home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * CMD1.C (was TEXT1.C)
- *
- * (C)Copyright 1987 by Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved
- */
- #include "defs.h"
- #define nomemory() { memoryfail = 1; }
- char RecallBuf[256];
- setpen(line)
- {
- register short pen = (Ep == BEp && line >= BSline && line <= BEline) ? 2 : 1;
- if (Comlinemode)
- pen = 1;
- if (pen != Rp->FgPen)
- SetAPen(Rp, pen);
- }
- text_init()
- {
- register ED *e;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- text_switch(NULL);
- e = (ED *)allocb(sizeof(ED));
- if (e == NULL)
- return(0);
- bzero(e, sizeof(ED));
- e->Win = Win;
- if (ep) {
- e->Insertmode = ep->Insertmode;
- e->IgnoreCase = ep->IgnoreCase;
- e->Tabstop = ep->Tabstop;
- e->Wordwrap = ep->Wordwrap;
- if (ep->Font) {
- e->Font = ep->Font;
- ++e->Font->tf_Accessors;
- SetFont(Win->RPort, e->Font);
- }
- } else {
- e->Insertmode = 1;
- e->Tabstop = 4;
- }
- e->Lines = 1;
- e->Maxlines = 32;
- e->List = (ubyte **)allocl(e->Maxlines);
- e->List[0] = allocb(1);
- e->List[0][0] = Current[0] = Clen = 0;
- e->IWiny = 16;
- e->dirlock = (ep) ? ep->dirlock : Dirlock;
- llink(&Base, e);
- strcpy(e->Name, "unnamed");
- Ep = e;
- text_cursor(1);
- return(1);
- }
- text_switch(win)
- WIN *win;
- {
- register ED *e;
- if (win)
- text_sync();
- if (win) {
- for (e = Base; e; e = e->next) {
- if (e->Win == win) {
- Ep = e;
- Win = win;
- Rp = Win->RPort;
- text_load();
- if (!Ep->iconmode) {
- set_window_params();
- window_title();
- }
- return(1);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- }
- text_sync()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- char redraw = 0;
- short len;
- ubyte *ptr;
- for (len = strlen(Current) - 1; len >= 0 && Current[len] == ' '; --len)
- Current[len] = '\0';
- Clen = len + 1;
- if (!Comlinemode) {
- if (strlen(ep->List[ep->Line]) != Clen) {
- if (ptr = allocb(Clen+1)) {
- ep->Modified = 1;
- Overide = 0;
- FreeMem(ep->List[ep->Line], strlen(ep->List[ep->Line])+1);
- ep->List[ep->Line] = ptr;
- } else {
- nomemory();
- strcpy(Current, ep->List[ep->Line]);
- Clen = strlen(Current);
- }
- } else {
- if (strcmp(ep->List[ep->Line], Current)) {
- ep->Modified = 1;
- Overide = 0;
- }
- }
- strcpy(ep->List[ep->Line], Current);
- }
- if (Nsu == 0) {
- if (ep->Column - ep->Topcolumn >= Columns || ep->Column < ep->Topcolumn) {
- redraw = 1;
- ep->Topcolumn = ep->Column - (Columns>>1);
- if (ep->Topcolumn < 0)
- ep->Topcolumn = 0;
- }
- if (ep->Line - ep->Topline >= Rows || ep->Line < ep->Topline) {
- redraw = 1;
- ep->Topline = ep->Line - (Rows>>1);
- if (ep->Topline < 0)
- ep->Topline = 0;
- }
- }
- while (ep->Column > Clen)
- Current[Clen++] = ' ';
- Current[Clen] = '\0';
- if (redraw)
- text_redisplay();
- return((int)redraw);
- }
- text_load()
- {
- if (Comlinemode)
- return(0);
- strcpy(Current, Ep->List[Ep->Line]);
- Clen = strlen(Current);
