Geek Gadgets 1
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810 lines
-- --
-- --
-- L I B . W R I T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.60 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Fname; use Fname;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Gnatvsn; use Gnatvsn;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Output; use Output;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with System; use System;
with Uname; use Uname;
with System.Parameters;
package body Lib.Writ is
-- Increment_Serial_Number --
function Increment_Serial_Number return Int is
TSN : Int renames Units.Table (Current_Sem_Unit).Serial_Number;
TSN := TSN + 1;
return TSN;
end Increment_Serial_Number;
-- Store_Linker_Option_String --
procedure Store_Linker_Option_String (S : String_Id) is
Linker_Option_Lines.Table (Linker_Option_Lines.Last) := S;
end Store_Linker_Option_String;
-- Write_Library_Info --
procedure Write_Library_Info is
-- Format of Library Information --
-- This section describes the format of the library information that is
-- associated with object files. The exact method of this association is
-- potentially implementation dependent and is described and implemented
-- in package From the point of view of the description here, all
-- we need to know is that the information is represented as a string of
-- characters that is somehow associated with an object file, and can be
-- retrieved. If no library information exists for a given object file,
-- then we take this as equivalent to the non-existence of the object
-- file, as if source file has not been previously compiled.
-- The library information is written as a series of lines of the form:
-- Key_Character parameter parameter ...
-- The first two lines in the file identify the library output version
-- and standard version (these are required to be consistent across the
-- entire set of compilation units).
-- V "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-- This line indicates the library output version, as defined in
-- Gnatvsn. It ensures that separate object modules of a program are
-- consistent. It has to be changed if anything changes which would
-- affect successful binding of separately compiled modules.
-- Examples of such changes are modifications in the format of the
-- library info described in this package, or modifications to
-- calling sequences, or to the way that data is represented.
-- S "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-- This line contains information regarding types declared in
-- packages Standard, System as stored in Gnatvsn.Standard_Version.
-- The purpose is, on systems where for example the size of Integer
-- can be set by command line switches, to ensure that all units in
-- a program are compiled with a consistent set of options.
-- The next line is present only for a unit that can be a main program
-- It has the form:
-- M type [priority]
-- The type parameter is either P for a parameterless procedure,
-- or F for a function returning a value of integral type (the
-- latter is for writing a main program that returns an exit status)
-- The priority parameter is present only if there was a valid
-- pragma Priority in the corresponding unit to set the main task
-- priority. It is an unsigned decimal integer.
-- A argument
-- One of these lines appears for each of the arguments present
-- in the call to the gnat1 program. This can be used if it is
-- necessary to reconstruct this call (e.g. for fix and continue)
-- Following these header lines, a set of information lines appears for
-- each compilation unit that appears in the corresponding object file.
-- In particular, when a package body or subprogram body is compiled,
-- there will be two sets of information, one for the spec and one for
-- the body. with the entry for the body appearing first. This is the
-- only case in which a single ALI file contains more than one unit (in
-- particular note that subunits do *not* count as compilation units for
-- this purpose, and generate no library information, since they are
-- inlined).
-- The lines for each compilation unit have the following form.
-- U unit-name source-name version <<attributes>>
-- This line identifies the unit to which this section of the
-- library information file applies. The first three parameters are
-- the unit name in internal format, as described in package Uname,
-- and the name of the source file containing the unit.
-- Version is the version given as 8 hexadecimal characters with
-- lower case letters. This value is a hash code that includes
-- contributions from the time stamps of this unit and all its
-- sematically dependent units.
-- The <<attributes>> are a series of two letter codes indicating
-- information about the unit:
-- EB Unit has pragma Elaborate_Body
-- NE Unit has no elaboration routine. All subprogram bodies
-- and specs are in this category. Package bodies and specs
-- may or may not have NE set, depending on whether or not
-- elaboration code is required. Set if Has_No_Elab_Code
-- flag is set in the N_Compilation_Unit node.
-- PK Unit is package, rather than a subprogram
-- PU Unit has pragma Pure
-- PR Unit has pragma Preelaborate
-- RC Unit has pragma Remote_Call_Interface
-- RT Unit has pragma Remote_Types
-- SP Unit has pragma Shared_Passive.
-- SU Unit is a subprogram, rather than a package
-- The attributes may appear in any order, separated by spaces.
