Geek Gadgets 1
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Text File
2,828 lines
-- --
-- --
-- X R E F _ T A B --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.109 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Csets; use Csets;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Gnatvsn;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Stand; use Stand;
package body Xref_Tab is
Header_Full : constant String := "%%";
Header_Stub : constant String := "--";
-- String indicating if a file in a required unit (A file given in
-- argument to GNATF) or an auxiliary unit (A file loaded during
-- compilation)
Line_Length : constant Natural := 79;
-- Where does this wierd value of 79 come from ???
Entity_Indent : constant Integer := 0;
-- Defines the indentation of lines containing declarations of entities.
Reference_Indent : constant Integer := 1;
-- Defines the indentation of lines containing the reference list to
-- an entity
Indent : Integer;
-- Indentation of the current line depending on the line : entity
-- definition or reference list
Too_Long_Indent : constant Integer := 1;
-- These four constants should be transferred into types.ads ???
-- or possibly user parametrized in some way ???
-- Also, they should be documented ???
-- Used for the formatted output of Write_Buffer. Used how???
Line_Too_Long : Boolean := False;
-- To signal a previous truncated line.
-- The indent then changes to be Too_Long_Indent spaces larger.
Buffer : String (1 .. Line_Length + 1);
-- The buffer variable used to build formatted output (not NUL terminated)
-- Do we handle identifiers longer than this buffer properly???
Buffer_Length : Natural := 0;
-- The current length of Buffer. Points to last character in Buffer
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Add_Char_To_Buffer (The_Char : Character);
-- Appends the given Char to the end of Buffer. Used for calling
-- Unix_Write, which accepts text only in form of a Str.
procedure Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Number : Nat);
-- Append given integer value to end of buffer
procedure Add_Str_To_Buffer (Append : String);
-- Appends the given string to the end of Buffer.
procedure Add_Tabs_To_Buffer;
-- Addsd tabulations between the nae of a file and its time stamp.
function Scope_Path (The_Entity : Entity_Id) return String_Ptr;
-- Returns the path string of the given entity. A path string consists of
-- the name of the entity followed by the hierarchical scopes. The scope
-- entities are separated by a point. However the first separator changes
-- '#' if the entity is not accessible from outside the unit.
procedure Write_Entity_Info (The_Entity : Entity_Acc);
-- Writes all the informations concerning the entity : path,
-- Place of declaration, Entity kind
procedure Write_Path (The_Entity : Entity_Acc);
-- Places the path string of the given entity in Buffer.
-- A path string consists of the name of the entity followed
-- by the hierarchical scopes.
procedure Write_Place_Of_Declaration (The_Entity : Entity_Acc);
-- Places the declaration string of the given entity in Buffer.
-- A declaration string consists of the file name in
-- which the entity is declared followed by the line number.
procedure Write_Type (Text : String);
-- Places the Entity_Kind string of a given Entity_Kind'Image in Buffer.
-- The first two characters get cut ("E_");
procedure Write_Unit_Info
(Header_Line : String;
Current_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- Writes the information line about the unit : Kind, Unit_Name, Status
-- and File_Name.
-- Add_Char_To_Buffer --
procedure Add_Char_To_Buffer (The_Char : Character) is
if Buffer_Length = 0 then
-- Do the correct indention.
for J in 1 .. Indent loop
Buffer (J) := ' ';
end loop;
Buffer_Length := Indent;
-- Ignore a leading space.
if The_Char /= ' ' then
Buffer (Buffer_Length + 1) := The_Char;
Buffer_Length := Buffer_Length + 1;
end if;
elsif Buffer_Length + 1 > Line_Length then
if not Line_Too_Long then
Line_Too_Long := True;
Indent := Indent + Too_Long_Indent;
end if;
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
Add_Char_To_Buffer (The_Char);
Buffer (Buffer_Length + 1) := The_Char;
Buffer_Length := Buffer_Length + 1;
end if;
end Add_Char_To_Buffer;
-- Add_Nat_To_Buffer --
procedure Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Number : Nat) is
Nat_Str : String (1 .. 10);
First : Integer := Nat_Str'Last + 1;
Num : Nat := Number;
while Num >= 10 loop
First := First - 1;
Nat_Str (First) := Character'Val ((Num mod 10) + 48);
Num := Num / 10;
end loop;
First := First - 1;
Nat_Str (First) := Character'Val ((Num mod 10) + 48);
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Nat_Str (First .. Nat_Str'Last));
end Add_Nat_To_Buffer;
-- Add_Str_To_Buffer --
procedure Add_Str_To_Buffer (Append : String) is
if Buffer_Length = 0 then
-- Do the correct indention.
for J in 1 .. Indent loop
Buffer (J) := ' ';
end loop;
Buffer_Length := Indent;
end if;
if Buffer_Length + Append'Length <= Line_Length then
-- All OK: no new line!
Buffer (Buffer_Length + 1 .. Buffer_Length + Append'Length) :=
Append (Append'First .. Append'Last);
Buffer_Length := Buffer_Length + Append'Length;
elsif Append'Length > Line_Length - Indent - Too_Long_Indent then
-- New line and truncation of the string.
if Buffer_Length > Indent then
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
end if;
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Append
(Append'First .. Append'First + Line_Length - Indent - 1));
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
if not Line_Too_Long then
Line_Too_Long := True;
Indent := Indent + Too_Long_Indent;
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Append
(Append'First + Line_Length - Indent + 1 .. Append'Last));
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Append
(Append'First + Line_Length - Indent .. Append'Last));
end if;
-- Only new line!
if not Line_Too_Long then
Line_Too_Long := True;
Indent := Indent + Too_Long_Indent;
end if;
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Append);
end if;
end Add_Str_To_Buffer;
-- Add_Tabs_To_Buffer --
procedure Add_Tabs_To_Buffer is
Tabs_Col : constant := 25;
Next_Tab : Natural := Buffer_Length + 1;
if Next_Tab > Tabs_Col then
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
Next_Tab := 8 * ((Next_Tab - 1) / 8) + 8 + 1;
exit when Next_Tab > Tabs_Col;
Add_Char_To_Buffer (Ascii.HT);
end loop;
while Next_Tab < Tabs_Col loop
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
end loop;
end if;
end Add_Tabs_To_Buffer;
procedure Write_Entity_Info (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) is
Indent := Entity_Indent;
Write_Path (The_Entity);
if Entity_Info_In_Xref then
Write_Type (Entity_Kind'Image (The_Entity.Entity_Type));
end if;
Write_Place_Of_Declaration (The_Entity);
end Write_Entity_Info;
-- Write_Path --
procedure Write_Path (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) is
Add_Str_To_Buffer (The_Entity.Scope_Path.all);
end Write_Path;
-- Write_Place_Of_Declaration --
procedure Write_Place_Of_Declaration (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) is
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Int (The_Entity.Line_Number));
Add_Char_To_Buffer (':');
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Int (The_Entity.Col_Number));
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
if The_Entity.Real_Line /= No_Line_Number
and then The_Entity.Real_Col /= No_Column_Number
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Int (The_Entity.Real_Line));
Add_Char_To_Buffer (':');
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Int (The_Entity.Real_Col));
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
end if;
end Write_Place_Of_Declaration;
-- Write_Type --
procedure Write_Type (Text : String) is
LC_Text : String := Text (Text'First + 2 .. Text'Last);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
for J in LC_Text'Range loop
LC_Text (J) := Fold_Lower (LC_Text (J));
end loop;
Add_Str_To_Buffer (LC_Text);
end Write_Type;
-- Write_Unit_Info --
procedure Write_Unit_Info
(Header_Line : String;
Current_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
Indent := Entity_Indent;
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Header_Line);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Current_Etbl.File_Name.all);
-- We write the time stamp of the file only if we ghenerate a single
-- xref file. In the other cases, file names and time stamps are written
-- at the beginning of the file
if Global_Xref_File then
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Current_Etbl.Time_Stamp);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Header_Line);
end if;
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
end Write_Unit_Info;
-- Add_Entity --
procedure Add_Entity
(To_Etbl : in Entity_Table_Acc;
Entity_Node : in Entity_Id;
New_Entity : in out Entity_Acc)
The_Kind : constant Entity_Kind := Ekind (Entity_Node);
Parent_Node : constant Node_Id := Parent (Entity_Node);
Spec_Node : Node_Id;
Grand_Parent : Node_Id;
-- Bad name, as it is not always the grand parent, try to describe
-- it abstractly (i.e. what is it used for) rather than just saying
-- what it is ???
