home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * CMD2.C (was TEXT2.C)
- *
- * (C)Copyright 1987 by Matthew Dillon, All Rights Reserved
- */
- #include "defs.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define nomemory() {memoryfail = 1;}
- #if AREXX
- #include "rexx.h"
- extern int foundcmd; /* control for implicit ARexx macro invocation */
- extern int cmderr; /* global command error flag for do_rexx()'s use */
- #endif
- extern char MForceTitle;
- extern void do_bmove();
- ED *
- uninit_init(ep)
- register ED *ep;
- {
- short iwinx, iwiny;
- char tabstop, margin, insertmode, wordwrap;
- FONT *font;
- iwinx = ep->IWinx;
- iwiny = ep->IWiny;
- tabstop= ep->Tabstop;
- margin = ep->Margin;
- insertmode = ep->Insertmode;
- wordwrap = ep->Wordwrap;
- font = ep->Font;
- ep->Font = NULL;
- text_uninit();
- text_init();
- ep = Ep;
- if (ep->Font)
- CloseFont(ep->Font);
- ep->Font = font;
- ep->IWiny = iwiny;
- ep->IWinx = iwinx;
- ep->Tabstop = tabstop;
- ep->Margin = margin;
- ep->Insertmode = insertmode;
- ep->Wordwrap = wordwrap;
- ep->Modified = 0;
- ep->Line = ep->Topline = 0;
- return(ep);
- }
- do_remeol()
- {
- Current[Clen = Ep->Column] = 0;
- text_sync();
- text_redisplaycurrline();
- }
- do_wleft()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- register ubyte *ptr;
- register int i;
- for (;;) {
- i = ep->Column;
- if (i == 0)
- goto prevline;
- --i;
- while (i && Current[i] == ' ')
- --i;
- if (i == 0 && Current[0] == ' ') {
- prevline:
- if (Comlinemode || ep->Line == 0) {
- i = ep->Column;
- break;
- }
- text_sync();
- --ep->Line;
- text_load();
- ep->Column = Clen;
- continue;
- }
- while (i && Current[i] != ' ')
- --i;
- if (Current[i] == ' ')
- ++i;
- break;
- }
- ep->Column = i;
- text_sync();
- }
- do_wright()
- {
- register ubyte *ptr;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- register int i;
- for (;;) {
- i = ep->Column;
- if (i == Clen)
- goto nextline;
- while (i != Clen && Current[i] != ' ') /* skip past current word */
- ++i;
- while (i != Clen && Current[i] == ' ') /* to beg. of next word */
- ++i;
- if (i == Clen) {
- nextline:
- if (Comlinemode || ep->Line == ep->Lines - 1) {
- i = ep->Column;
- break;
- }
- text_sync();
- ++ep->Line;
- text_load();
- ep->Column = i = 0;
- if (Current[0] != ' ')
- break;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- ep->Column = i;
- text_sync();
- }
- do_split() /* split line in two at cursor pos */
- {
- ubyte buf[256];
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- strcpy(buf, Current+ep->Column);
- Current[Clen = ep->Column] = '\0';
- text_sync();
- SetAPen(Rp, 0);
- if (Nsu == 0)
- RectFill(Rp, COL(0), ROW(ep->Line-ep->Topline), Xbase+Xpixs, ROW(ep->Line-ep->Topline+1)-1);
- SetAPen(Rp, 1);
- text_displayseg(ep->Line - ep->Topline, 1);
- do_downadd();
- do_insline();
- strcpy(Current, buf);
- Clen = strlen(Current);
- text_sync();
- text_displayseg(ep->Line - ep->Topline, 1);
- do_up();
- }
- do_join()
- {
- register int i = Clen, j;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (ep->Line + 1 < ep->Lines && strlen(ep->List[ep->Line+1])+i <= 253) {
- if (i && Current[i-1] != ' ')
- Current[i++] = ' ';
- strcpy(Current+i, ep->List[ep->Line+1]);
- for (j = i; Current[j] == ' '; ++j);
- for (; i >= 0 && Current[i] == ' '; --i);
- if (j > i+2)
- bmov(Current+j, Current+i+2, strlen(Current+j)+1);
- Clen = strlen(Current);
- text_sync();
- text_displayseg(ep->Line - ep->Topline, 1);
- do_down();
- do_deline();
- do_up();
- return(1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- do_margin()
- {
- Ep->Margin = atoi(av[1]);
- }
- do_wordwrap()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (av[1][1] == 'n')
- ep->Wordwrap = 1;
- if (av[1][1] == 'f')
- ep->Wordwrap = 0;
- if (av[1][0] == 't')
- ep->Wordwrap = 1 - ep->Wordwrap;
- if (ep->Wordwrap)
- title("Wordwrap ON");
- else
- title("Wordwrap OFF");
- }
- /*
- * n == -1 : force reformat entire paragraph
- * n == 0 : only until line equalizes (from text_write())
- *
- * What is a paragraph? A paragraph ends whenever the left justification
- * gets larger, or on a blank line.
