home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
- gensrc.c Version 2.3 - © Copyright 1990-91 Jaba Development
- Author : Jan van den Baard
- Purpose: What it's all about, the writing of C or Assembler source
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern struct GadgetList Gadgets;
- extern struct Window *MainWindow;
- extern struct Screen *MainScreen;
- extern struct ge_prefs prefs;
- extern struct Gadget TextGadget;
- extern struct FileRequester *IODir;
- extern UBYTE name[256], wdt[80], wlb[MAXLABEL];
- extern ULONG WindowFlags, IDCMPFlags;
- extern USHORT BackFill, GadgetCount, WDBackFill;
- BOOL GenASM, HaveGad, MultyB;
- struct GadgetList Borders;
- /*
- * split up the normal and 'BORDERONLY' gadgets in seperate lists
- */
- static VOID split()
- {
- register struct MyGadget *tmp;
- register BCount = 0;
- NewList((void *)&Borders);
- if(!Gadgets.Head->Succ) return;
- while(1)
- { tmp = Gadgets.Head;
- while(1)
- { if(TestBits((ULONG)tmp->SpecialFlags,BORDERONLY)) break;
- if(!Gadgets.Head->Succ) return;
- if((tmp = tmp->Succ) == (struct MyGadget *)&Gadgets.Tail) return;
- }
- Remove((void *)tmp);
- AddHead((void *)&Borders,(void *)tmp);
- }
- }
- /*
- * join the normal and 'BORDERONLY' gadgets again
- */
- static VOID join()
- {
- register struct MyGadget *tmp;
- while((tmp = (struct MyGadget *)RemHead((void *)&Borders)))
- AddTail((void *)&Gadgets,(void *)tmp);
- }
- /*
- * write the IDCMPFlags
- */
- static VOID WriteIFlags(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- if(NOT IDCMPFlags)
- { if(GenASM)
- WriteFormat(file,"0");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL");
- return;
- }
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,SIZEVERIFY))
- WriteFormat(file,"SIZEVERIFY+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,NEWSIZE))
- WriteFormat(file,"NEWSIZE+");
- WriteFormat(file,"REFRESHWINDOW+");
- WriteFormat(file,"ACTIVEWINDOW+");
- WriteFormat(file,"INACTIVEWINDOW+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,GADGETDOWN))
- WriteFormat(file,"GADGETDOWN+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,GADGETUP))
- WriteFormat(file,"GADGETUP+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,CLOSEWINDOW))
- WriteFormat(file,"CLOSEWINDOW+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,REQSET))
- WriteFormat(file,"REQSET+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,REQCLEAR))
- WriteFormat(file,"REQCLEAR+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,REQVERIFY))
- WriteFormat(file,"REQVERIFY+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,MENUPICK))
- WriteFormat(file,"MENUPICK+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,MENUVERIFY))
- WriteFormat(file,"MENUVERIFY+");
- WriteFormat(file,"MOUSEBUTTONS+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,MOUSEMOVE))
- WriteFormat(file,"MOUSEMOVE+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,DELTAMOVE))
- WriteFormat(file,"DELTAMOVE+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,INTUITICKS))
- WriteFormat(file,"INTUITICKS+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,NEWPREFS))
- WriteFormat(file,"NEWPREFS+");
- WriteFormat(file,"DISKINSERTED+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,DISKREMOVED))
- WriteFormat(file,"DISKREMOVED+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,RAWKEY))
- WriteFormat(file,"RAWKEY+");
- if(TestBits(IDCMPFlags,VANILLAKEY))
- WriteFormat(file,"VANILLAKEY+");
- WriteFormat(file,"WBENCHMESSAGE+");
- WriteFormat(file,"LONELYMESSAGE+");
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- }
- /*
- * write the window flags
- */
- static VOID WriteWFlags(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- if(NOT WindowFlags)
- { if(GenASM)
- WriteFormat(file,"0");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL");
- return;
- }
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,WINDOWSIZING))
- WriteFormat(file,"WINDOWSIZING+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,WINDOWDRAG))
- WriteFormat(file,"WINDOWDRAG+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,WINDOWDEPTH))
- WriteFormat(file,"WINDOWDEPTH+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,WINDOWCLOSE))
- WriteFormat(file,"WINDOWCLOSE+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,SIZEBRIGHT))
- WriteFormat(file,"SIZEBRIGHT+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,SIZEBBOTTOM))
- WriteFormat(file,"SIZEBBOTTOM+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,NOCAREREFRESH))
- WriteFormat(file,"NOCAREREFRESH+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,SIMPLE_REFRESH))
- WriteFormat(file,"SIMPLE_REFRESH+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,SMART_REFRESH))
- WriteFormat(file,"SMART_REFRESH+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,SUPER_BITMAP))
- WriteFormat(file,"SUPER_BITMAP+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,BACKDROP))
- WriteFormat(file,"BACKDROP+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,GIMMEZEROZERO))
- WriteFormat(file,"GIMMEZEROZERO+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,BORDERLESS))
- WriteFormat(file,"BORDERLESS+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,ACTIVATE))
- WriteFormat(file,"ACTIVATE+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,REPORTMOUSE))
- WriteFormat(file,"REPORTMOUSE+");
- if(TestBits(WindowFlags,RMBTRAP))
- WriteFormat(file,"RMBTRAP+");
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- }
- /*
- * write the gadget flags
- */
- static VOID WriteFlags(file,gad)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gad;
- {
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- ULONG flags;
- gadget = &gad->Gadget;
- flags = (ULONG)gadget->Flags;
- if(NOT flags)
- { WriteFormat(file,"GADGHCOMP");
- return;
- }
- if((TestBits(flags,GADGHIMAGE)) AND (TestBits(flags,GADGHBOX)))
- WriteFormat(file,"GADGHNONE+");
- else if(TestBits(flags,GADGHIMAGE))
- WriteFormat(file,"GADGHIMAGE+");
- else if(TestBits(flags,GADGHBOX))
- WriteFormat(file,"GADGHBOX+");
- else WriteFormat(file,"GADGHCOMP+");
- if(TestBits(flags,GRELBOTTOM))
- WriteFormat(file,"GRELBOTTOM+");
- if(TestBits(flags,GRELRIGHT))