Namet.Get_Name_String (Chars (Entity_Node));
New_Entity := new An_Entity;
-- new An_Entity reads very awkwardly, find a better name
-- for An_Entity ???
New_Entity.Chars := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
New_Entity.Entity_Node := Entity_Node;
New_Entity.Entity_Type := The_Kind;
New_Entity.Entity_Char := Chars (Entity_Node);
New_Entity.Entity_Sloc := Sloc (Entity_Node);
if Include_Inlined
and then not All_Info_In_Xref
and then not To_Etbl.Has_Inlined
and then To_Etbl.Status in Spec_Status
if ((The_Kind = E_Procedure or else The_Kind = E_Function)
and then Is_Inlined (Entity_Node))
or else Nkind (Parent (Parent_Node)) in N_Generic_Declaration
or else Nkind (Parent_Node) in N_Generic_Renaming_Declaration
To_Etbl.Has_Inlined := True;
end if;
end if;
New_Entity.Line_Number := Get_Line_Number (Sloc (Entity_Node));
New_Entity.Col_Number := Get_Column_Number (Sloc (Entity_Node));
if Nkind (Parent_Node) = N_Private_Type_Declaration
or else Nkind (Parent_Node) = N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
or else (Nkind (Parent_Node) = N_Object_Declaration
and then Constant_Present (Parent_Node)
and then No (Expression (Parent_Node)))
Full_View_Node : Entity_Id := Full_View (Entity_Node);
if Full_View_Node /= Empty then
New_Entity.Real_Line :=
Get_Line_Number (Sloc (Full_View_Node));
New_Entity.Real_Col :=
Get_Column_Number (Sloc (Full_View_Node));
end if;
end if;
New_Entity.Scope_Path := Scope_Path (Entity_Node);
if Scope (Entity_Node) < Last_Standard_Node_Id
or else Nkind (Parent (Scope (Entity_Node))) = N_Package_Specification
New_Entity.Is_Direct := True;
end if;
if (To_Etbl.Length = 0) then
To_Etbl.First_Entity := New_Entity;
To_Etbl.Last_Entity := New_Entity;
To_Etbl.Last_Entity.Next_Entity := New_Entity;
To_Etbl.Last_Entity := New_Entity;
end if;
To_Etbl.Length := To_Etbl.Length + 1;
-- We give no warnings if certain nodes have no references:
-- 1. an enumeration literal
-- 2. a record component
-- 3. a package name in a package body or body stub
-- 4. a subprogram name or its parameters in a subprogram body
-- or body stub which does not act as a spec.
-- We do this because certain hidden references (e.g. within a
-- range construct or an aggregate) don't appear in our reference
-- list or because an identifier always points to the subprogram
-- name in the in the spec.
if (The_Kind = E_Void
and then Nkind (Parent_Node) not in N_Generic_Instantiation)
or else The_Kind = E_Enumeration_Literal
or else Nkind (Parent_Node) = N_Component_Declaration
or else Nkind (Parent_Node) = N_Loop_Parameter_Specification
or else Nkind (Parent_Node) in N_Package_Body .. N_Task_Body
or else Nkind (Parent_Node) in N_Body_Stub
or else (The_Kind in Subprogram_Kind
and then Nkind (Parent (Parent_Node)) = N_Subprogram_Body
and then Corresponding_Spec (Parent (Parent_Node)) /= Empty)
New_Entity.Give_Warning := False;
end if;
if The_Kind in Formal_Kind then
-- We don't give warnings for parameters of Access Subprograms
-- or parameters of accept statement
-- But we guve warnings for Entry declaration
Grand_Parent := Parent (Parent_Node);
if Nkind (Parent (Grand_Parent)) = N_Subprogram_Declaration
or else Nkind (Grand_Parent) = N_Entry_Declaration
or else Nkind (Parent (Grand_Parent)) =
elsif (Nkind (Parent (Grand_Parent)) = N_Subprogram_Body
and then
Corresponding_Spec (Parent (Grand_Parent)) /= Empty)
or else Nkind (Parent (Grand_Parent)) = N_Subprogram_Body_Stub
or else Nkind (Grand_Parent) = N_Access_Function_Definition
or else Nkind (Grand_Parent) = N_Access_Procedure_Definition
or else Nkind (Grand_Parent) = N_Accept_Statement
or else (Nkind (Grand_Parent) = N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part
and then Entry_Index_Specification (Grand_Parent) /=
or else (Nkind (Grand_Parent) /= N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part
and then
Is_Overloadable (Defining_Unit_Name (Grand_Parent))
and then
Is_Imported (Defining_Unit_Name (Grand_Parent)))
New_Entity.Give_Warning := False;
end if;
-- These three lines need to be commented out becasue
-- they will always raise an Assertion_Failure exception
-- since Defining_Unit_Name returns a node whose Nkind
-- is N_Defining_Unit_Name whereas Einfo.Is_Internal
-- can only be applied to nodes whose Nkind is N_Entity ???
-- if Einfo.Is_Internal (Defining_Unit_Name
-- (Grand_Parent)) then
-- New_Entity.Is_Internal := True;
-- end if;
end if;
-- When we are adding an entity which is defined in a subprogram body
-- we set the flag Is_Direct to True if this subprogrm is inlined
-- or a generic defined in the spec.
if Include_Inlined and then not All_Info_In_Xref
and then (To_Etbl.Status = A_Body or else To_Etbl.Status = Sub_Body)
if To_Etbl.Status = A_Body then
Spec_Node := Library_Unit (To_Etbl.Top_Node);
Spec_Node := Library_Unit (Library_Unit (To_Etbl.Top_Node));
end if;
if Nkind (Unit (Spec_Node)) = N_Generic_Package_Declaration then
New_Entity.Is_Direct := True;
elsif (Nkind (Parent (Parent_Node)) = N_Subprogram_Body
or else Nkind (Parent (Parent_Node)) = N_Subprogram_Declaration)
-- If the entity defined is a subprogram then we must check if
-- the definition appears in another subprogram.
if Nkind (Parent_Node) = N_Function_Specification
or else Nkind (Parent_Node) = N_Procedure_Specification
Grand_Parent := Parent (Parent (Parent_Node));
Grand_Parent := Parent (Parent_Node);
end if;
-- If the declaration appears in a subprogram, then we check if
-- this subprogram is is an inlimed or a generic.
if Nkind (Grand_Parent) = N_Subprogram_Body
and then Corresponding_Spec (Grand_Parent) /= Empty
and then
(Nkind (Parent (Parent (Corresponding_Spec (Grand_Parent)))) =
or else Is_Inlined (Corresponding_Spec (Grand_Parent)))
-- We check that the inlined or generic subprogram appears
-- in a spec. We don't mind of inlined or generic subprograms
-- which are defined in bodies for example which aren't
-- exported.
Spec_Node : Node_Id := Corresponding_Spec (Grand_Parent);
if Nkind (Parent (Parent (Parent (Spec_Node)))) =
New_Entity.Is_Direct := True;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Add_Entity;
-- Add_Etbl --
procedure Add_Etbl
(First_Etbl : in out Entity_Table_Acc;
Last_Etbl : in out Entity_Table_Acc;
Unit_Number : in Unit_Number_Type;
New_Etbl : in out Entity_Table_Acc)
Unit_Node : Node_Id := Unit (Cunit (Unit_Number));
Etbl_Tmp : Entity_Table_Acc := First_Etbl;
-- To store the current entity table within the search loop.
Found : Boolean := False;
Current_File : File_Name_Type :=
Full_File_Name (Source_Index (Unit_Number));
-- We look if the entity table is already in the list.
Namet.Get_Name_String (Current_File);
while not Found loop
if (Etbl_Tmp = null) then
-- In this case we add the entity table to our list.