-- W unit-name [source-name lib-name [E] [EA]]
-- One of these lines is present for each unit that is mentioned in
-- an explicit with clause by the current unit. The first parameter
-- is the unit name in internal format. The second parameter is the
-- file name of the file that must be compiled to compile this unit
-- (which is usually the file for the body, except for packages
-- which have no body). The third parameter is the file name of the
-- library information file that contains the results of compiling
-- this unit. The E and EA parameters are present if the pragmas
-- Elaborate and Elaborate_All respectively apply to this unit. In
-- the case of generic units, only the first parameter is present,
-- since generic units do not need to be compiled, and generate no
-- library information. Note that the elaborate pragmas can be given
-- for generic units, but they are ignored.
-- Following the unit information is an optional series of lines that
-- indicates the usage of pragma Library_Unit. For each appearence of
-- pragma Library_Unit in any of the units for which unit lines are
-- present, a line of the form:
-- L "string"
-- where string is the string from the unit line enclosed in quotes.
-- Within the quotes the following can occur:
-- 7-bit graphic characters other than " or {
-- "" (indicating a single " character)
-- {hh} indicating a character whose code is hex hh
-- For further details, see Stringt.Write_String_Table_Entry. Note that
-- wide characters in the form {hhhh} cannot be produced, since pragma
-- Linker_Option accepts only String, not Wide_String.
-- Finally at the end of the ali file is a series of lines that
-- indicates the source files on which the compiled units depend. This
-- is used by the binder for consistency checking.
-- D source-name time-stamp optional-comments
-- The optional comments, if present, must be separated from the time
-- stamp by at least one blank. Currently the optional-comments field
-- is not used.
-- Note: blank lines are ignored when the library information is read,
-- and separate sections of the file are separated by blank lines to
-- ease readability. Blanks between fields are also ignored.
-- Representation of Time Stamps --
-- All compiled units are marked with a time stamp which is derived from
-- the source file (we assume that the host system has the concept of a
-- file time stamp which is modified when a file is modified). These
-- time stamps are used to ensure consistency of the set of units that
-- constitutes a library. Time stamps are 12 character strings with
-- with the following format:
-- YY year (2 low order digits)
-- MM month (2 digits 01-12)
-- DD day (2 digits 01-31)
-- HH hour (2 digits 00-23)
-- MM minutes (2 digits 00-59)
-- SS seconds (2 digits 00-59)
-- Time stamps may be compared lexicographically (i.e. Ada comparison
-- operations on strings) to determine which is later or earlier.
-- However, in normal mode, only equality comparisons have any effect
-- on the semantics of the library (later/earlier comparisons are used
-- only for determining the most informative error messages to be
-- given).
-- In the case of Unix systems (and other systems which keep the time in
-- GMT), the time stamp is the GMT time of the file, not the local time.
-- This solves problems in using libraries across networks with clients
-- spread across multiple time-zones.
-- Local Data --
Info_Buffer : String (1 .. 2 * System.Parameters.Max_Name_Length + 64);
-- Info_Buffer used to prepare lines of library output
Info_Buffer_Len : Natural;
-- Number of characters stored in Info_Buffer
Info_Buffer_Col : Natural;
-- Column number of next character to be written (can be different from
-- Info_Buffer_Len because of tab characters written by Write_Info_Tab)
With_Flags : array (Units.First .. Units.Last) of Boolean;
-- Array of flags used to show which units are with'ed
Elab_Flags : array (Units.First .. Units.Last) of Boolean;
-- Array of flags used to show which units have pragma Elaborate set
Elab_All_Flags : array (Units.First .. Units.Last) of Boolean;
-- Array of flags used to show which units have pragma Elaborate All set
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Collect_Withs (Cunit : Node_Id);
-- Collect with lines for entries in the context clause of the
-- given compilation unit, Cunit.
procedure Write_Info_Char (C : Character);
pragma Inline (Write_Info_Char);
-- Adds one character to Info_Buffer
procedure Write_Info_Initiate (Key : Character);
-- Initiates write of new line to info file, the parameter is the
-- keyword character for the line.
