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* BSP-Descent: latest update 25/03/96 *
* Descend BSP tree, generating sectors & walls. *
* Descend Binary Space Partitioning Tree *
* Place start & terminator on heap and descend *
move.l sp,bsp_return
lea display_struct,a6
move.w NumNodes,d0
push.w #terminator
subq.w #1,d0
push.w d0
bra next_node
* Thread returns here when tree is exhausted *
move.l bsp_return,sp
* [node] = [sector] -> draw this node *
* Stop drawing when [width] columns are filled *
tst.w display_columns(a6)
beq.s finish_tree
* Stop drawing when last node has been popped *
not.w d0
beq.s finish_tree
eor.w #$7FFF,d0
* Render ssector into run-buffer *
* Locate [segs] for this [ssector] *
move.l display_ssectors(a6),a0
move.w ssec_first(a0,d0.w*4),d4
move.w ssec_segments(a0,d0.w*4),d3
* Locate [linedef] & [sidedef] for first [seg] *
move.l display_segs(a6),a2
move.w d4,d2
mulu.w #seg_len,d2
add.l d2,a2
move.w seg_linedef(a2),d0
move.w seg_sidedef(a2),d2
* Locate right [sidedef] for this [linedef] *
move.l display_linedefs(a6),a0
mulu.w #linedef_len,d0
add.l d0,a0
move.w linedef_right(a0,d2.w*2),d1
* Locate [sector] for this [sidedef] *
move.l display_sidedefs(a6),a0
mulu.w #sidedef_len,d1
add.l d1,a0
move.w sidedef_sector(a0),d1
* Set up floor & ceiling heights for this sector *
move.l display_sectors(a6),a0
mulu.w #sector_len,d1
add.l d1,a0
move.l a0,display_sectorptr(a6)
move.w sector_floorht(a0),display_fh(a6)
move.w sector_ceilht(a0),display_ch(a6)
move.w sector_ftns(a0),display_ft(a6)
move.w sector_ctns(a0),display_ct(a6)
* Are we in this sector? *
tst.b display_firstssec(a6)
beq.s .skip
clr.b display_firstssec(a6)
* Set viewcone to (sector_height+player_height) *
move.w display_fh(a6),d0
add.w #player_height,d0
add.w pho,d0
move.w d0,display_ph(a6)
* Set up segment-heap for loop *
.skip: move.l d4,d2
move.w d2,display_segbase(a6)
move.w d3,display_segnum(a6)
ble next_node
* Process simple lighting effects (temporary!) *
bsr process_lighting
* Render segments surrounding this ssector *
* Hidden surface removal stage #1 *
* Is viewer on left or right side of this line? *
* ((y2-y1)*(x1-Px))) => (((x2-x1)*(y1-Py)) ? *
move.l display_vertices(a6),a0
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
move.w linedef_from(a2),d0
move.w linedef_to(a2),d1
move.w vtx_x(a0,d0.l*4),d5
move.w vtx_x(a0,d1.l*4),d6
move.w vtx_y(a0,d0.l*4),d0
move.w vtx_y(a0,d1.l*4),d1
sub.w d5,d6 ; x2-x1
sub.w d0,d1 ; y2-y1
sub.w display_px(a6),d5 ; x1-px
sub.w display_py(a6),d0 ; y1-py
muls.w d6,d0 ; (x2-x1)*(y1-Py)
muls.w d5,d1 ; (x1-px)*(y2-y1)
cmp.l d0,d1
bpl invisible
* Segment is visible *
pea (a2)
move.w display_segbase(a6),d0
move.l display_segs(a6),a5
mulu.w #seg_len,d0
add.l d0,a5
* Locate segment vertices *
move.l seg_length(a5),umag
move.w seg_distance(a5),x_offset
move.l display_vertices(a6),a0
moveq #0,d0
move.w seg_from(a5),d0
move.l a0,a1
moveq #0,d1
move.w seg_to(a5),d1
lsl.l #2,d0
lsl.l #2,d1
add.l d0,a0 ; a+(d*4)
add.l d1,a1 ; a+(d*4)
