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172 lines
alias ns nickserv $1- | echo -a -> *NickServ* $1-
alias ms memoserv $1- | echo -a -> *MemoServ* $1-
alias os operserv $1- | echo -a -> *OperServ* $1-
alias cs chanserv $1- | echo -a -> *ChanServ* $1-
menu channel {
DALnet Pops
.Help:msg $$?="Which Service?" Help $?="What topic Help? Or press Cancel for normal"
..Send a Memo:ms send $$?="Who do I send it to?" $$?="What does the memo say?"
..Send-SOP Memo:ms sendsop $$?="What channel?" $$?="What does the memo say?"
..List Memos:ms list
..Read Memo:ms read $$?="What number memo?"
..Delete Memos
...Delete Memo #:ms del $$?="What number memo?"
...Delete All:ms del ALL
..Undelete Memo:ms undel $$?="What number memo?"
..Purge Memo(s):ms purge
..Forward Memos:ms forward $$?="Foward Memos to Who?"
..Register:ns register $$?="What Password To Use:"
..Identify:ns identify $$?="Whats Your Password?"
...Access List:ns access list
...Add:ns access add $$?="User@Address to Add?"
...Delete:ns access del $$?="User@Address to Remove?"
..Recover:ns recover $$?="Nick To Recover:" $$?="Whats Your Password?"
..Ghost:ns ghost $$?="Ghost nick?" $$?="Password"
..Drop:ns drop $$?="Nick To Drop:"
..List:ns list $$?="Nick or Address to Search For:"
..Info:ns info $$?="Get Info On What Nick?"
..Release:ns release $$?="Release What Nick?"
...Kill:ns set kill $$?="On or Off?"
...Password:ns set passwd $$?="New Password to Use?"
...URL:ns set url $$?="URL To Associate With:"
...NoMemo:ns set nomemo $$?="On or Off?"
...NoOp:ns set noop $$?="On or Off?"
..Register:cs register # $$?="Password To Use:" $$?="Description To Use:"
...Add:cs sop # add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
...Delete:cs sop # del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
...List:cs sop # list
...Add:cs aop # add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
...Delete:cs aop # del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
...List:cs aop # list
...Add:cs akick # add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
...Delete:cs akick # del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
...List:cs akick # list
..Drop:cs drop #
..Identify:cs identify # $$?="The Password:"
..Info:cs info #
..Invite:cs invite $$?="Chan to Invite to (PUT IN THE #)" $$?="Nick To Invite (Can Be You)"
..Op:cs op # $$?="Person To Op:"
..DeOp:cs deop # $$?="Person To DeOp:"
..UnBan:cs unban # $$?="ME or ALL?"
..Access:cs access # $$?="Nick To Get Access Level:"
..List:cs list $$?="Search Pattern:"
..Masskick:cs mkick #$$?="Channel:"
..Massdeop:cs mdeop #
...Founder:cs set # founder
...Password:cs set # passwd $$?="Password to Use:"
...Description:cs set # desc $$?="Description to Use:"
...Ident:cs set # ident $$?="ON or OFF?"
...Mode Lock:cs set # mlock $$?="Modes to Lock:"
...OpGuard:cs set # opguard $$?="ON or OFF?"
...KeepTopic:cs set # keeptopic $$?="ON or OFF"
...URL:cs set # url $$?="URL To Associate to:"
...TopicLock:cs set # topiclock $$?="Founder, SOP, or OFF"
...Leave Ops:cs set # leaveops $$?="On or OFF?"
...UnSecure:cs set # unsecure $$?="ON or OFF?"
...Private:cs set # private $$?="ON or OFF?"
...Restrict:cs set # restrict $$?="ON or OFF?"
...Memo:cs set # memo $$?="NONE, AOP, SOP, or FOUNDER?"
menu status {
DALnet Pops
.Help:msg $$?="Which Service?" Help $?="What topic Help? Or press Cancel for normal"
..Send a Memo:ms send $$?="Who do I send it to?" $$?="What does the memo say?"
..Send-SOP Memo:ms sendsop $$?="What channel?" $$?="What does the memo say?"
..List Memos:ms list
..Read Memo:ms read $$?="What number memo?"
..Delete Memos
...Delete Memo #:ms del $$?="What number memo?"