procedure Write_Info_Nat (N : Nat);
-- Adds image of N to Info_Buffer with no leading or trailing blanks
procedure Write_Info_Name (Name : Name_Id);
-- Adds characters of Name to Info_Buffer
procedure Write_Info_Str (Val : String);
-- Adds characters of Val to Info_Buffer surrounded by quotes
procedure Write_Info_Tab (Col : Natural);
-- Tab out with blanks and HT's to column Col. If already at or past
-- Col, writes a single blank, so that we do get a required field
-- separation.
procedure Write_Info_Terminate;
-- Terminate output of info line built in Info_Buffer
procedure Write_Info_Version (Unit_Num : Unit_Number_Type);
-- Write version number of given unit as eight hexadecimal digits
-- with letters in lower case.
procedure Write_Unit_Information (Unit_Num : Unit_Number_Type);
-- Write out the library information for one unit for which code is
-- generated (includes unit line and with lines).
procedure Write_With_Lines;
-- Write out with lines collected by calls to Collect_Withs
-- Collect_Withs --
procedure Collect_Withs (Cunit : Node_Id) is
Item : Node_Id;
Unum : Unit_Number_Type;
Item := First (Context_Items (Cunit));
while Present (Item) loop
if Nkind (Item) = N_With_Clause then
Unum := Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (Library_Unit (Item));
With_Flags (Unum) := True;
if Elaborate_Present (Item) then
Elab_Flags (Unum) := True;
end if;
if Elaborate_All_Present (Item) then
Elab_All_Flags (Unum) := True;
end if;
end if;
Item := Next (Item);
end loop;
end Collect_Withs;
-- Write_Info_Char --
procedure Write_Info_Char (C : Character) is
Info_Buffer_Len := Info_Buffer_Len + 1;
Info_Buffer (Info_Buffer_Len) := C;
Info_Buffer_Col := Info_Buffer_Col + 1;
end Write_Info_Char;
-- Write_Info_Initiate --
procedure Write_Info_Initiate (Key : Character) is
Info_Buffer_Len := 0;
Info_Buffer_Col := 1;
Write_Info_Char (Key);
Write_Info_Char (' ');
end Write_Info_Initiate;
-- Write_Info_Nat --
procedure Write_Info_Nat (N : Nat) is
if N > 9 then
Write_Info_Nat (N / 10);
end if;
Write_Info_Char (Character'Val (N mod 10 + Character'Pos ('0')));
end Write_Info_Nat;
-- Write_Info_Name --
procedure Write_Info_Name (Name : Name_Id) is
Get_Name_String (Name);
Info_Buffer (Info_Buffer_Len + 1 .. Info_Buffer_Len + Name_Len) :=
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Info_Buffer_Len := Info_Buffer_Len + Name_Len;
Info_Buffer_Col := Info_Buffer_Col + Name_Len;
end Write_Info_Name;
-- Write_Info_Str --
procedure Write_Info_Str (Val : String) is
Info_Buffer (Info_Buffer_Len + 1 .. Info_Buffer_Len + Val'Length)
:= Val;
Info_Buffer_Len := Info_Buffer_Len + Val'Length;
Info_Buffer_Col := Info_Buffer_Col + Val'Length;
end Write_Info_Str;
-- Write_Info_Tab --
procedure Write_Info_Tab (Col : Natural) is
Next_Tab : Natural;
if Col <= Info_Buffer_Col then
Write_Info_Str (" ");
Next_Tab := 8 * ((Info_Buffer_Col - 1) / 8) + 8 + 1;
exit when Col < Next_Tab;
Write_Info_Char (Ascii.HT);
Info_Buffer_Col := Next_Tab;
end loop;
while Info_Buffer_Col < Col loop
Write_Info_Char (' ');
end loop;
end if;
end Write_Info_Tab;
-- Write_Info_Terminate --
procedure Write_Info_Terminate is
Write_Library_Info (Info_Buffer (1 .. Info_Buffer_Len));
Info_Buffer_Len := 0;
end Write_Info_Terminate;
-- Write_Info_Version --
procedure Write_Info_Version (Unit_Num : Unit_Number_Type) is
V : Version_Id := Units.Table (Unit_Num).Version;
H : constant String := "0123456789abcdef";
