;CServe/Uworld popups were created by SethD <SethD@C-Script.com>
;and are included in C-Script, which is available at
;Join me on IRC! /server irc.c-script.com Ports: 6660-6669 and 7000
;CSERVE Channel Service and UWORLD Operator Service are Copyright (c)
;1997 Michael Dabrowski <mdabrows@cuc.edu>
on 1:LOAD: {
if (%cservcnk == $null) { set %cservcnk $$?="Nickname of CServe CHANNEL bot" }
if (%uworldonk == $null) { set %uworldonk $$?="Nick of Uworld OPER bot" }
on 1:INVITE:#OperMessages:join $chan
raw 372:* {
if (Possible == $2 && clones == $4 && from == $5) { wrecho2 Possible Clones:12 $remove($remove($3,$chr(91)),$chr(93)) $+ users found at12 $remove($remove($6,$chr(91)),$chr(93)) | editbox -s /mkill $remove($remove($6,$chr(91)),$chr(93)) Clones are NOT allowed on this network! (/motd) | halt }
if ($2 == MOTD:) { wrecho2 Special MOTD: $3- | halt }
if (Illegal isin $2-3 && Channel isin $2-3) { wrecho2 Illegal $remove($4,:) of 13 $+ $remove($remove($5,$chr(91)),$chr(93)) $+ by 12 $+ $remove($remove($6,$chr(91)),$chr(93)) ( $+ $remove($remove($8,$chr(91)),$chr(93)) $+ ) | editbox -s /kill $remove($remove($6,$chr(91)),$chr(93)) Sex/Porn/Warez channels are prohibited on this network! (/motd) | halt }
on 1:WALLOPS:*: { if (. isin $nick && $1 == Possible && $3 == clones && $4 == from) { editbox -s /mkill $remove($remove($5,$chr(91)),$chr(93)) Clones are NOT allowed on this network! (/motd) | halt } }
alias addchan msg ChanServ ADDCHAN # $1-
alias cs msg %cservcnk $1-
alias ns msg nickserv $1-
alias ms msg memoserv $1-
alias os msg %uworldonk $1-
alias opcom os opcom $1-
alias operinvite .msg operserv opcom :OperWorld invite $me #opermessages