- */
- do_reformat(n)
- {
- register char *str;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- int nlok, lnsc, fnst, fnsc;
- int column = ep->Column;
- int srow = ep->Line;
- int crow = srow;
- int erow = srow;
- short dins = 0; /* relative insert lines/delete lines */
- char moded = 0; /* any modifications done at all? */
- char checked = 0; /* for cursor positioning. */
- if (ep->Margin == 0)
- ep->Margin = 75;
- ++Nsu;
- for (;;) {
- str = (char *)ep->List[ep->Line+1];
- fnst = 0;
- fnsc = firstns(Current);
- nlok = (ep->Line + 1 < ep->Lines && fnsc >= (fnst=firstns(str)));
- if (nlok && str[0] == 0)
- nlok = 0;
- lnsc = lastns(Current);
- if (lnsc < ep->Margin) { /* space at end of line for marg-lnsc-2 letter word */
- if (nlok == 0) /* but no more data to joinup */
- break; /* done */
- if (ep->Margin - lnsc - 2 >= wordlen(str+fnst)) {
- ep->Column = 0;
- Clen = lastns(Current);
- if (Current[Clen])
- ++Clen;
- moded = 1;
- --dins;
- if (do_join())
- continue;
- ++dins;
- title("Error, Margin > 124");
- break;
- }
- if (n == 0) /* if couldn't mod line, and text_write, don't update any more */
- break;
- do_down();
- erow = ep->Line;
- continue;
- }
- /* no space, need to split */
- /* find start of prev word */
- for (;;) {
- register int i = lnsc;
- while (i && Current[i] != ' ')
- --i;
- lnsc = i;
- if (i >= ep->Margin) {
- while (i && Current[i] == ' ')
- --i;
- if (i < ep->Margin)
- break;
- lnsc = i;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (lnsc) { /* ok to split at word */
- ++lnsc;
- ++dins;
- ep->Column = lnsc;
- do_split(); /* Split at point LNSC */
- do_down(); /* must insert proper amount? */
- {
- int indent = (nlok == 0) ? fnsc : fnst;
- if (!checked) {
- checked = 1;
- if (lnsc <= column) { /* if split before cursor */
- column = column - ep->Column + indent;
- ++crow;
- }
- }
- if (Clen + indent < 253) {
- bmov(Current, Current + indent, strlen(Current)+1);
- bset(Current, indent, ' ');
- Clen += indent;
- }
- }
- erow = ep->Line;
- continue;
- }
- if (n == 0)
- break;
- do_down();
- }
- if (column < 0 || column > 200)
- column = 0;
- if (srow >= ep->Lines) {
- srow = ep->Lines - 1;
- goto ra;
- }
- if (dins || srow < ep->Topline || srow >= ep->Topline + Rows) {
- ra:
- text_sync();
- --Nsu;
- ep->Line = crow;
- ep->Column = column;
- text_load();
- if (!text_sync())
- text_redisplay();
- } else {
- text_sync();
- --Nsu;
- ep->Line = crow;
- ep->Column = column;
- text_load();
- if (erow != srow) {
- if (!text_sync()) {
- ++erow;
- if (erow - ep->Topline > Rows)
- erow = ep->Topline + Rows;
- SetAPen(Rp, 0);
- RectFill(Rp, COL(0), ROW(srow - ep->Topline), Xbase+Xpixs, ROW(erow - ep->Topline)-1);
- SetAPen(Rp, 1);
- text_displayseg(srow - ep->Topline, erow - srow);
- }
- } else {
- text_sync();
- if (moded)
- text_redisplaycurrline();
- }
- }
- if (column > Clen) {
- bset(Current+Clen, column - Clen, ' ');
- Current[column] = 0;
- }
- ep->Column = column;
- }
- do_tabstop()
- {
- Ep->Tabstop = atoi(av[1]);
- }
- do_insertmode()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (av[1][0]) {
- switch(av[1][1] & 0x1F) {
- case 'n'&0x1F:
