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- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- GadgetED.c version 2.3 - © Copyright 1990-91 Jaba Development
- Autor : Jan van den Baard
- Purpose : main control program.
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- USHORT pointer[] =
- { 0x0000,0x0000,0xffff,0xffff,0xc007,0xffff,0xaffb,0xffff,
- 0xa439,0xffff,0xd77d,0xffff,0xf6fd,0xffff,0xf43d,0xffff,
- 0xf7fd,0xffff,0xf70d,0xffff,0xf7dd,0xffff,0xd7bd,0xffff,
- 0xa709,0xffff,0xaffb,0xffff,0xc003,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,
- 0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000
- };
- USHORT Colors[] =
- { 0x0000,0x0ecb,0x0f00,0x0ff0,0x00f0,0x00c0,0x0090,0x0060,
- 0x000f,0x000c,0x0009,0x0ff0,0x0cc0,0x0990,0x0f0f,0x0c0c,
- 0x0909,0x0a00,0x0000,0x0f00,0x0444,0x0555,0x0666,0x0777,
- 0x0888,0x0999,0x0aaa,0x0bbb,0x0ccc,0x0ddd,0x0fff,0x0f00
- };
- USHORT info_data[] =
- { 0xee00,0xc600,0xaa00,0xee00,0xee00,0xee00,0xee00,0xaa00,
- 0xc600,0xee00,0xfff0,0xef70,0xdfb0,0x8010,0xdfb0,0xef70,
- 0xfff0,0xee00,0xc600,0xaa00,0xee00,0xee00,0xee00,0xee00,
- 0xee00,0xee00,0xee00,0xfff0,0xeff0,0xdff0,0x8010,0xdff0,
- 0xeff0,0xfff0,0xfff0,0xbdf0,0xdbf0,0xe610,0xeff0,0xde10,
- 0xbff0,0xfff0,0xfff8,0xbdf8,0xdbf8,0xe708,0xe7f8,0xdb08,
- 0xbdf8,0xfff8
- };
- struct Image HEIGHT_image =
- { 247,0,7,10,1,NULL,0x01,0x00,NULL
- };
- struct Image WIDTH_image =
- { 197,1,12,7,1,NULL,0x01,0x00,&HEIGHT_image
- };
- struct Image TOP_image =
- { 150,0,7,10,1,NULL,0x01,0x00,&WIDTH_image
- };
- struct Image LEFT_image =
- { 100,1,12,7,1,NULL,0x01,0x00,&TOP_image
- };
- struct Image YC_image =
- { 50,1,12,8,1,NULL,0x01,0x00,&LEFT_image
- };
- struct Image XC_image =
- { 0,1,13,8,1,NULL,0x01,0x00,&YC_image
- };
- #define DATA_SIZE_TOTAL 100
- #define HEIGHT_OFFSET 0
- #define WIDTH_OFFSET 10
- #define TOP_OFFSET 17
- #define LEFT_OFFSET 27
- #define YC_OFFSET 34
- #define XC_OFFSET 42
- UBYTE wdt[80] = "Work Window";
- UBYTE wlb[MAXLABEL] = "new_window";
- struct TextAttr std =
- { (STRPTR)"topaz.font",8,FS_NORMAL,FPF_ROMFONT
- };
- struct NewScreen ns_main =
- };
- struct NewWindow nw_main =
- };
- char name[512];
- struct GadgetList Gadgets;
- struct Requester dw;
- struct FileRequester *IODir;
- struct MemoryChain Memory;
- struct MemoryChain Misc;
- struct ge_prefs prefs = { TRUE,TRUE,TRUE };
- struct Window *sysreq;
- struct Window *MainWindow = NULL;
- struct Screen *MainScreen = NULL;
- struct RastPort *MainRP;
- struct Gadget *Gadget;
- struct Gadget TextGadget = { NULL,0,0,1,1,GADGHNONE,NULL,BOOLGADGET,
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct ToolBase *ToolBase;
- BYTE Xoff = -1, Yoff = 0;
- BOOL Saved = TRUE;
- ULONG Class;
- USHORT BackFill = 1, WDBackFill = 0;