New_Etbl := new Entity_Table;
New_Etbl.Unit_Number := Unit_Number;
New_Etbl.Next_Etbl := null;
New_Etbl.File_Name := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Namet.Get_Name_String (Unit_Name (Unit_Number));
New_Etbl.Unit_Name := new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len - 2));
New_Etbl.Time_Stamp := Source_File_Stamp (Current_File);
if Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = 's' then
New_Etbl.Status := A_Spec;
elsif Acts_As_Spec (Cunit (Unit_Number)) then
New_Etbl.Status := Body_As_Spec;
New_Etbl.Status := A_Body;
end if;
case Nkind (Unit_Node) is
when N_Subprogram_Declaration | N_Subprogram_Body |
N_Subprogram_Body_Stub =>
Unit_Node := Specification (Unit_Node);
case Nkind (Unit_Node) is
when N_Procedure_Specification =>
New_Etbl.Kind := Proc;
when N_Function_Specification =>
New_Etbl.Kind := Func;
when others =>
New_Etbl.Kind := Unknown;
end case;
when N_Package_Declaration | N_Package_Instantiation |
N_Package_Body | N_Package_Body_Stub =>
New_Etbl.Kind := Pack;
when N_Generic_Declaration | N_Function_Instantiation |
N_Procedure_Instantiation =>
New_Etbl.Kind := Genr;
when N_Task_Body_Stub =>
New_Etbl.Kind := Tsk;
when N_Subunit =>
New_Etbl.Kind := Subunit;
New_Etbl.Status := Sub_Body;
when others =>
New_Etbl.Kind := Unknown;
end case;
New_Etbl.Top_Node := Cunit (Unit_Number);
if (First_Etbl = null) then
First_Etbl := New_Etbl;
Last_Etbl := New_Etbl;
Last_Etbl.Next_Etbl := New_Etbl;
Last_Etbl := New_Etbl;
end if;
Found := True;
if (Etbl_Tmp.File_Name.all = Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)) then
-- In this case we update only the top Node_Id.
Etbl_Tmp.Top_Node := Cunit (Unit_Number);
Etbl_Tmp.Xref_Written := False;
Etbl_Tmp.Unit_Number := Unit_Number;
New_Etbl := Etbl_Tmp;
Found := True;
Etbl_Tmp := Etbl_Tmp.Next_Etbl;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Add_Etbl;
-- Add_Reference --
procedure Add_Reference
(To_Entity : Entity_Acc;
New_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
New_Ref : Node_Id)
R_Tmp : Ref_Acc;
New_Sloc : Source_Ptr := Sloc (New_Ref);
if To_Entity /= null then
R_Tmp := new Ref;
R_Tmp.Ref_Node := New_Ref;
R_Tmp.Sloc := New_Sloc;
if Nkind (New_Ref) /= N_Expanded_Name then
R_Tmp.Line_Number := Get_Line_Number (Sloc (New_Ref));
R_Tmp.Col_Number := Get_Column_Number (Sloc (New_Ref));
R_Tmp.Line_Number :=
Get_Line_Number (Sloc (Selector_Name (New_Ref)));
R_Tmp.Col_Number :=
Get_Column_Number (Sloc (Selector_Name (New_Ref)));
end if;
R_Tmp.Etbl := New_Etbl;
if To_Entity.First_Ref = null then
To_Entity.First_Ref := R_Tmp;
To_Entity.Last_Ref := R_Tmp;
To_Entity.Last_Ref.Next_Ref := R_Tmp;
To_Entity.Last_Ref := R_Tmp;
end if;
if Nkind (Parent (New_Ref)) = N_Pragma_Argument_Association then
R_Tmp.Is_Pragma := True;
To_Entity.Length := To_Entity.Length + 1;
if Nkind (Parent (New_Ref)) = N_With_Clause then
if Elaborate_Present (Parent (New_Ref)) then
R_Tmp.Is_An_Elaborated_With_Clause := True;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Add_Reference;
-- Add_With --
procedure Add_With
(To_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
New_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Is_Implicit : Boolean := False)
W_Tmp : With_Acc := To_Etbl.First_With;
-- To store the current values within the search loop.
Found : Boolean := False;
if W_Tmp = null then
-- No With_Clause yet!
To_Etbl.First_With := new With_Clause;
To_Etbl.First_With.Withed_Etbl := New_Etbl;
To_Etbl.First_With.Is_Implicit := Is_Implicit;
-- Set the field Prev_Msgs to Done to avoid that
-- the Xref checks if Implicit withed units are useful or not.
if Is_Implicit then
To_Etbl.First_With.Prev_Msgs := Done;
end if;
-- Look for New_Etbl, if not in the list creat a new With_Clause!
if W_Tmp.Withed_Etbl = New_Etbl then
Found := True;
end if;
while W_Tmp.Next_With /= null and then not Found loop
W_Tmp := W_Tmp.Next_With;
if W_Tmp.Withed_Etbl = New_Etbl then
Found := True;
end if;
end loop;
if not Found then
W_Tmp.Next_With := new With_Clause;
W_Tmp.Next_With.Withed_Etbl := New_Etbl;
W_Tmp.Next_With.Is_Implicit := Is_Implicit;
-- Set the field Prev_Msgs to Done to avoid that
-- the Xref checks if Implicit withed units are useful or not.
if Is_Implicit then
W_Tmp.Next_With.Prev_Msgs := Done;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Add_With;
-- Clear_And_Mark_Xrefs --
procedure Clear_And_Mark_Xrefs
(Home_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Target_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
First_Pass : Boolean;
In_Xref : Boolean;
Count_Marks : Boolean := True)
E_Tmp : Entity_Acc := Home_Etbl.First_Entity;
R_Tmp : Ref_Acc;
Old_Marks : Natural;
Is_Used_In_Elaborate : Boolean := False;
First_Reference : Boolean := True;
Write_Unit : Boolean := True;
With_Clauses : With_Acc;
if Count_Marks then
Target_Etbl.Marked := False;
end if;
while E_Tmp /= null loop
if First_Pass and then Count_Marks then
E_Tmp.Marks := 0;
end if;
First_Reference := True;
Old_Marks := E_Tmp.Marks;
R_Tmp := E_Tmp.First_Ref;
Is_Used_In_Elaborate := False;
while (R_Tmp /= null) loop
if In_Xref and then not Home_Etbl.Xref_Written
and then R_Tmp.Etbl = Target_Etbl and then First_Pass then
if Xref_Flag
and then not Global_Xref_File
and then
((E_Tmp.Entity_Type not in Formal_Kind
and then E_Tmp.Entity_Type /= E_Discriminant)
or else All_Info_In_Xref)
if Write_Unit then
if Home_Etbl.RU then
Write_Unit_Info (Header_Full, Home_Etbl);
Write_Unit_Info (Header_Stub, Home_Etbl);
end if;
Write_Unit := False;
end if;
if First_Reference then
Write_Entity_Info (E_Tmp);
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
Indent := Reference_Indent;
Add_Char_To_Buffer ('{');
First_Reference := False;
Indent := Reference_Indent;
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
end if;
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Int (R_Tmp.Line_Number));
Add_Char_To_Buffer (':');
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Int (R_Tmp.Col_Number));
end if;
end if;
if R_Tmp.Etbl = Target_Etbl
and then not R_Tmp.Is_Pragma
and then (First_Pass or else not R_Tmp.Marked)
and then Count_Marks
E_Tmp.Marks := E_Tmp.Marks + 1;
R_Tmp.Marked := True;
if not Is_Used_In_Elaborate then
Is_Used_In_Elaborate := R_Tmp.Is_An_Elaborated_With_Clause;
end if;
if First_Pass and then Count_Marks then
R_Tmp.Marked := False;
end if;
end if;
R_Tmp := R_Tmp.Next_Ref;
end loop;
if Xref_Flag and then not First_Reference then
Add_Char_To_Buffer ('}');
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
end if;
-- We mark the target entity table to signal that there are
-- some cross references found.
-- We don't consider the first entity (always referenced in the
-- with clause) except if the target entity table is a subprogram,
-- (in this case we're only able to reference the first entity).
if E_Tmp.Marks /= Old_Marks
and then not Target_Etbl.Marked
if E_Tmp /= Home_Etbl.First_Entity
or else Home_Etbl.Kind in Proc .. Genr
-- Above explicit reference to range is improper ???
-- Introduce proper subtype at point of declaration ???
or else Is_Used_In_Elaborate
Target_Etbl.Marked := True;
end if;
end if;
E_Tmp := E_Tmp.Next_Entity;
end loop;
Home_Etbl.Xref_Written := True;
-- Special treatment for Text_IO and Wide_Text_IO. Needed
-- because of the kludge used for nested generic packages.