* Fetch X1,Y1 / X2,Y2 & centre around viewpoint *
lea DSPHostStat.w,a2
lea DSPHost16.w,a3
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w #projectwall_command,(a3)
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w (a0)+,(a3)
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w (a0)+,(a3)
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w (a1)+,(a3)
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w (a1)+,(a3)
lea DSPHost32.w,a4
dspwaitread.0 (a2)
tst.w (a3)
beq end_segment
dspwaitread.0 (a2)
move.l (a4),d3
lsl.l #8,d3
dspwaitread.0 (a2)
move.l (a4),d4
lsl.l #8,d4
dspwaitread.0 (a2)
move.l (a4),d5
lsl.l #8,d5
dspwaitread.0 (a2)
move.l (a4),d6
lsl.l #8,d6
dspwaitread.0 (a2)
move.l (a4),d1
lsl.l #8,d1
dspwaitread.0 (a2)
move.l (a4),d2
lsl.l #8,d2
* Write coordinates into addwall struct *
.draw: move.l d1,addwall_rz2(a6)
move.l d2,addwall_rz1(a6)
move.l d3,addwall_i1(a6)
move.l d4,addwall_z1(a6)
move.l d5,addwall_i2(a6)
move.l d6,addwall_z2(a6)
* Look up linedef for this seg *
move.w seg_linedef(a5),d1
move.l display_linedefs(a6),a0
mulu.w #linedef_len,d1
add.l d1,a0
* Determine one or two-sided linedef *
move.w linedef_attrib(a0),d0
or.w #$100,linedef_attrib(a0)
move.b d0,linedef_flags
and.b #attrib_twosided,d0
move.b d0,twosided_flag
* Determine which sidedef is facing us *
move.w seg_sidedef(a5),d0
move.w linedef_right(a0,d0.w*2),d5 ; visible sidedef
bchg #0,d0
move.w linedef_right(a0,d0.w*2),d6 ; invisible sidedef
* Look up sidedef for visible side of linedef *
move.l display_sidedefs(a6),a3
mulu.w #sidedef_len,d5
move.l a3,a4
add.l d5,a3
* Locate [sector] on opposite side of [linedef] *
tst.b twosided_flag
beq.s .nts
mulu.w #sidedef_len,d6
add.l d6,a4
move.w sidedef_sector(a4),d6 ; a+(d*30)
move.l display_sectors(a6),a4
mulu.w #sector_len,d6
add.l d6,a4
.nts: move.b #0,addwall_opaque(a6)
tst.b twosided_flag
beq sector_wall
* Check for lower wall texture *
move.l display_sectorptr(a6),a5
move.w sidedef_ltns(a3),d0
* Determine wall height *
move.w sector_floorht(a4),d1
cmp.w sector_ceilht(a5),d1
bmi.s .clip
move.w sector_ceilht(a5),d1
.clip: move.w sector_floorht(a5),d2
neg.w d1
add.w display_ph(a6),d1
neg.w d2
add.w display_ph(a6),d2
* Render if (y2-y1) <= 0 *
cmp.w d1,d2
ble.s optimise_lower
* Render if texture valid
cmp.w #texcode_none,d0
beq.s ignore_lower
* Optimise for identical opposing sectors *
* Force wall if textures differ *
move.w sector_ftns(a4),d3
cmp.w sector_ftns(a5),d3
bne.s add_lower
* Allow skip if both textures are sky *
cmp.w sky_index,d3
beq ignore_lower
* Force wall if floor heights differ *
cmp.w d1,d2
bne.s add_lower
* Force wall if lighting methods differ *
move.w sector_special(a4),d3
cmp.w sector_special(a5),d3
bne.s add_lower
* Force wall if light levels differ *
move.w sector_light(a4),d3
cmp.w sector_light(a5),d3
beq.s ignore_lower
* Lower wall segment passed all tests *
* Load wall structure *
cmp.w d1,d2
bpl.s .clip
move.w d2,d1
ble.s ignore_lower
.clip: move.w d1,addwall_y1(a6)
move.w d2,addwall_y2(a6)