- USHORT Code, Qualifier, WBColors[4], LightSide = 2, DarkSide = 1;
- USHORT *pd, *data_pointer;
- USHORT FrontPen = 1, BackPen = 0, GadgetCount = 0, id = 0, DEPTH;
- SHORT MainX, MainY;
- extern struct MenuItem SubItems[];
- extern struct Menu Titles[];
- extern struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg;
- /*
- * free and close all resources
- */
- VOID close_up(msg)
- UBYTE *msg;
- {
- struct Process *proc;
- FreeGList();
- if(IODir) FreeFreq(IODir);
- OpenWorkBench();
- proc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- proc->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)sysreq;
- if(MainWindow) { ClearMenuStrip(MainWindow); CloseWindow(MainWindow); }
- if(MainScreen) CloseScreen(MainScreen);
- if(msg) puts(msg);
- FreeMemoryChain(&Misc);
- if(ToolBase) CloseLibrary(ToolBase);
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- * allocate open and setup all resources
- */
- VOID open_libs()
- {
- int i;
- if(NOT(ToolBase = (struct ToolBase *)
- OpenLibrary("tool.library",TOOL_VERSION)))
- close_up(" - ERROR: Can't find the tool.library V8++!");
- GfxBase = ToolBase->GfxBase;
- IntuitionBase = ToolBase->IntuitionBase;
- for(i=0;i<4;i++) WBColors[i] = (USHORT)GetRGB4(IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen->ViewPort.ColorMap,i);
- if(NOT(IODir = AllocFreq()))
- close_up(" - ERROR: Out of memory !");
- InitMemoryChain(&Misc,1024L);
- InitMemoryChain(&Memory,(5*1024));
- if(NOT(pd = (USHORT *)
- close_up(" - ERROR: Out of memory !");
- if(NOT(data_pointer = (USHORT *)
- close_up(" ERROR: Out of memory !");
- CopyMem((void *)&pointer,(void *)pd,(POINTERSIZE << 1));
- CopyMem((void *)&info_data,(void *)data_pointer,DATA_SIZE_TOTAL);
- HEIGHT_image.ImageData = (USHORT *)&data_pointer[HEIGHT_OFFSET];
- WIDTH_image.ImageData = (USHORT *)&data_pointer[WIDTH_OFFSET];
- TOP_image.ImageData = (USHORT *)&data_pointer[TOP_OFFSET];
- LEFT_image.ImageData = (USHORT *)&data_pointer[LEFT_OFFSET];
- YC_image.ImageData = (USHORT *)&data_pointer[YC_OFFSET];
- XC_image.ImageData = (USHORT *)&data_pointer[XC_OFFSET];
- }
- /*
- * open up the main display
- */
- VOID open_display()
- {
- if(NOT MainScreen)
- { if(NOT(MainScreen = OpenScreen(&ns_main)))
- close_up(" - ERROR: Can't open a work screen !");
- }
- nw_main.Screen = MainScreen;
- nw_main.MaxHeight = MainScreen->Height;
- if(NOT(MainWindow = OpenWindow(&nw_main)))
- close_up(" - ERROR: Can't open a work window !");
- MainRP = MainWindow->RPort;
- }
- /*
- * disable the edit window by putting up a little requester
- */
- VOID disable_window()
- {
- InitRequester(&dw);
- dw.LeftEdge = 0;
- dw.TopEdge = 0;
- dw.Width = 1;
- dw.Height = 1;
- dw.BackFill = 1;
- Request(&dw,MainWindow);
- }
- /*
- * enable the edit window (remove the requester)
- */