- WriteFormat(file,"GRELRIGHT+");
- if(TestBits(flags,GRELWIDTH))
- WriteFormat(file,"GRELWIDTH+");
- if(TestBits(flags,GRELHEIGHT))
- WriteFormat(file,"GRELHEIGHT+");
- if(TestBits(flags,GADGIMAGE))
- WriteFormat(file,"GADGIMAGE+");
- if(TestBits(flags,SELECTED))
- WriteFormat(file,"SELECTED+");
- if(TestBits((ULONG)gad->SpecialFlags,GADGETOFF))
- WriteFormat(file,"GADGDISABLED+");
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- }
- /*
- * write the activation gadget flags
- */
- static VOID WriteActivation(file,gad)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gad;
- {
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- ULONG act;
- gadget = &gad->Gadget;
- act = (ULONG)gadget->Activation;
- if(TestBits(act,TOGGLESELECT))
- WriteFormat(file,"TOGGLESELECT+");
- if(NOT TestBits(gad->SpecialFlags,NOSIGNAL))
- { if(TestBits(act,RELVERIFY))
- WriteFormat(file,"RELVERIFY+");
- if(TestBits(act,GADGIMMEDIATE))
- WriteFormat(file,"GADGIMMEDIATE+");
- }
- if(TestBits(act,RIGHTBORDER))
- WriteFormat(file,"RIGHTBORDER+");
- if(TestBits(act,LEFTBORDER))
- WriteFormat(file,"LEFTBORDER+");
- if(TestBits(act,TOPBORDER))
- WriteFormat(file,"TOPBORDER+");
- if(TestBits(act,BOTTOMBORDER))
- WriteFormat(file,"BOTTOMBORDER+");
- if(TestBits(act,STRINGCENTER))
- WriteFormat(file,"STRINGCENTER+");
- if(TestBits(act,STRINGRIGHT))
- WriteFormat(file,"STRINGRIGHT+");
- if(TestBits(act,LONGINT))
- WriteFormat(file,"LONGINT+");
- if(TestBits(act,ALTKEYMAP))
- WriteFormat(file,"ALTKEYMAP+");
- if(TestBits(act,BOOLEXTEND))
- WriteFormat(file,"BOOLEXTEND+");
- if(TestBits(act,ENDGADGET))
- WriteFormat(file,"ENDGADGET+");
- if(TestBits(act,FOLLOWMOUSE))
- WriteFormat(file,"FOLLOWMOUSE+");
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- }
- /*
- * write the gadget type
- */
- static VOID WriteType(file,gad)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gad;
- {
- struct Gadget *gadget;
- ULONG type;
- gadget = &gad->Gadget;
- type = (ULONG)gadget->GadgetType;
- if(TestBits(type,PROPGADGET))
- WriteFormat(file,"PROPGADGET+");
- else if(TestBits(type,STRGADGET))
- WriteFormat(file,"STRGADGET+");
- else if(TestBits(type,BOOLGADGET))
- WriteFormat(file,"BOOLGADGET+");
- if(TestBits((ULONG)gad->SpecialFlags,GZZGADGET))
- WriteFormat(file,"GZZGADGET+");
- WriteFormat(file,"REQGADGET+");
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- }
- /*
- * write the draw modes
- */
- static VOID WriteDrMd(file,drmd,mode)
- BPTR file;
- ULONG drmd;
- BOOL mode; /* TRUE = Asm, FALSE = C */
- {
- if(TestBits(drmd,JAM2))
- { if(mode) WriteFormat(file,"RP_JAM2+");
- else WriteFormat(file,"JAM2+");
- }
- else if(TestBits(drmd,JAM1))
- { if(mode) WriteFormat(file,"RP_JAM1+");
- else WriteFormat(file,"JAM1+");
- }
- if(TestBits(drmd,COMPLEMENT))
- if(mode) WriteFormat(file,"RP_COMPLEMENT+");
- else WriteFormat(file,"COMPLEMENT+");
- if(TestBits(drmd,INVERSVID))
- if(mode) WriteFormat(file,"RP_INVERSVID+");
- else WriteFormat(file,"INVERSVID+");
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- }
- /*
- * write the propinfo flags
- */
- static VOID WritePFlags(file,info)
- BPTR file;
- struct PropInfo *info;
- {
- ULONG flags;
- flags = (ULONG)info->Flags;
- if(TestBits(flags,AUTOKNOB))
- WriteFormat(file,"AUTOKNOB+");
- if(TestBits(flags,FREEHORIZ))
- WriteFormat(file,"FREEHORIZ+");
- if(TestBits(flags,FREEVERT))
- WriteFormat(file,"FREEVERT+");
- if(TestBits(flags,PROPBORDERLESS))
- WriteFormat(file,"PROPBORDERLESS+");
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- }
- #define RAWINC prefs.no_flags
- /*
- * write the assembler border structure
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmBorder(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- struct Border *border;
- COUNT i,x=0;
- border = (struct Border *)gadget->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- XY = border->XY;
- while(1)
- {
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_pairs%ld:\n DC.W ",&gadget->GadgetLabel,x);
- for(i=0;i<(border->Count << 1);i++) WriteFormat(file,"%ld,",XY[i]);
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n\n");
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_bord%ld:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,x);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld\n",border->LeftEdge,border->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B %ld,%ld\n",border->FrontPen,border->BackPen);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%02lx",border->DrawMode);
- else
- WriteDrMd(file,(ULONG)border->DrawMode,TRUE);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.B %ld\n",border->Count);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_pairs%ld\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,x++);
- if(border = border->NextBorder)
- { WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_bord%ld\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,x);
- XY = border->XY;
- }
- else
- { WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler image
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmImage(file,gadget,which)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- UBYTE which;
- {
- struct Image *image;
- register USHORT *data;
- register COUNT i,ii;
- ULONG data_size;
- if(which == RENDER) image = (struct Image *)gadget->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- else image = (struct Image *)gadget->Gadget.SelectRender;
- data = image->ImageData;
- if(which != STDPRP)
- { if(which == SELECT)
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_hdata:\n",gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_data:\n",gadget->GadgetLabel);
- data_size = (RASSIZE(image->Width,image->Height) * image->Depth);
- for(i=0;i<(data_size >> 1);i+=8)
- { WriteFormat(file," DC.W ");
- for(ii=0;ii<8;ii++)
- { if(i+ii < (data_size >> 1)) WriteFormat(file,"$%04lx,",data[i+ii]);
- }
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- }
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- }
- if(which == SELECT)
