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- Reported by Jessica Yu/Merit
- Minutes of the CIDR Deployment Working Group (CIDRD)
- Agenda
- o CIDR deployment status
- o Aggregation do's and don'ts
- o Request for more generality in NSFNET NACRs
- o CIDR block allocation guidelines
- o Router VLSM functionality test reports
- o NIC check/renumbering
- Administrivia
- This group was formerly called ``BGP Deployment and Application''
- (BGPDEPL). The name has officially been changed to ``CIDR Deployment''
- (CIDRD) to better reflect its current mission. The mailing list for the
- group has not changed.
- Overview
- The group agreed unanimously and emphaticly that CIDR needs to be
- deployed now. The last major piece of core BGP-4 interoperability is to
- be deployed on the Saturday after the meeting when ANS and the CIX will
- start speaking BGP-4 to each other. There are already about 100
- networks being routed by aggregates alone; there is proof now that CIDR
- is working and that it is reasonably safe to switch to it. The next
- group meetings for discussing CIDR deployment will probably be the
- NATCOM (formerly ``Regional-Techs'') meeting in Ann Arbor 2-3 June, and
- the RIPE meeting. These meetings are too far in the future to defer
- CIDR deployment issues until then. Progress on CIDR needs to be made
- now; any coordination necessary to make that happen needs to happen in
- this meeting or on mailing lists.
- There was an extended discussion about whether this group should pick a
- date and then stop routing where providers had not aggregated. A straw
- poll showed 18 hands supporting such a unified cutoff date somewhere
- around 1 June 1994. There were some strong cautions (including from
- Scott Bradner, Operations Area co-Director) that IETF working groups do
- not have the formal structure to allow this kind of a trade decision.
- This might constitute legal restraint of trade. It would be better for
- NSPs to make such decisions independently (especially with independently
- selected dates), but not formally as this group.
- Andrew Partan offered the following perspective: as a service provider,
- he will monitor his routing tables and will keep the list posted; he
- will not set an arbitrary date now. But if the situation grows more
- critical, he will do what is necessary to keep his network viable.
- Suggestions: service providers should enable proxy for stub sites; look
- at ASs that are not creating aggregates, and do proxy there.
- CIDR Deployment Status
- Jessica Yu presented the following points:
- o Many ASs have deployed BGP-4 and are CIDR-capable now
- o All major providers are either ``CIDRizing'' or defaulting
- o About 30 ASs are advertizing about 100 CIDR routes
- o About 200 more specific routes have been withdrawn
- o The community desperately needs to further reduce routing table
- size
- o New ways to do operations in a CIDR world need to be found
- Tony Bates reported that twenty-seven aggregates are not announcing any
- more-specific routes. See the files ftp.ripe.net:cidr/stats/Specific*
- for daily updates.
- Eric-Jan Bos presented tables from The Netherlands showing: with
- ``classic'' measures: 19758 routes (24 As, 4143 Bs, 15591 Cs); looking
- to CIDR measures: four ``B'' blocks + 109 ``C'' blocks (1x/9, 4x/15,
- 20x/16 ... 34x/23). Only thirty-five ASNs are announcing aggregates
- (of 338 known ASNs)!
- Merit posts lists of aggregate nestings and withdrawals (also noting
- policy conflicts) in:
- merit.edu:pub/nsfnet/cidr/nestings.announced
- CIDR progress, as seen on AS690, is also tracked in cidr_savings in the
- same directory.
- Aggregation Do's and Don'ts
- Andrew Partan presented the following points:
- o Proxies need to know the local topology.
- o Sometimes when people announce a large route and withdraw the more
- specific routes, they forget that you still need to route some of
- those more-specifics (e.g., customers who have moved, multi-homed
- ASs).
- o Check outside of your routers to see what is really happening in
- the outside world.
- Meta-Aggregate NACRs
- Peter Lothberg requested a change in the way that AS690 handles
- aggregate configurations. He would like to be able to configure one
- aggregate, and then be allowed to announce any classless network within
- that aggregate and have exactly what he announces be propagated into and
- through AS690. This would allow him to change his aggregation strategy
- on the fly without registering each aggregate that he intends to use in
- the future with the NSFNET PRDB. Dennis Ferguson said he would look into
- what this would require. Merit will also review the routing stability
- implications of this change.
- CIDR Block Assignments
- It would be very helpful to have a document that NSPs can hand out to
- their customers to explain the CIDR conservation situation and rational
- CIDR block allocation policies. (This has come up before, but it is
- becoming more urgent.) Vince Fuller presented a list of some pieces
- that already exist:
- o IANA to regional NICs (i.e., RFC 1466)
- o Regional NIC to providers (i.e., RIPE-104)
- o Provider to customers (i.e., RIPE templates)
- o Customer block usage (subnetting document? Harvard Eidnes document
- extract?)
- How many documents exist? What is the structure of the documents?
- Customer block assignment issues: How big should blocks be? (The
- customer doesn't know.) Vince presented the following questions/issues
- when this question was asked:
- o How many host IP addresses?
- o How many network segments?
- o Hosts per segment (range)?
- o What type of routers?
- o WAN links (i.e., multiple sites in customer network)?
- - If yes, #1-3 for each site.
- - Un-numbered serial links?
- o Goal of >10% block utilization (Postel to SESQUInet)
- o RFC 1597---how much of the net is public?
- Charlie Kline presented his tool for managing CIDR allocations. It is
- available from:
- ftp.cic.net:/pub/src/tree.tar.Z
- ftp.cic.net:/pub/src/tree.hqx (Macintosh executable)
- Peter Ford also pointed out that we need to document CIDR and allocation
- guidelines for two categories of large future usage: SLIP and PPP
- protocols.