- VOID enable_window()
- {
- EndRequest(&dw,MainWindow);
- }
- /*
- * show buisy pointer
- */
- VOID buisy()
- {
- SetPointer(MainWindow,(void *)pd,16,16,Xoff,Yoff);
- }
- /*
- * erase buisy pointer
- */
- VOID ok()
- {
- ClearPointer(MainWindow);
- }
- /*
- * change the depth of the edit screen
- */
- VOID change_depth(depth)
- ULONG depth;
- {
- if(MainWindow)
- { ClearMenuStrip(MainWindow);
- CloseWindow(MainWindow);
- }
- if(MainScreen)
- { if(depth != MainScreen->BitMap.Depth)
- { CloseScreen(MainScreen);
- MainScreen = NULL;
- }
- }
- ns_main.Depth = depth;
- if(depth == 5)
- { ns_main.ViewModes = NULL;
- ns_main.Width = 320;
- if(NOT nw_main.MaxWidth) nw_main.MaxWidth = 320;
- }
- else
- { ns_main.ViewModes = HIRES;
- ns_main.Width = 640;
- if(NOT nw_main.MaxWidth) nw_main.MaxWidth = 640;
- }
- open_display();
- { SetDrMd(MainRP,JAM1);
- SetAPen(MainRP,BackFill);
- RectFill(MainRP,0,0,MainWindow->GZZWidth,MainWindow->GZZHeight);
- }
- SetMenu(MainWindow);
- }
- /*
- * load the preferences file (if available)
- */
- VOID load_prefs()
- {
- BPTR file;
- if((file = Open("DEVS:GadgetEd.PREFS",MODE_OLDFILE)))
- { if(Read(file,(char *)&prefs,sizeof(struct ge_prefs)) <= 0)
- { Close(file);
- Error("Error reading preferences !");
- return;
- }
- Close(file);
- }
- }
- /*
- * if a gadget has GRELWITH or GRELHEIGHT set and it's
- * a BOOL or STRGADGET gadget with a border this routine
- * sizes the border to fit around the gadget again after
- * a resizing of the window.
- */
- VOID grl()
- {
- register struct Gadget *g, *g1;
- register SHORT *XY;
- if(Gadgets.TailPred == (struct MyGadget *)&Gadgets) return;
- g = &Gadgets.TailPred->Gadget;
- disable_window();
- while(1)
- { g1 = g->NextGadget;
- un_grel(MainWindow,g);
- if((TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELWIDTH)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GADGIMAGE)))
- { if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)g->GadgetType,PROPGADGET))
- { XY = ((struct Border *)g->GadgetRender)->XY;
- if(g->Width < 9)
- { XY[2] = XY[4] = 9;
- g->Width = 9;
- }
- else
- { XY[2] = XY[4] = g->Width;
- }
- }
- }
- if((TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GRELHEIGHT)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)g->Flags,GADGIMAGE)))
- { if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)g->GadgetType,PROPGADGET))
- { XY = ((struct Border *)g->GadgetRender)->XY;
- if(g->Height < 9)
- { XY[5] = XY[7] = 9;
- g->Height = 9;
- }
- else
- { XY[5] = XY[7] = g->Height;
- }
- }
- }
- grel(MainWindow,g);
- if(NOT g1) break;
- g = g1;
- }
- enable_window();
- }
- /*
- * set screen title. This does not use SetWindowTitles() because if
- * the edit window overlaps the screen title the message must still
- * be displayed.
