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332 lines
T E X T O !
*********************************** CONTENTS ***********************************
1. What's that ? What is it doing ?
1.1. Quick description
1.2. How to use it quickly
1.2.1. Conversion formats
1.2.2. Options
1.2.3. Information
2. File conversion
2.1. From Atari ASCII format to HTML format
2.2. From Atari ASCII format to NTF format
3. Old and future versions
4. Are there any bugs ?
5. Contact, copyright and greetings
1. What's that ? What is it doing ?
Texto! is a little utility coded in GFA Basic 3.6, which main function is
the conversion of texts in several formats. In Texto!, no sucking bits : you
choose a source file, a destination name and that's all !
At the beginning, I wanted to code a little text converter for my personnal
use, and I've decided to distribute it around me because I used it a lot. I've
created HTML Text Converter in order to help to create HTML pages from ASCII
files. In fact, I've used it to convert the Toxic Mag into HTML format (this
French diskmagazine is free, just send me a disk and international coupon reply
to receive it, if you speak French of course). Texto! is the sequel to HTML Text
Converter, which development is stopped now (the last version is 1.7). HTML Text
Converter only allowed to convert from ASCII to HTML. But as I wanted to convert
a text to other formats, I've added tons of options and I've renamed HTML Text
1.1. Quick description
Texto! runs on all Atari computers, from the 520 STFM to the Falcon (and
maybe on Hades ?). Unhappily, it doesn't work on MagiC without NVDI, and I don't
know why yet.
Texto! allows to convert a text, here are the different possibilities :
- It can convert an ASCII file into HTML format, with different options (see the
paragraph 1.2).
- It can convert an ASCII text created with Pro 2 into a "real" ASCII text.
- It can convert an ASCII text into NTF format (Toxic Mag format).
- It can convert an ASCII text into Windozz ASCII special format and vice-versa.
- Finally, it can remove all the accents within an ASCII text.
It is also possible to set the conversion parameters (for the HTML and NTF
formats only) and to load and save the options. And if you want to copy Texto!
to a non-English speaker ? Just go and put the right option !
1.2. How to use it quickly
At the very beginning, if the TEXTO.INF file is missing, an alert box will
ask you which language would you like. Of course, it is possible to disable this
box, see in the option part for more info. After this, you will see a dialogue
box we can share into 3 parts : the text conversion, options and information
(well, you can also leave Texto! but that's easy so no more about it) :
1.2.1. Conversion formats
No need to give you here more details about the conversion formats because
I will write a lot more in the second part of this documentation. If you are in
a hurry, here are some very short (but clear) information :
- Atari ASCII -> HTML Format : this conversion will use the parameters so don't
forget to set them (more info later).
- Pro 2 ASCII -> Atari ASCII : if you're not French then you shouldn't use this
option. Pro 2 is a "minitel" emulator (a French lousy terminal running at 75/
1200 bauds). The accents in the ASCII savings are so bad that you should use
this option.
- Atari ASCII -> NTF Format : no need about it if you're not French. The NTF
format is the Toxic Mag format. The NTF format isn't ASCII format because
empty lines are replaced by a space and the file ends with a special chara-
cter. It is possible to include pictures (maximum : 528x180, 4 colours).
- Atari ASCII -> ANSI Windozz and ANSI Windozz -> Atari ASCII : Macro$oft, still
fucking computer-addicted people, has created a silly and illogical ASCII
format... Remember the MS-DOS ASCII format is the same that the Atari one.
- Remove all the accents : only works with Atari ASCII files.
Be careful with the length of the files : it is limited to 5000 lignes (it
means about 250 KB). But as converted files are always bigger than the original
ones, please never load a big file (200 KB should be a reasonnable limit). In
fact, Texto! loads the whole file in the memory before working on it.
Last point : Texto! uses a timekeeper for the conversion. At the end of
each conversion, Texto! indicates two things :
- The time used by the conversion algorithm only.
- The time used by the whole process (loading, conversion, saving).
These times are indicated in seconds. Below each time, there is another
indication, the unit is the 1/200 seconds. Indeed, the conversions are so fast
with little files and they don't reach one second. In the dialogue box, I've
used the term "unit" because it is shorter than "1/200 seconds".