for J in reverse Info_Buffer_Len + 1 .. Info_Buffer_Len + 8 loop
Info_Buffer (J) := H (Integer (V mod 16) + 1);
V := V / 16;
end loop;
Info_Buffer_Len := Info_Buffer_Len + 8;
Info_Buffer_Col := Info_Buffer_Col + 8;
end Write_Info_Version;
-- Write_Unit_Information --
procedure Write_Unit_Information (Unit_Num : Unit_Number_Type) is
Ukind : constant Node_Kind := Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Unit_Num)));
Pnode : Node_Id;
Write_Info_Initiate ('U');
Write_Info_Name (Unit_Name (Unit_Num));
Write_Info_Tab (25);
Write_Info_Name (Unit_File_Name (Unit_Num));
Write_Info_Tab (49);
Write_Info_Version (Unit_Num);
if Is_Preelaborated (Cunit_Entity (Unit_Num)) then
Write_Info_Str (" PR");
end if;
if Has_No_Elab_Code (Cunit (Unit_Num)) then
Write_Info_Str (" NE");
end if;
if Elaborate_Body_Present (Cunit (Unit_Num)) then
Write_Info_Str (" EB");
end if;
if Is_Pure (Cunit_Entity (Unit_Num)) then
Write_Info_Str (" PU");
end if;
if Is_Remote_Call_Interface (Cunit_Entity (Unit_Num)) then
Write_Info_Str (" RC");
end if;
if Is_Remote_Types (Cunit_Entity (Unit_Num)) then
Write_Info_Str (" RT");
end if;
if Is_Shared_Passive (Cunit_Entity (Unit_Num)) then
Write_Info_Str (" SP");
end if;
if Ukind = N_Subprogram_Declaration
or else Ukind = N_Subprogram_Body
Write_Info_Str (" SU");
elsif Ukind = N_Package_Declaration
or else Ukind = N_Package_Body
Write_Info_Str (" PK");
end if;
-- Generate with lines, first those that are directly with'ed
for J in With_Flags'Range loop
With_Flags (J) := False;
Elab_Flags (J) := False;
Elab_All_Flags (J) := False;
end loop;
Collect_Withs (Cunit (Unit_Num));
-- For a body, we must also check for any subunits which belong to
-- us and which have context clauses of their own, since these
-- with'ed units our part of our elaboration dependencies.
if Nkind (Unit (Cunit (Unit_Num))) in N_Unit_Body then
for S in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
-- We are only interested in subunits
if Nkind (Unit (Cunit (S))) = N_Subunit then
Pnode := Library_Unit (Cunit (S));
-- Find ultimate parent of the subunit
while Nkind (Unit (Pnode)) = N_Subunit loop
Pnode := Library_Unit (Pnode);
end loop;
-- See if it belongs to us, and if so, include it's with's
if Pnode = Cunit (Unit_Num) then
Collect_Withs (Cunit (S));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Write_Unit_Information;
-- Write_With_Lines --
procedure Write_With_Lines is
With_Table : Unit_Ref_Table (1 .. Pos (Units.Last - Units.First + 1));
Num_Withs : Int := 0;
Cunit : Node_Id;
Uname : Unit_Name_Type;
Fname : File_Name_Type;
-- Loop to build the with table
for J in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
if With_Flags (J) then
Num_Withs := Num_Withs + 1;
With_Table (Num_Withs) := J;
end if;
end loop;
-- Sort and output the table
Sort (With_Table (1 .. Num_Withs));
for J in 1 .. Num_Withs loop
Cunit := Units.Table (With_Table (J)).Cunit;
Uname := Units.Table (With_Table (J)).Unit_Name;
Fname := Units.Table (With_Table (J)).Unit_File_Name;
Write_Info_Initiate ('W');
Write_Info_Name (Uname);
-- Now we need to figure out the names of the files that contain
-- the with'ed unit. These will usually be the files for the body,
-- except except in the case of a package that has no body, as
-- indicated by the Body_Required flag in the compilation unit
-- node not being set. No names are output for a generic unit.
