Bookbinder is a template for the creation of new HyperCard stacks. If you like the "book"-style interface provided by Bookbinder, you may make a copy of this stack using a new filename, delete all my text, and write your own "book". There is no fee for distribution of Bookbinder-based stacks. See the Help card mentioned on the title page (or choose Help from the Go menu) for contact information.
It is assumed that you have some "authoring"-level knowledge of HyperCard. That is, you should be able to create new cards, lock text fields, delete buttons, etc. No HyperTalk scripting is required, though you are free to (carefully!) alter my scripts. Readers of the "book" you write will need only "browsing" or "typing" ability.
Chapter 1 gives an overview of the features of Bookbinder (and Bookbinder-derived stacks), Chapter 2 gives suggestions on writing your own "book", and Chapter 3 discusses finishing touches for your book.
Thanks to Dan Shafer* for a painless and practical introduction to scripting.