-- See Rtsfind.Text_IO_Kludge for details.
if not Target_Etbl.Marked
and then Home_Etbl.First_Entity /= null
and then
(Home_Etbl.First_Entity.Chars.all = "text_io"
or else
Home_Etbl.First_Entity.Chars.all = "wide_text_io")
With_Clauses := Target_Etbl.First_With;
while With_Clauses /= null loop
if With_Clauses.Is_Implicit then
Target_Etbl.Marked := True;
end if;
With_Clauses := With_Clauses.Next_With;
end loop;
end if;
end Clear_And_Mark_Xrefs;
-- Delete_Table --
procedure Delete_Table (Old_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc) is
end Delete_Table;
-- Entity_Node --
function Entity_Node (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Entity_Id is
if The_Entity = null then
return Empty;
return The_Entity.Entity_Node;
end if;
end Entity_Node;
-- Entity_Type --
function Entity_Type (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Entity_Kind is
if The_Entity = null then
return E_Void;
return The_Entity.Entity_Type;
end if;
end Entity_Type;
-- First --
function First (The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc) return Entity_Id is
return The_Etbl.First_Entity.Entity_Node;
end First;
-- First --
function First (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Ref_Acc is
return The_Entity.First_Ref;
end First;
-- Give_Warning --
function Give_Warning (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Boolean is
return The_Entity.Give_Warning;
end Give_Warning;
-- In_E_List --
function In_E_List
(The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
The_Entity : Entity_Id)
return Entity_Acc
E_Tmp : Entity_Acc;
-- To store the current entity within the search loop.
E_Tmp := The_Etbl.First_Entity;
while E_Tmp /= null
and then E_Tmp.Entity_Node /= The_Entity
E_Tmp := E_Tmp.Next_Entity;
end loop;
return E_Tmp;
end In_E_List;
-- In_Ref_List --
function In_Ref_List
(The_Entity : Entity_Acc;
The_Ref : Node_Id)
return Boolean
R_Tmp : Ref_Acc;
-- To store the current reference within the search loop.
if The_Entity = null then
return False;
R_Tmp := The_Entity.First_Ref;
while R_Tmp /= null
and then R_Tmp.Ref_Node /= The_Ref loop
R_Tmp := R_Tmp.Next_Ref;
end loop;
if R_Tmp = null then
return False;
return True;
end if;
end if;
end In_Ref_List;
-- In_With_List --
function In_With_List
(Home_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Target_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
return Boolean
W_Tmp : With_Acc;
-- To store the current entity within the search loop.
W_Tmp := Target_Etbl.First_With;
while W_Tmp /= null
and then W_Tmp.Withed_Etbl /= Home_Etbl
W_Tmp := W_Tmp.Next_With;
end loop;
if W_Tmp = null then
return False;
return True;
end if;
end In_With_List;
-- Is_Null --
function Is_Null (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Boolean is
return The_Entity = null;
end Is_Null;
-- Is_Null --
function Is_Null (The_Ref : Ref_Acc) return Boolean is
return The_Ref = null;
end Is_Null;
-- Is_Pragma --
function Is_Pragma (The_Ref : Ref_Acc) return Boolean is
return The_Ref.Is_Pragma;
end Is_Pragma;
-- Mark_Entity --
procedure Mark_Entity (Old_Entity : Entity_Acc) is
if Old_Entity /= null then
Old_Entity.Marks := Old_Entity.Marks + 1;
end if;
end Mark_Entity;
-- Mark_Withed_Entities --
procedure Mark_Withed_Entities (The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc) is
R : Ref_Acc := The_Etbl.First_Entity.First_Ref;
Current_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Previous_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
First : Boolean := True;
-- To suppress multiple calls of Mark_Xrefs for the same client.
-- We loop through all the references of the unit name entity.
-- Each client must have at least one such reference in
-- this list (the one of the with clause).
while (R /= null) loop
Current_Etbl := R.Etbl;
if Current_Etbl /= Previous_Etbl
and then Current_Etbl /= The_Etbl
and then Current_Etbl.RU
-- If we find a cross reference of a new entity table then
-- we mark the referenced entities.
Clear_And_Mark_Xrefs (The_Etbl, Current_Etbl, First, False);
First := False;
Previous_Etbl := Current_Etbl;
end if;
R := R.Next_Ref;
end loop;
end Mark_Withed_Entities;
-- Next --
function Next (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Entity_Acc is
if The_Entity = null then
return null;
return The_Entity.Next_Entity;
end if;
end Next;
-- Next --
function Next (The_Ref : Ref_Acc) return Ref_Acc is
if The_Ref = null then
return null;
return The_Ref.Next_Ref;
end if;
end Next;
-- Number_Of_Marks --
function Number_Of_Marks (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Natural is
if The_Entity = null then
return 0;
return The_Entity.Marks;
end if;
end Number_Of_Marks;
-- Number_Of_Refs --
function Number_Of_Refs (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Natural is
if The_Entity = null then
return 0;
return The_Entity.Length;
end if;
end Number_Of_Refs;
-- Scope_Path --
function Scope_Path (The_Entity : Entity_Id) return String_Ptr is
Scope_Node : Node_Id;
Max_Buffer_Length : constant Natural := 100;
-- The length of Buffer is limited to 100 characters.
Buffer : String (1 .. Max_Buffer_Length);
-- The buffer variable to enable formatted output.
-- The string in Buffer is *not* NUL terminated!
-- Note: We fill the Buffer from the right to the left.
-- So we can do with iteration instead of recursion.
Buffer_Entry : Positive := Max_Buffer_Length;
-- The current entry into Buffer (points to the last empty field).
Loop_String : constant String (1 .. 4) := "loop";
Block_String : constant String (1 .. 5) := "block";
procedure Insert_Char_In_Buffer (The_Char : Character);
-- Insert one character in buffer if it fits, otherwise ignore call
procedure Insert_Str_In_Buffer (Insert : String);
-- Insert given string in buffer (does nothing if string is too long)
procedure Insert_Char_In_Buffer (The_Char : Character) is
if Buffer_Entry = 0 then
Buffer (Buffer_Entry) := The_Char;
Buffer_Entry := Buffer_Entry - 1;
end if;
end Insert_Char_In_Buffer;
procedure Insert_Str_In_Buffer (Insert : String) is
if Insert'Length > Buffer_Entry then
Buffer (Buffer_Entry - Insert'Length + 1 .. Buffer_Entry) :=
Insert (1 .. Insert'Length);
Buffer_Entry := Buffer_Entry - Insert'Length;
end if;
end Insert_Str_In_Buffer;
-- Start of processing for Scope_Path
-- Insert_Char_In_Buffer ('/');
-- If the entity is visible from outside we add a # to its scope.
-- Thus we can easily distinguish between entities declared within
-- the body and those declared within the spec.
Scope_Node := The_Entity;
Namet.Get_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Scope_Node));
Insert_Str_In_Buffer (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Scope_Node := Scope (Scope_Node);
if Scope_Node < Last_Standard_Node_Id then
return new String'(Buffer (Buffer_Entry + 1 .. Max_Buffer_Length));
end if;
-- We stop adding scopes if we find a scope which is declared within
-- the Standard package.
while Scope (Scope_Node) > Last_Standard_Node_Id loop
Insert_Char_In_Buffer ('.');
Namet.Get_Name_String (Chars (Scope_Node));
-- Following code knows far too much about encoding of names ???
-- Probably so, since names are no longer of the form listed below???
if Ekind (Scope_Node) = E_Loop
and then not Comes_From_Source (Scope_Node)
-- Given 'loop__456' we suppress the '__456'.
-- This is very suspicious, Xref knows too much here ???
Insert_Str_In_Buffer (Loop_String);
elsif Ekind (Scope_Node) = E_Block
and then not Comes_From_Source (Scope_Node)
-- Given 'block__1002' we suppress the '__1002'.
-- This is very suspicious, Xref knows too much here ???
