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- From: Kenneth R. van Wyk (The Moderator) <krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU>
- Errors-To: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU
- Path: cert.sei.cmu.edu!krvw
- Subject: VIRUS-L Digest V4 #37
- --------
- VIRUS-L Digest Tuesday, 5 Mar 1991 Volume 4 : Issue 37
- Today's Topics:
- Protection and AI (PC)
- innoc update (PC)
- Virex-PC review (PC)
- Virucide Review (PC)
- VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
- virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
- Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
- diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
- polite, etc. Please sign submissions with your real name. Send
- contributions to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's equivalent to
- VIRUS-L at LEHIIBM1 for you BITNET folks). Information on accessing
- anti-virus, documentation, and back-issue archives is distributed
- periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
- and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@CERT.SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 04 Mar 91 09:03:42 -0500
- From: padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Subject: Protection and AI (PC)
- >From: Bob Bosen <71435.1777@CompuServe.COM>
- >What exactly is AI anyway?
- An explicit description is not suitable for a general audience, but I
- am told that the cows don't mind it a bit.
- >From: eldar@lomi.spb.su (Eldar A. Musaev)
- >Subject: Re: How to disable boot up from A: (PC)
- >That is very simple, if you have only one floppy. Open your computer
- >and set DIP switches and cable connections to make A: as B:...
- I used to think that this would work also but was chagrined (shimatta)
- to learn that many PC BIOSes check for floppy A as part of POST and
- will generate a "601" error and halt the boot process if drive A does
- not respond to the controller.
- >From: Bureau de Guerra <PH461A04@VAX1.UMKC.EDU>
- >Subject: Mac Viruses vs. PC Viruses: Coding Comparison
- >Because of 1,3,4, & 5 vs. 2, I conclude that programing a mac virus
- >is more difficult than programming a pc virus.
- >Jonathan E. Oberg ph461a04@vax1.umkc.edu
- True, it is probably more difficult for an amateur but orders of
- magnatude less than producing a good word processor. Also in the PC, a
- user must request a boot/execution of a virus while a MAC will execute
- floppy code without being asked. The "scan on floppy insertion" is
- possible (and should be a part of any good protection scheme) on the
- PC, it just hasn't been done yet (or has it, I am sometimes behind ?).
- >From: Bob Bosen <71435.1777@CompuServe.COM>
- >Subject: PC-DACS (PC)
- >two different versions I tested during 1988 and again in 1990 yielded
- >easily to attacks using only readily- available software tools brought
- >in on a bootable diskette.... Without hardware modification,
- >only ENCRYPTION can provide any kind of real security.
- >...and those few that are strong enough to enforce true security are
- Yup, confidentiality can be preserved with encryption, but only
- hardware can protect from destruction (if there is no FAT, it isn't
- DOS). However, the same software that redirects tables can also
- disallow writing to them. The question is one of risk vs cost just
- like the fact that experiments I have been making can be defeated
- easily manually if it is known to be there. Easy for a skilled person
- but very difficult for software unless directly targetted. The user
- has to decide the level of protection necessary and the price that is
- willing to be paid. My point is that a "normal" PC has NO defense and
- that quite a good level of protection from malicious software can be
- had with "simple" software techniques.
- Incidently, if a high level of CIA (confidentiality, integrity, &
- availability) is needed, Mr. Bosen's products are very good. (personal
- opinion).
- Padgett
- Note to indexer: all paragraphs relate to PC protection with the exception
- of AI which doesn't relate to anything.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 04 Mar 91 08:41:34 -0600
- From: James Ford <JFORD@UA1VM.BITNET>
- Subject: innoc update (PC)
- The file "innoc.zip" has been replaced with a new version. This new
- version has the following files in it:
- innoc.asm - Source code (same code in the other version of innoc.zip)
- innoc.com - Compiled code
- innoc.doc - Documentation.
- - ----------
- Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
- - ----------
- James Ford - JFORD@UA1VM.UA.EDU, James_Ford@mib.eng.ua.edu
- The University of Alabama (in Tuscaloosa, Alabama)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 28 Feb 91 15:51:26 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Virex-PC review (PC)
- [Ed. Both of these reviews are now available by anonymous FTP on
- cert.sei.cmu.edu in pub/virus-l/docs/reviews, along with the rest of
- Rob Slade's (and a few others') reviews.]
- Comparison Review
- Company and product:
- Microcom Software Division
- 3700-B Lyckan Parkway
- Durham, NC 27717
- 919-490-1277
- Virex-PC, also Virex for Mac - scanner and vaccine
- Summary:
- VPCSCAN is the fastest scanning product yet reviewed. VIREX-PC vaccine
- is customizable with multiple options and allows "protection" of
- specified files as well as alerts on "formatting" and "program
- modification" and is recommended for "expert" users. Documentation is
- an excellent overview of viral and PC operations.
- Cost US $99.00
- Rating (1-4, 1 = poor, 4 = very good)
- "Friendliness"
- Installation 2
- Ease of use 4
- Help systems 2
- Compatibility 3
- Company
- Stability 4
- Support 3
- Documentation 4
- Hardware required 4
- Performance 3
- Availability 4
- Local Support ?
