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* AddWall: latest update 27/11/95 *
* Build wall & floor runs for 3D environment. *
* > New 68030 replacement by Douglas Little. *
* > Atari C conversion by Johan Klockars. *
* > Original C++ code for the PC by Jake Hill *
* Some improvements made to 68030 version: *
* > Algorithm cleaned up to reduce overprinting. *
* > Fewer calculations performed on 'invisibles'. *
* > Upper & lower walls now update occlusion list. *
* > Walls can be placed on sub-pixel boundaries. *
* > Bugs in floors & ceilings removed. *
* > Algorithm uses ~ 90% register based logic. *
* > Local variables accessed from structure. *
* > Optimised (non-stackable) program-flow. *
* > Missing-column bug greatly suppressed. *
* > Higher accuracy arithmetic used on walls. *
* > Improved column clipping logic (drawing bugs). *
;customflow ; enable for optimised non-stackable subroutines.
; this produces bigger code, but no stack access.
; it would benefit more from better cacheing and
; isn't really worth enabling yet.
* These register equates are for clarity *
column_lasttop equr a2
column_lastmaxy equr a3
column_lastbot equr a4
column_lastminy equr a5
column_thistop equr d2
column_thisminy equr d3
column_thismaxy equr d4
column_thisbot equr d5
floor_tex equr d0
floor_y1 equr d1
floor_y2 equr d6
* Custom program-flow macros *
jsu macro ; call subunit & return to current location (non stackable)
ifd customflow
lea .r\@(pc),a1
bra \1
bsr \1
jsur macro ; call subunit & return to distant location (non stackable)
ifd customflow
lea (\2)(pc),a1
bra \1
bsr \1
bra.s \2
rtu macro ; return from subunit
ifd customflow
jmp (a1)
advance macro
moveq #0,d6
move.w addwall_ysize(a6),d6
move.w addwall_y1a(a6),column_thistop
move.l addwall_y1i(a6),d0
ext.l column_thistop
bpl.s .tc1
moveq #0,column_thistop
.tc1: add.l d0,addwall_y1a(a6)
move.w addwall_y2a(a6),column_thisbot
move.l addwall_y2i(a6),d0
ext.l column_thisbot
cmp.l column_thisminy,column_thisbot
bpl.s .bc1
move.l column_thisminy,column_thisbot
.bc1: add.l d0,addwall_y2a(a6)
cmp.l column_thismaxy,column_thistop
bmi.s .tc2
move.l column_thismaxy,column_thistop
.tc2: cmp.l d6,column_thisbot
bmi.s .bc2
move.l d6,column_thisbot
* Generate a new wall, floor & ceiling chunk *
AddWall:pea (a3)
pea (a4)
move.w wallruncount,addwall_runs(a6)
move.w columns,addwall_columns(a6)
* Vertical (y) perspective projection *
* y' = y * ( (w/2) / z ) + (h/2) *
moveq #0,d6
move.w addwall_ysize(a6),d6
moveq #0,d0
move.w addwall_xsize(a6),d0
lsr.w d0 ; (w/2)
lsr.w d6 ; (h/2)
move.l addwall_y1(a6),d1
swap d0
swap d6
move.l d0,d2
muls.l d1,d7:d2
divs.l addwall_z1(a6),d7:d2
add.l d6,d2
move.l d0,d5
muls.l d1,d7:d5
divs.l addwall_z2(a6),d7:d5
move.l addwall_y2(a6),d1
add.l d6,d5
move.l d0,d3
muls.l d1,d7:d3
divs.l addwall_z1(a6),d7:d3
add.l d6,d3
move.l d0,d4
muls.l d1,d7:d4
divs.l addwall_z2(a6),d7:d4
add.l d6,d4
* Calculate dy1 & dy2 gradients *
.flip: move.l addwall_i2(a6),d0
sub.l addwall_i1(a6),d0
sub.l d2,d5
swap d5
move.w d5,d6
ext.l d6
move.w addwall_i1(a6),d7
clr.w d5
divs.l d0,d6:d5 ; dy1 = (ry1-ly1) / (x2-x1)
move.l d4,d1
sub.l d3,d1
swap d1
move.w d1,d6
ext.l d6
clr.w d1
divs.l d0,d6:d1 ; dy2 = (ry2-ly2) / (x2-x1)
* Clip wall against left edge *