Insert_Str_In_Buffer (Block_String);
Insert_Str_In_Buffer (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end if;
Scope_Node := Scope (Scope_Node);
end loop;
return new String'(Buffer (Buffer_Entry + 1 .. Max_Buffer_Length));
end Scope_Path;
-- The_Node --
function The_Node (The_Ref : Ref_Acc) return Node_Id is
return The_Ref.Ref_Node;
end The_Node;
-- Unmark_Entity --
procedure Unmark_Entity
(The_Table : Entity_Table_Acc;
Old_Entity : Entity_Acc)
if The_Table /= null
and then Old_Entity /= null
Old_Entity.Marks := 0;
end if;
end Unmark_Entity;
-- Unmark_Reference --
procedure Unmark_Reference
(The_Entity : Entity_Acc;
Old_Ref : Node_Id)
R_Tmp : Ref_Acc;
-- To store the current references within the search loop.
if The_Entity /= null then
-- First we search the fitting reference,
R_Tmp := The_Entity.First_Ref;
while R_Tmp /= null
and then R_Tmp.Ref_Node /= Old_Ref
R_Tmp := R_Tmp.Next_Ref;
end loop;
-- Then we unmark it.
if R_Tmp /= null and then R_Tmp.Marked = True then
R_Tmp.Marked := False;
The_Entity.Marks := The_Entity.Marks - 1;
end if;
end if;
end Unmark_Reference;
-- Update_Entity --
procedure Update_Entity
(To_Etbl : in Entity_Table_Acc;
Entity_Node : in Entity_Id;
New_Entity : in out Entity_Acc)
New_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
Found : Boolean := False;
Path_Ptr : String_Ptr;
New_Entity := To_Etbl.First_Entity;
New_Sloc := Sloc (Entity_Node);
-- In the case of generics we have to compare the whole
-- path string since we have lots of entities with same
-- line numbers and chars.
if To_Etbl.Kind = Genr then
Path_Ptr := Scope_Path (Entity_Node);
-- Otherwise it's enough to compare the line numbers and chars.
Namet.Get_Name_String (Chars (Entity_Node));
end if;
-- First we look if the entity is already in the list.
while not Found loop
if New_Entity = null then
Add_Entity (To_Etbl, Entity_Node, New_Entity);
Found := True;
elsif New_Entity.Entity_Sloc = New_Sloc then
if To_Etbl.Kind = Genr then
if New_Entity.Scope_Path.all = Path_Ptr.all then
New_Entity.Entity_Node := Entity_Node;
Found := True;
New_Entity := New_Entity.Next_Entity;
end if;
if New_Entity.Chars.all = Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) then
New_Entity.Entity_Node := Entity_Node;
Found := True;
New_Entity := New_Entity.Next_Entity;
end if;
end if;
New_Entity := New_Entity.Next_Entity;
end if;
end loop;
end Update_Entity;
-- Update_Reference --
procedure Update_Reference
(To_Entity : Entity_Acc;
New_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
New_Ref : Node_Id)
R_Tmp : Ref_Acc;
-- To store the current values within the search loop.
New_Sloc : Source_Ptr := Sloc (New_Ref);
Found : Boolean := False;
if To_Entity /= null then
-- We look if the reference is already in the list.
R_Tmp := To_Entity.First_Ref;
while not Found loop
if R_Tmp = null then
Add_Reference (To_Entity, New_Etbl, New_Ref);
Found := True;
elsif R_Tmp.Etbl = New_Etbl
and then R_Tmp.Sloc = New_Sloc
-- In this case we update only the Node_Id.
R_Tmp.Ref_Node := New_Ref;
Found := True;
R_Tmp := R_Tmp.Next_Ref;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Update_Reference;
-- Write_Files_Info --
procedure Write_Files_Info (The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc) is
The_Withs : With_Acc;
The_Includes : Include_Acc;
List_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Parent_Unit : Unit_Number_Type;
Unit_Node : Node_Id;
Buffer_Length := 0;
Indent := Entity_Indent;
-- Add the name of the file in the buffer
Add_Str_To_Buffer (The_Etbl.File_Name.all);
-- Then add the time stamp of the file
Add_Str_To_Buffer (The_Etbl.Time_Stamp);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
case The_Etbl.Status is
when A_Spec | Withed_Spec =>
-- We check if the Etbl is child library spec.
Unit_Node := Unit (The_Etbl.Top_Node);
if Parent_Spec (Unit_Node) /= Empty then
Parent_Unit := Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (Parent_Spec (Unit_Node));
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Nat (Parent_Unit) + 1);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
end if;
when A_Body =>
-- The spec of a body must appear in the inclusion graph
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Nat (The_Etbl.Predecessor.Unit_Number) + 1);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
-- All the subunits of the body are included.
List_Etbl := The_Etbl.Successor;
while List_Etbl /= null loop
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Nat (List_Etbl.Unit_Number) + 1);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
List_Etbl := List_Etbl.Successor;
end loop;
when Sub_Body =>
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Nat (The_Etbl.Predecessor.Unit_Number) + 1);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
when others =>
end case;
The_Includes := The_Etbl.First_Include;
while The_Includes /= null loop
-- In the case we find a generic instantiation, we have added to
-- the include list the spec where the generic is defined
-- in the inclusion graph we want to get
-- - the spec, if it is not withed by the Etbl
-- - the bodies corresponding to the spec
List_Etbl := The_Includes.Included_Etbl;
if not In_With_List (List_Etbl, The_Etbl) then
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Nat (List_Etbl.Unit_Number) + 1);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
end if;
List_Etbl := List_Etbl.Successor;
while List_Etbl /= null loop
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Nat (List_Etbl.Unit_Number) + 1);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
List_Etbl := List_Etbl.Successor;
end loop;
The_Includes := The_Includes.Next_Include;
end loop;
The_Withs := The_Etbl.First_With;
while The_Withs /= null loop
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Nat (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl.Unit_Number) + 1);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
The_Withs := The_Withs.Next_With;
end loop;
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
end Write_Files_Info;
-- Write_Version --
procedure Write_Version is
Indent := Entity_Indent;
Add_Str_To_Buffer ("V ");
Add_Char_To_Buffer ('"');
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Gnatvsn.Xref_Version);
Add_Char_To_Buffer ('"');
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
end Write_Version;
-- Writ --
-- This procedure is over 1400 lines long with doubly nested internal
-- subprograms, it should be simplified and flattened out, with less
-- use (if necessary) of non-local variables. ???
procedure Writ
(The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Level : Output_Level;
First_File : Boolean)
Warning_String_3 : constant String := "withed but unused";
Warning_String_5 : constant String := " in ";
Warning_String_10 : constant String := " should be withed";
Warning_String_12 : constant String := "already withed in ";
E_Tmp : Entity_Acc;
-- To store the current entity within the search loop.
Has_Inlined : Boolean := False;
-- Flag set in the corresponding spec of a body or a subunit
-- declares Inlined procedures or functions
Etbl_Prec : Entity_Table_Acc;
Real_Checked : Entity_Table_Acc;
The_Withs : With_Acc;
First_Refs : Boolean := True;
-- The following variables allow to know, if a parent spec of a
-- withed spec is used in the_etebl and which parent.
Is_Parent_Used : Boolean;
Parent_Used : Entity_Table_Acc;
function Renamed_Etbl
(Current_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
return Entity_Table_Acc;
-- Returns the entitiy table table corresponding to the unit
-- renamed in Current_Etbl
procedure Check_Parents (Withed_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- Checks if parent spec of withed spec have references in The_Etbl
procedure Check_Withing_Units;
-- Checks references to The_Etbl in entity tables that with The_Etbl
procedure Check_Withed_Units;
-- Check the correct use of the withed units of The_Etbl.
procedure Write_References (First : Ref_Acc; Only_Marked : Boolean);
-- Places the reference string of a given entity in Buffer. The
-- reference string consists of source name files followed by the
-- line numbers of the references within these files. Only_Marked
-- is a flag to indicate if we cnsider all the references or only
-- the marked references.
procedure Write_Warning (The_Entity : Entity_Acc);
-- Places a warning message in Buffer and writes a warning message to
-- standard output if an entity is not used within its program unit.
type Withed_Warning_Type is
-- This need doumentation for each case
procedure Write_Withed_Warning
(Withing_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Warning_Kind : Withed_Warning_Type;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- Writes warnings messages on the standard error.
-- 1.) a withed unit is not used (Norm).
-- Here the field Extra_Etbl is redundant.