- */
- VOID sst(title)
- char *title;
- {
- struct RastPort *rp;
- rp = &MainScreen->RastPort;
- SetAPen(rp,1);
- RectFill(rp,0,0,MainScreen->Width,9); /* clear the title bar */
- if(title)
- { SetAPen(rp,0);
- SetBPen(rp,1);
- SetDrMd(rp,JAM2);
- Move(rp,4,7);
- Text(rp,title,strlen(title));
- }
- }
- /*
- * setup the info display
- */
- VOID set_info()
- {
- struct RastPort *rp;
- rp = &MainScreen->RastPort;
- sst(NULL);
- DrawImage(rp,&XC_image,0,0);
- }
- /*
- * update the info line
- */
- VOID do_info(x,y,x1,y1)
- register SHORT x,y,x1,y1;
- {
- char mx[5],my[5],l[5],t[5],w[5],h[5];
- SHORT xx,yy,tmp;
- struct RastPort *rp;
- rp = &MainScreen->RastPort;
- get_xy(&xx,&yy);
- if(x1 < x) { tmp = x; x = x1; x1 = tmp; }
- if(y1 < y) { tmp = y; y = y1; y1 = tmp; }
- SetAPen(rp,0);
- SetBPen(rp,1);
- SetDrMd(rp,JAM2);
- Move(rp,15,7);
- FormatText(rp,"%-4ld",xx);
- Move(rp,64,7);
- FormatText(rp,"%-4ld",yy);
- Move(rp,114,7);
- FormatText(rp,"%-4ld",x);
- Move(rp,159,7);
- FormatText(rp,"%-4ld",y);
- Move(rp,211,7);
- FormatText(rp,"%-3ld",x1-x);
- Move(rp,256,7);
- FormatText(rp,"%-3ld",y1-y);
- }
- /*
- * entry point
- */
- VOID main(argc,argv)
- ULONG argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- SHORT x,y,x1,y1;
- BOOL running = TRUE;
- struct WBArg *wba;
- struct Process *proc;
- proc = (struct Process *)FindTask(NULL);
- sysreq = (struct Window *)proc->pr_WindowPtr;
- proc->pr_WindowPtr = (APTR)-1L;
- open_libs();
- NewList((void *)&Gadgets);
- if(NOT argc)
- { if(WBenchMsg->sm_NumArgs > 1)
- { wba = WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList;
- wba++;
- strcpy((char *)&name[0],(char *)wba->wa_Name);
- CurrentDir((struct FileLock *)wba->wa_Lock);
- ReadBinGadgets(TRUE);
- }
- else
- { get_config();
- change_depth(DEPTH);
- if(NOT WBSCREEN) LoadRGB4(&MainScreen->ViewPort,(void *)&Colors,(1 << DEPTH));
- load_prefs();
- }
- }
- else if(argc == 1)
- { get_config();
- change_depth(DEPTH);
- if(NOT WBSCREEN) LoadRGB4(&MainScreen->ViewPort,(void *)&Colors,(1 << DEPTH));
- load_prefs();
- }
- else if(argc > 2) close_up(" - USAGE: GadgetEd [name]");
- else
- { strcpy((char *)&name[0],argv[1]);
- ReadBinGadgets(TRUE);
- }
- do
- { SetWindowTitles(MainWindow,(char *)&wdt[0],(char *)TITLE);
- Wait(1 << MainWindow->UserPort->mp_SigBit);
- while(read_msg(MainWindow))
- { switch(Class)
- { case GADGETUP:
- case GADGETDOWN: break;
- case ACTIVEWINDOW: while(read_msg(MainWindow));
- break;
- case INACTIVEWINDOW: if(NOT IntuitionBase->ActiveWindow)
- ActivateWindow(MainWindow);
- break;
- case NEWSIZE: grl();
- refresh();
- Saved = FALSE;
- break;
- case RAWKEY: handle_keys(Code,Qualifier);
- while(read_msg(MainWindow));
- break;
- case MENUPICK: handle_menus(Code);
- break;
- { set_info();
- get_xy(&x,&y);
- MainX = x;
- MainY = y;
- SetAPen(MainRP,FrontPen);
- draw_box(MainWindow,MainX,MainY,x,y);
- do_info(MainX,MainY,x,y);
- while(Code == SELECTDOWN)
- { while(read_msg(MainWindow));
- }
- while(Code != SELECTDOWN)
- { while(read_msg(MainWindow))
- { if(Class == MENUPICK) set_info();
- do_info(MainX,MainY,x,y);
- }
- get_xy(&x1,&y1);
- if((x1 != x) OR (y1 != y))
- { draw_box(MainWindow,MainX,MainY,x,y);
- get_xy(&x,&y);
- draw_box(MainWindow,MainX,MainY,x,y);
- do_info(MainX,MainY,x,y);
- }
- }
- add_gadget(MainWindow,MainX,MainY,x,y);
- refresh();
- }
- break;
- default: break;
- }
- }
- } while(running == TRUE);
- close_up(" - BYE BYE");
- }