- while (Ep->Column > Clen)
- Current[Clen++] = ' ';
- Current[Clen] = '\0';
- }
- text_colno()
- {
- return(Ep->Column);
- }
- text_lineno()
- {
- return(Ep->Line+1);
- }
- text_lines()
- {
- return(Ep->Lines);
- }
- text_cols()
- {
- return((int)Clen);
- }
- text_imode()
- {
- return(Ep->Insertmode);
- }
- text_tabsize()
- {
- return((int)Ep->Tabstop);
- }
- ubyte *
- text_name()
- {
- return(Ep->Name);
- }
- text_uninit()
- {
- register int i;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- PMKill(ep);
- freelist(ep->List, ep->Lines);
- FreeMem(ep->List, ep->Maxlines * sizeof(char *));
- if (BEp == ep) {
- BEp = NULL;
- BSline = BEline = -1;
- }
- lunlink(ep);
- if (ep->Font) {
- SetFont(ep->Win->RPort, ep->Win->WScreen->RastPort.Font);
- CloseFont(ep->Font);
- }
- FreeMem(ep, sizeof(ED));
- if (Base) {
- Ep = Base;
- text_load();
- } else {
- Ep = NULL;
- }
- }
- inversemode(n)
- {
- if (n) {
- SetAPen(Rp, 3);
- } else {
- setpen(Ep->Line);
- SetDrMd(Rp, JAM2);
- }
- }
- text_cursor(n)
- {
- movetocursor();
- inversemode(n);
- if (Current[Ep->Column])
- Text(Rp, Current+Ep->Column, 1);
- else
- Text(Rp, " ", 1);
- inversemode(0);
- }
- text_position(col, row)
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- text_sync();
- if (col == 0)
- col = -1;
- ep->Column = ep->Topcolumn + col;
- if (ep->Column > 254)
- ep->Column = 254;
- if (ep->Column < 0)
- ep->Column = 0;
- ep->Line = ep->Topline + row;
- if (ep->Line >= ep->Lines)
- ep->Line = ep->Lines - 1;
- if (ep->Line < 0)
- ep->Line = 0;
- text_load();
- text_sync();
- }
- displayblock(on)
- {
- register long start = Ep->Topline;
- register long lines = BEline - BSline + 1;
- if (start < BSline)
- start = BSline;
- if (!on) {
- BSline = BEline = -1;
- BEp = NULL;
- }
- if (Ep == BEp)
- text_displayseg(start - Ep->Topline, lines);
- }
- text_redrawblock(ok)
- {
- WIN *savewin = NULL;
- if (BEp) {
- if (BEp != Ep) {
- savewin = Ep->Win;
- text_switch(BEp->Win);
- }
- if (BSline <= BEline && BSline >= 0 && BEline < Ep->Lines) {
- if (!ok) {
- BEp = NULL;
- BSline = BEline = -1;
- }
- text_displayseg(0, Rows);
- }
- if (savewin)
- text_switch(savewin);
- }
- if (!ok) {
- BEp = NULL;
- BSline = BEline = -1;
- }
- }
- text_displayseg(start, n)
- {
- register short i, c;
- register ubyte *ptr;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- char ib;
- if (Nsu)
- return(0);
- for (i = start; i < start + n && i < Rows && ep->Topline + i < ep->Lines; ++i) {
- if (Comlinemode) {
- if (ep->Topline + i != ep->Line)
- continue;
- ptr = Current;
- SetAPen(Rp, 1);
- } else {
- ptr = ep->List[ep->Topline + i];
- setpen(i+ep->Topline);
- }
- for (c = ep->Topcolumn; c && *ptr; ++ptr, --c);
- c = strlen(ptr);
- if (c) {
- Move(Rp, COLT(0), ROWT(i));
- Text(Rp, ptr, (c > Columns) ? Columns : c);
- }
- }
- }
- text_redisplay()
- {
- if (Nsu)
- return(0);
- SetAPen(Rp, 0);