...Delete All:ms del ALL
..Undelete Memo:ms undel $$?="What number memo?"
..Purge Memo(s):ms purge
..Forward Memos:ms forward $$?="Foward Memos to Who?"
..Register:ns register $$?="What Password To Use:"
..Identify:ns identify $$?="Whats Your Password?"
...Access List:ns access list
...Add:ns access add $$?="User@Address to Add?"
...Delete:ns access del $$?="User@Address to Remove?"
..Recover:ns recover $$?="Nick To Recover:" $$?="Whats Your Password?"
..Ghost:ns ghost $$?="Ghost nick?" $$?="Password"
..Drop:ns drop $$?="Nick To Drop:"
..List:ns list $$?="Nick or Address to Search For:"
..Info:ns info $$?="Get Info On What Nick?"
..Release:ns release $$?="Release What Nick?"
...Kill:ns set kill $$?="On or Off?"
...Password:ns set passwd $$?="New Password to Use?"
...URL:ns set url $$?="URL To Associate With:"
...NoMemo:ns set nomemo $$?="On or Off?"
...NoOp:ns set noop $$?="On or Off?"
..Register:cs register #$$?="Channel:" $$?="Password To Use:" $$?="Description To Use:"
...Add:cs sop #$$?="Channel:" add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
...Delete:cs sop #$$?="Channel:" del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
...List:cs sop #$$?="Channel:" list
...Add:cs aop #$$?="Channel:" add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
...Delete:cs aop #$$?="Channel:" del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
...List:cs aop #$$?="Channel:" list
...Add:cs akick #$$?="Channel:" add $$?="Nick Or Mask To Add:"
...Delete:cs akick #$$?="Channel:" del $$?="Nick Or Mask To Delete:"
...List:cs akick #$$?="Channel:" list
..Drop:cs drop #$$?="Channel:"
..Identify:cs identify #$$?="Channel:" $$?="The Password:"
..Info:cs info #$$?="Channel:"
..Invite:cs invite $$?="Chan to Invite to (PUT IN THE #)" $$?="Nick To Invite (Can Be You)"
..Op:cs op #$$?="Channel:" $$?="Person To Op:"
..DeOp:cs deop #$$?="Channel:" $$?="Person To DeOp:"
..UnBan:cs unban #$$?="Channel:" $$?="ME or ALL?"
..Access:cs access #$$?="Channel:" $$?="Nick To Get Access Level:"
..List:cs list $$?="Search Pattern:"
..Masskick:cs mkick #$$?="Channel:"
..Massdeop:cs mdeop #$$?="Channel:"
...Founder:cs set #$$?="Channel:" founder
...Password:cs set #$$?="Channel:" passwd $$?="Password to Use:"
...Description:cs set #$$?="Channel:" desc $$?="Description to Use:"
...Ident:cs set #$$?="Channel:" ident $$?="ON or OFF?"
...Mode Lock:cs set #$$?="Channel:" mlock $$?="Modes to Lock:"
...OpGuard:cs set #$$?="Channel:" opguard $$?="ON or OFF?"
...KeepTopic:cs set #$$?="Channel:" keeptopic $$?="ON or OFF"
...URL:cs set #$$?="Channel:" url $$?="URL To Associate to:"
...TopicLock:cs set #$$?="Channel:" topiclock $$?="Founder, SOP, or OFF"
...Leave Ops:cs set #$$?="Channel:" leaveops $$?="On or OFF?"
...UnSecure:cs set #$$?="Channel:" unsecure $$?="ON or OFF?"
...Private:cs set #$$?="Channel:" private $$?="ON or OFF?"
...Restrict:cs set #$$?="Channel:" restrict $$?="ON or OFF?"
...Memo:cs set #$$?="Channel:" memo $$?="NONE, AOP, SOP, or FOUNDER?"
menu nicklist {
DALnet Pops
.Access:cs access # $$1
.Op:cs op # $$1
.DeOp:cs deop # $$1
..Add:cs akick # add $$1
..Del:cs akick # del $$1
..Add:cs aop # add $$1
..Del:cs aop # del $$1
..Add:cs sop # add $$1
..Del:cs sop # del $$1
.Info:ns info $$1