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_himage:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_image:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld\n",image->LeftEdge,image->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld\n",image->Width,image->Height);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld\n",image->Depth);
- if(which != STDPRP)
- { if(which == SELECT)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_hdata\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_data\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- }
- else WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B $%02lx\n",image->PlanePick);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B $%02lx\n",image->PlaneOnOff);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n\n");
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler prop info structure
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmPinfo(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- struct PropInfo *info;
- info = (struct PropInfo *)gadget->Gadget.SpecialInfo;
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_info:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%04lx",info->Flags);
- else
- WritePFlags(file,info);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.W $%04lx\n",info->HorizPot);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W $%04lx\n",info->VertPot);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W $%04lx\n",info->HorizBody);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W $%04lx\n",info->VertBody);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W 0,0,0,0,0,0\n\n");
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler string info structure
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmSinfo(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- struct StringInfo *info;
- info = (struct StringInfo *)gadget->Gadget.SpecialInfo;
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_info:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_buf\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- if(info->UndoBuffer)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_ubuf\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W 0,%ld\n",info->MaxChars);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W 0,0,0,0,0,0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0,0,0\n\n");
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_buf:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- if(strlen(info->Buffer))
- {
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B '%s',0\n",info->Buffer);
- WriteFormat(file," DCB.B %ld,0\n",info->MaxChars - strlen((char *)info->Buffer) -1);
- }
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DCB.B %ld\n",info->MaxChars);
- WriteFormat(file," CNOP 0,2\n\n");
- if(info->UndoBuffer)
- { WriteFormat(file,"%s_ubuf:\n DCB.B %ld,0\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,info->MaxChars);
- WriteFormat(file," CNOP 0,2\n\n");
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler gadget structure
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmGadget(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- struct Gadget *gad;
- struct MyGadget *next;
- gad = &gadget->Gadget;
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_ID EQU %ld\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,gad->GadgetID);
- WriteFormat(file,"%s:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- if(gadget == Gadgets.Head)
- { if((TextGadget.GadgetText) OR
- (Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders))
- { if(NOT REQUESTER) WriteFormat(file," DC.L Render\n");
- else WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- }
- else WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- }
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s\n",&(gadget->Pred->GadgetLabel));
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld\n",gad->LeftEdge,gad->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld\n",gad->Width,gad->Height);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%04lx",gad->Flags);
- else
- WriteFlags(file,gadget);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.W ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%04lx",gad->Activation);
- else
- WriteActivation(file,gadget);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.W ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%04lx",gad->GadgetType);
- else
- WriteType(file,gadget);
- if((TestBits((ULONG)gad->Flags,GADGIMAGE)) ||
- (TestBits((ULONG)gad->GadgetType,PROPGADGET)))
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.L %s_image\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->SpecialFlags,NOBORDER))
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.L %s_bord0\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.L 0\n");
- if((TestBits((ULONG)gad->Flags,GADGHIMAGE)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)gad->Flags,GADGHBOX)))
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_himage\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- if(gad->GadgetText)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_text0,0\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0,0\n");
- if(gad->SpecialInfo)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_info\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %s_ID\n DC.L 0\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler IntuitText structures
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmTexts(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- register struct IntuiText *itext;
- COUNT i=0;
- if((itext = gadget->Gadget.GadgetText))
- { WriteFormat(file,"%s_text%ld:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,i);
- while(1)
- { WriteFormat(file," DC.B %ld,%ld\n",itext->FrontPen,itext->BackPen);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%02lx",itext->DrawMode);
- else
- WriteDrMd(file,itext->DrawMode,TRUE);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.W %ld,%ld\n",itext->LeftEdge,itext->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_itext%ld\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,i);
- if(itext->NextText)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_text%ld\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,i+1);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n\n");