- if (Comlinemode)
- RectFill(Rp, COL(0), ROW(Rows-1), Xbase+Xpixs, Ybase+Ypixs);
- else
- RectFill(Rp, Xbase, Ybase, Xbase + Xpixs, Ybase + Ypixs);
- text_displayseg(0,Rows);
- }
- text_redisplaycurrline()
- {
- int row = Ep->Line - Ep->Topline;
- if (Nsu)
- return(0);
- SetAPen(Rp, 0);
- RectFill(Rp, COL(0), ROW(row), Xbase+Xpixs, ROW(row+1)-1);
- text_displayseg(row, 1);
- }
- text_write(str)
- ubyte *str;
- {
- register short len = strlen(str);
- register short i;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (Clen + len >= 255) {
- text_sync();
- text_load();
- }
- if (ep->Insertmode == 0) {
- if (ep->Column + len >= 255)
- goto fail;
- bmov(str, Current + ep->Column, len);
- if (ep->Column + len >= Clen)
- Clen = ep->Column + len;
- Current[Clen] = 0;
- } else {
- if (Clen + len >= 255)
- goto fail;
- bmov(Current + ep->Column, Current + ep->Column + len, Clen+1-ep->Column);
- bmov(str, Current + ep->Column, len);
- Clen += len;
- if (len < Columns - (ep->Column - ep->Topcolumn)) {
- ScrollRaster(Rp, -len * Xsize, 0 ,
- COL(ep->Column - ep->Topcolumn),
- ROW(ep->Line - ep->Topline),
- COL(Columns) - 1,
- ROW(ep->Line - ep->Topline + 1) - 1
- );
- }
- }
- i = (ep->Column - ep->Topcolumn + len > Columns) ? Columns - ep->Column + ep->Topcolumn : len;
- setpen(ep->Line);
- Move(Rp, COLT(ep->Column - ep->Topcolumn), ROWT(ep->Line - ep->Topline));
- Text(Rp, str, i);
- ep->Column += len;
- if (ep->Column - ep->Topcolumn >= Columns)
- text_sync();
- fail:
- if (Comlinemode == 0 && ep->Wordwrap)
- do_reformat(0);
- }
- do_up()
- {
- if (Ep->Line) {
- text_sync();
- --Ep->Line;
- text_load();
- if (Ep->Line < Ep->Topline) {
- if (Nsu == 0) {
- ScrollRaster(Rp,0,-Ysize,COL(0),ROW(0),COL(Columns)-1,ROW(Rows)-1);
- --Ep->Topline;
- text_displayseg(0, 1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- Abortcommand = 1;
- }
- }
- do_scrolldown()
- {
- if (Ep->Topline + Rows < Ep->Lines) {
- if (Nsu == 0) {
- text_sync();
- ScrollRaster(Rp,0,Ysize,COL(0),ROW(0),COL(Columns)-1,ROW(Rows)-1);
- ++Ep->Topline;
- ++Ep->Line;
- text_load();
- text_displayseg(Rows-1, 1);
- }
- } else {
- Abortcommand = 1;
- }
- }
- do_scrollup()
- {
- if (Ep->Topline) {
- if (Nsu == 0) {
- text_sync();
- ScrollRaster(Rp,0,-Ysize,COL(0),ROW(0),COL(Columns)-1,ROW(Rows)-1);
- --Ep->Topline;
- --Ep->Line;
- text_load();
- text_displayseg(0, 1);
- }
- } else {
- Abortcommand = 1;
- }
- }
- do_down()
- {
- if (Ep->Line + 1 < Ep->Lines) {
- text_sync();
- ++Ep->Line;
- text_load();
- if (Ep->Line - Ep->Topline >= Rows) {
- if (Nsu == 0) {
- ScrollRaster(Rp,0,Ysize,COL(0),ROW(0),COL(Columns)-1,ROW(Rows)-1);
- ++Ep->Topline;
- text_displayseg(Rows-1, 1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- Abortcommand = 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * PAGESET n (n = 0 to 100 for percentage of #rows to scroll, minimum 1)
- * can be > 100.