- ep->Insertmode = 1;
- break;
- case 'f'&0x1F:
- ep->Insertmode = 0;
- break;
- case 'o'&0x1F:
- ep->Insertmode = 1 - ep->Insertmode;
- break;
- }
- if (ep->Insertmode)
- title("Insert mode on");
- else
- title("Insert mode off");
- }
- }
- do_insline()
- {
- register ubyte *ptr;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- ep->Modified = 1;
- text_sync();
- if (makeroom(32) && (ptr = allocb(1))) {
- bmovl(ep->List+ep->Line, ep->List+ep->Line+1,ep->Lines-ep->Line);
- ep->List[ep->Line] = ptr;
- *ptr = 0;
- ++ep->Lines;
- if (BEp == ep) {
- if (ep->Line < BSline)
- ++BSline;
- if (ep->Line <= BEline)
- ++BEline;
- }
- } else {
- nomemory();
- }
- text_load();
- if (Nsu == 0)
- ScrollRaster(Rp,0,-Ysize, COL(0), ROW(ep->Line-ep->Topline), COL(Columns)-1, ROW(Rows)-1);
- text_displayseg(ep->Line - ep->Topline, 1);
- }
- do_deline()
- {
- register int delline;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (ep->Lines > 1) {
- ep->Modified = 1;
- text_sync();
- FreeMem(ep->List[ep->Line], strlen(ep->List[ep->Line])+1);
- bmovl(ep->List+ep->Line+1, ep->List+ep->Line,ep->Lines-ep->Line-1);
- if (BEp == ep) {
- if (ep->Line < BSline)
- --BSline;
- if (ep->Line <= BEline)
- --BEline;
- }
- delline = ep->Line;
- if (ep->Line >= --ep->Lines) {
- --ep->Line;
- text_load();
- if (ep->Line < ep->Topline) {
- if (Nsu == 0) {
- ep->Topline = ep->Line - (Rows>>1);
- if (ep->Topline < 0)
- ep->Topline = 0;
- text_redisplay();
- }
- return(0);
- }
- }
- text_load();
- if (Nsu == 0)
- ScrollRaster(Rp,0,Ysize, COL(0), ROW(delline-ep->Topline), COL(Columns)-1, ROW(Rows)-1);
- text_displayseg(Rows-1, 1);
- } else {
- do_firstcolumn();
- do_remeol();
- ep->Modified = 0;
- }
- }
- do_chfilename()
- {
- text_sync();
- strncpy(Ep->Name, av[1], 63);
- MForceTitle = 1;
- }
- do_edit()
- {
- long xfi;
- long oldlock;
- long lines;
- ubyte buf[256];
- ubyte *ptr;
- char failed = 1;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- text_sync();
- if (*av[0] == 'n') { /* newfile or insfile */
- if (ep->Modified && getyn("Delete modified Image?") == 0)
- return(0);
- ep = uninit_init(ep);
- strncpy(ep->Name, av[1], 63);
- } else {
- ep->Modified = 1;
- }
- lines = ep->Lines;
- if (Wbs && Wdisable == 0)
- oldlock = CurrentDir(ep->dirlock);
- if (xfi = xfopen(av[1], "r", 4096)) {
- register int len;
- char oktitle = 1;
- title("Loading...");
- while ((len = xefgets(xfi, buf, 255)) >= 0) {
- failed = 0;
- if (makeroom(256) && (ptr = allocb(len+1))) {
- ep->List[ep->Lines++] = ptr;
- bmov(buf, ptr, len+1);
- } else {
- set_window_params();
- nomemory();
- oktitle = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- set_window_params();
- if (oktitle)
- title("OK");
- } else {
- title("File Not Found");
- #if AREXX
- cmderr = CMD_FAILED;
- #endif
- }
- xfclose(xfi);
- if (Wbs && Wdisable == 0)
- CurrentDir(oldlock);
- if (ep->Lines != 1 && lines == 1 && ep->List[0][0] == 0) {
- ep->Modified = 0;
- ep->Line = 0;
- FreeMem(ep->List[0], strlen(ep->List[0])+1);
- bmovl(ep->List+1, ep->List,--ep->Lines);
- } else {
- if (!failed && lines <= ep->Lines - 1) {
- BEp = ep;
- BSline = lines;