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_itext%ld:\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,i++);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B '%s',0\n",itext->IText);
- WriteFormat(file," CNOP 0,2\n\n");
- if(!(itext = itext->NextText)) break;
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_text%ld\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,i);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler new screen structure
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmScreen(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- WriteFormat(file,"ns:\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W 0,0,%ld,%ld\n",MainScreen->Width,MainScreen->Height);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld\n",MainScreen->BitMap.Depth);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B -1,-1\n");
- if(MainScreen->BitMap.Depth == 5) WriteFormat(file," DC.W 0\n");
- else
- { if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W $8000\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W V_HIRES\n");
- }
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W $0001\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W CUSTOMSCREEN\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0,0,0,0\n\n");
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler window/requester structure
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmRW(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- { WriteFormat(file,"requester:\n DC.L 0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld,",(MainWindow->LeftEdge + MainWindow->BorderLeft),
- (MainWindow->TopEdge + MainWindow->BorderTop));
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld\n",MainWindow->GZZWidth,MainWindow->GZZHeight);
- if(GadgetCount)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W 0,0\n DC.L %s,",&Gadgets.TailPred->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W 0,0\n DC.L 0");
- if(Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)
- WriteFormat(file,"Border0_bord0\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"0\n");
- if(TextGadget.GadgetText) WriteFormat(file," DC.L Render_text0\n");
- else WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W 0\n DC.B %ld\n",BackFill);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n DCB.B 32,0\n DC.L 0,0\n DCB.B 36,0\n\n");
- }
- else
- { WriteFormat(file,"%s:\n",&wlb);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld,%ld,%ld\n",MainWindow->LeftEdge,MainWindow->TopEdge,
- MainWindow->Width,MainWindow->Height);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B %ld,%ld\n",MainWindow->DetailPen,MainWindow->BlockPen);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%08lx",IDCMPFlags);
- else
- WriteIFlags(file);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.L ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%08lx",WindowFlags);
- else
- WriteWFlags(file);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- if(HaveGad)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s,0\n",Gadgets.TailPred->GadgetLabel);
- else if(Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L Render,0\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0,0\n");
- if(strlen((char *)&wdt))
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L %s_title\n",&wlb);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0,0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,",MainWindow->MinWidth,
- MainWindow->MinHeight,
- MainWindow->MaxWidth,
- MainWindow->MaxHeight);
- { if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$0001\n\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"WBENCHSCREEN\n\n");
- }
- else
- { if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$000F\n\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"CUSTOMSCREEN\n\n");
- }
- if(strlen((char *)&wdt))
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_title:\n DC.B '%s',0\n CNOP 0,2\n\n",&wlb,&wdt);
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler window/requester texts
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmWDT(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- register struct IntuiText *t, *t1;
- register UCOUNT i = 0;
- if(NOT TextGadget.GadgetText) return;
- t = t1 = TextGadget.GadgetText;
- WriteFormat(file,"Render_text%ld:\n",i);
- while(1)
- { WriteFormat(file," DC.B %ld,%ld\n",t->FrontPen,t->BackPen);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B ");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file,"$%02lx",t->DrawMode);
- else
- WriteDrMd(file,t->DrawMode);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n DC.W %ld,%ld\n",t->LeftEdge,t->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n");
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L Render_itext%ld\n",i);
- if(t->NextText)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L Render_text%ld\n\n",i+1);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n\n");
- WriteFormat(file,"Render_itext%ld:\n",i++);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B '%s',0\n",t->IText);
- WriteFormat(file," CNOP 0,2\n\n");
- if(!(t = t->NextText)) break;
- WriteFormat(file,"Render_text%ld\n",i);
- }
- }
- /*
- * write assembler special render gadget
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmCRG(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- if((TextGadget.GadgetText) OR
- (Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders))
- { WriteFormat(file,"Render:\n");
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n DC.W 0,0,1,1,$0003,0,$0001\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0\n DC.W 0,0,1,1,GADGHNONE,0,BOOLGADGET\n");
- if(Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L Border0_bord0,");
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L 0,");
- if(TextGadget.GadgetText)
- WriteFormat(file,"0,Render_text0,");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"0,0,");
- WriteFormat(file,"0,0\n DC.W 0\n DC.L 0\n\n");
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler border structures
- */