-- 2.) the same with clause appears within a predecessor (Already).
-- ' -> already in Extra_Etbl'
-- 3.) a with clause should be moved into a successor (Should).
-- ' -> should be in Extra_Etbl'.
-- Renamed_Etbl --
function Renamed_Etbl
(Current_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
return Entity_Table_Acc
if Current_Etbl.Renamed_Etbl /= null then
return Current_Etbl.Renamed_Etbl;
return Current_Etbl;
end if;
end Renamed_Etbl;
-- Check_Parents --
procedure Check_Parents (Withed_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc) is
Parent_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Parent_Etbl := Withed_Etbl.Predecessor;
while Parent_Etbl /= null loop
Real_Checked := Renamed_Etbl (Parent_Etbl);
Clear_And_Mark_Xrefs (Real_Checked, The_Etbl, True, True);
if The_Etbl.Marked then
Is_Parent_Used := True;
if Parent_Used = null then
Parent_Used := Parent_Etbl;
end if;
end if;
Parent_Etbl := Parent_Etbl.Predecessor;
end loop;
end Check_Parents;
-- Check_Withing_Units --
procedure Check_Withing_Units is
First : Boolean := True;
Etbl_Tmp : Entity_Table_Acc;
Withing_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Etbl_Succ : Entity_Table_Acc;
Etbl_Tmp := First_Etbl;
while Etbl_Tmp /= null loop
if Etbl_Tmp.Predecessor = null then
if Etbl_Tmp = The_Etbl then
Withing_Etbl := Etbl_Tmp.Successor;
Withing_Etbl := Etbl_Tmp;
while Withing_Etbl /= null
and then not In_With_List (The_Etbl, Withing_Etbl)
Withing_Etbl := Withing_Etbl.Successor;
end loop;
end if;
Etbl_Succ := Withing_Etbl;
while Etbl_Succ /= null loop
if Etbl_Succ.RU then
(The_Etbl, Etbl_Succ, First, False, True);
First := False;
end if;
Etbl_Succ := Etbl_Succ.Successor;
end loop;
end if;
Etbl_Tmp := Etbl_Tmp.Next_Etbl;
end loop;
end Check_Withing_Units;
-- Check_Withed_Units --
procedure Check_Withed_Units is
The_Withs : With_Acc := The_Etbl.First_With;
-- Used to scan all the with of The_Etbl
Etbl_Prec : Entity_Table_Acc;
-- Predecessor of The_Etbl
Etbl_Succ : Entity_Table_Acc;
-- Successor of The_Etbl
Real_Checked : Entity_Table_Acc;
Succ_Used : Boolean;
Previous_Refs : Boolean;
Higher_Prec : Entity_Table_Acc;
function With_Ref
(Target_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Home_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
return With_Acc;
-- Looks for the With Clause of Home_Etb in Target_Etbl
procedure Messages_For_Succ
(The_Message : Withed_Messages;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- This procedure scans all the successors of an Entity Table
-- If a successor with an Unit which is already withed by The_Etbl
-- then Store a message to print it later
procedure Messages_For_Child
(Base_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
The_Message : Withed_Messages;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- This procedure scans all the childs of an Entity table
-- if one of these childs withs a unit withed by the Etbl
-- then we store the appropriate message to print it later
procedure Store_Messages
(Withed_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
The_Message : Withed_Messages;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- Update the warning messages concerning the with clause
-- of withed_Etbl in the successors or the child libraries
-- of the_etbl
-- With_Ref --
function With_Ref
(Target_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Home_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
return With_Acc
With_List : With_Acc := Target_Etbl.First_With;
while With_List /= null loop
if With_List.Withed_Etbl = Home_Etbl then
return With_List;
end if;
With_List := With_List.Next_With;
end loop;
end With_Ref;
-- Messages_For_Succ --
procedure Messages_For_Succ
(The_Message : Withed_Messages;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
Parent_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
-- The_Etbl with The_Withs.Withed_Etbl. For all the successors
-- of The_Etbl, which with The_Withs.Withed_Etbl or one of
-- its parent spec, we store The_Message in the corresponding
-- with structure.
while Etbl_Succ /= null loop
if In_With_List (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Etbl_Succ) then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, The_Message, Extra_Etbl);
end if;
Parent_Etbl := The_Withs.Withed_Etbl.Predecessor;
while Parent_Etbl /= null loop
if In_With_List (Parent_Etbl, Etbl_Succ) then
(Parent_Etbl, The_Message, Extra_Etbl);
end if;
Parent_Etbl := Parent_Etbl.Predecessor;
end loop;
Etbl_Succ := Etbl_Succ.Successor;
end loop;
end Messages_For_Succ;
-- Messages_For_Child --
procedure Messages_For_Child
(Base_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
The_Message : Withed_Messages;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
Childs : Child_Spec_Acc := Base_Etbl.First_Child;
-- ??? does childs here mean child spec, or is it the plural
-- of child, if the latter, the English word is children, if
-- the former, childspec would be a much more comfortable name
Parent_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
-- The_Etbl with The_Withs.Withed_Etbl. For all the child
-- libraries of The_Etbl, which with The_Withs.Withed_Etbl
-- or one of its parent spec, we store The_Message in the
-- corresponding with structure.
while Childs /= null loop
if In_With_List (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Childs.Child_Etbl) then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, The_Message, Extra_Etbl);
end if;
Parent_Etbl := The_Withs.Withed_Etbl.Predecessor;
while Parent_Etbl /= null loop
if In_With_List (Parent_Etbl, Etbl_Succ) then
(Parent_Etbl, The_Message, Extra_Etbl);
end if;
Parent_Etbl := Parent_Etbl.Predecessor;
end loop;
Etbl_Succ := Childs.Child_Etbl.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (The_Message, Extra_Etbl);
-- We use a recursive call to visit all the child specs
-- and not only the child specs of Base_Etbl.
Messages_For_Child (Childs.Child_Etbl, The_Message, Extra_Etbl);
Childs := Childs.Next_Child;
end loop;
end Messages_For_Child;
-- Store_Messages --
procedure Store_Messages
(Withed_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
The_Message : Withed_Messages;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
Other_With : With_Acc;
Other_With := With_Ref (Etbl_Succ, Withed_Etbl);
if Other_With.Prev_Msgs = None then
Other_With.Prev_Msgs := The_Message;
if Extra_Etbl /= null then
Other_With.Extra_Etbl := Extra_Etbl;
end if;
end if;
end Store_Messages;
-- Scans all the withed units
while The_Withs /= null loop
-- Looks for references of the withed unit in The_Etbl
Real_Checked := Renamed_Etbl (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl);
-- Check if a message has already been stored for this
-- with clause
if The_Withs.Prev_Msgs = Already_Withed then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Already, The_Withs.Extra_Etbl);
elsif The_Withs.Prev_Msgs = Withed_Unused then
Write_Withed_Warning (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Norm, null);
elsif The_Withs.Is_Implicit then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, The_Etbl, True, True);
elsif The_Withs.Prev_Msgs = None then
Is_Parent_Used := False;
Parent_Used := null;
Clear_And_Mark_Xrefs (Real_Checked, The_Etbl, True, True);
Succ_Used := The_Etbl.Marked;
Check_Parents (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl);
The_Etbl.Marked := Succ_Used;
-- If the only references found in The_Etbl are references to
-- entities defined in a parent spec of the withed unit then
-- The_Etbl mustn't be considered as using the withed unit.
