Geek Gadgets 1
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617 lines
-- --
-- --
-- X R E F _ T A B --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.38 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
-- This package offers the data type Entity_Table and its methods.
-- Etable is used to store all the definition/use information we need
-- to build a cross reference file or required interfaces.
-- Note that we store here both the Node_Id and the corresponding entitiy
-- information like 'Chars', 'Sloc' or 'Line_Number'. We do this since
-- program trees get lost whenever we start to compile a new unit. Node_Id
-- is only a pointer into program trees.
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Types; use Types;
package Xref_Tab is
-- Entity Tables --
-- An Entity_Table is used to store the information about entities
-- and their references. We divide the huge amount of information into
-- several parts: One Entity_Table for each compilation unit.
-- An Entity_Table is defined as a twodimensional data list. The entities
-- and their references appear in the same order as in the program tree
-- (lower Node_Ids first). This represents also the order within the Ada
-- programs and is important if we want to print the Xref or look for
-- possible overloading effects.
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-- x Entity_Table x
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
-- I
-- I
-- V
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
-- x Entity x-----> x Ref x-----> x Ref x-----> null;
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
-- I
-- I
-- V
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
-- x Entity x-----> x Ref x-----> null;
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx
-- I
-- I
-- V
-- null;
-- The record behind an Entity_Table is accessible for all clients
-- 1) since there is no real danger in providing this access
-- 2) since it would be very awkward to write all the appropriate
-- read and write functions.
-- Of course, the data structures of entities and references are fully
-- encapsulated - a client can access them only by subprogram calls.
-- An Entity_Table has the following attributs:
-- Marked Flag showing the result of a call of Mark_Xref.
-- Set if cross references are found.
-- RU Required Unit flag.
-- Set if full Xref output is required.
-- Examined Flag, set if all entities are installed.
-- Linked Flag set if the entity table has been linked with
-- its predecessors and successor.
-- File_Name Pointer to the fitting file name.
-- Unit_Name Pointer to the fitting unit name.
-- Time_Stamp Time stamp of the file corresponding to the
-- entity table.
-- Status Shows if the compilation unit is a simple spec,
-- withed spec, a body which acts as its spec, a simple
-- body or a subunit.
-- Kind Shows if the compilation unit is a procedure,
-- function, generic, package, task, subunit or somethin
-- else.
-- Top_Node Set to the Node_Id of the compilation unit node.
-- Has_Inlined Flag indicating if the Entity table contains
-- declarations of inlined procedures or functions.
-- Xref_Written This flag is set as soon as xref informations are
-- for the entity table
-- Renamed_Etbl Points to the Etbl where is declared the package
-- which is renamed in the current Etbl
-- First_With Points to the first with-structure. First_With can
-- be used to start hangling through all with-clauses.
-- First_Include Points to the first Etbl whichj is included in the
-- current one (for example a generic spec which is
-- instantiated.
-- First_Child Points to the first Child spec of a spec.
-- Predecessor Points to the immediate predecessor (SU -> B -> S).
-- Successor Points to the immediate successor (S -> B -> SU).
-- Length Contains the number of installed entities.
-- First_Entity Points to the first entity-structure. First_Entity
-- can be used to start hangling through all entities.
-- Last_Entity Points to the last entity-structure (internal use).
-- Next_Etbl Points to the immediate following Entity_Table.
type Status_Type is (A_Spec, Withed_Spec, Body_As_Spec, A_Body, Sub_Body);
type Kind_Type is (Proc, Func, Genr, Pack, Tsk, Subunit, Unknown);
subtype Spec_Status is Status_Type range
A_Spec .. Withed_Spec;
subtype Body_Status is Status_Type range
Body_As_Spec .. Sub_Body;
type Entity_Table;
type Entity_Table_Acc is access Entity_Table;
type With_Clause;
type With_Acc is access With_Clause;
type Include;
type Include_Acc is access Include;
type Child_Spec;
type Child_Spec_Acc is access Child_Spec;
type Withed_Messages is (None, Done, Already_Withed, Withed_Unused);
-- Type for messages about with warnings
-- None : This with has not been examined yet
-- Done : This with has already been examined
-- Withed_Unused : This With has already been examined for a previous
-- Entity_table and the scan of the_successor has
-- shown it was not used in this entity table
-- Already Withed : Same thing as previously except that the with had
-- references in the previou entity table
-- for Error messages tw new components have been added to this recors :
-- Prev_Msgs : Used to store withs warnings for Entities
-- which have not been examined yet
-- for example, if you check the Withed units a a spec
-- if references are found, then for all the successors
-- which also with this unit, we store a message
-- Already_Withed which willavoid reexamining
-- the withed unit for the successors
-- Extra_Etbl : Used to store the Entity Table where a withed unit
-- is already withed
-- In the previous example, Extra_Etbl would contain the
-- Entity_table corresponding to the Spec
type With_Clause is record
Withed_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Next_With : With_Acc;
Is_Implicit : Boolean;
Prev_Msgs : Withed_Messages := None;
Extra_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
end record;
type Include is record
Included_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Next_Include : Include_Acc;
end record;
type Child_Spec is record
Child_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Next_Child : Child_Spec_Acc;
end record;
-- type Entity_Acc is private;
-- type Ref_Acc is private;
-- was in the private part ??? put back when private types work???
