Bookbinder stacks contain a Title card, Help card, and a sequence of "pages" including Table of Contents and Index*. Each page contains an optional heading, the page number, a large field for text or illustrations, and several buttons at the bottom of the screen. The leftmost button returns the reader to the Table of Contents. In the lower right corner of the screen is a "book" icon and left and right arrows to move the reader to the previous and next pages. By clicking on the book icon itself, the reader can insert a bookmark allowing him/her to return to this page later via a resulting bookmark button. Some pages may contain an asterix in the text field and an associated footnote*. If a page number is listed for this footnote, then the user may click on the footnote to go to the appropriate page. The resulting "bent arrow" button will return him/her to the starting page.
From either the Table of Contents or the Index, the reader can click on a topic or page number to go to the appropriate card.
A Notes section is also provided for the reader's use.
(The above information is given in the Help card as well.)