1.2.2. Options
Click on the "Options" button, a dialogue box will appear. You will have to
choose between several possibilities :
* Options for the HTML format : opens another dialogue box only for the HTML
format. You will see 8 selectable buttons, each one corresponds to a function.
Warning : the more you select buttons, the slower the conversion will be. See
the section "2.1.1" for more details.
- Tags at the beginning and the end : allows the conversion of an ASCII file
into a "real" HTML document.
- Enumeration mode ("-" ⇨ "<br>") : if a line in the ASCII file begins with a
"-", it will be replaced with a carriage return in HTML langage (it's the
"<br>" tag). Very useful in fact.
- Convert the accents : no comment.
- Convert the special characters : these are all the characters which ASCII
code is greater than 128, except the accents. E.g.: ©, ®, ™.
- Convert the Greek letters : warning, all the browsers don't accept all the
Greek letters !
The three following functions may seem you superfluous, but you will need them
for example if you would just like to convert the accents in an HTML document
(you will have to disable these 3 options). So, do not use these options with
an existing HTML document, otherwise you will have some surprises...
- Convert the "&" : the "&" will be replaced by the "&".
- Convert the "<" and ">" : they will be respectively replaced by "<" and
- Convert the quotation marks : they will be replaced by """.
* Options for the NTF format : opens another dialogue box for the NTF format
only. You will find 3 selectable buttons. For more info, see section "2.3.1".
- One space at each empty line : empty lines are forbidden for the Toxic Mag
interface (I don't really know why...).
- Include the pictures (*.BLK) : it will allow to include picture blocs (max.
length is 528x180 in 4 colours).
- Special character at the end : an NTF file must have a special character at
the end. The ASCII code of this character is 1. If Texto! sees this special
character at the end of the file, it doesn't add another one.
* In a special box called "General Options", you can modify 2 parameters :
- Automatic saving : ALL the parameters will be saved in "TEXTO.INF" when you
will leave Texto!. Do not select this option if you don't have a hard disk.
- French/English : you can change the language here. Of course, you will have
to restart Texto! if you want it takes into consideration your wish.
* Of course, it is possible to validate the options, to cancel (except for the
specific options concerning HTML and NTF formats), to save and to load them.
1.2.3. Information
If you want to get some information about Texto! (author, version...) click
on the "Info" button in the main dialogue box. Then, you will know the version
of Texto!, the date of its creation and the aim of this little piece of coding.
As it is a postcardware (don't forget the cute postcard !), you can click on a
special button for more info about it.
2. File conversion
In this part, we will only see the HTML and NTF formats. The other ones are
easy to understand.
2.1. From Atari ASCII format to HTML format
The HTML format is the World Wide Web's document format. If you doesn't
know what is HTML, this part isn't for you because Texto! was made to help those
you want to make their own HTML pages on Atari.
The structure of the converted files depend on selected (or non-selected)
options in the dialogue box which concerns HTML format (see section "1.2.2"). I
am going to present you the caracteristics of each function. But before this,
two remarks : first of all, the lenght of a HTML file converted with Texto! will
always be greater than the source file's one. Secondly, for those who want to
convert quickly files, if you activate all the options then the conversion will
be slower. So, just set the necessary options for maximum speed. And now, here
are the descriptions of these options :
* Tags at the beginning and at the end : Texto! will put at the beginning and at
the end of your ASCII file some tags (HTML commands). Here is a list of the
modifications :
- A remark (it won't be taken into consideration by you favorite HTML browser)
in order to indicate that the conversion was made by Texto!. The version
number, the author's name, the date and the time of the conversion will be
added too (it may be useful).
- The traditionnal header of HTML documents :
<head><title>PUT YOUR TITLE HERE</titre></head>
By the way, don't forget to modify the title with a text editor.
- If Texto! notes an empty lines, it will put this instead :
It means : carriage return and new paragraph.
- And, last but not least, this is added at the end of the HTML file :
(Enjoy !)
* Enumeration mode : if Texto! notes a line beginning with "-", it will think it
is an enumeration and then will put "<br>" at the end of the line. But it is
recommended to replace this by the "true" HTML tag "<ul>" with your favorite
text editor.