- */
- do_page()
- {
- register int n, multiplier = 1;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- static short pctg = 80;
- switch(av[0][4]) {
- case 'u':
- multiplier = -1;
- case 'd':
- n = multiplier * Rows * pctg / 100;
- if (!n)
- n = multiplier;
- if (n > 0 && ep->Topline >= ep->Lines - Rows)
- return(0);
- text_sync();
- ep->Line += n;
- ep->Topline += n;
- if (ep->Line >= ep->Lines)
- ep->Line = ep->Lines - 1;
- if (ep->Line < 0)
- ep->Line = 0;
- if (ep->Topline >= ep->Lines)
- ep->Topline = ep->Lines - Rows - 1;
- if (ep->Topline < 0)
- ep->Topline = 0;
- text_load();
- if (!text_sync())
- text_redisplay();
- break;
- case 's':
- pctg = atoi(av[1]);
- break;
- }
- }
- do_downadd()
- {
- ubyte *ptr;
- if (Ep->Line + 1 == Ep->Lines) {
- Ep->Modified = 1;
- if (makeroom(32) && (ptr = allocb(1))) {
- Ep->List[Ep->Lines] = ptr;
- *ptr = 0;
- ++Ep->Lines;
- } else {
- nomemory();
- }
- }
- do_down();
- }
- do_left()
- {
- if (Ep->Column) {
- --Ep->Column;
- if (Ep->Column < Ep->Topcolumn)
- text_sync();
- } else {
- Abortcommand = 1;
- }
- }
- do_right()
- {
- if (Ep->Column != 254) {
- if (Current[Ep->Column] == 0) {
- Current[Ep->Column] = ' ';
- Current[Ep->Column+1]= '\0';
- ++Clen;
- }
- ++Ep->Column;
- if (Ep->Column - Ep->Topcolumn >= Columns)
- text_sync();
- } else {
- Abortcommand = 1;
- }
- }
- do_tab()
- {
- register short n;
- for (n = Ep->Tabstop-(Ep->Column % Ep->Tabstop); n > 0; --n)
- do_right();
- }
- do_backtab()
- {
- register short n;
- n = Ep->Column % Ep->Tabstop;
- if (!n)
- n = Ep->Tabstop;
- for (; n > 0; --n)
- do_left();
- }
- do_return()
- {
- ubyte buf[256];
- char *partial;
- if (Comlinemode) {
- strcpy(buf, Current);
- strcpy(RecallBuf, Current);
- partial = Partial;
- Partial = NULL;
- escapecomlinemode();
- if (partial) {
- if (do_command(buf))
- do_command(partial);
- free(partial);
- } else {
- do_command(buf);
- }
- } else {
- Ep->Column = 0;
- text_sync();
- do_downadd();
- }
- }
- do_bs()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (ep->Column) {
- bmov(Current + ep->Column, Current + ep->Column - 1, Clen - ep->Column + 1);
- --ep->Column;
- --Clen;
- if (ep->Column < ep->Topcolumn) {
- text_sync();
- } else {
- ScrollRaster(Rp, Xsize, 0,
- COL(ep->Column - ep->Topcolumn),
- ROW(ep->Line - ep->Topline),
- COL(Columns)-1,
- ROW(ep->Line - ep->Topline + 1)-1
- );
- if (Clen >= ep->Topcolumn + Columns) {
- setpen(ep->Line);
- Move(Rp, COLT(Columns-1), ROWT(ep->Line - ep->Topline));
- Text(Rp, Current + ep->Topcolumn + Columns - 1, 1);
- }
- }
- if (Comlinemode == 0 && ep->Wordwrap)
- do_reformat(0);
- } else {
- Abortcommand = 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * esc, escimm
- */
- int Savetopline, Savecolumn, Savetopcolumn;
- do_recall()
- {
- av[0] = (ubyte *)"escimm";
- av[1] = (ubyte *)RecallBuf;
- do_esc();
- }
- do_esc()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (Comlinemode)
- return(escapecomlinemode());
- text_sync();