- General Description:
- VPCSCAN is a virus detection and disinfection product. It will remove
- some viri from files or optionally delete the file if it cannot be
- disinfected. Disinfection or deletion is at user control. VIREXPC is a
- "resident" "activity" and "change detection" program which checks for
- formatting calls, direct disk writes, TSR initiation, "registration" of
- programs, "checksum" changes or program specific (user defined)
- prohibited operations. (During this review, Virex-PC refers to the
- whole package, VIREX-PC to the TSR vaccine program only.)
- Ross Greenburg was one of the first to produce an anti-viral product,
- Flu-Shot. Microcom's Virex product for the Macintosh is also well
- established. SCANDEMO, a "scan only" demonstration product, is
- available free of charge on some electronic bulletin board systems.
- Please, when reading this review, note a built in bias towards Ross
- Greeburg's work. Comparison of features and specifications
- User Friendliness
- Installation
- Disks shipped write protected. Documentation stresses the importance of
- write protecting the disks, suggests making "working copy" of the
- original disk, and checking the computer system with VPCSCAN before
- making installation onto the hard disk, but the suggested procedure
- could leave the "working copy" infected.
- Installation requires the Virex-PC diskette in drive A:, regardless of
- which drive it is invoked from. If you wish to install the program onto
- a "boot floppy", the diskette to be installed "to" must be in drive B:.
- Effective installation is impossible without reading the documentation
- and understanding the concepts and system configuration thoroughly. The
- documentation is complete and quite clear, but "naive" users may find
- the number of functions and features, and the explanations, daunting to
- tackle.
- Subsequent to installation, the "Protection File" can be editted.
- However, the "README" file notes that this should not be done while
- VIREX-PC is active, and if you invoke VIREX-PC automatically at boot
- time, you will have to boot from a floppy in order to modify your
- protection.
- Ease of use
- Once installed, the system operates without intervention, unless viral
- activity is detected. The alert screens are clear and informative. The
- decisions necessary, and the usefulness or "hindrance" of the system
- depends largely on the installation, which should be "matched" to the
- experience of the user.
- VPCSCAN's screen display shows the files checked individually, but
- continues to display the directories checked until the screen is full,
- so that a number of directories can be seen at once. This is much
- clearer than the practice of other programs which only display one file
- at a time, or only the directories checked, especially given the speed
- of VPCSCAN's operation.
- Help systems
- Alert screens contain somewhat esoteric, but very complete information
- on the activity taking place. This will be very helpful to expert
- users, but even novices will find it easier to make an "informed"
- decision on whether or not to allow an operation.
- Compatibility
- VPCSCAN, in contrast to the lists known to SCAN and FPROT, finds
- relatively few viri. Those that it does find, however, would likely
- account for better than 99% of actual infections. The manual states
- that updates are made quarterly, and that registered users will receive
- "notification" of updates. (According to the registration cards,
- updates will be $25 each, or you may receive a year's "subscription" for
- $75.) However, it is now three months (one "quarter") since I
- registered my copy, and I have yet to receive any notification. (It is
- possible, although improbable, that this period exactly coincides with
- one "update period.")
- Although one of the standard alerts in the package is for "direct writes
- to diskette", and even though the Stoned/New Zealand virus is one which
- VPCSCAN will identify (although not disinfect), VIREX-PC was not able to
- protect against, and did not warn of, infection by the Stoned virus.
- Although VIREX-PC will make a checksum of disk or diskette boot sectors,
- it does not checksum partition boot records.
- Company Stability
- Microcom is a stable and diverisfied company, if somewhat samller than a
- Lotus or Microsoft. Virex for the Mac has been around for some time,
- although it is not one fo the current "leaders" among Mac antivirals.
- Ross Greenburg was one of the first to write an antiviral program for
- MS-DOS (Flu-Shot) and it is still a viable program.
- Company Support
- Virex-PC was the third to arrive of all the commercial programs I had
- requested for review. Microcom had no problems with shipping across the
- border, although the package did arrive crushed.
- Note also the lack of update notification for the period specified.
- Documentation
- Very good (clear, concise) section on general virus information.
- The procedure given in the Quick Start section could produce an infected
- "working copy" of the Virex-PC disk.
- The installation "prompts" are no better or worse than others reviewed,
- but the documentation explains all options very clearly, both in terms
- of the options available, and the reasons for the options.
- Hardware Requirements
- There are no special hardware requirements.
- Performance
- VPCSCAN is amazingly fast. File checking is at least twice as fast as
- either FPROT or SCAN across all platforms tested.
- VIREX-PC has more options than other vaccine type programs, as well as
- change detection capabilities. However, although one of the standard
- alerts in the package is for "direct writes to diskette", and even
- though the Stoned/New Zealand virus is one which VPCSCAN will identify
- (although not disinfect), VIREX-PC was not able to protect against, and
- did not warn of, infection by the Stoned virus. Although VIREX-PC will
- make a checksum of disk or diskette boot sectors, it does not checksum
- partition boot records.