- BEline = ep->Lines - 1;
- do_bmove();
- }
- }
- set_window_params();
- text_load();
- text_redisplay();
- }
- static char blockmode;
- do_bsave()
- {
- blockmode = 1;
- do_saveas();
- }
- do_save()
- {
- av[1] = Ep->Name;
- do_saveas();
- }
- do_savetabs()
- {
- Savetabs = (av[1][0] && av[1][1] == 'n') ? 1 : 0;
- }
- do_saveas()
- {
- long oldlock;
- long xfi;
- register long i;
- register short j, k;
- register ubyte *ptr, *bp;
- long xs, xe;
- ubyte buf[256];
- char bm;
- ED *ep;
- bm = blockmode;
- if (blockmode && blockok()) {
- xs = BSline;
- xe = BEline + 1;
- ep = BEp;
- } else {
- xs = 0;
- xe = Ep->Lines;
- ep = Ep;
- }
- blockmode = 0;
- text_sync();
- if (Wbs && Wdisable == 0) { /* Write out .info file */
- DISKOBJ sdo, *d;
- bzero(&sdo, sizeof(sdo));
- oldlock = CurrentDir(Ep->dirlock);
- if ((d = GetDiskObject(av[1])) == NULL) {
- if (getpath(Wbs->sm_ArgList[0].wa_Name, buf)) {
- sdo.do_Magic = WB_DISKMAGIC;
- sdo.do_Version = WB_DISKVERSION;
- makemygadget(&sdo.do_Gadget);
- sdo.do_Type = WBPROJECT;
- sdo.do_DefaultTool = (char *)buf;
- sdo.do_ToolTypes = NULL;
- sdo.do_CurrentX = NO_ICON_POSITION;
- sdo.do_CurrentY = NO_ICON_POSITION;
- sdo.do_DrawerData = NULL;
- sdo.do_ToolWindow = NULL;
- sdo.do_StackSize = 8192;
- PutDiskObject(av[1], &sdo);
- }
- } else {
- FreeDiskObject(d);
- }
- }
- if (xfi = xfopen(av[1], "w", 4096)) {
- title("Saving...");
- for (i = xs; i < xe; ++i) {
- ptr = ep->List[i];
- if (Savetabs) {
- for (bp = buf, j = 0; *ptr; ++ptr, ++bp, j = (j+1)&7) {
- *bp = *ptr;
- if (j == 7 && *bp == ' ' && *(bp-1) == ' ') {
- k = j;
- while (k-- >= 0 && *bp == ' ')
- --bp;
- *++bp = 9;
- } else {
- if (*bp == '\"' || *bp == '\'' || *bp == '\`' || *bp == '(')
- break;
- }
- }
- strcpy(bp, ptr);
- ptr = buf;
- }
- xfwrite(xfi, ptr, strlen(ptr));
- if (xfwrite(xfi, "\n", 1)) {
- xfclose(xfi);
- goto err;
- }
- }
- if (xfclose(xfi)) {
- err: Abortcommand = 1;
- title("WRITE FAILED!");
- } else {
- ep->Modified &= bm;
- title("OK");
- }
- if (Wbs && Wdisable == 0)
- CurrentDir(oldlock);
- } else {
- title("Unable to open write file");
- Abortcommand = 1;
- }
- }
- do_block() /* block, unblock */
- {
- text_sync();
- switch(av[0][0]) {
- case 'b':
- if (BSline < 0) {
- bstart:
- BEp = Ep;
- BSline = Ep->Line;
- title("Block Begin");
- } else {
- if (BEline > -1) {
- title("Block Already Marked");
- break;
- }
- if (BEp != Ep)
- goto bstart;
- title("Block End");
- BEline = Ep->Line;
- if (BSline > BEline) {
- BEline = BSline;
- BSline = Ep->Line;
- }
- text_redrawblock(1);
- }
- break;
- case 'u':
- text_redrawblock(0);
- title ("Block Unmarked");
- break;
- }
- }
- blockok()
- {
- if (BEp && BSline >= 0 && BSline <= BEline && BEline < BEp->Lines)
- return(1);
- BEp = NULL;
- BSline = BEline = -1;
- title("Block Not Specified");
- return(0);
- }
- do_bdelete()
- {
- register long i, n;
- register ED *bep = BEp;
- register WIN *savewin = Ep->Win;
- if (blockok()) {
- text_switch(bep->Win);
- n = BEline - BSline + 1;
- if (bep->Line >= BSline && bep->Line <= BEline)
- bep->Line = BSline;
- if (bep->Line > BEline)
- bep->Line -= n;
- freelist(bep->List + BSline, BEline - BSline + 1);