ext.l d7
bpl.s .nolc
move.l d7,d6
muls.l d5,d6
sub.l d6,d2 ; y1 = y1 - (x1*dy1)
move.l d7,d6
muls.l d1,d6
sub.l d6,d3 ; y2 = y2 - (x1*dy2)
moveq #0,d7
* Load results into local loop registers *
.nolc: move.l d2,addwall_y1a(a6)
move.l d3,addwall_y2a(a6)
move.l d5,addwall_y1i(a6)
move.l d1,addwall_y2i(a6)
* Clip wall against right edge *
move.w addwall_i2(a6),d6
move.w addwall_xsize(a6),d0
cmp.w d0,d6
bmi.s .x2in
move.w d0,d6
.x2in: move.w d6,addwall_ci2(a6)
* Prefetch column history registers *
lea miny,a0
move.w (a0,d7.l*2),column_lastminy
moveq #0,column_thisminy
lea maxy,a0
move.w (a0,d7.l*2),column_lastmaxy
moveq #0,column_thismaxy
move.l column_lastminy,column_lasttop
move.l column_lastmaxy,column_lastbot
* Determine logic group for edge generation *
cmp.b #UPPER_TYPE,addwall_type(a6)
beq AddUpperWall
cmp.b #LOWER_TYPE,addwall_type(a6)
beq AddLowerWall
* Fetch vertical clipping bounds *
lea miny,a0
move.w (a0,d7.l*2),column_thisminy
lea maxy,a0
move.w (a0,d7.l*2),column_thismaxy
* Advance edge accumulators *
* Generate floor buckets *
cmp.l column_thismaxy,column_thisbot
bpl.s .clip_lower
cmp.l column_lastbot,column_thisbot
bpl.s .nf1
move.l column_thisbot,floor_y1
move.l column_lastbot,floor_y2
jsu flat_leftedge
.nf1: cmp.l column_thismaxy,column_lastmaxy
bpl.s .nf2
move.l column_lastmaxy,floor_y1
move.l column_thismaxy,floor_y2
jsu flat_leftedge
.nf2: cmp.l column_lastbot,column_thisbot
ble.s .nf3
move.l column_lastbot,floor_y1
move.l column_thisbot,floor_y2
move.w addwall_fc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
.nf3: cmp.l column_thismaxy,column_lastmaxy
ble.s .floor_done
move.l column_thismaxy,floor_y1
move.l column_lastmaxy,floor_y2
move.w addwall_fc(a6),floor_tex
jsur flat_rightedge,.floor_done
cmp.l column_lastbot,column_lastmaxy
ble.s .floor_done
move.l column_lastbot,floor_y1
move.l column_lastmaxy,floor_y2
move.w addwall_fc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
* Generate ceiling buckets *
cmp.l column_thisminy,column_thistop
ble.s .clip_upper
cmp.l column_lasttop,column_thistop
ble.s .nc1
move.l column_lasttop,floor_y1
move.l column_thistop,floor_y2
jsu flat_leftedge
.nc1: cmp.l column_thisminy,column_lastminy
ble.s .nc2
move.l column_thisminy,floor_y1
move.l column_lastminy,floor_y2
jsu flat_leftedge
.nc2: cmp.l column_lasttop,column_thistop
bpl.s .nc3
move.l column_thistop,floor_y1
move.l column_lasttop,floor_y2
move.w addwall_cc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
.nc3: cmp.l column_thisminy,column_lastminy
bpl.s .ceiling_done
move.l column_lastminy,floor_y1
move.l column_thisminy,floor_y2
move.w addwall_cc(a6),floor_tex
jsur flat_rightedge,.ceiling_done
cmp.l column_lasttop,column_lastminy
bpl.s .ceiling_done
move.l column_lastminy,floor_y1
move.l column_lasttop,floor_y2
move.w addwall_cc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
* Rotate column history registers *
move.l column_thistop,column_lasttop
move.l column_thisbot,column_lastbot
move.l column_thisminy,column_lastminy
move.l column_thismaxy,column_lastmaxy
* Check - column is already sealed off *
cmp.l column_thisminy,column_thismaxy
ble .skip
* Check - column below [maxy] - blocked by roof *
cmp.l column_thistop,column_thismaxy