move.w d0,wall_id
* Calculate texture pegging *
moveq #0,d1
btst #4,linedef_flags
beq.s .np
move.w display_ch(a6),d1
sub.w sector_floorht(a4),d1
.np: move.w d1,peg
* Add lower wall to rendering buffer *
move.b #lower_command,addwall_type(a6)
bsr add_wall_segment
* Early abort check *
tst.w display_columns(a6)
beq end_segment
* Check for upper wall texture *
move.l display_sectorptr(a6),a5
move.w sidedef_utns(a3),d0
* Determine wall height *
move.w sector_ceilht(a4),d2
cmp.w sector_floorht(a5),d2
bpl.s .clip
move.w sector_floorht(a5),d2
.clip: move.w sector_ceilht(a5),d1
neg.w d1
add.w display_ph(a6),d1
neg.w d2
add.w display_ph(a6),d2
* Render if (y2-y1) <= 0 *
cmp.w d1,d2
ble.s optimise_upper
* Render if texture valid
cmp.w #texcode_none,d0
beq ignore_upper
* Optimise for identical opposing sectors *
* Force wall if textures differ *
move.w sector_ctns(a4),d3
cmp.w sector_ctns(a5),d3
bne.s add_upper
* Allow skip if both textures are sky *
cmp.w sky_index,d3
beq ignore_upper
* Force wall if floor heights differ *
cmp.w d1,d2
bne.s add_upper
* Force wall if lighting methods differ *
move.w sector_special(a4),d3
cmp.w sector_special(a5),d3
bne.s add_upper
* Force wall if light levels differ *
move.w sector_light(a4),d3
cmp.w sector_light(a5),d3
beq.s ignore_upper
* Upper wall segment passed all tests *
* Load wall structure *
cmp.w d1,d2
bpl.s .clip
move.w d1,d2
bpl.s ignore_upper
.clip: move.w d1,addwall_y1(a6)
move.w d2,addwall_y2(a6)
move.w d0,wall_id
* Calculate texture pegging *
moveq #0,d1
btst #3,linedef_flags
bne.s .np
tst.w d0
bmi.s .np
move.l graphics_array,a0
move.l (a0,d0.w*4),a0
move.w tex_height(a0),d1
add.w sector_ceilht(a4),d1
sub.w sector_ceilht(a5),d1
.np: move.w d1,peg
* Add upper wall to rendering buffer *
move.b #upper_command,addwall_type(a6)
bsr add_wall_segment
* Early abort check *
tst.w display_columns(a6)
beq end_segment
* Check for normal texture *
move.w sidedef_mtns(a3),d2
move.w d2,wall_id
cmp.w #texcode_none,d2
beq sector_window
* Determine texture height for vertical pegging *
clr.w peg
clr.w th
tst.w d2
bmi.s .notex
move.l graphics_array,a0
move.l (a0,d2.w*4),a0
move.w tex_height(a0),th
* Determine texture type (2 sided = transparent) *
.notex: tst.b twosided_flag
beq.s .solid_wall
* Wall is 'transparent' middle texture *
move.b #trans_command,addwall_type(a6)
move.b #1,addwall_opaque(a6)
* Unmapped transparents treated as solid *
tst.w d2
bmi.s .normal_height
* Determine transparent texture base *
move.w display_ph(a6),d0
btst #4,linedef_flags
bne.s .lower_unpegged
move.w display_ch(a6),d3
move.w d0,d1
cmp.w sector_ceilht(a4),d3
bmi.s .cins
move.w sector_ceilht(a4),d3
.cins: sub.w d3,d1
move.w d1,d2
add.w th,d2
bra.s .add_wall
move.w display_fh(a6),d4
move.w d0,d2
cmp.w sector_floorht(a4),d4
bpl.s .fins
move.w sector_floorht(a4),d4
.fins: sub.w d4,d2
move.w d2,d1
sub.w th,d1
bra.s .add_wall
* Wall is 'solid' middle texture *
move.b #wall_command,addwall_type(a6)
move.b #0,addwall_opaque(a6)