-- References --
-- Marked Flag showing the result of a call of Mark_Xref.
-- Set if the reference fits into the search pattern.
-- Is_Pragma Flag, set if the reference is a pragma that doesn't
-- use the entity but has to be removed if we declare the
-- entity as dead code.
-- Is_An_Elaborated_With_Clause Flag set to specify that a with clause
-- in a pragma ELABORATE in the Entity_Table Etbl
-- Ref_Node The Node_Id of the reference.
-- Sloc Points to the source location where the reference
-- was found relatively to the file where the reference
-- was found.
-- Line_Number The line number in which the reference was found.
-- Col_Number The column number in which the reference was found.
-- Etbl Points to the Entity_Table of the compilation unit
-- in which the reference was found.
-- Next_Ref Points to the immediate following reference structure.
type Ref;
type Ref_Acc is access Ref;
type Ref is record
Marked : Boolean := False;
Is_Pragma : Boolean := False;
Ref_Node : Node_Id;
Sloc : Source_Ptr;
Line_Number : Logical_Line_Number;
Col_Number : Column_Number;
Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Is_An_Elaborated_With_Clause : Boolean := False;
Next_Ref : Ref_Acc;
end record;
-- Entities --
-- Marks Contains the number of found references (after a call
-- of Mark_Xrefs.
-- Entity_Node The Entity_Id of the entity.
-- Entity_Type The Entity_Kind of the entity.
-- Entity_Char The name_id of the entity
-- Entity_Sloc Source location of the Entity
-- Chars Pointer to the identifier string of the entity.
-- Line_Number The line number in which the entity was found.
-- Col_Number The column number in which the entity was found.
-- Real_Line The line number of the complete declaration of
-- private types, incomplete types or deferred constants.
-- Set to No_Line_Number to indicate no value stored
-- Real_Col The column number of the complete declaration of
-- private types, incomplete types or deferred constants
-- Set to No_Column_Number to indicate no value stored.
-- Scope_Path Pointer to the whole scope path of the entity.
-- Give_Warning Flag, set if a warning message should be given in the
-- case that we find no reference to this entity.
-- Is_Direct Flag set if the declarations is not encapsulated in
-- in an other one. This is used in the -x4 mode when
-- we generate in the xref file all the entities declared
-- in bodies and subunits if the spec declares Inlined
-- or generics. In this case we generate only basic
-- declarations (For example we don't mind about
-- variables declared in subprograms).
-- Length Contains the number of references to this entity.
-- First_Ref Points to the first reference to the entity.
-- Last_Ref Points to the last reference to the entity
-- (internal use).
-- Next_Entity Points to the immediate following entity structure.
type An_Entity;
type Entity_Acc is access An_Entity;
type An_Entity is record
Marks : Natural := 0;
Entity_Node : Entity_Id;
Entity_Type : Entity_Kind;
Entity_Char : Name_Id;
Entity_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
Chars : String_Ptr;
Line_Number : Logical_Line_Number;
Col_Number : Column_Number;
Real_Line : Logical_Line_Number := No_Line_Number;
Real_Col : Column_Number := No_Column_Number;
Scope_Path : String_Ptr;
Give_Warning : Boolean := True;
Is_Direct : Boolean := False;
Length : Natural := 0;
First_Ref : Ref_Acc;
Last_Ref : Ref_Acc;
Next_Entity : Entity_Acc;
end record;
-- End of old private part ???
type Entity_Table is record
Marked : Boolean := False;
Unit_Number : Unit_Number_Type;
RU : Boolean := False;
Examined : Boolean := False;
Linked : Boolean := False;
File_Name : String_Ptr;
Unit_Name : String_Ptr;
Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
Status : Status_Type;
Kind : Kind_Type;
Top_Node : Node_Id;
Has_Inlined : Boolean := False;
Xref_Written : Boolean := False;
Renamed_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
First_With : With_Acc;
First_Include : Include_Acc;
First_Child : Child_Spec_Acc;
Predecessor : Entity_Table_Acc;
Successor : Entity_Table_Acc;
Length : Natural := 0;
First_Entity : Entity_Acc;
Last_Entity : Entity_Acc;
Next_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
end record;
First_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Last_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
-- Some Flags to control the output
With_Warnings : Boolean;
-- If set, warning messages for wrong with clauses appear as part of the
-- standard error message output (set for XREF levels 1,2,3,4,5).
