answer "Import new recipes from" with "Yes" or "No"
if it is "Yes" then
put the userLevel into LEVELMEMORY
set the userLevel to 5
set lockMessages to true
set lockScreen to true
put the short id of this card into STARTCARD
go to next card
CleanExit "Compact"
end if
end MouseUp
on ImporText
put 0 into CARDCOUNT
get StdGet ("TEXT")
if it is empty then CleanExit
if short name of this stack is not in it then exit repeat
else answer "Can't import current stack!"
end repeat
put it into FILENAME
set cursor to 4 -- use system watch cursor
open file FILENAME
read from file FILENAME until return
if it is empty and CARDCOUNT is 0 then
answer "Could not find file:" && FILENAME with "OK"
close file FILENAME
end if
if it is empty then exit repeat
put "dunno" into HEADER
if first char of it is "
" then delete first char of it
if "from" is in it then
doMenu "New Card"
put "ΓÇóΓÇóΓÇó Credits ΓÇóΓÇóΓÇó" & return into fld "Credits"
add 1 to CARDCOUNT
put "yes" into HEADER
else -- not the beginning of a new item
if HEADER is "yes" then
if first word of it is "Subject:" then
delete word 1 of it
put word 1 of it into fld "Type"
if last char of fld "Type" is ":" then delete last char of fld "Type"
delete word 1 of it
put it into fld "Title"
put "[" & CARDCOUNT & "]" && it
else -- not the subject
if first word of it is "From:" or first word of it is "Date:" or first word of it is "Keywords:" then
put it after fld "Credits"
if last char of first word of it is not ":" then put "no" into HEADER
end if
end if
else -- not a header line
if length of it > 65 then
delete last char of it
put space after it
end if
put it after fld "Recipe"
end if
end if
read from file FILENAME until return
if it is empty then exit repeat
end repeat
end repeat
close file FILENAME
go card id STARTCARD
end ImporText
on CleanExit
if param(1) is "Compact" then
put "Compacting..."
doMenu "Compact Stack"
end if
choose browse tool
set the userLevel to LEVELMEMORY
set lockScreen to false
set lockMessages to false
hide message box
exit to hypercard
end CleanExit
-- part contents for background part 13
----- text -----
This is the first card of the Recipe Stack, a stack to import and classify recipes from the UseNet group as well as keep track of your own ones. As an example, several recipes that were posted in november 1990 on this news group are included.
Stan van de Burgt
Potgieterstraat 37
3532 VP Utrecht
the Netherlands
••• more info below •••
Each card has three field on it:
• the title
ΓÇó the category (BEEF, OVO-LACTO, ...)
ΓÇó the recipe itself
• the credits (this field is hidden until
you hit the credits button)
One can import recipes from the UseNet group by clicking the picture
to the right of this text. The articles in
this group should be saved in a file first.
When importing from, the
title and category fields are filled using
the "Subject:" line of the article.
The "From:", "Date:" and "Keywords:" header
fields of the article are saved in a (hidden)
credits field. This field can be inspected
by clicking the second button at the bottom.
The recipe field of each card is filled with
the body of the UseNet article.
There are ten buttons just below the main
text box (this one). From left to right
the buttons are:
• the "Home" card button
ΓÇó the info button which shows the credits
for the current card.
ΓÇó a button that brings you to this card.
• a button that brings you to the table
of contents.
ΓÇó a button that pops up a calculator.
ΓÇó a button to print the recipe
ΓÇó a button to sort the stack
ΓÇó a button to move to the previous card
ΓÇó and one to move to the next
ΓÇó and finaly one "return" button
Additionally, an "unlock" button is present in the
top right corner to make the recipe text editable.
On the current card an additional button
(the picture to the right of this text)
can be selected to import a file with
messages from the UseNet group
The file can be obtained by saving articles
in this group.
The catagory field can be clicked to jump to
another card in this catagory. This can only be
used when the card is locked.
The recipe count field on the table of
contents card can be clicked to regenerate
the table of contents.
(1) When the name of the recipe is too long
and it wraps in the table of contents
the "click and go" algorithm of the table
of contents card will fail.
(2) When the category field is empty, the title
will not show up in the table of contents.
(3) The imported cards will need some post
editing in general. This can be done by
clicking the lock icon in the top right
(4) The file with saved articles will not need
any preprocessing, extraneous linefeeds will
be deleted. The file type has to be 'TEXT'.
(5) The import algorithm assumes that each
message containing a recipe starts with a
line "From" and that the
recipe itself starts on the first line that
doesn't begin with a mail header word, that
is, a word followed by a colon (":")
This stack is "Happyware": If you like it,
send me a post card of your home town.
Stan van de Burgt
Potgieterstraat 37
3532 VP Utrecht
the Netherlands
-- part contents for background part 14
----- text -----
ΓÇóΓÇóΓÇó Recipe Stack ΓÇóΓÇóΓÇó
-- part contents for background part 20
----- text -----
••• Recipe Stack •••
Stan van de Burgt
Special thanks to everyone contributing to