* Calculate vertical pegging index *
btst #4,linedef_flags
beq.s .normal_height
move.w th,d0
add.w display_fh(a6),d0
sub.w display_ch(a6),d0
move.w d0,peg
* Caclulate wall base & top edge *
move.w display_ph(a6),d0
move.w d0,d1
sub.w display_ch(a6),d1
move.w d0,d2
sub.w display_fh(a6),d2
* Add middle wall to rendering list *
* Force wall if opaque *
tst.b addwall_opaque(a6)
beq.s .go
* Allow skip if ceiling = floor *
cmp.w d1,d2
beq.s sector_window
.go: move.w d1,addwall_y1(a6)
move.w d2,addwall_y2(a6)
bsr add_wall_segment
pop.l a2
* Proceed to next segment *
lea seg_len(a2),a2
addq.w #1,display_segbase(a6)
subq.w #1,display_segnum(a6)
beq.s end_ssector
tst.w display_columns(a6)
bne segment_loop
bsr get_ssector
* Fetch next node from heap and descend again *
move.w (sp)+,d0
bmi ssector_node
* [node] /= [sector] -> descend again *
move.l display_nodes(a6),a1
mulu.w #node_len,d0
add.l d0,a1
* Inverse descent rules for left side of tree *
* (dy*(x1-Px))) => ((dx*(y1-Py)) ? *
move.w node_dx(a1),d2
move.w node_x(a1),d0
move.w node_dy(a1),d3
move.w node_y(a1),d1
add.w d2,d0 ; x2 = (x1+dx)
sub.w display_px(a6),d0 ; (x2-px)
add.w d3,d1 ; y2 = (y1+dy)
sub.w display_py(a6),d1 ; (xy-py)
muls.w d2,d1 ; (y2-py) * dx
muls.w d3,d0 ; (x2-px) * dy
cmp.l d0,d1
bmi.s node_leftside
* Viewer is on right side of node divider *
lea node_lvtx(a1),a0
bsr.s nodeincone
beq.s .noln
move.w node_left(a1),-(sp)
.noln: lea node_rvtx(a1),a0
bsr.s nodeincone
beq.s next_node
move.w node_right(a1),-(sp)
bra.s next_node
* Viewer is on left side of node divider *
lea node_rvtx(a1),a0
bsr.s nodeincone
beq.s .noln
move.w node_right(a1),-(sp)
.noln: lea node_lvtx(a1),a0
bsr.s nodeincone
beq.s next_node
move.w node_left(a1),-(sp)
bra.s next_node
* Determine visibility of a child node. *
* Only exposed nodes are dealt with. *
* Check #1 -> Octal node elimination *
* All nodes are checked against the 3 octal *
* segments immediately in front of viewcone. *
* Nodes from 5 of all 8 octants are discarded. *
* Check #2 -> Canonical volume intersection *
* The remaining nodes are fully intersected *
* with the projected canonical view volume. *
* Any nodes outside the viewcone are discarded. *
* Check #3 -> Occlusion check *
* Any nodes remaining in view are checked *
* against the occlusion table. Any nodes *
* completely occluded by walls are discarded. *
* This function is now completely DSP based *
lea DSPHostStat.w,a2
lea DSPHost16.w,a3
move.l a0,a4
moveq #nodeincone_command,d0
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w d0,(a3)
move.w (a4)+,d0
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w d0,(a3)
move.w (a4)+,d0
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w d0,(a3)
move.w (a4)+,d0
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w d0,(a3)
move.w (a4)+,d0
dspwaitwrite.0 (a2)
move.w d0,(a3)
dspwaitread.0 (a2)
tst.w (a3)
bsp_return: ds.l 1 ; BSP stack base
wall_id: ds.w 1
x_offset: ds.w 1
peg: ds.w 1
th: ds.w 1
linedef_flags: ds.b 1
twosided_flag: ds.b 1 ; transparent wall flag