Previous_Refs := False;
Etbl_Prec := The_Etbl.Predecessor;
while Etbl_Prec /= null loop
if In_With_List (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Etbl_Prec) then
(Real_Checked, Etbl_Prec, False, False);
if Etbl_Prec.Marked then
Previous_Refs := True;
Higher_Prec := Etbl_Prec;
end if;
end if;
Etbl_Prec := Etbl_Prec.Predecessor;
end loop;
if Previous_Refs or else The_Etbl.Marked then
-- If references are found in a predecessors,
-- Message : Already withed in the predecessor
-- If references are found in The_Etbl,
-- Message : Already withed in The_Etbl
if Previous_Refs then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Already, Higher_Prec);
Higher_Prec := The_Etbl;
end if;
if The_Etbl.Status /= Sub_Body then
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (Already_Withed, Higher_Prec);
end if;
if The_Etbl.Status in Spec_Status then
(The_Etbl, Already_Withed, Higher_Prec);
end if;
case The_Etbl.Status is
when Sub_Body =>
if not Is_Parent_Used then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Norm, null);
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Replace, Parent_Used);
end if;
when others =>
Succ_Used := False;
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
-- We search the closest parent Parent_Used
-- of the withed unit which has references
-- in a successor of The_Etbl
while Etbl_Succ /= null loop
Etbl_Prec := The_Withs.Withed_Etbl;
while Etbl_Prec /= Parent_Used loop
Real_Checked := Renamed_Etbl (Etbl_Prec);
(Real_Checked, Etbl_Succ, False, False);
if Etbl_Succ.Marked then
Succ_Used := True;
Parent_Used := Etbl_Prec;
-- As soon as we find a reference in a
-- successor to a parent spec, we exit
end if;
Etbl_Prec := Etbl_Prec.Predecessor;
end loop;
-- If the withed unit is not a child spec, as soon
-- as we find a reference in a successor, we can
-- exit otherwise, we scan all the successors to
-- see which parent should replace the withed unit.
if The_Withs.Withed_Etbl.Predecessor = null then
exit when Succ_Used;
end if;
Etbl_Succ := Etbl_Succ.Successor;
end loop;
if The_Etbl.Status in Spec_Status then
-- Many cases must be checked :
-- 1 - The_Etbl uses some entities defined in
-- a parent spec of the withed unit. In this
-- case, the with clause is incorrect.
-- Parent_Used should be withed (if the withed
-- unit is not directly used in a successor);
-- 2 - If no references are found in
-- The_Etbl but some references to the withed
-- unit are found in a successopr, then the
-- with clause shouldn't be in the spec,
-- but in the body
-- 3 - if no references are found in any
-- successor, Message : Withefd but unused
-- 4 - If a reference to a parent spec of
-- the withed unit has been found in a
-- successor then Message : Parent_Used
-- should be withed in the body
if Is_Parent_Used then
if Parent_Used /= The_Withs.Withed_Etbl then
if not In_With_List
(Parent_Used, The_Etbl) then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Replace,
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Norm, null);
end if;
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (Already_Withed, The_Etbl);
end if;
elsif Parent_Used = The_Withs.Withed_Etbl then
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
if Etbl_Succ /= null then
if not In_With_List
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Etbl_Succ)
Should, Etbl_Succ);
end if;
Etbl_Succ := Etbl_Succ.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (Already_Withed, The_Etbl);
end if;
elsif Parent_Used = null then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Norm, null);
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (Withed_Unused, null);
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
if Etbl_Succ /= null then
if not
In_With_List (Parent_Used, Etbl_Succ)
Should_Replace, Parent_Used);
end if;
Etbl_Succ := Etbl_Succ.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (Already_Withed, The_Etbl);
end if;
end if;
-- If we found a reference to the withed unit in a
-- successor, then no message for the current Etbl
-- but messages "already withed" for successors.
-- If no reference to the withed unit or one of
-- its parents has been found then message
-- "withed unused".
-- If a reference to a parent of the withed
-- unit has been found, message "should be
-- replaced by"
if Parent_Used = The_Withs.Withed_Etbl then
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (Already_Withed, The_Etbl);
elsif Parent_Used = null then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Norm, null);
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (Withed_Unused, null);
if not In_With_List (Parent_Used, The_Etbl) then
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Replace,
(The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, Norm, null);
end if;
Etbl_Succ := The_Etbl.Successor;
Messages_For_Succ (Already_Withed, The_Etbl);
end if;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end if;
The_Withs.Prev_Msgs := Done;
The_Withs := The_Withs.Next_With;
end loop;
end Check_Withed_Units;
-- Write_References --
procedure Write_References
(First : Ref_Acc;
Only_Marked : Boolean)
Current_Ref : Ref_Acc := First;
Current_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Current_Line : Logical_Line_Number;
Current_Col : Column_Number;
Previous_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Previous_Line : Int;
Previous_Col : Int;
-- These variables are used to suppress the repetition of the
-- same units and the same line numbers.
-- Loop through all the references of the list.
while Current_Ref /= null loop
if (not Only_Marked or else Current_Ref.Marked)
and then Current_Ref.Etbl.RU
Current_Etbl := Current_Ref.Etbl;
-- If we find a reference in a new file we add the new
-- file name and the line number.
if Current_Etbl /= Previous_Etbl then
-- Suppress the } for the first file.
if Previous_Etbl /= null
and then Previous_Line /= -1
Add_Char_To_Buffer ('}');
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
end if;
Indent := Reference_Indent;
Previous_Etbl := Current_Etbl;
Previous_Line := -1;
if Global_Xref_File then
Add_Str_To_Buffer (Current_Etbl.File_Name.all);
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
end if;
if Global_Xref_File or else Current_Etbl = The_Etbl then
Add_Char_To_Buffer ('{');
end if;
end if;
-- For each reference, we write in the xref file the line
-- number and the column number where the reference was found
-- in the following format : line(col)
Current_Line := Current_Ref.Line_Number;
Current_Col := Current_Ref.Col_Number;
if Global_Xref_File
or else Current_Ref.Etbl = The_Etbl
-- Suppress the space for the first reference.
if (Previous_Line /= -1) then
Add_Char_To_Buffer (' ');
end if;
Previous_Line := Int (Current_Line);
Previous_Col := Int (Current_Col);
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Int (Current_Line));
Add_Char_To_Buffer (':');
Add_Nat_To_Buffer (Int (Current_Col));
end if;
end if;
Current_Ref := Current_Ref.Next_Ref;
end loop;
if Previous_Etbl /= null
and then Previous_Line /= -1 then
Add_Char_To_Buffer ('}');
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
end if;
end Write_References;
-- Write_Warning --
procedure Write_Warning (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) is
Parameters : Entity_Acc;
if Entity_Warnings
and then The_Entity.Length = 0
and then The_Entity.Give_Warning
-- If the unused entity is a function or a procedure
-- we don't want to output any messages about parameters
if The_Entity.Entity_Type in Subprogram_Kind then
Parameters := The_Entity.Next_Entity;
while Parameters /= null
and then Parameters.Entity_Type in Formal_Kind
Parameters.Give_Warning := False;
Parameters := Parameters.Next_Entity;
end loop;
end if;
-- Standard output
The_Entity.Give_Warning := False;
Error_Msg_Name_1 := The_Entity.Entity_Char;
Error_Msg ("?% unused", The_Entity.Entity_Sloc);
end if;
end Write_Warning;
-- Write_Withed_Warning --
procedure Write_Withed_Warning
(Withing_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Warning_Kind : Withed_Warning_Type;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc)
Sloc_With : Source_Ptr;
Err_Length : Integer;
-- Length of the buffer which must be allocated for error
-- messages.