ble.s .update_window
* Check - column above [miny] - blocked by floor *
cmp.l column_thisbot,column_thisminy
bpl.s .update_window
* Clip - top of column cropped by [miny] *
cmp.l column_thistop,column_thisminy
ble.s .ncl1
move.l column_thisminy,column_thistop
* Clip - bottom of column cropped by [maxy] *
.ncl1: cmp.l column_thisbot,column_thismaxy
bpl.s .ncl2
move.l column_thismaxy,column_thisbot
* Check - column cropped to zero length *
.ncl2: cmp.l column_thistop,column_thisbot
ble.s .update_window
* Column bucket generator *
moveq #0,d6
move.w addwall_runs(a6),d6
lea wallruns,a0
move.l d6,d0
lsl.l #3,d0
add.l d0,a0
move.w d7,d0
tst.b addwall_opaque(a6)
beq.s .solid
not.w d0
.solid: move.w addwall_tex(a6),wall_id(a0)
move.w d0,wall_x(a0)
move.w column_thistop,wall_y1(a0)
move.w column_thisbot,wall_y2(a0)
addq #1,d6
move.w d6,addwall_runs(a6)
* Update vertical clipping bar *
tst.b addwall_opaque(a6)
bne.s .trans
moveq #0,column_thisbot
move.w addwall_ysize(a6),column_thistop
.trans: cmp.l column_thistop,column_thisbot
bgt.s .upd
lea occlusion_list,a0
move.b #0,(a0,d7.l)
subq.w #1,addwall_columns(a6)
beq.s .stop
.upd: lea miny,a0
move.w column_thistop,(a0,d7.l*2)
lea maxy,a0
move.w column_thisbot,(a0,d7.l*2)
* Advance to next column *
.skip: addq.l #1,d7
cmp.w addwall_ci2(a6),d7
bmi midwall_loop
bra.s .done
* Premature termination *
.stop addq.l #1,d7
* Fill gaps left in floor & ceiling by edges *
.done: cmp.l column_lastbot,column_lastmaxy
ble.s .nfl
move.l column_lastbot,floor_y1
move.l column_lastmaxy,floor_y2
move.w addwall_fc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
.nfl: cmp.l column_lasttop,column_lastminy
bpl.s .ncl
move.l column_lastminy,floor_y1
move.l column_lasttop,floor_y2
move.w addwall_cc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
.ncl: move.w addwall_runs(a6),wallruncount
move.w addwall_columns(a6),columns
pop.l a4
pop.l a3
* Fetch vertical clipping bounds *
lea miny,a0
move.w (a0,d7.l*2),column_thisminy
lea maxy,a0
move.w (a0,d7.l*2),column_thismaxy
* Advance edge accumulators *
* Generate ceiling buckets *
cmp.l column_thisminy,column_thistop
ble.s .clip_upper
cmp.l column_lasttop,column_thistop
ble.s .nc1
move.l column_lasttop,floor_y1
move.l column_thistop,floor_y2
jsu flat_leftedge
.nc1: cmp.l column_thisminy,column_lastminy
ble.s .nc2
move.l column_thisminy,floor_y1
move.l column_lastminy,floor_y2
jsu flat_leftedge
.nc2: cmp.l column_lasttop,column_thistop
bpl.s .nc3
move.l column_thistop,floor_y1
move.l column_lasttop,floor_y2
move.w addwall_cc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
.nc3: cmp.l column_thisminy,column_lastminy
bpl.s .ceiling_done
move.l column_lastminy,floor_y1
move.l column_thisminy,floor_y2
move.w addwall_cc(a6),floor_tex
jsur flat_rightedge,.ceiling_done
cmp.l column_lasttop,column_lastminy
bpl.s .ceiling_done
move.l column_lastminy,floor_y1
move.l column_lasttop,floor_y2
move.w addwall_cc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
* Rotate column history registers *
move.l column_thistop,column_lasttop
move.l column_thisbot,column_lastbot
move.l column_thisminy,column_lastminy
move.l column_thismaxy,column_lastmaxy
* Check - column is already sealed off *
cmp.l column_thisminy,column_thismaxy
ble.s .skip
