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254 lines
/* TempTool.spot (C) Phil O'Malley 1993, Fidonet: 2:250/107.96 */
/* */
/* $VER: TempTool v1,1 [02.9.93] */
/* */
/* Usage: Call the script as a separate program immediately before your */
/* text editor, ie. from an execution script, specifing the path */
/* of the temp file on the CLI. */
/* */
/* eg. rx TempTool.spot dh0:T/Spot.temp */
/* */
/* Installation of the script requires conciderable alteration of */
/* your Spot reply headers and additions to your userlists. Please */
/* see the accompanying documentation (TempTool.doc). */
/* */
/* */
/* Other: TempTool.spot is freely distributable provided its documentation */
/* file accompanies it, and both remain unaltered. The copyright is */
/* retained by P.A.O'Malley (2:250/107.96@fidonet), and thus the */
/* distribution is *not* public domain. */
/* */
options results
version = 'TempTool v1.1'
/* Firstly grab the filename to peruse */
parse arg temp_file
if temp_file = '' then do
say 'Usage: rx TempTool.spot <filename>'
if exists(temp_file) = 0 then do
say 'Error: File '''temp_file''' not found!'
/* Check for, and install if necessary, any libraries that are needed. */
/* For the statef() function */
if ~show(l, "rexxsupport.library") then do
if ~addlib("rexxsupport.library", 0, -30) then do
say "Error: Can''t find 'rexxsupport.library' in libs:"
/* Define global variables */
/* Logical assigns */
true = 1
false = 0
newline = '0a'x
/* Intra-script marker assigns. Notice that the intro markers are not really
necessary to make the script work, but they do ensure a roughly constant
execution speed on a 68000, particularly with long messages. */
marker_intro_start = '!intro_start'||newline
marker_intro_end = '!intro_end'||newline
marker_name_start = '!#'
marker_name_end = '#!'
/* Intra-script path assigns */
userlist.1 = 'spot:userlist_fidonet'
userlist.2 = 'spot:userlist_amiganet'
/* Grab the data from the temp file and alter it... */
/* Grab the data from the tempory file */
call open(file,temp_file,'r')
temp_data = readch(file,filelength(temp_file))
call close(file)
/* Call the AlterIntro procedure */
temp_data = alterintro(temp_data,marker_intro_start,marker_intro_end,marker_name_start,marker_name_end)
/* Save the altered data back to the original file name and quit... */
call open(file,temp_file,'w')
call close(file)
/* AlterIntro procedure. */
alterintro: procedure expose userlist. newline true false
parse arg temp.0,intro_start_marker,intro_end_marker,name_start_marker,name_end_marker
/* Grab the position of the intro markers. */
intro_start = index(temp.0,intro_start_marker,1)
intro_end = index(temp.0,intro_end_marker,1)
/* If either are bust then the following will recognise it and pop the
procedure. */
if (intro_end-intro_start) ~> 0 then return temp.0
/* Strip the intro markers, leaving a copy of what was held within in the
variable intro.0. */
intro.1 = left(temp.0,(intro_end-1))
intro.0 = right(intro.1,(length(intro.1)-(intro_start+(length(intro_start_marker)-1))))
/* Now that we have just the reply header in one easy to access variable,
we can now look for any name markers. */
name_start = index(intro.0,name_start_marker,1)
name_end = index(intro.0,name_end_marker,1)
/* And execute this loop until no more are found. */
do until (name_end-name_start) ~> 0
/* Now purge the name from the markers and hold it in name.0 */
name.1 = right(intro.0,(length(intro.0)-name_start-(length(name_end_marker)-1)))
name.0 = left(name.1,(name_end-name_start-length(name_end_marker)))
/* Because there might be multiple userlists to scan through to find a
match, I've put the scanning routines into their own procedure which
returns either the contents of the first userlist which matched the
parameters, or a junk variable. */
userlist = chooseuserlist()
/* And now locate the position of the entry concerned. */
read_posn = index(userlist,name.0,1)
/* If a valid userlist was returned then the following loop is entered
into, otherwise it is skipped. */
if read_posn ~= 0 then do
/* Grab the exact position of the userlist entry. */
entry_start = read_posn
entry_end = index(userlist,newline,read_posn)
/* And now the position of the comment annotation */
comment_start = index(userlist,";",read_posn)
/* If this entry has no comment, then the following loop will not be
entered into. */
if (comment_start ~= 0) then do
if (comment_start ~> entry_end) then do
/* This "-2" business is because Spot annotes its comments with a
"; " string, hence I'm chopping it off. */
entry.1 = right(userlist,((length(userlist)-(comment_start-1))-2))
entry.0 = left(entry.1,((entry_end-comment_start)-2))
name.0 = entry.0
/* And now reconstruct the reply header. Intro.1 and intro.2 are just
what is to the left and right of the markers. */
intro.1 = left(intro.0,(name_start)-1)
intro.2 = right(intro.0,(length(intro.0)-name_end-(length(name_end_marker)-1)))
/* Hence, putting name.0 in between will either insert the nickname (if
present) or, if not, the original. */
intro.0 = intro.1||name.0||intro.2
/* And prepare for the loop back. */
name_start = index(intro.0,name_start_marker,1)
name_end = index(intro.0,name_end_marker,1)
/* temp.1 is what was originally before the intro_start_marker, and temp.2
what was after the intro_end_marker. */
temp.1 = left(temp.0,(intro_start-1))
temp.2 = right(temp.0,(length(temp.0)-(intro_end+length(intro_end_marker)-1)))
return temp.1||intro.0||temp.2
/* ChooseUserlist() procedure, spawned from AlterIntro(). */
ChooseUserlist: procedure expose userlist. name.0 false
/* Stack the current userlist marker */
current_userlist = 1
/* Now, look through all the userlists */
do until exists(userlist.current_userlist) = false
call open(file,userlist.current_userlist)
userlist_data = readch(file,filelength(userlist.current_userlist))
call close(file)
if index(userlist_data,name.0,1) ~= false then do
return userlist_data
current_userlist = current_userlist + 1
return "Non available fitting parameters."
/* Miscellaneous procedures... */
/* Return the length of a file */
filelength: procedure
parse arg file
parse value statef(file) with type size blk bits day min tick com
return size