- Local Support
- No provisions.
- Support Requirements
- The installation and operation of VIREX-PC and VPCSCAN should not be
- beyond the average intelligent user who is willing to spend time with
- the manual before installation. However, in supported environments, it
- would be best to have the support staff perform installation.
- General Notes
- Although in many respects a superior product, the inability to prevent
- infection by the ubiquitous "Stoned" virus must be seen as a failing.
- However, Virex-PC will detect the "Stoned" virus, and, with some care,
- recovery can take place without recourse to other specialised products.
- copyright Robert M. Slade 1991
- ==============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | "It says 'Hit any
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | key to continue.'
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | I can't find the
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | 'Any' key on my
- Security | keyboard."
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 01 Mar 91 11:26:44 -0800
- From: p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca (Rob Slade)
- Subject: Virucide Review (PC)
- Comparison Review
- Company and product:
- Parsons Technology
- 375 Collins Road NE
- Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
- 319-395-9626
- Virucide
- Summary:
- Menu driven scanning and disinfecting program, apparently written by
- McAfee Associates. Recommended for novice or intermediate users in non-
- critical situations, or as "first line" defence.
- Cost US $49.00
- Rating (1-4, 1 = poor, 4 = very good)
- "Friendliness"
- Installation
- Ease of use 4
- Help systems 3
- Compatibility 3
- Company
- Stability 2
- Support 4
- Documentation 3
- Hardware required 4
- Performance 3
- Availability 3
- Local Support ?
- General Description:
- A simple and relatively inexpensive virus scanning and disinfecting
- program. The menu driven interface provides a number of useful options,
- including on-screen virus information.
- Comparison of features and specifications
- User Friendliness
- Installation
- Installation is clear and straightforward, being simply the copying of
- the program and related files to the appropriate disk or area. Although
- the manual indicates installation is to be done from drive A:, it can be
- performed from any drive, and to any drive, including floppies.
- Installation takes a longer time than one might think, given the
- elementary copying operation, but the installation program is clear and
- "well prompted".
- Ease of use
- Operation is easier than the manual indicates. The default settings are
- well chosen, and although there are command line switches and options
- that can be set on screen, they merely provide alternate avenues to the
- same operations. All options are available as menu items, and the menu
- interface provides a sense of being "in command" with all functions at
- the user's fingertips. Prompts are clear and informative.
- The "3-D windowing", although attractive, does, at times, clutter the
- screen and distract from the functionality by overlaying and higlighting
- portions of the menus that are not currently being used.
- Help systems
- There is no "help" per se, but the program is easy enough to use that
- this should not be a problem. One decided advantage is the "Virus Info"
- window, which provides a list of viri, and will bring up two or three
- paragraphs of information on selected viri. While useful to a novice or
- intermdiate user, this function does not require extensive disk space,
- as it is simply a "boilerplate" expansion of the McAfee VIRINFO.TXT
- table which is supplied with the disk. (Indeed, do not make the mistake
- of deleting this file under the impression that it serves no purpose.)
- Compatibility
- Virucide will detect all of the most common viri, and is roughly "level"
- in that regard to most commercial products, although it lags behind such
- scanners as SCAN and FPROT. Given the association between Virucide and
- McAfee Associates, this is rather odd. (Version 2.0 of Virucide is
- dated January 28, 1991, but the copyright date on the VIRINFO.TXT file
- is 1989.) However, a "current" version of Virucide should prove
- effective against better than 99% of viri encountered.
- Company Stability
- Parson's Technology is a mid sized software distribution house, with a
- very wide selection of products.
- Company Support
- Of the first group of commercial vendors contacted, Virucide was the
- first product actually received for review. Having received the May
- 1990 version in December, I received the January 1991 version in mid
- February as a "free upgrade". I have seen numerous references by users
- of other Parsons' products to superior customer service.
- Documentation
- The documentation is clear and concise, but at times makes the product
- appear to be more difficult to use than is actually the case. There is
- no general discussion of viral operation.
- Hardware Requirements
- No special hardware required.
- Performance
- As above, Virucide has no particular strengths, or weaknesses, in speed
- of operation or numbers of viri detected.
- Local Support
- No provisions.
- Support Requirements
- For general installation and operation, Virucide should not need any
- support. The novice user should be able to use the system as is, and
- the intermediate user will be able to make better use of the options
- available.
- General Notes
- The only advantage that the advanced user will find in Virucide is the
- "Virus Info" window as a "ready reference". However, as a "quick check"
- for novice or intermediate users, the product deserves consideration.
- copyright Robert M. Slade 1991
- ==============
- Vancouver p1@arkham.wimsey.bc.ca | "It says 'Hit any
- Institute for Robert_Slade@mtsg.sfu.ca | key to continue.'
- Research into (SUZY) INtegrity | I can't find the
- User Canada V7K 2G6 | 'Any' key on my
- Security | keyboard."
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest [Volume 4 Issue 37]
- *****************************************