* Check - column above [miny] - ignore it *
cmp.l column_thisbot,column_thisminy
bpl.s .skip
* Check - column below [maxy] - blocked by roof *
cmp.l column_thistop,column_thismaxy
ble.s .update_window
* Clip - top of column cropped by [miny] *
cmp.l column_thistop,column_thisminy
ble.s .ncl1
move.l column_thisminy,column_thistop
* Clip - bottom of column cropped by [maxy] *
.ncl1: cmp.l column_thisbot,column_thismaxy
bpl.s .ncl2
move.l column_thismaxy,column_thisbot
* Check - column cropped to zero length *
.ncl2: cmp.l column_thistop,column_thisbot
ble.s .update_window
* Column bucket generator *
moveq #0,d6
move.w addwall_runs(a6),d6
lea wallruns,a0
move.l d6,d0
lsl.l #3,d0
add.l d0,a0
move.w addwall_tex(a6),wall_id(a0)
move.w d7,wall_x(a0)
move.w column_thistop,wall_y1(a0)
move.w column_thisbot,wall_y2(a0)
addq #1,d6
move.w d6,addwall_runs(a6)
* Update vertical clipping bar *
move.l column_thisbot,d1
cmp.l column_thismaxy,d1
blt.s .upd
lea occlusion_list,a0
move.b #0,(a0,d7.l)
subq.w #1,addwall_columns(a6)
beq.s .stop
lea maxy,a0
move.w #0,(a0,d7.l*2)
move.w addwall_ysize(a6),d1
.upd: lea miny,a0
move.w d1,(a0,d7.l*2)
* Advance to next column *
.skip: addq.l #1,d7
cmp.w addwall_ci2(a6),d7
bmi upperwall_loop
bra.s .done
* Premature termination *
.stop addq.l #1,d7
* Fill gaps left in floor & ceiling by edges *
.done: cmp.l column_lasttop,column_lastminy
bpl.s .ncl
move.l column_lastminy,floor_y1
move.l column_lasttop,floor_y2
move.w addwall_cc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
.ncl: move.w addwall_runs(a6),wallruncount
move.w addwall_columns(a6),columns
pop.l a4
pop.l a3
* Fetch vertical clipping bounds *
lea miny,a0
move.w (a0,d7.l*2),column_thisminy
lea maxy,a0
move.w (a0,d7.l*2),column_thismaxy
* Advance edge accumulators *
* Generate floor buckets *
cmp.l column_thismaxy,column_thisbot
bpl.s .clip_lower
cmp.l column_lastbot,column_thisbot
bpl.s .nf1
move.l column_thisbot,floor_y1
move.l column_lastbot,floor_y2
jsu flat_leftedge
.nf1: cmp.l column_thismaxy,column_lastmaxy
bpl.s .nf2
move.l column_lastmaxy,floor_y1
move.l column_thismaxy,floor_y2
jsu flat_leftedge
.nf2: cmp.l column_lastbot,column_thisbot
ble.s .nf3
move.l column_lastbot,floor_y1
move.l column_thisbot,floor_y2
move.w addwall_fc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
.nf3: cmp.l column_thismaxy,column_lastmaxy
ble.s .floor_done
move.l column_thismaxy,floor_y1
move.l column_lastmaxy,floor_y2
move.w addwall_fc(a6),floor_tex
jsur flat_rightedge,.floor_done
cmp.l column_lastbot,column_lastmaxy
ble.s .floor_done
move.l column_lastbot,floor_y1
move.l column_lastmaxy,floor_y2
move.w addwall_fc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
* Rotate column history registers *
move.l column_thistop,column_lasttop
move.l column_thisbot,column_lastbot
move.l column_thisminy,column_lastminy
move.l column_thismaxy,column_lastmaxy
* Check - column is already sealed off *
cmp.l column_thisminy,column_thismaxy
ble.s .skip
* Check - column below [maxy] - ingore it *
cmp.l column_thistop,column_thismaxy
ble.s .skip
* Check - column above [miny] - blocked by floor *
cmp.l column_thisbot,column_thisminy
bpl.s .update_window
* Clip - top of column cropped by [miny] *
cmp.l column_thistop,column_thisminy