- bmovl(bep->List+BEline+1,bep->List+BSline,(bep->Lines-BEline-1));
- bep->Lines -= n;
- bep->Modified = 1;
- if (bep->Line >= bep->Lines)
- bep->Line = bep->Lines - 1;
- if (bep->Line < 0)
- bep->Line = 0;
- if (bep->Lines == 0)
- bep = uninit_init(bep);
- text_load();
- BEp = NULL;
- BSline = BEline = -1;
- if (!text_sync())
- text_redisplay();
- text_switch(savewin);
- }
- }
- void
- do_bcopy()
- {
- register ubyte **list;
- register long lines, i;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- text_sync();
- if (!blockok())
- return;
- if (ep == BEp && ep->Line > BSline && ep->Line <= BEline) {
- title("Cannot Move into self");
- return;
- }
- lines = BEline - BSline + 1;
- if (extend(ep, lines)) {
- if (list = (ubyte **)allocl(lines)) {
- bmovl(BEp->List+BSline,list,lines);
- bmovl(ep->List+ep->Line, ep->List+ep->Line+lines, ep->Lines-ep->Line);
- for (i = 0; i < lines; ++i) {
- ubyte *str = allocb(strlen(list[i])+1);
- if (!str) {
- nomemory();
- FreeMem(list, lines * sizeof(char *));
- freelist(ep->List + Ep->Line, i);
- bmovl(ep->List+ep->Line+lines, ep->List+ep->Line, ep->Lines-ep->Line);
- return;
- }
- strcpy(str, list[i]);
- ep->List[ep->Line+i] = str;
- }
- FreeMem(list, lines * sizeof(char *));
- }
- }
- if (ep == BEp && ep->Line <= BSline) {
- BSline += lines;
- BEline += lines;
- }
- ep->Modified = 1;
- ep->Lines += lines;
- text_load();
- if (!text_sync())
- text_redisplay();
- }
- void
- do_bmove()
- {
- register long lines;
- register ubyte **list;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- text_sync();
- if (!blockok())
- return;
- if (BEp == ep && ep->Line >= BSline && ep->Line <= BEline) {
- title("Cannot Move into self");
- return;
- }
- lines = BEline - BSline + 1;
- if (!(list = (ubyte **)allocl(lines))) {
- nomemory();
- return;
- }
- BEp->Modified = ep->Modified = 1;
- bmovl(BEp->List + BSline, list, lines);
- if (ep == BEp) {
- if (ep->Line > BSline) {
- bmovl(ep->List+BEline+1, ep->List+BSline, ep->Line-BEline-1);
- bmovl(list, ep->List + ep->Line - lines, lines);
- } else {
- bmovl(ep->List+ep->Line, ep->List+ep->Line+lines, BSline-ep->Line);
- bmovl(list, ep->List + ep->Line, lines);
- }
- } else {
- WIN *savewin = ep->Win;
- if (extend(ep, lines)) {
- bmovl(BEp->List+BEline+1, BEp->List+BSline, BEp->Lines-BEline-1);
- bmovl(ep->List+ep->Line, ep->List+ep->Line+lines, ep->Lines-ep->Line);
- bmovl(list, ep->List+ep->Line, lines);
- ep->Lines += lines;
- BEp->Lines -= lines;
- if (BEp->Line >= BSline && BEp->Line <= BEline)
- BEp->Line = BSline - 1;
- if (BEp->Line > BEline)
- BEp->Line -= lines;
- if (BEp->Line < 0)
- BEp->Line = 0;
- BSline = BEline = -1;
- text_load();
- text_switch(BEp->Win);
- BEp = NULL;
- ep = Ep;
- if (!ep->iconmode) {
- if (!text_sync())
- text_redisplay();
- }
- text_switch(savewin);
- ep = Ep;
- }
- }
- BSline = BEline = -1;
- BEp = NULL;
- FreeMem(list, lines * sizeof(char *));
- ep->Modified = 1;
- text_load();
- if (!text_sync())
- text_redisplay();
- }
- /*
- * IF condition trueaction, IFELSE condition trueaction falseaction
- *
- * condition: !condition NOT the specified condition.