- static VOID WriteAsmB(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- register struct MyGadget *g;
- register struct Border *b;
- register SHORT *xy;
- register UCOUNT bc = 0,xyc;
- if(Borders.TailPred == (struct MyGadget *)&Borders) return;
- g = Borders.Head;
- while(1)
- {
- b = (struct Border *)g->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- while(1)
- { xy = b->XY;
- WriteFormat(file,"Border%ld_pairs%ld:\n DC.W ",bc,bc);
- for(xyc = 0;xyc < (b->Count << 1);xyc++) WriteFormat(file,"%ld,",xy[xyc]);
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- bc++;
- if(!(b = b->NextBorder)) break;
- }
- if((g = g->Succ) == (struct MyGadget *)&Borders.Tail) break;
- }
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- bc = 0;
- g = Borders.Head;
- while(1)
- { b = (struct Border *)g->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- while(1)
- { WriteFormat(file,"Border%ld_bord%ld:\n",bc,bc);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.W %ld,%ld\n",g->Gadget.LeftEdge,g->Gadget.TopEdge);
- if(RAWINC)
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B %ld,0\n DC.B $00,%ld\n",b->FrontPen,b->Count);
- else
- WriteFormat(file," DC.B %ld,0\n DC.B RP_JAM1,%ld\n",b->FrontPen,b->Count);
- WriteFormat(file," DC.L Border%ld_pairs%ld,",bc,bc);
- bc++;
- if(!(b = b->NextBorder))
- { if(g->Succ == (struct MyGadget *)&Borders.Tail)
- WriteFormat(file,"0\n\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"Border%ld_bord%ld\n\n",bc,bc);
- break;
- }
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"Border%ld_bord%ld\n\n",bc,bc);
- }
- if((g = g->Succ) == (struct MyGadget *)&Borders.Tail)
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the assembler source code
- */
- VOID WriteAsmGadgets()
- {
- BPTR file;
- register struct MyGadget *gadget;
- struct ColorMap *cm;
- COUNT i,ii;
- USHORT *tab,cc;
- ULONG rc,hg;
- char *str;
- GenASM = TRUE;
- HaveGad = is_gadget();
- strcpy((char *)IODir->fr_HeadLine,"Save Asm Source");
- IODir->fr_Screen = MainScreen;
- IODir->fr_Caller = MainWindow;
- IODir->fr_Flags |= FR_NoInfo;
- rc = FileRequest(IODir);
- strcpy((char *)&name,(char *)IODir->fr_DirName);
- strcat((char *)&name,(char *)IODir->fr_FileName);
- if(rc == FREQ_CANCELED) return;
- else if(rc)
- { Error("FileRequester won't open !");
- return;
- }
- cm = MainScreen->ViewPort.ColorMap;
- tab = (USHORT *)cm->ColorTable;
- if(!(file = Open((char *)&name,MODE_NEWFILE)))
- { Error("Can't Open Write File !");
- return;
- }
- SetWindowTitles(MainWindow,(char *)-1L,(char *)"Saving Assembler Source.....");
- buisy();
- disable_window();
- un_gzz();
- cc = (1 << MainScreen->BitMap.Depth);
- WriteFormat(file,"*---------------------------------------------------\n");
- WriteFormat(file,"* Gadgets created with GadgetEd V2.3\n");
- WriteFormat(file,"* which is (c) Copyright 1990-91 by Jaba Development\n");
- WriteFormat(file,"* written by Jan van den Baard\n");
- WriteFormat(file,"*---------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- { WriteFormat(file,"Colors:\n");
- for(ii=0;ii<cc;ii+=8)
- { WriteFormat(file," DC.W ");
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- if((ii+i) < cc) WriteFormat(file,"$%04lx,",tab[ii+i]);
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- }
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- }
- split();
- WriteAsmB(file);
- WriteAsmWDT(file);
- WriteAsmCRG(file);
- if(HaveGad)
- { for(gadget = Gadgets.Head;gadget->Succ;gadget = gadget->Succ)
- { if(TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.GadgetType,PROPGADGET))
- { WriteAsmPinfo(file,gadget);
- if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGIMAGE))
- WriteAsmImage(file,gadget,STDPRP);
- }
- if(TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.GadgetType,STRGADGET))
- WriteAsmSinfo(file,gadget);
- if((NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGIMAGE)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.GadgetType,PROPGADGET)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->SpecialFlags,NOBORDER)))
- WriteAsmBorder(file,gadget);
- if(TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGIMAGE))
- WriteAsmImage(file,gadget,RENDER);
- if((TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGHIMAGE)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGHBOX)))
- WriteAsmImage(file,gadget,SELECT);
- if(gadget->Gadget.GadgetText)
- WriteAsmTexts(file,gadget);
- WriteAsmGadget(file,gadget);
- if(str = IoErrToStr())
- { enable_window();
- Close(file);
- Error(str);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- gadget = Gadgets.TailPred;
- if(NOT WBSCREEN) WriteAsmScreen(file);
- WriteAsmRW(file);
- if(NOT WBSCREEN) WriteFormat(file,"\nCOLORCOUNT EQU %ld",cc);
- if(NOT REQUESTER) { WriteFormat(file,"\nNEWWINDOW: DC.L %s",&wlb);
- WriteFormat(file,"\nWDBACKFILL EQU %ld",WDBackFill); }
- else WriteFormat(file,"\nREQUESTER: DC.L requester");
- if(NOT WBSCREEN) WriteFormat(file,"\nNEWSCREEN: DC.L ns");
- if(HaveGad)
- WriteFormat(file,"\nFIRSTGADGET: DC.L %s",&Gadgets.TailPred->GadgetLabel);
- if(TextGadget.GadgetText)
- WriteFormat(file,"\nFIRSTTEXT: DC.L Render_text0");
- if(Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)
- WriteFormat(file,"\nFIRSTBORDER: DC.L Border0_bord0");
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- if(str = IoErrToStr()) Error(str);
- Close(file);
- join();
- do_gzz();
- enable_window();
- ok();
- return;
- }
- #define STAT prefs.static_structures
- /*
- * write the C border structure
- */
- static VOID WriteCBorder(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- struct Border *border;
- COUNT i,x=0;
- border = (struct Border *)gadget->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- XY = border->XY;
- while(1)
- {
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"SHORT %s_pairs%ld[] = {\n ",&gadget->GadgetLabel,x++);
- for(i=0;i<(border->Count << 1);i++) WriteFormat(file,"%ld,",XY[i]);
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- WriteFormat(file," };\n\n");
- if(NOT(border = border->NextBorder)) break;
- XY = border->XY;
- }
- border = (struct Border *)gadget->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- XY = border->XY;