ble.s .ncl1
move.l column_thisminy,column_thistop
* Clip - bottom of column cropped by [maxy] *
.ncl1: cmp.l column_thisbot,column_thismaxy
bpl.s .ncl2
move.l column_thismaxy,column_thisbot
* Check - column cropped to zero length *
.ncl2: cmp.l column_thistop,column_thisbot
ble.s .update_window
* Column bucket generator *
moveq #0,d6
move.w addwall_runs(a6),d6
lea wallruns,a0
move.l d6,d0
lsl.l #3,d0
add.l d0,a0
move.w addwall_tex(a6),wall_id(a0)
move.w d7,wall_x(a0)
move.w column_thistop,wall_y1(a0)
move.w column_thisbot,wall_y2(a0)
addq #1,d6
move.w d6,addwall_runs(a6)
* Update vertical clipping bar *
move.l column_thistop,d6
cmp.l column_thisminy,d6
bgt.s .upd
lea occlusion_list,a0
move.b #0,(a0,d7.l)
subq.w #1,addwall_columns(a6)
beq.s .stop
lea miny,a0
move.w addwall_ysize(a6),(a0,d7.l*2)
moveq #0,d6
.upd: lea maxy,a0
move.w d6,(a0,d7.l*2)
* Advance to next column *
.skip: addq.l #1,d7
cmp.w addwall_ci2(a6),d7
bmi lowerwall_loop
bra.s .done
* Premature termination *
.stop addq.l #1,d7
* Fill gaps left in floor & ceiling by edges *
.done: cmp.l column_lastbot,column_lastmaxy
ble.s .nfl
move.l column_lastbot,floor_y1
move.l column_lastmaxy,floor_y2
move.w addwall_fc(a6),floor_tex
jsu flat_rightedge
.nfl: move.w addwall_runs(a6),wallruncount
move.w addwall_columns(a6),columns
pop.l a4
pop.l a3
* Generate left edges of [dy] 'flats'. *
rept 1
sub.l d1,d6
subq.l #1,d6 ; number of flat runs needed
lea flatruncounts,a0
add.l d1,a0
add.l d1,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.w #(flat_len*max_xint),d0
lsl.l #8,d1
add.l d1,d1 ; 8+1 = 6+3 = 64*8 = flat_len*max_xint
* mulu.w d0,d1
sub.l d0,d1
lea flatruns,a6
add.l d1,a6 ; flatruns+(runsize*(runs-1))
moveq #0,d1
.vert: move.w (a0)+,d1 ; fetch bucket count for this row.
add.l d0,a6 ; advance to next row in bucket buffer.
move.w d7,flat_x1(a6,d1.l*flat_len) ; store X1 @ (row+(count*size)).
dbra d6,.vert
.exit: lea addwall_struct,a6 ; we must restore a6 after trashing it
* Generate right edges of [dy] 'flats'. *
rept 1
sub.l d1,d6
push.l d4
subq.l #1,d6 ; number of flat runs needed
lea flatruncounts,a0
add.l d1,a0
add.l d1,a0
moveq #0,d4
move.w #(flat_len*max_xint),d4
lsl.l #8,d1
add.l d1,d1 ; 8+1 = 6+3 = 64*8 = flat_len*max_xint
* mulu.w d4,d1
lea flatruns,a6
add.l d1,a6
sub.l d4,a6 ; flatruns + (runsize*(runs-1))
swap d0
move.w d7,d0 ; merge X2 & texture-ID
moveq #0,d1
.vert: move.w (a0),d1 ; fetch bucket count for this row.
add.l d4,a6 ; advance to next row in bucket buffer.
addq.w #1,(a0)+ ; increment bucket count and move on.
move.l d0,(a6,d1.l*flat_len) ; store texture-ID & X2 @ (row+(count*size)).
dbra d6,.vert
.exit: pop.l d4
lea addwall_struct,a6 ; we must restore a6 after trashing it
addwall_struct: ds.b addwall_len ; local variables for AddWall.
columns: ds.w 1 ; counter for columns done.
occlusion_list: ds.b 320 ; byte-per-column occlusion list.
maxy: ds.w 320 ; upper clipping buffer.
miny: ds.w 320 ; lower clipping buffer.
wallruncount: ds.w 1 ; counter for total wall runs.
flatruncounts: ds.w 200 ; word-per-row counters for flat runs.
flatruns: ds.b (200*max_xint*flat_len) ; floor buckets (rows*buckets*bucketsize).
wallruns: ds.b (maxwallruns*wall_len) ; wall buckets (maxwallruns*bucketsize).