- * # toggle number is SET
- * top top of file (on first line)
- * bot end of file (on last line)
- * left start of line (leftmost column)
- * right end of line (nothing but spaces under and to the right)
- * modified text has been modified
- * insert currently in insert mode
- * y[<=>]# cursor is (any OR combo of <,>,=) row # (line numbers start at 1)
- * x[<=>]# cursor is (<,>,<=,>=,<>) column # (columns start at 1)
- * <> means 'not equal'
- *
- * cl char under cursor is lower case
- * cu char under cursor is upper case
- * ca char under cursor is alpha
- * cn char under cursor is numeric
- * cb char within selected block
- * c[<=>]# char under cursor is (combo of <,>,and =) #
- */
- do_if()
- {
- char haselse = (av[0][2] == 'e');
- char iswhile = (av[0][0] == 'w');
- char istrue, notop = 0;
- char c, cx, cc;
- ubyte *buf1, *buf2;
- register ubyte *ptr;
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- int i, cxn, cn;
- buf1 = (ubyte *)malloc(256);
- buf2 = (ubyte *)malloc(256);
- if (buf1 == NULL || buf2 == NULL) {
- if (buf1) free(buf1);
- if (buf2) free(buf2);
- title("No Memory!");
- return(0);
- }
- breakreset();
- ptr = av[1];
- if (*ptr == '!') {
- notop = 1;
- ++ptr;
- }
- c = ptr[0];
- cn= atoi(ptr);
- cx= ptr[1];
- cxn=atoi(ptr+1);
- strcpy(buf1, av[2]);
- loop:
- istrue = 0;
- i = 0;
- switch(c) {
- case 'x':
- i = ep->Column + 1;
- case 'y':
- if (!i)
- i = ep->Line + 1;
- conditional:
- {
- register int j, n;
- char any = 0;
- for (j = 1; ptr[j] && (ptr[j]<'0'||ptr[j]>'9'); ++j);
- n = atoi(ptr+j);
- for (j = 1; ptr[j]; ++j) {
- switch(ptr[j]) {
- case '<':
- any = 1;
- if (i < n)
- istrue = 1;
- break;
- case '=':
- any = 1;
- if (i == n)
- istrue = 1;
- break;
- case '>':
- any = 1;
- if (i > n)
- istrue = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!any && i == n) /* default is equivalence */
- istrue = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 't':
- istrue = ep->Line == 0;
- break;
- case 'b':
- istrue = ep->Line == ep->Lines-1;
- break;
- case 'l':
- istrue = ep->Column == 0;
- break;
- case 'r':
- istrue = ep->Column == Clen;
- break;
- case 'm':
- text_sync();
- istrue = ep->Modified != 0;
- break;
- case 'i':
- istrue = ep->Insertmode != 0;
- break;
- case 'c':
- cc = Current[ep->Column];
- switch(cx) {
- case 'b':
- istrue = BEp == ep && ep->Line >= BSline && ep->Line <= BEline;
- break;
- case 'l':
- istrue = cc >= 'a' && cc <= 'z';
- break;
- case 'u':
- istrue = cc >= 'A' && cc <= 'Z';
- break;
- case 'a':
- istrue = (cc>='a'&&cc<='z')||(cc>='A'&&cc<='Z')||(cc>='0'&&cc<='9');
- break;
- case 'n':
- istrue = (cc >= '0' && cc <= '9');
- break;
- default: /* c[<=>]# */
- i = Current[ep->Column];
- goto conditional;
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- istrue = do_toggle(cn) != 0;
- else
- title("bad conditional");
- break;
- }
- istrue ^= notop;
- if (istrue) {
- strcpy(buf2, buf1); /* could be executed multiple times */