- if (av[0][3] == 'i')
- strcpy(Current, av[1]);
- else
- Current[0] = 0;
- Clen = strlen(Current);
- Comlinemode = 1;
- returnoveride(1);
- Savetopline = ep->Topline;
- Savecolumn = ep->Column;
- Savetopcolumn = ep->Topcolumn;
- ep->Column = Clen;
- ep->Topcolumn = 0;
- ep->Topline = ep->Line - Rows + 1;
- SetAPen(Rp, 0);
- RectFill(Rp, COL(0), ROW(Rows-1), Xbase+Xpixs, Ybase+Ypixs);
- SetAPen(Rp, 1);
- Move(Rp, COL(0), ROW(Rows-1) - 1);
- Draw(Rp, Xbase + Xpixs, ROW(Rows-1) - 1);
- text_displayseg(Rows-1,1);
- }
- escapecomlinemode()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (Partial) {
- free(Partial);
- Partial = NULL;
- }
- if (Comlinemode) {
- strcpy(RecallBuf, Current);
- Comlinemode = 0;
- returnoveride(0);
- ep->Topline = Savetopline;
- ep->Column = Savecolumn;
- ep->Topcolumn = Savetopcolumn;
- text_load();
- SetAPen(Rp, 0);
- RectFill(Rp, COL(0), ROW(Rows-1)-1, Xbase+Xpixs, Ybase+Ypixs);
- SetAPen(Rp, 1);
- text_displayseg(Rows-2,2);
- }
- }
- do_del()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (Current[ep->Column]) {
- bmov(Current + ep->Column + 1, Current + ep->Column, Clen - ep->Column);
- --Clen;
- ScrollRaster(Rp, Xsize, 0,
- COL(ep->Column - ep->Topcolumn),
- ROW(ep->Line - ep->Topline),
- COL(Columns)-1,
- ROW(ep->Line - ep->Topline + 1) - 1
- );
- if (Clen >= ep->Topcolumn + Columns) {
- setpen(ep->Line);
- Move(Rp, COLT(Columns-1), ROWT(ep->Line-ep->Topline));
- Text(Rp, Current+ep->Topcolumn+Columns-1, 1);
- }
- if (Comlinemode == 0 && ep->Wordwrap)
- do_reformat(0);
- }
- }
- do_top()
- {
- text_sync();
- Ep->Line = 0;
- text_load();
- text_sync();
- }
- do_bottom()
- {
- text_sync();
- Ep->Line = Ep->Lines - 1;
- text_load();
- text_sync();
- }
- do_firstcolumn()
- {
- if (Ep->Column) {
- Ep->Column = 0;
- text_sync();
- }
- }
- do_firstnb()
- {
- for (Ep->Column = 0; Current[Ep->Column] == ' '; ++Ep->Column);
- if (Current[Ep->Column] == 0)
- Ep->Column = 0;
- text_sync();
- }
- do_lastcolumn()
- {
- short i;
- text_sync();
- i = (Comlinemode) ? Clen : strlen(Ep->List[Ep->Line]);
- if (i != Ep->Column) {
- Ep->Column = i;
- text_sync();
- }
- }
- /*
- * GOTO [+/-]N
- * GOTO BLOCK start of block
- * GOTO START start of block
- * GOTO END end of block
- */
- do_goto()
- {
- register short n, i;
- register ubyte *ptr = av[1];
- i = 0;
- n = -1;
- switch(*ptr) {
- case 'b':
- case 's':
- case 'B':
- case 'S':
- n = -1;
- if (Ep == BEp)
- n = BSline;
- break;
- case 'e':
- case 'E':
- n = -1;
- if (Ep == BEp)
- n = BEline;
- break;
- case '+':
- i = 1;
- case '-':
- n = Ep->Line;
- default:
- n += atoi(ptr+i);
- }
- if (n >= Ep->Lines)
- n = Ep->Lines - 1;
- if (n < 0)
- n = 0;
- text_sync();
- Ep->Line = n;
- text_load();
- text_sync();
- }
- do_screentop()
- {
- text_sync();
- Ep->Line = Ep->Topline;
- text_load();
- text_sync();
- }
- do_screenbottom()
- {
- text_sync();
- Ep->Line = Ep->Topline + Rows - 1;
- if (Ep->Line < 0 || Ep->Line >= Ep->Lines)
- Ep->Line = Ep->Lines - 1;