- David Conrad, Tony Bates, Marten Terpstra and Andrew Partan will work on
- these documents. Peter Ford will co-ordinate the editing of this
- document. Goals are 1 May for a draft, and a final copy after the next
- RIPE meeting.
- WIDE VLSM Report
- Akira Kato made a presentation of his work with Hiroshi Kawazoe on a
- project to determine if VLSM is ready or not. His slides follow the
- minutes. A test was held on 24-25 November with the following routers:
- IBM 611/140, mpnp.; Proteon CNX-500, V15.0a[Z1]; cisco 3000,
- 9.1.8; 3Com NetBuilder II, XW6.2.0.10; and Sony NWG-5000WSN, NEWS-OS
- 6.0. Product performance is not identified by router in the final
- report, by agreement with the participants.
- Most routers passed most of the tests they performed, except one which
- failed to handle supernets. Conclusion: VLSM is almost ready.
- Action Items
- o NSPs leave Seattle, go home and withdraw some routes!
- o Use bgpd@merit.edu to make CIDR progress known.
- o NSPs will press their customers and peers to implement CIDR.
- o NSPs will start to proxy-aggregate stub-ASs.
- o RIPE and Merit will set up CIDR tool repositories for public use
- (ftp.ripe.net:/cidr/fdata,docs,stats,toolsg).
- o Group to produce guidelines documents (details above).
- Attendees
- Nashwa Abdel-Baki nashwa@frcu.eun.eg
- Vadim Antonov avg@sprint.net
- Susie Armstrong susie@mentat.com
- William Barns barns@gateway.mitre.org
- Tony Bates tony@ripe.net
- Jordan Becker becker@ans.net
- Steven Blair sblair@dell.com
- Erik-Jan Bos erik-jan.bos@surfnet.nl
- Scott Bradner sob@harvard.edu
- Ronald Broersma ron@nosc.mil
- Brad Burdick bburdick@radio.com
- Jeffrey Burgan jeff@nsipo.nasa.gov
- Joesph Burrescia burrescia@es.net
- Randy Bush randy@psg.com
- Henry Clark henryc@oar.net
- Michael Collins collins@es.net
- David Conrad davidc@iij.ad.jp
- Steve Corbato corbato@nwnet.net
- Sean Doran smd@use.net
- Tom Easterday tom@cic.net
- Havard Eidnes havard.eidnes@runit.sintef.no
- Nasser El-Aawar nna@ans.net
- Erik Fair fair@apple.com
- Steve Feldman feldman@mfsdatanet.com
- William Fenner fenner@cmf.nrl.navy.mil
- Dennis Ferguson dennis@ans.net
- Robert Fink rlfink@lbl.gov
- H. Tom Fitzpatrick fitz@ddn.af.mil
- Vince Fuller vaf@barrnet.net
- Dimitry Haskin dhaskin@wellfleet.com
- Eugene Hastings hastings@psc.edu
- Kenneth Hays hays@scri.fsu.edu
- Denise Heagerty denise@dxcoms.cern.ch
- Steven Hubert hubert@cac.washington.edu
- Jinho Hur jhhur@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr
- Geoff Huston g.huston@aarnet.edu.au
- David Jacobson dnjake@vnet.ibm.com
- Dale Johnson dsj@merit.edu
- Matthew Jonson jonson@ddn.af.mil
- Merike Kaeo mkaeo@cisco.com
- Akira Kato kato@wide.ad.jp
- Hiroshi Kawazoe kawazoe@trl.ibm.co.jp
- Sean Kennedy liam@nic.near.net
- Edwin King eek@atc.boeing.com
- Charley Kline cvk@uiuc.edu
- Mark Knopper mak@aads.net
- John Krawczyk jkrawczy@wellfleet.com
- Tony Li tli@cisco.com
- Lars-Johan Liman liman@sunet.se
- Kim Long klong@nysernet.org
- Peter Lothberg roll@stupi.se
- Jamshid Mahdavi mahdavi@psc.edu
- Bill Manning bmanning@rice.edu
- Matt Mathis mathis@psc.edu
- Jun Matsukata jm@eng.isas.ac.jp
- Keith Mitchell keith@pipex.net
- Pushpendra Mohta pushp@cerf.net
- Gilles-Andre Morin gamorin@shl.com
- Ngoc-Lan Nguyen lnguyen@icp.net
- Peder Chr. Noergaard pcn@tbit.dk
- Donald Pace pace@cntfl.com.
- Krishnan Parameshwaran krishnap@microsoft.com
- Kurt Parent kurt@nwnet.net
- Andrew Partan asp@uunet.uu.net
- Michael Patton map@bbn.com
- David Piscitello dave@corecom.com
- Rex Pugh pugh@hprnd.rose.hp.com
- Yakov Rekhter yakov@watson.ibm.com
- Robert Reschly reschly@brl.mil
- Tony Richards richards@sprintlink.net
- Francois Robitaille francois.robitaille@crim.ca
- Duncan Rogerson d.rogerson@nosc.ja.net
- Michal Rozenthal michal@fibronics.co.il
- John Scudder jgs@merit.edu
- Tim Seaver tas@concert.net
- Henry Sinnreich hsinnreich@mcimail.com
- Bernhard Stockman boss@ebone.net
- Tim Streater t.c.streater@dante.org.uk
- Marten Terpstra marten@ripe.net
- Paul Traina pst@cisco.com
- Willem van der Scheun scheun@sara.nl
- Ruediger Volk rv@informatik.uni-dortmund.de
- Chris Wheeler cwheeler@nwnet.net
- Linda Winkler lwinkler@anl.gov
- Cathy Wittbrodt cjw@barrnet.net
- Philip Wood cpw@lanl.gov
- Jessica Yu jyy@merit.edu
- Paul Zawada Zawada@ncsa.uiuc.edu