- if (do_command(buf2) == 0)
- goto done;
- if (iswhile) {
- if (breakcheck())
- Abortcommand = 1;
- else
- goto loop;
- }
- } else {
- if (haselse) { /* only executed once */
- strcpy(buf2, av[3]);
- do_command(buf2);
- }
- }
- done:
- free(buf1);
- free(buf2);
- }
- /*
- */
- do_toggle(n)
- {
- static char tg[MAXTOGGLE];
- register int i;
- if (n >= 0) {
- if (n >= MAXTOGGLE)
- return(0);
- return(tg[n]);
- }
- i = atoi(av[1]);
- if (i >= 0 && i < MAXTOGGLE) {
- switch(av[0][0]) {
- case 't':
- tg[i] = !tg[i];
- break;
- case 's':
- tg[i] = 1;
- break;
- case 'r':
- tg[i] = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- do_tlate()
- {
- register ubyte *ptr = av[1];
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- register char c = Current[ep->Column];
- if (c == 0)
- c = ' ';
- if (ptr[0] == '+')
- c += atoi(ptr+1);
- else
- if (ptr[0] == '-')
- c -= atoi(ptr+1);
- else
- c = atoi(ptr);
- if (c) {
- if (Current[ep->Column] == 0) {
- Clen = ep->Column + 1;
- Current[Clen] = 0;
- }
- Current[ep->Column] = c;
- if (Nsu == 0) {
- movetocursor();
- setpen(ep->Line);
- Text(Rp, Current+ep->Column, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- *
- * note that since the start and end lines are loaded immediately and the
- * block unblock'd before execution starts, you can theoretically have
- * another BSOURCE as part of this BSOURCE (but be carefull!).
- */
- do_bsource()
- {
- ubyte buf[256];
- register int i, sl, se;
- if (blockok()) {
- sl = BSline;
- se = BEline + 1;
- for (i = sl; BEp && i < se && i < BEp->Lines; ++i) {
- text_sync(); /* make sure we are using latest text */
- strcpy(buf, BEp->List[i]);
- if (do_command(buf) == 0)
- break;
- }
- text_redrawblock(0);
- }
- }
- /*
- * SCANF controlstring
- *
- * The C scanf routine. Only one variable, a string, is allowed in the
- * control string.
- */
- void
- do_scanf()
- {
- char buf[256];
- buf[0] = 0;
- sscanf(Current+Ep->Column,av[1],buf,buf,buf,buf,buf,buf,buf);
- if (String)
- free(String);
- String = (char *)malloc(strlen(buf)+1);
- strcpy(String,buf);
- title(String);
- }
- movetocursor()
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- Move(Rp, XTbase+(ep->Column-ep->Topcolumn)*Xsize, YTbase+(ep->Line-ep->Topline)*Ysize);
- }
- extend(ep, lines)
- register ED *ep;
- {
- register long extra = ep->Maxlines - ep->Lines;
- register ubyte **list;
- if (lines > extra) {
- lines += ep->Lines;
- if (list = (ubyte **)allocl(lines)) {
- bmovl(ep->List, list, ep->Lines);
- FreeMem(ep->List, sizeof(char *) * ep->Maxlines);
- ep->Maxlines = lines;
- ep->List = list;
- return(1);
- }
- nomemory();
- return(0);
- }
- return(1);
- }
- makeroom(n)
- {
- register ED *ep = Ep;
- if (ep->Lines >= ep->Maxlines)
- return(extend(ep, n));
- return(1);
- }
- freelist(list, n)
- register char **list;
- {
- while (n) {
- FreeMem(list[0], strlen(list[0])+1);
- ++list;
- --n;
- }
- }