Tang
(Not Yet Available)
94/280e Liaison to PT27 on Maintenance of Valet-Harper
Profile Test Suites (EGNM/94/207)
94/281e PT27 Status Report Number 4 [EGNM/94/208] Knight
94/282 CLNSME and TA MO Profile Issues/review Kaminsky
94/283e Liaison to NMF re: RW TMN Interests Jonsson
94/284e Disposition of Comments on Performance Talaee
94/285m Third Draft of Metric Objects Profile Talaee
94/286 Performance Management ISP Planning DiscussionChernick
94/287 Discussions on JIDM Participation Chernick
94/288 Guidelines Scope & Content of Ensembles Westgate
94/289e Disposition of Comments on Ensemble Guide Westgate
94/290e Managed Objects Profiling Guidelines Jonsson
94/291e Disposition of comments on MO Profile Guide Jonsson
94/292e PBX MIB Discussions Smith
94/293e New Net Management email discussion group McElearney
94/294e LL Ensembles Interim Meeting Report (Paris) Mazinani
94/295e June'94 OIW Seurity SIG Minutes Reiss
94/296m pDISP 12060-7 Metric Objects (EGNM/94/199) Talaee
94/297e Availability of Draft Ensemble Framework Folts
94/298e DSM Sept'94 Meeting Agenda Hungate
94/299 SPIRIT Discussions Murrill
94/300 ATM MIB Discussions NMF-BB
94/301 Sept'94 NMSIG Document List Brusil
94/302e Guidelines for Management Taxonomy (Draft 2) Hayashi
(AOW NM N784)
94/303e SPIRIT Background Information NMF
94/304e MO Profile/Ensemble Taxonomy Comments Jonsson
[EWOS/EG NM/94/212]
94/305e Comments on OSI Lower Layer Ensembles Jonsson
related documents [EWO/EG NM/94/211]
94/306e ISO/IEC JTC1/SGFS Net Management pDISP EGNM
review announcemnet [EWOS/EG NM/94/200]
94/307m AOW NMSIG List of Standing Documents AOW
(AOW NM SD00(12))
94/308m AOW NMSIG List of Co-Chair, Rapporteur, AOW
Editors, etc. (AOW NM SD05(12))
94/309m AOW NMSIG Attendence List of Mtg. 5-8 Sept. AOW
(AOW NM SD04(12))
94/310m AOW NMSIG Workplan (AOW NM SD03(12)) AOW
94/311m AOW NMSIG Schedule of Meetings AOW
(AOW NM SD02(12))
94/312m AOW NMSIG List of Documents for 12th Mtg. AOW
(AOW NM SD11(12))
94/313m AOW NMSIG Endorsement of Perf. Mgmt. AOW
Profiles (AOW NM N883)
94/314m AOW NMSIG Comments on WD of pDISP 12060-7 AOW
(Dft. 3.0) (AOW NM N885)
94/315m AOW NMSIG Comments on WD of pDISP 12059-13 AOW
(Dft. 2.0) (AOW NM N886)
94/316m AOW NMSIG Comments on WD of pDISP 12060-8 AOW
(Dft. 2.0) (AOW NM N887)
94/317m AOW NMSIG Comments on WD of pDISP 12060-6 AOW
(Dft. 4.0) (AOW NM N888)
94/318m AOW NMSIG Comments on Guidelines for MO AOW
Profiling (EWOS/NM/94/204) (AOW NM N890R)
94/319m AOW NMSIG Disposition of Cmmts. on Summ. AOW
Object Profile (AOW NM N891)
94/320m AOW NMSIG Comments on WD 6 of DISP 11188-3 AOW
(AOW NM N894)
94/321m AOW NMSIG Comments on Test Suite Structure AOW
+ Test Purposes of CMIP (AOW NM N897)
94/322m AOW NMSIG Comments on CMIP Test Mgmt. AOW
Protocol Spec. (AOW NM N898)
94/323m AOW NMSIG Comments on ATS TTCN MP Module AOW
(AOW NM N899R2)
94/324m AOW NMSIG Position on Taxonomy Guideines AOW
(AOW NM N902R)
94/325m AOW NMSIG Position on Activities of Mgmt. AOW
Coexistance + DSM (AOW NM N903R)