procedure Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer
(The_String : String;
Error_Buffer : in out String);
-- Adds The_String to the error Buffer;
function Ref_Of_With return Source_Ptr;
-- Searches and returns the node of the statement where The_Etbl
-- is withed. If the node is not found the functions returns Empty
-- and the compilation is abandonned
procedure Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer
(The_String : String;
Error_Buffer : in out String)
Error_Buffer (Err_Length .. Err_Length + The_String'Length - 1) :=
Err_Length := Err_Length + The_String'Length;
end Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer;
function Ref_Of_With return Source_Ptr is
The_Ref : Ref_Acc := Withing_Etbl.First_Entity.First_Ref;
while The_Ref /= null loop
if The_Ref.Etbl = The_Etbl then
return The_Ref.Sloc;
The_Ref := The_Ref.Next_Ref;
end if;
end loop;
return No_Location;
end Ref_Of_With;
-- Start of processing for Write_Withed_Warning
if With_Warnings then
Sloc_With := Ref_Of_With;
if Sloc_With /= No_Location then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Withing_Etbl.First_Entity.Entity_Char;
if Warning_Kind = Replace
or else Warning_Kind = Should_Replace
Error_Msg_Name_2 := Extra_Etbl.First_Entity.Entity_Char;
end if;
case Warning_Kind is
when Norm =>
Err_Length := 3 + Warning_String_3'Length + 1;
Err_Buffer : String (1 .. Err_Length);
Err_Length := 1;
Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer ("?% ", Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_3, Err_Buffer);
Err_Buffer (Err_Length .. Err_Length) := ".";
Error_Msg (Err_Buffer (1 .. Err_Length), Sloc_With);
when Should =>
Err_Length := 2 + Warning_String_10'Length
+ Warning_String_5'Length
+ Extra_Etbl.File_Name.all'Length + 1;
Err_Buffer : String (1 .. Err_Length);
Err_Length := 1;
Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer ("?%", Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_10, Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_5, Err_Buffer);
(Extra_Etbl.File_Name.all, Err_Buffer);
Err_Buffer (Err_Length .. Err_Length) := ".";
Error_Msg (Err_Buffer (1 .. Err_Length), Sloc_With);
when Already =>
Err_Length := 3 + Warning_String_12'Length
+ Extra_Etbl.File_Name.all'Length + 1;
Err_Buffer : String (1 .. Err_Length);
Err_Length := 1;
Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer ("?% ", Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_12, Err_Buffer);
(Extra_Etbl.File_Name.all, Err_Buffer);
Err_Buffer (Err_Length .. Err_Length) := ".";
Error_Msg (Err_Buffer (1 .. Err_Length), Sloc_With);
when Replace =>
Err_Length := 3 + Warning_String_3'Length + 3
+ Warning_String_10'Length + 1;
Err_Buffer : String (1 .. Err_Length);
Err_Length := 1;
Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer ("?% ", Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_3, Err_Buffer);
Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer (". %", Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_10, Err_Buffer);
Err_Buffer (Err_Length .. Err_Length) := ".";
Error_Msg (Err_Buffer (1 .. Err_Length), Sloc_With);
when Should_Replace =>
Err_Length := 3 + Warning_String_3'Length + 3
+ Warning_String_10'Length + Warning_String_5'Length +
The_Etbl.Successor.File_Name.all'Length + 1;
Err_Buffer : String (1 .. Err_Length);
Err_Length := 1;
Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer ("?% ", Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_3, Err_Buffer);
Add_Str_To_Error_Buffer (". %", Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_10, Err_Buffer);
(Warning_String_5, Err_Buffer);
(The_Etbl.Successor.File_Name.all, Err_Buffer);
Err_Buffer (Err_Length .. Err_Length) := ".";
Error_Msg (Err_Buffer (1 .. Err_Length), Sloc_With);
-- General note: especially appropriately addressed
-- to France! It is undesirable to construct messages
-- in this way, because it will make them hard to
-- automatically translate. Use a single string with
-- insertions always ???
end case;
end if;
end if;
end Write_Withed_Warning;
-- Start Processing for Write_Table --
Compiler_State := Analyzing;
-- ??? the above is very strange, needs some comments
-- ??? this really must be looked at, it is certainly a bug!
case Level is
when Full_Xref =>
if Global_Xref_File then
-- Write a pretty heading
Write_Unit_Info (Header_Full, The_Etbl);
-- Loop through all the entities in Entity_Table.
E_Tmp := The_Etbl.First_Entity;
while E_Tmp /= null loop
-- First we write the entity,
Write_Entity_Info (E_Tmp);
-- Give warnings if entity is not used. Still write warnings
-- to standard output even for entities declared in a body.
Write_Warning (E_Tmp);
-- If some references exist, then write them.
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
if E_Tmp.First_Ref /= null then
Indent := Reference_Indent;
Write_References (E_Tmp.First_Ref, False);
end if;
E_Tmp := E_Tmp.Next_Entity;
end loop;
-- In xref levels 3 and 4, we write the following:
-- For specs : entities declared in the spec and references
-- to external entities
-- For bodies and subunits : references to external entities
if Include_Inlined and then not All_Info_In_Xref then
if The_Etbl.Status = A_Body then
Has_Inlined := The_Etbl.Predecessor.Has_Inlined;
elsif The_Etbl.Status = Sub_Body then
Etbl_Prec := The_Etbl.Predecessor;
while Etbl_Prec /= null
and then Etbl_Prec.Status not in Spec_Status loop
Etbl_Prec := Etbl_Prec.Predecessor;
end loop;
if Etbl_Prec /= null then
Has_Inlined := Etbl_Prec.Has_Inlined;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if First_File then
-- Before writing any informations in the xref file
-- we write all the file that have been loaded during
-- the compilation
Write_Unit_Info (Header_Full, The_Etbl);
if The_Etbl.Status = Sub_Body
and then not All_Info_In_Xref
and then not (Include_Inlined
and then The_Etbl.First_Entity.Is_Direct)
-- In the case of subunit we write the name of the file
-- and the information about the subprogram of this unit.
Write_Entity_Info (The_Etbl.First_Entity);
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
end if;
end if;
E_Tmp := The_Etbl.First_Entity;
while E_Tmp /= null loop
-- Below conditional is too complex ???
if First_File
and then ((The_Etbl.Status in Spec_Status
and then E_Tmp.Entity_Type not in Formal_Kind
and then E_Tmp.Entity_Type /= E_Discriminant)
or else ((The_Etbl.Status = A_Body
or else The_Etbl.Status = Sub_Body)
and then Has_Inlined
and then E_Tmp.Is_Direct)
or else All_Info_In_Xref)
Write_Entity_Info (E_Tmp);
end if;
Write_Warning (E_Tmp);
-- Below conditional is too complex ???
if First_File
and then ((The_Etbl.Status in Spec_Status
and then E_Tmp.Entity_Type not in Formal_Kind
and then E_Tmp.Entity_Type /= E_Discriminant)
or else ((The_Etbl.Status = A_Body
or else The_Etbl.Status = Sub_Body)
and then Has_Inlined
and then E_Tmp.Is_Direct)
or else All_Info_In_Xref)
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
if E_Tmp.First_Ref /= null then
Indent := Reference_Indent;
Write_References (E_Tmp.First_Ref, false);
end if;
end if;
E_Tmp := E_Tmp.Next_Entity;
end loop;
-- if the curret Etbl is not the main one we don't need
-- to search references that are exported from predecessors
-- or from units that are withed by the predecessors
if First_File then
Etbl_Prec := The_Etbl.Predecessor;
while Etbl_Prec /= null loop
if Etbl_Prec.Status /= Sub_Body then
The_Withs := Etbl_Prec.First_With;
while The_Withs /= null loop
if not
In_With_List (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl, The_Etbl)
and then not The_Withs.Withed_Etbl.Xref_Written
Real_Checked :=
Renamed_Etbl (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl);
(Real_Checked, The_Etbl, True, True, False);
if not The_Withs.Is_Implicit then
Check_Parents (The_Withs.Withed_Etbl);
end if;
end if;
The_Withs := The_Withs.Next_With;
end loop;
Real_Checked := Renamed_Etbl (Etbl_Prec);
(Etbl_Prec, The_Etbl, True, True, False);
end if;
Etbl_Prec := Etbl_Prec.Predecessor;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
when Smart_Xref =>
-- Write a pretty heading
if The_Etbl.Status = Withed_Spec then
Write_Unit_Info (Header_Stub, The_Etbl);
end if;
-- We don't test if The_Etbl.Status = Withed_Spec because
-- the Smart_Xref case is only treated for Withed_Spec.
-- Loop through all the entities in Entity_Table.
-- In this case we write something only if the entity is used
-- within the target compilation unit.
E_Tmp := The_Etbl.First_Entity;
while E_Tmp /= null loop
-- Don't write unmarked entities.
if E_Tmp.Marks > 0 then
if First_Refs and then The_Etbl.Status = A_Spec then
Write_Unit_Info (Header_Stub, The_Etbl);
First_Refs := False;
end if;
-- First we write the entity,
Write_Entity_Info (E_Tmp);
-- And finally its references.
Write_Xref_Info (Buffer (1 .. Buffer_Length));
Buffer_Length := 0;
Indent := Reference_Indent;
Write_References (E_Tmp.First_Ref, True);
end if;
E_Tmp := E_Tmp.Next_Entity;
end loop;
when Full_Only_Standout =>
-- Loop through all the entities in Entity_Table.
E_Tmp := The_Etbl.First_Entity;
while E_Tmp /= null loop
Write_Warning (E_Tmp);
-- Give warnings if the entity is not used.
E_Tmp := E_Tmp.Next_Entity;
end loop;
end case;
end Writ;
end Xref_Tab;