Entity_Warnings : Boolean;
-- If set, warning messages for unused entities appear as part of the
-- standard error message output (set for XREF levels 2,3,4,5)
Xref_Flag : Boolean;
-- If set, a cross reference file is written containing cross-reference
-- lists for all entities referenced (set for XREF levels 3,4,5).
Entity_Info_In_Xref : Boolean;
-- If set, the cross reference file contains Entity_Kind information for
-- all entities appearing in the listing (set for XREF levels 4,5).
Include_Inlined : Boolean;
-- if set, the cross reference list with contain all entities declared
-- in bodies and subunits if the spec declares inlined entities or
-- generics.
All_Info_In_Xref : Boolean;
-- If set, the cross-reference file includes references to entities
-- declared in bodies, and also references to declared entities in a
-- parent unit (set for XREF level 5).
Global_Xref_File : Boolean;
-- If set, then a global xref file is generated.
Spec_REQs_Flag : Boolean;
-- If set (-xs switch), the REQs for all withed specs get written
-- into files.
Body_REQs_Flag : Boolean;
-- If set (-xb switch), the REQs for the body and its subunits get
-- written into files
-- Subprograms --
procedure Add_Entity
(To_Etbl : in Entity_Table_Acc;
Entity_Node : in Entity_Id;
New_Entity : in out Entity_Acc);
-- Adds an entity to the end of the entity list of To_Etbl.
-- Finally New_Entity points to the new Entity structure.
procedure Add_Etbl
(First_Etbl : in out Entity_Table_Acc;
Last_Etbl : in out Entity_Table_Acc;
Unit_Number : in Unit_Number_Type;
New_Etbl : in out Entity_Table_Acc);
-- Maintains the coherence of loaded files and the E_Tables.If Unit_Number
-- is already in the list only some data gets updated. Otherwise a new
-- entity table gets added to the end of the entity table list. Finally,
-- in every case New_Etbl points to the Entity_Table which corresponds to
-- Unit_Number.
procedure Add_Reference
(To_Entity : Entity_Acc;
New_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
New_Ref : Node_Id);
-- Adds a reference to the end of the reference list of the given entity.
-- New_Etbl has to point to the entity table in which New_Ref appears.
procedure Add_With
(To_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
New_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Is_Implicit : Boolean := False);
-- If Withed_Etbl is not already in the list, then a new With_Clause gets
-- added to the end of the with list of To_Etbl
procedure Clear_And_Mark_Xrefs
(Home_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Target_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
First_Pass : Boolean;
In_Xref : Boolean;
Count_Marks : Boolean := True);
-- Looks in Home_Etbl for references with a source location in Target_Etbl.
-- If one or more such references are found then the fitting references
-- and the fitting entity in Home_Etbl as well as Target_Etbl get marked.
-- All other nodes of Home_Etbl get unmarked.
procedure Delete_Table (Old_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- Not implemented yet.
-- Originally to deallocate the space of an Entity_Table object.
function Entity_Node (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Entity_Id;
-- Returns the Entity_Id of the entity object to which The_Entity points.
-- If The_Entity points to 'null' then Empty is returned.
function Entity_Type (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Entity_Kind;
-- Returns the Entity_Kind of the entity object to which The_Entity
-- points. If The_Entity points to 'null' then E_Void is returned.
function First (The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc) return Entity_Id;
-- Returns the first entity of the given Entity_Table.
function First (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Ref_Acc;
-- Returns the first reference of the given entity.
function Give_Warning (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Boolean;
-- Tests if a warning message should appear if the given
-- entity is unused.
function In_E_List
(The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
The_Entity : Entity_Id) return Entity_Acc;
-- Checks if the given entity is already in the entity list.
-- If the entity is found the pointer to it is returned.
-- If the entity is not in the list 'null' is returned.
function In_Ref_List
(The_Entity : Entity_Acc;
The_Ref : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Checks if the given reference is already in the reference list
-- corresponding to the given entity.
-- 'True' is returned if the entity is found.
-- 'False' is returned if The_Entity points to 'null' or The_Entity
-- is not in the list .
function In_With_List
(Home_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Target_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc) return Boolean;
-- Checks if Home_Etbl is withed by Target_Etbl.