if Nkind (Unit (Cunit)) not in N_Generic_Declaration
and then Nkind (Unit (Cunit)) not in
Write_Info_Tab (25);
if Body_Required (Cunit)
or else Nkind (Unit (Cunit)) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
Write_Info_Name (Get_File_Name (Get_Body_Name (Uname)));
Write_Info_Tab (49);
(Lib_File_Name (Get_File_Name (Get_Body_Name (Uname))));
Write_Info_Name (Fname);
Write_Info_Tab (49);
Write_Info_Name (Lib_File_Name (Fname));
end if;
if Elab_Flags (With_Table (J)) then
Write_Info_Str (" E");
end if;
if Elab_All_Flags (With_Table (J)) then
Write_Info_Str (" EA");
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Write_With_Lines;
-- Writ --
-- Output version line
Write_Info_Initiate ('V');
Write_Info_Char ('"');
Write_Info_Str (Library_Version);
Write_Info_Char ('"');
-- Output standard version line
Write_Info_Initiate ('S');
Write_Info_Char ('"');
Write_Info_Str (Standard_Version);
Write_Info_Char ('"');
-- Output main program line if this is acceptable main program
U : constant Node_Id := Unit (Units.Table (Main_Unit).Cunit);
S : Node_Id;
if Nkind (U) = N_Subprogram_Body
or else (Nkind (U) = N_Package_Body
and then
(Nkind (Original_Node (U)) = N_Function_Instantiation
or else
Nkind (Original_Node (U)) =
-- If the unit is a subprogram instance, the entity for the
-- subprogram is the last visible one in the package spec,
-- appearing after the renamings for the generic actuals.
if Nkind (U) = N_Package_Body then
S := Specification (Last (Visible_Declarations
(Unit (Library_Unit (Parent (U)))))));
S := Specification (U);
end if;
if not Present (Parameter_Specifications (S)) then
if Nkind (S) = N_Procedure_Specification then
Write_Info_Initiate ('M');
Write_Info_Char ('P');
Nam : Node_Id := Defining_Unit_Name (S);
-- if it is a child unit, get its simple name.
if Nkind (Nam) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then
Nam := Defining_Identifier (Nam);
end if;
if Is_Integer_Type (Etype (Nam)) then
Write_Info_Initiate ('M');
Write_Info_Char ('F');
end if;
end if;
if Main_Priority (Main_Unit) /= Default_Main_Priority then
Write_Info_Char (' ');
Write_Info_Nat (Main_Priority (Main_Unit));
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Output command argument lines TBD ???
-- for J in 1 .. Osint.Arg_Count_Original loop
-- declare
-- S : aliased String (1 .. Osint.Len_Arg_Original (J));
-- begin
-- Osint.Fill_Arg_Original (S'Address, J);
-- Write_Info_Initiate ('A');
-- Write_Info_Str (S);
-- Write_Info_Terminate;
-- end;
-- end loop;
-- Loop through file table to output information for all units for which
-- we have generated code, as marked by the Generate_Code flag.
for Unit in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
if Units.Table (Unit).Generate_Code then
Write_Info_Terminate; -- blank line
Write_Unit_Information (Unit);
end if;
end loop;
Write_Info_Terminate; -- blank line
-- Output linker option lines
for J in 1 .. Linker_Option_Lines.Last loop
S : constant String_Id := Linker_Option_Lines.Table (J);
C : Character;
Write_Info_Initiate ('L');
Write_Info_Char ('"');
for J in 1 .. String_Length (S) loop
C := Get_Character (Get_String_Char (S, J));
if C in Character'Val (16#20#) .. Character'Val (16#7E#)
and then C /= '{'
Write_Info_Char (C);
end if;
if C = '"' then
Write_Info_Char (C);
end if;
end loop;
Write_Info_Char ('"');
end loop;
-- Prepare to output the source dependency lines
Sdep_Table : Unit_Ref_Table (1 .. Pos (Units.Last - Units.First + 1));
-- Keeps track of sdep entries
Num_Sdep : Nat := 0;
-- Number of active entries in Sdep_Table
Sind : Source_File_Index;
-- Index of corresponding source file
for Unit in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
Num_Sdep := Num_Sdep + 1;
Sdep_Table (Num_Sdep) := Unit;
end loop;
Lib.Sort (Sdep_Table (1 .. Num_Sdep));
for J in 1 .. Num_Sdep loop
Sind := Units.Table (Sdep_Table (J)).Source_Index;
Write_Info_Initiate ('D');
Write_Info_Name (File_Name (Sind));
Write_Info_Tab (25);
Write_Info_Str (Time_Stamp (Sind));
end loop;
end Write_Library_Info;
end Lib.Writ;