- x = 0;
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- if(border->NextBorder)
- WriteFormat(file,"struct Border %s_bord[] = {\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"struct Border %s_bord = {\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- while(1)
- {
- WriteFormat(file," %ld,%ld,",border->LeftEdge,border->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,",border->FrontPen,border->BackPen);
- WriteDrMd(file,border->DrawMode,FALSE);
- WriteFormat(file,",%ld,",border->Count);
- WriteFormat(file,"(SHORT *)&%s_pairs%ld,",&gadget->GadgetLabel,x++);
- if(border = border->NextBorder)
- WriteFormat(file,"&%s_bord[%ld],\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,x);
- else
- { WriteFormat(file,"NULL };\n\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the C image structure
- */
- static VOID WriteCImage(file,gadget,which)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- UBYTE which;
- {
- struct Image *image;
- register USHORT *data;
- register COUNT i,ii;
- ULONG data_size;
- if(which == RENDER) image = (struct Image *)gadget->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- else image = (struct Image *)gadget->Gadget.SelectRender;
- data = image->ImageData;
- if(which != STDPRP)
- { if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- if(which == SELECT)
- WriteFormat(file,"USHORT %s_hdata[] = {\n",gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"USHORT %s_data[] = {\n",gadget->GadgetLabel);
- data_size = (RASSIZE(image->Width,image->Height) * image->Depth);
- for(i=0;i<(data_size >> 1);i+=8)
- { for(ii=0;ii<8;ii++)
- { if(i+ii < (data_size >> 1)) WriteFormat(file," 0x%04lx,",data[i+ii]);
- }
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- }
- Seek(file,-2,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- WriteFormat(file," }; \n\n");
- }
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- if(which == SELECT)
- WriteFormat(file,"struct Image %s_himage = {\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"struct Image %s_image = {\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- WriteFormat(file," %ld,%ld,",image->LeftEdge,image->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,",image->Width,image->Height);
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,",image->Depth);
- if(which != STDPRP)
- { if(which == SELECT)
- WriteFormat(file,"(USHORT *)&%s_hdata,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"(USHORT *)&%s_data,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- }
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- WriteFormat(file,"0x%02lx,",image->PlanePick);
- WriteFormat(file,"0x%02lx,",image->PlaneOnOff);
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL };\n\n");
- }
- /*
- * write the C PropInfo structure
- */
- static VOID WriteCPinfo(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- struct PropInfo *info;
- info = (struct PropInfo *)gadget->Gadget.SpecialInfo;
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"struct PropInfo %s_info = {\n ",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- WritePFlags(file,info);
- WriteFormat(file,",0x%04lx,",info->HorizPot);
- WriteFormat(file,"0x%04lx,",info->VertPot);
- WriteFormat(file,"0x%04lx,",info->HorizBody);
- WriteFormat(file,"0x%04lx,",info->VertBody);
- WriteFormat(file,"0,0,0,0,0,0 };\n\n");
- }
- /*
- * write the C StringInfo structure
- */
- static VOID WriteCSinfo(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- struct StringInfo *info;
- info = (struct StringInfo *)gadget->Gadget.SpecialInfo;
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- if(strlen(info->Buffer))
- WriteFormat(file,"UBYTE %s_buf[%ld] = %lc%s%lc;\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,
- info->MaxChars,'"',
- info->Buffer,'"');
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"UBYTE %s_buf[%ld];\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,info->MaxChars);
- if(info->UndoBuffer)
- { if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"UBYTE %s_ubuf[%ld];\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,info->MaxChars);
- }
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"struct StringInfo %s_info = {\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- WriteFormat(file," (UBYTE *)&%s_buf,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- if(info->UndoBuffer)
- WriteFormat(file,"(UBYTE *)&%s_ubuf,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- WriteFormat(file,"0,%ld,",info->MaxChars);
- WriteFormat(file,"0,0,0,0,0,0,");
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,NULL,NULL };\n\n");
- }
- /*
- * write the C Gadget structure
- */
- static VOID WriteCGadget(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- struct Gadget *gad;
- struct MyGadget *next;
- struct IntuiText *itext;
- gad = &gadget->Gadget;
- WriteFormat(file,"#define %s_ID %ld\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel,gad->GadgetID);
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"struct Gadget %s = {\n ",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- if(gadget == Gadgets.Head)
- { if((TextGadget.GadgetText) OR
- (Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)) WriteFormat(file,"&Render,");
- else WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- }
- else WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- }
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"&%s,",&(gadget->Pred->GadgetLabel));
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,",gad->LeftEdge,gad->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,\n ",gad->Width,gad->Height);
- WriteFlags(file,gadget);
- WriteFormat(file,",\n ");
- WriteActivation(file,gadget);
- WriteFormat(file,",\n ");
- WriteType(file,gadget);
- if((TestBits((ULONG)gad->Flags,GADGIMAGE)) ||
- (TestBits((ULONG)gad->GadgetType,PROPGADGET)))
- WriteFormat(file,",\n (APTR)&%s_image,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->SpecialFlags,NOBORDER))
- { if(((struct Border *)gadget->Gadget.GadgetRender)->NextBorder)
- WriteFormat(file,",\n (APTR)&%s_bord[0],",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,",\n (APTR)&%s_bord,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- }