-- If Target_Etbl is not in the list then 'False' is returned.
function Is_Null (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Boolean;
-- Tests if the given Entity_Acc points to 'null'.
function Is_Null (The_Ref : Ref_Acc) return Boolean;
-- Tests if the given Ref_Acc points to 'null'.
function Is_Pragma (The_Ref : Ref_Acc) return Boolean;
-- Tests if the given Ref_Acc is a pragma reference.
procedure Mark_Entity (Old_Entity : Entity_Acc);
-- Marks an entity of the entity list as used.
-- This procedure is sometimes called to prevent the multi pass removal
-- process from removing an unused entity twice.
function Number_Of_Marks (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Natural;
-- Returns the number of the marked references in the given entity.
-- If The_Entity points to 'null' then 0 is returned.
function Number_Of_Refs (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Natural;
-- Returns the length of the reference list of the given entity.
-- If The_Entity points to 'null' then 0 is returned.
procedure Mark_Withed_Entities (The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- Used for a withed spec to mark the entities which are used by its
-- clients. If the client uses at least one entity then the client entity
-- table also gets marked to signal a 'dead with clause'.
function Next (The_Entity : Entity_Acc) return Entity_Acc;
-- Returns the entity which follows the given entity in Entity_Table.
-- 'null' is returned if the given entity is the last entity in the
-- Entity_Table.
function Next (The_Ref : Ref_Acc) return Ref_Acc;
-- Returns the reference which follows the given reference in the list.
-- 'null' is returned if the given reference is the last entity in the
-- list.
function The_Node (The_Ref : Ref_Acc) return Node_Id;
-- Returns the Node_Id of the given reference.
procedure Unmark_Entity
(The_Table : Entity_Table_Acc;
Old_Entity : Entity_Acc);
-- Unmarks Old_Entity of the entity list.
-- Nothing is done if Old_Entity or The_Table point to 'null'.
procedure Unmark_Reference (The_Entity : Entity_Acc;
Old_Ref : Node_Id);
-- Unmarks a reference node of the reference list of The_Entity.
-- Nothing is done if The_Entity points to 'null' or Old_Ref is
-- not found in the list.
procedure Update_Entity
(To_Etbl : in Entity_Table_Acc;
Entity_Node : in Entity_Id;
New_Entity : in out Entity_Acc);
-- If the entity is already in the list only the Entity_Id is updated.
-- Otherwise Add_Entity is called. Used to sychnonize old Entity_Ids
-- with new Unique_Names. Finally, in every case New_Entity points to
-- the Entity structure which corresponds to Entity_Node.
procedure Update_Reference
(To_Entity : Entity_Acc;
New_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
New_Ref : Node_Id);
-- If the reference is already in the list only the Node_Id is updated.
-- Otherwise Add_Reference is called..
-- Used to sychnonize old Node_Ids with the new Ids - only for creating
-- the Spec_REQs.
type Output_Level is
(Full_Xref, Smart_Xref, Full_Only_Standout);
-- Used only for Writ!
-- Full_Xref: Empty reference lists cause WARNING messages.
-- Smart_Xref: The output of empty reference lists is supressed.
-- ??? following documentation does not correspond to declaration
-- Xref: Both standard output and file output.
-- Only_Standout: Only standard output
procedure Writ
(The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc;
Level : Output_Level;
First_File : Boolean);
-- Writes the information stored in the Entity_Table to the Xref Output
-- file. Note: The output of anonymous entities is always supressed.
procedure Write_Files_Info (The_Etbl : Entity_Table_Acc);
-- Writes at the beginning of the .xr? file the name and the time
-- stamp of the Entity table.
-- Above comment knows too much about file names ???
procedure Write_Version;
-- Writes at the beginning of the .xr? files the version of sgnat.
-- Anove comment knows too much about file names ???
pragma Inline (Add_Entity);
pragma Inline (Add_Etbl);
pragma Inline (Add_Reference);
pragma Inline (Add_With);
pragma Inline (Clear_And_Mark_Xrefs);
pragma Inline (Delete_Table);
pragma Inline (Entity_Node);
pragma Inline (Entity_Type);
pragma Inline (First);
pragma Inline (Give_Warning);
pragma Inline (In_E_List);
pragma Inline (In_Ref_List);
pragma Inline (In_With_List);
pragma Inline (Is_Null);
pragma Inline (Is_Pragma);
pragma Inline (Mark_Entity);
pragma Inline (Number_Of_Marks);
pragma Inline (Next);
pragma Inline (The_Node);
pragma Inline (Unmark_Entity);
pragma Inline (Unmark_Reference);
pragma Inline (Update_Entity);
pragma Inline (Update_Reference);
end Xref_Tab;