94/326m AOW NMSIG Endorsement of Scope and Contents AOW
of Ensembles (AOW NM N904R)
94/327m AOW NMSIG Comments on Connectionless Layer AOW
Systems Mgmt. Ensembles (AOW NM N905R)
94/328m AOW NMSIG Liaison Stmt. to AOW LAN-SIG AOW
and WAN-SIG (AOW NM N906R)
94/329m AOW NMSIG Position on NM Forum's TMN-related AOW
Activities (AOW NM N907)
94/330m AOW NMSIG Comments on WD of pDISP12059-11 AOW
(DFT3.0) (AOW NM N884)
94/331mReport on SC21 Activities with emphasis on Rayner
94/332e IETF Net Mgt Directorate, Policies & IETF-NM-AD
MIB/WG Status
94/333e Management/Ensemble Domain standards Artur
94/334m Advice on ICS Proforma Redman
94/335m Framework for Ensemble Specification for Folts/
Network Management Zeisler
94/336m Meeting Report of Sept'94 AOW NMSIG AOW
94/338m JIDM Comments Sayers
94/340m T1M1 Ballot on OAM&P Baseline Security ANSI
Requirement for TMN
94/341m Enterprise E-mail Management: E-mail System Zhang/
Monitoring Ensemble Tang
94/342m Framework for Enterprise E-mail Management Tang/
94/343m Framework for Entrprise Network Management Tang etal
94/344m Enterprise E-mail Management: Message Choi/
Tracking/Tracing Ensemble Tang
94/345m Status of UMKC's work on enterprise mgmt Tang
94/346m Standardization Initiatives in Network and Kirk/
Systems Management X/Open
94/347m OSF and Management Standards Shaw
94/348m Mead DataDistributed System Mgt Experiences Hobday
94/349m SPIRIT Handout anMeurs
94/350 System Management SIG Charter Brusil
94/361 Comments on CNSME (raft of 20 June 94) AOW
(AOW NM N866)
94/363 pDISP 12059-13:Summarization [Draft3.0] Iwamoto
8 September 1994 (AOW NM N892) - replaces
OIW NMSIG-94/249
94/364 pDISP 12060-8:AOM253x - Summarization Objects Iwamoto
[Draft 3.0] 8 September 94 (AOW NM N893) -
replaces OIW NMSIG-94/250
Conformance (EWOS/TA/94/317)
94/337e Liaison to RWs re: OIW Comments on EWOS Kaminsky
Comments (NMSIG-94/305) on Lower Layer
Ensembles Related Documents
94/339e Liaison to JIDM re:OIW reviewing activities Chernick
94/350e System and Network Management SIG Charter NMSIG
(Rev 3)
94/351e Liaison: request for GDMO copy right waiver NMSIG
94/352e Liison to SC21WG4 re: naming of liaison NMSIG
officer from OIW NMSIG
94/353e Liaison t PT27 endorsing final outputs NMSIG
94/354e Liaison to RWs re: availability of CLNSME NMSIG
(rev 8) for comment
94/355e Liaison to RWs responding to AOW NM N866 NMSIG
94/356e Liaison to RWs responding to AOW NM 905R NMSIG
94/357e Liaison to RWs re: taxonomy for lower layer NMSIG
ensemble and MO profiles
94/358 Liaison to RWs re: availability of lower NMSIG
layer MO Profiles for comment
94/359e Liaison to RWs commenting on Management NMSIG
Taxonomy Guidelines (AOW NM N784
94/360 Liaison to ANSI T1M1 r: TMN security NMSIG
requirements and relevance of RW
security-related ISPs and OIW agreements
94/362e Meeting Report Sept'94 OIW NMSIG Brusil
94/367e Liaison to RWs endorsing Perf Mgt profiles Chernick
94/369e Distributed Systems Mgt Working Group Hungate
Sept 94 Meeting Notes
94/374 Laison to RWs, NMF conveying NMSIG-94/350 NMSIG