- else
- WriteFormat(file,",\n NULL,");
- if((TestBits((ULONG)gad->Flags,GADGHIMAGE)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)gad->Flags,GADGHBOX)))
- WriteFormat(file,"(APTR)&%s_himage,\n ",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,\n ");
- if((itext = gad->GadgetText))
- { if(itext->NextText)
- WriteFormat(file,"&%s_text[0],NULL,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"&%s_text,NULL,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- }
- else WriteFormat(file,"NULL,NULL,");
- if(gad->SpecialInfo)
- WriteFormat(file,"(APTR)&%s_info,",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- WriteFormat(file,"%s_ID,NULL };\n\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- }
- /*
- * write the C IntuiText structures
- */
- static VOID WriteCTexts(file,gadget)
- BPTR file;
- struct MyGadget *gadget;
- {
- register struct IntuiText *itext;
- COUNT i=1;
- if((itext = gadget->Gadget.GadgetText))
- { if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- if(itext->NextText)
- WriteFormat(file,"struct IntuiText %s_text[] = {\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"struct IntuiText %s_text = {\n",&gadget->GadgetLabel);
- while(1)
- { WriteFormat(file," %ld,%ld,",itext->FrontPen,itext->BackPen);
- WriteDrMd(file,itext->DrawMode,FALSE);
- WriteFormat(file,",%ld,%ld,NULL,",itext->LeftEdge,itext->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file,"(UBYTE *)%lc%s%lc,",'"',itext->IText,'"');
- if(itext->NextText)
- WriteFormat(file,"&%s_text[%ld],\n ",&gadget->GadgetLabel,i++);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL");
- if(!(itext = itext->NextText)) break;
- }
- WriteFormat(file," };\n\n");
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the C NewScreen structure
- */
- static VOID WriteCScreen(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"struct NewScreen ns = {\n");
- WriteFormat(file," 0,0,%ld,%ld,",MainScreen->Width,MainScreen->Height);
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,",MainScreen->BitMap.Depth);
- WriteFormat(file,"-1,-1,");
- if(MainScreen->BitMap.Depth == 5) WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- else WriteFormat(file,"HIRES,");
- WriteFormat(file,"CUSTOMSCREEN,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL };\n\n");
- }
- /*
- * write the C window/requester structure
- */
- static VOID WriteCRW(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- struct IntuiText *t;
- { if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"struct Requester requester = {\n NULL,");
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,",(MainWindow->LeftEdge + MainWindow->BorderLeft),
- (MainWindow->TopEdge + MainWindow->BorderTop));
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,",MainWindow->GZZWidth,MainWindow->GZZHeight);
- if(HaveGad)
- WriteFormat(file,"0,0,&%s,",&Gadgets.TailPred->GadgetLabel);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"0,0,NULL,");
- if(Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)
- { if(MultyB)
- WriteFormat(file,"&Border_bord[0],");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"&Border_bord,");
- }
- else WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- if((t = TextGadget.GadgetText))
- { if(t->NextText) WriteFormat(file,"&Render_text[0],");
- else WriteFormat(file,"&Render_text,");
- }
- else WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,%ld,",BackFill);
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL };\n\n");
- }
- else
- { if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"struct NewWindow %s = {\n ",&wlb);
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,",MainWindow->LeftEdge,MainWindow->TopEdge,
- MainWindow->Width,MainWindow->Height);
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,\n ",MainWindow->DetailPen,MainWindow->BlockPen);
- WriteIFlags(file);
- WriteFormat(file,",\n ");
- WriteWFlags(file);
- WriteFormat(file,",\n");
- if(HaveGad)
- WriteFormat(file," &%s,NULL,\n",Gadgets.TailPred->GadgetLabel);
- else if(Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)
- WriteFormat(file," &Render,NULL,\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file," NULL,NULL,\n");
- if(strlen((char *)&wdt))
- WriteFormat(file," (UBYTE *)%lc%s%lc,NULL,NULL,\n",'"',&wdt,'"');
- else
- WriteFormat(file," NULL,NULL,NULL,\n");
- WriteFormat(file," %ld,%ld,%ld,%ld,",MainWindow->MinWidth,
- MainWindow->MinHeight,
- MainWindow->MaxWidth,
- MainWindow->MaxHeight);
- if(WBSCREEN) WriteFormat(file,"WBENCHSCREEN };\n\n");
- else WriteFormat(file,"CUSTOMSCREEN };\n\n");
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the C window/requester texts structures
- */
- static VOID WriteCWDT(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- register struct IntuiText *t, *t1;
- register UCOUNT i = 1;
- if(NOT TextGadget.GadgetText) return;
- t = TextGadget.GadgetText;
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- if(t->NextText)
- WriteFormat(file,"struct IntuiText Render_text[] = {\n ");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"struct IntuiText Render_text = {\n ");
- while(1)
- { WriteFormat(file,"%ld,%ld,",t->FrontPen,t->BackPen);
- WriteDrMd(file,t->DrawMode,FALSE);
- WriteFormat(file,",%ld,%ld,NULL,",t->LeftEdge,t->TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file,"(UBYTE *)%lc%s%lc,",'"',t->IText,'"');
- if(t->NextText)
- WriteFormat(file,"&Render_text[%ld],\n ",i++);
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL");
- if(!(t = t->NextText)) break;
- }
- WriteFormat(file," };\n\n");
- }
- /*
- * write the C special render gadget
- */
- static VOID WriteCRG(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- struct IntuiText *t;
- if((TextGadget.GadgetText) OR
- (Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders))
- { if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"struct Gadget Render = {\n ");
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,0,0,1,1,GADGHNONE,NULL,BOOLGADGET,\n");
- if(Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)
- { if(MultyB)
- WriteFormat(file," (APTR)&Border_bord[0],NULL,");
- else
