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Presents: TicTacSpot
Description: A game of tic-tac-toe or noughts and crosses for Spot
Requirement: Registered copy of Spot
Version: 1.0
Date: 09/10/93
Status: Freeware.
Contribution: n/a
Acknowledge: Spot, Nico Francois; Arexx, William S. Hawes
"Who says that there's no point in an Arexx port?"
Brief ________________________________________________________________
TicTacSpot is the computerised version of noughts and crosses making
it much easier to play with other people via local echoes or netmail.
It also erradicates the need to removed multiple quote arrows.
o New games started easily
o Saves you removing multiple quoting arrows
o Easy to make moves
o Large display
Usage ________________________________________________________________
The script can be copied to where you keep all of your Spot scripts
(usually REXX:, although mine are kept in Rexx:Spot). The script can
be run from the option 'Execute Script' from the 'Arexx' menu or else,
and this is a better option, it can be installed directly to the Arexx
menu. To do this, select 'Arexx' from the settings menu. Up will pop
a window aptly named Arexx. From here you must click on the button
marked 'Add'. Once you have done this, a number of gadgets will
become unghosted. The first we are interessted in is called 'Name'
and is below the 'Add' gadget you clicked on.
In here you must type the name you want to appear in the menu. In
this case it would be 'TicTacSpot' although you may call it anything
you like such as, 'grenade' or 'baloon' although these won't aid your
memory into remembering what the option is for...but it will give your
friends a laugh...
The next string gadget is called 'Script' and is directly below the
'Name' gadget. In here you can type the full path of the script, or
better still select the button along side it with a piece of paper
with a bent corner on it. This will open a file requester where you
can select the script. It defaults to open in Rexx: so you must find
the correct directory if the script is not in Rexx:.
The last gadget is called 'Output' and determines where the output
will go. As TTS does not give out text output this can be left as it
is ie, blank.
To use TTS you simply select the menu option like any other (providing
you have chosen to install the script as instructed above.) Once you
have done this you may be told a number of things such as "Do not use
from arealist". TTS is designed to be used from the Message reading
screen. Also, it should be used from Netmail or local echoes only as
you may receive messages from unhappy moderators otherwise and may
ultimately asked to enter a read-only state on specific echoes if your
behaviour persists...this is because some people don't like noughts
and crosses as they feel they are far above it. If this is the case,
smile to yourself and have another game of TTS via netmail.
If you want to continue a game of TTS with someone who has already
sent a message containing TTS data, simply move to the message via the
message screen (F3) and start TTS via the Arexx menu. The moves will
be decoded and you will be asked if you are playing 0s or Xs. Simply
select the one you are playing (MB: the shortcut for '0' is 'oh' not
Once you have selected what symbol you are playing, a requester
will appear in which the current goes will be displayed (this will
probably only contain one symbol if it is a new game). The letters
on the buttons beneath this area represent the moves. 'Next' will
take you to the next row of buttons, and from this requester you
can move on to the third requester containing the buttons for the
bottom row of the grid. From any requester you can select 'Cancel'
and abort the go.
Each of the row requester is labelled in the title bar with which
row it represents. The letters in the buttons represent:
tL - top LEFT tM - top MIDDLE tR - top RIGHT
mL - middle LEFT mM - middle MIDDLE mR - middle RIGHT
bL - bottom LEFT bM - bottom MIDDLE bR - bottom RIGHT
After placing your symbol, you will be asked if you wish to edit
the message. Yes will allow you to add comments etc.
NB: DO NOT alter the layout of the grid, or the quote arrows '>' in
any way otherwise you will not be able to proceed. Also, the
line '* TicTacSpot' is essential, and is used to mark the start of the
game...the blank line is also essential!
Future Enhancements __________________________________________________
o Possible release of three player version with 4x4 grid...
Disclaimer ___________________________________________________________
o I am not responsible to any damage caused through the use or misuse
of this product and so it must only be used at your own risk. All
efforts have been made to ensure the stability of the program but
this does not mean it is 100% safe. Please backup any important data
that could be damaged through the use of this software until you are
sure that it is stable...Amen.
Donations/Comments ___________________________________________________
Any comments or donations can be sent to:
PSR Software
Paul Ruane
26 Birdwood Close,
Selsdon, Surrey.
CR2 8QG.
I may also be contacted at the following addresses as Paul Ruane: