My wife is from the south and here is the recipe that she uses
first you need to cut the chicken up and wash it. the coating is next. add one cup of flour with one tsp. of salt and one Tbsp of paprika. Coat the chicken lightly with this.
To fry the chicken you should use an electric skillet. set the temperature at about 275 and add some drippings(enough to have about 1/4" in the bottom)to the warming skillet. Drippings are bacon and chicken grease that are left over from other meals. If you don't have any now's the time to start. You can use Crisco. fry the chicken (covered) with out turning it over for about one half hour. Turn the temperature up to 325 and leave chicken for about 10 more minutes. Now you can turn the chicken over and up the temperature to 375 and cook for about 15 minutes or until golden brown. Put on a platter of paper towels for about 5 minutes and it's then ready to eat.