- WriteFormat(file," (APTR)&Border_bord,NULL,");
- }
- else WriteFormat(file," NULL,NULL,");
- if((t = TextGadget.GadgetText))
- { if(t->NextText) WriteFormat(file,"&Render_text[0],");
- else WriteFormat(file,"&Render_text,");
- }
- else WriteFormat(file,"NULL,");
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL };\n\n");
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the C border structures
- */
- static VOID WriteCB(file)
- BPTR file;
- {
- register struct MyGadget *g;
- register struct Border *b;
- register SHORT *xy;
- register UCOUNT bc = 0,xyc;
- if(Borders.TailPred == (struct MyGadget *)&Borders) return;
- g = Borders.Head;
- while(1)
- {
- b = (struct Border *)g->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- while(1)
- { if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- xy = b->XY;
- WriteFormat(file,"SHORT Border%ld_pairs[] = {\n ",bc);
- for(xyc = 0;xyc < (b->Count << 1);xyc++) WriteFormat(file,"%ld,",xy[xyc]);
- Seek(file,-1,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- WriteFormat(file," };\n");
- bc++;
- if(!(b = b->NextBorder)) break;
- }
- if((g = g->Succ) == (struct MyGadget *)&Borders.Tail) break;
- }
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- bc = 0;
- g = Borders.Head;
- b = (struct Border *)g->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- if((b->NextBorder) OR (g->Succ != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders.Tail))
- { WriteFormat(file,"struct Border Border_bord[] = {\n");
- MultyB = TRUE;
- }
- else
- { WriteFormat(file,"struct Border Border_bord = {\n");
- MultyB = FALSE;
- }
- while(1)
- {
- while(1)
- {
- WriteFormat(file," %ld,%ld,",g->Gadget.LeftEdge,g->Gadget.TopEdge);
- WriteFormat(file,"%ld,0,JAM1,%ld,",b->FrontPen,b->Count);
- WriteFormat(file,"(SHORT *)&Border%ld_pairs,",bc);
- bc++;
- if(!(b = b->NextBorder))
- { if(g->Succ == (struct MyGadget *)&Borders.Tail)
- WriteFormat(file,"NULL };\n\n");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"&Border_bord[%ld],\n",bc);
- break;
- }
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"&Border_bord[%ld],\n",bc);
- }
- if((g = g->Succ) == (struct MyGadget *)&Borders.Tail)
- break;
- b = (struct Border *)g->Gadget.GadgetRender;
- }
- }
- /*
- * write the C source code
- */
- VOID WriteCGadgets()
- {
- BPTR file;
- register struct MyGadget *gadget;
- struct ColorMap *cm;
- COUNT i,ii;
- USHORT *tab,cc;
- ULONG rc;
- char *str;
- HaveGad = is_gadget();
- strcpy((char *)IODir->fr_HeadLine,"Save C Source");
- IODir->fr_Screen = MainScreen;
- IODir->fr_Caller = MainWindow;
- IODir->fr_Flags |= FR_NoInfo;
- rc = FileRequest(IODir);
- strcpy((char *)&name,(char *)IODir->fr_DirName);
- strcat((char *)&name,(char *)IODir->fr_FileName);
- if(rc == FREQ_CANCELED) return;
- else if(rc)
- { Error("FileRequester won't open !");
- return;
- }
- cm = MainScreen->ViewPort.ColorMap;
- tab = (USHORT *)cm->ColorTable;
- if(NOT(file = Open((char *)&name,MODE_NEWFILE)))
- { Error("Can't open write file !");
- return;
- }
- SetWindowTitles(MainWindow,(char *)-1L,(char *)"Saving C Source.....");
- buisy();
- disable_window();
- un_gzz();
- cc = (1 << MainScreen->BitMap.Depth);
- WriteFormat(file,"/*---------------------------------------------------*\n");
- WriteFormat(file," Gadgets created with GadgetEd V2.3\n");
- WriteFormat(file," which is (c) Copyright 1990-91 by Jaba Development\n");
- WriteFormat(file," written by Jan van den Baard\n");
- WriteFormat(file," *---------------------------------------------------*/\n\n");
- { if(STAT) WriteFormat(file,"static ");
- WriteFormat(file,"USHORT Colors[] = {\n");
- for(ii=0;ii<cc;ii+=8)
- { for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- if((ii+i) < cc) WriteFormat(file," 0x%04lx,",tab[ii+i]);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- }
- Seek(file,-2,OFFSET_CURRENT);
- WriteFormat(file," };\n\n");
- }
- split();
- WriteCB(file);
- WriteCWDT(file);
- WriteCRG(file);
- if(HaveGad)
- { for(gadget = Gadgets.Head;gadget->Succ;gadget = gadget->Succ)
- { if(TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.GadgetType,PROPGADGET))
- { WriteCPinfo(file,gadget);
- if(NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGIMAGE))
- WriteCImage(file,gadget,STDPRP);
- }
- if(TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.GadgetType,STRGADGET))
- WriteCSinfo(file,gadget);
- if((NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGIMAGE)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.GadgetType,PROPGADGET)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->SpecialFlags,NOBORDER)))
- WriteCBorder(file,gadget);
- if(TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGIMAGE))
- WriteCImage(file,gadget,RENDER);
- if((TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGHIMAGE)) AND
- (NOT TestBits((ULONG)gadget->Gadget.Flags,GADGHBOX)))
- WriteCImage(file,gadget,SELECT);
- if(gadget->Gadget.GadgetText)
- WriteCTexts(file,gadget);
- WriteCGadget(file,gadget);
- if(str = IoErrToStr())
- { Close(file);
- enable_window();
- Error(str);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- gadget = Gadgets.TailPred;
- if(NOT WBSCREEN) WriteCScreen(file);
- WriteCRW(file);
- if(NOT WBSCREEN) WriteFormat(file,"\n#define COLORCOUNT %ld",cc);
- if(NOT REQUESTER) { WriteFormat(file,"\n#define NEWWINDOW &%s",&wlb);
- WriteFormat(file,"\n#define WDBACKFILL %ld",WDBackFill); }
- else WriteFormat(file,"\n#define REQUESTER &requester");
- if(NOT WBSCREEN) WriteFormat(file,"\n#define NEWSCREEN &ns");
- if(HaveGad)
- WriteFormat(file,"\n#define FIRSTGADGET &%s",&Gadgets.TailPred->GadgetLabel);
- if(TextGadget.GadgetText)
- { WriteFormat(file,"\n#define FIRSTTEXT &");
- if(TextGadget.GadgetText->NextText)
- WriteFormat(file,"Render_text[0]");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"Render_text");
- }
- if(Borders.TailPred != (struct MyGadget *)&Borders)
- { WriteFormat(file,"\n#define FIRSTBORDER &");
- if(MultyB)
- WriteFormat(file,"Border_bord[0]");
- else
- WriteFormat(file,"Border_bord");
- }
- WriteFormat(file,"\n");
- if(str = IoErrToStr()) Error(str);
- Close(file);
- join();
- do_gzz();
- enable_window();
- ok();
- return;
- }