- text_load();
- text_sync();
- }
- static ubyte Fstr[256];
- static ubyte Rstr[256];
- static short Srch_sign;
- static char Doreplace;
- /*
- * findstr, repstr
- */
- do_findstr()
- {
- if (av[0][0] == 'f')
- strcpy(Fstr, av[1]);
- else
- strcpy(Rstr, av[1]);
- }
- /*
- * findr, nextr, prevr
- */
- do_findr()
- {
- Doreplace = 1;
- Srch_sign = 1;
- switch(av[0][0]) {
- case 'f':
- strcpy(Fstr, av[1]);
- strcpy(Rstr, av[2]);
- break;
- case 'p':
- Srch_sign = -1;
- break;
- }
- search_operation();
- }
- /*
- * find, next, prev
- */
- do_find()
- {
- Doreplace = 0;
- Srch_sign = 1;
- switch(av[0][0]) {
- case 'f':
- strcpy(Fstr, av[1]);
- break;
- case 'p':
- Srch_sign = -1;
- break;
- }
- search_operation();
- }
- static char CaseIgnore;
- void
- search_operation()
- {
- int flen = strlen(Fstr);
- int rlen = strlen(Rstr);
- char senabled = 0;
- register ubyte *ptr;
- register int i, col;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- CaseIgnore = ep->IgnoreCase;
- text_sync();
- if (!flen) {
- title("No find pattern");
- Abortcommand = 1;
- return;
- }
- col = ep->Column;
- if (col >= strlen(ep->List[ep->Line]))
- col = strlen(ep->List[ep->Line]);
- for (i = ep->Line;;) {
- ptr = ep->List[i];
- if (Srch_sign > 0) {
- while (ptr[col]) {
- if (senabled && case_strncmp(Fstr,ptr+col,flen) == 0)
- goto found;
- senabled = 1;
- ++col;
- }
- senabled = 1;
- if (++i >= ep->Lines)
- break;
- col = 0;
- } else {
- while (col >= 0) {
- if (senabled && case_strncmp(Fstr,ptr+col,flen) == 0)
- goto found;
- senabled = 1;
- --col;
- }
- senabled = 1;
- if (--i < 0)
- break;
- col = strlen(ep->List[i]);
- }
- }
- title("Pattern Not Found");
- Abortcommand = 1;
- return;
- found:
- ep->Line = i;
- ep->Column = col;
- text_load();
- if (Doreplace) {
- if (rlen > flen && rlen-flen+strlen(ptr) > 254) {
- title("Replace: Line Too Long");
- Abortcommand = 1;
- return;
- }
- if (Clen-col-flen >= 0) {
- bmov(Current+col+flen, Current+col+rlen, Clen-col-flen+1);
- bmov(Rstr, Current+col, rlen);
- Clen += rlen-flen;
- }
- text_sync();
- text_redisplaycurrline();
- } else {
- text_sync();
- }
- }
- #asm
- ; NOTE: assumes that one of the strings is at least
- ; 'len' bytes long, and contains no nulls. Also,
- ; returns only 0=success, 1=fail. NOT A TRUE
- ; CASE COMPARE... can get confused by control
- ; chars.
- ;
- ; 4(sp) = s1
- ; 8(sp) = s2
- ; 12(sp) = len
- _case_strncmp:
- movem.l 4(sp),A0/A1
- move.l 12(sp),D0
- move.l D2,-(sp)
- tst.b _CaseIgnore
- bne .csc100
- moveq.l #0,D1 ;set Z bit case sensitive
- bra .csc20
- .csc10 cmpm.b (A0)+,(A1)+
- .csc20 dbne D0,.csc10
- bne .cscfail
- .cscsucc moveq.l #0,D0 ;return true
- move.l (sp)+,D2
- rts
- .csc100 moveq.l #0,D1 ;set Z bit case sensitive
- bra .csc120
- .csc110 move.b (A0)+,D1 ;XOR two bytes together
- move.b (A1)+,D2
- eor.b D2,D1
- and.b #$DF,D1 ;forget bit 5 (the case)
- .csc120 dbne D0,.csc110
- beq .cscsucc
- .cscfail moveq.l #1,D0 ;return failure
- move.l (sp)+,D2
- rts
- #endasm