* Converted accents : here is the list of the converted characters :
- A : à, À, å, Å, á, â, ä, Ä, ã, Ã, æ, Æ.
- E : é, É, è, ê, ë.
- I : î, ï, í, ì.
- O : ô, ö, Ö, ó, ò, õ, Õ, Ø, ø.
- U : û, ü, Ü, ú, ù.
- Y : ÿ.
- Cedilles : ç, Ç.
- Tildes : ~, ñ, Ñ.
* Converted special characters : some characters are recognized only, I have
privileged the most used :
¡, ¢, £, ¥, |, §, ¨, ©, ®, «, », ª, ¬, ¯, °, ±, ², ³, ´, µ, ¶, ·, º, ¼, ½,
¿, ÷, ß, æ, Æ.
Other ATARI-specific characters aren't recognized yet by HTML language, so I
have found some solutions :
œ -> oe
Œ -> OE
ƒ -> f
™ -> (TM)
ij -> ij
IJ -> IJ
∧ -> ^
* Conversion of Greek letters : beware ! All the browsers don't accept this
possibility !
2.2. From Atari ASCII format to NTF format
The NTF format is Toxic Mag's format. It looks like ASCII format but there
are some differences : empty lines are replaced by a space (and just ONE), the
file must end with a special character, it is possible to include picture blocs
(528x180 in 4 colours maximum) and to use the big font of the interface.
In an NTF file, you will find 3 special characters. Their aim is to control
the Toxic Mag's interface :
- The character 27 () indicates that the big font must be used (for the current
line only).
- The character 11 (♪) indicates the beginning of a BLK picture.
- The character 1 (⇧) indicates the end of the file. Thus, all the characters
after this one won't be taken into consideration.
How can I include a picture in an NTF file ? If Texto! sees the character
11 (♪) in the text, it means there is already a picture here and it will jump
until the next end of line. So, another special character is needed to indicate
to Texto! that a picture has to be included. This character is number 3 (⇨). You
can put it in the middle of a line if you want, for example. Two remarks :
- Please, jump enough lines after this special character if you don't want
the text to be overwrited by the picture.
- Warning : the format of picture blocs is a special one. You have to use
the "Boîte à outils" ("Toolbox") of the Toxic Mag to create such files with PI2
3. Old and future versions
Version 1.0 from September 16th, 1997 :
- First distributed version after one week of intensive tests and optimisations.
Concerning the optimisations, I have converted the types of my variables : at
the beginning, I used long words (32 bits), but in fact the calculations can
be done with words only (16 bits). The result : conversions are faster. For an
ASCII conversion into HTML with all the options enabled, I've win one second.
It's not a lot but it's always faster. On the other side, Texto! now takes
more place in memory (160 bytes), but that's this or nothing.
Version 1.1 from September 27th, 1997 :
- New option : possibility to remove the accents from an ASCII text.
- Now it is possible to include picture blocs for NTF format.
Planed for future versions :
- More and more special characters and Greek letters recognized.
- I've noted that some ASCII characters were badly converted into the ANSI norm
of Windozz... it will be quickly corrected.
4. Are there any bugs ?
Yes, I've find only one bug for the moment : Texto! doesn't work very well
with MagiC... It depends on the MagiC version, the NVDI version, etc. I don't
know how appear the bug, but I think it is due to CHDRIVE and CHDIR instructions
in GFA...
Contact me if you find other bugs... 8^)
5. Contact, copyright and greetings
Texto! is postcardware. It means you HAVE TO send me a beautiful postcard
if you enjoy it, if you often use it or if you've installed it on your hard disk
or a CD-Rom. You can (must ?) of course copy this software to all your friends
and contacts, but you can't modify or sell it without my authorization.
Contact me at this address : PEREZ Stéphane
328, Les Hauts du Louvarou
Or on Internet : "stephane_perez@hotmail.com"
Thanks to Pierre-Louis LAMBALLAIS alias "Le Féroce Lapin" for his useful
advices and to Yannick LECAILLEZ alias "FirST'" for his advices in GFA Basic.
Have fun with Texto!