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- Reported by Jeffrey Mogul/DEC
- Meeting of 12 December 1989
- Held at the Digital Equipment Corporation Western Research Laboratory
- Palo Alto, California
- 1. Discuss proposed MTU Discovery protocols
- 2. Attempt a consensus protocol
- 3. Find a victim to write up a draft
- 4. Set next meeting date
- This was the first meeting of the MTU Discovery Working Group. We had
- already made and discussed a number of proposals for a protocol design,
- and had also discussed (over the mailing list) a number of technical and
- non-technical constraints on such a protocol.
- The most important non-technical constraint was that we wanted to devise
- a protocol that would work fairly well, or at least no worse than ``no
- protocol at all'', in the presence of large numbers of unconverted hosts
- and routers.
- Technical constraints include issues such as the cost of processing
- options; the possible use of the reserved bit in the IP header [probably
- not available to us]; the layers in which the MTU discovery protocol is
- implemented; the need to support TOS, security, and asymmetric paths;
- deciding when to send IP options; the problem of LANs with more than one
- MTU [a possible consequence of the use of bridges between Ethernets and
- FDDI]; the delays in propagation of information through the network; the
- realization that the path MTU is first known at the wrong end of the
- path;
- The proposals made before the meeting basically fell into two
- categories: those that probed the network to find out the path MTU (the
- minimum MTU over a path), essentially by asking the routers along the
- path to report the MTU, and those that asked the receiving host to
- report fragmentation when it occurs, with the understanding that the
- size of first fragment of a packet received probably reflects the path
- MTU. In the latter case, the sender must send large packets occasionally
- in order to discover if they will be fragmented.
- The ``Report Fragmentation'' approach would be cleanest if we could have
- used the reserved bit in the IP header as a flag to tell the receiver
- that the sender is willing to receive and utilize a (new) ICMP
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- Fragmentation Occured message. However, we were told that this bit is
- unlikely to be released for this purpose. ``Report Fragmentation''
- (R-F) can also be done using an IP header option, again ``allowing'' the
- receiver to send the ICMP report.
- R-F has the advantage that it requires no changes in the routers, but
- the disadvantage that it requires changes in most end-hosts before it
- does much good. (If the receiving host does not implement it, the
- sending host could obliviously continue to send packets that are being
- fragmented and perhaps lost.) During the meeting, we discussed how to
- decide when and how often to send the ICMP Fragmentation Occurred
- message, and which layer should send it.
- Since option-processing is expensive for routers, we believe that the RF
- option cannot be sent on every packet. Thus, the receiving host should
- remember that a sender has specified Report Fragmentation, and if
- fragmentation does occur later on, the ICMP should be sent even if the
- fragmented packet did not carry the option.
- Since some protocols on the sending host (e.g., NFS) might not be able
- to use the MTU information even thought others (e.g., TCP) might have
- requested it, some felt that it was necessary to send fragmentation
- reports in response only to those host+protocol+port tuples that had
- sent the RF option; this means that the receiving host must keep a table
- keyed in this way, and probably that it has to be maintained by the
- transport protocols (TCP, UDP, etc.) At the same time, it was felt to
- be unfortunate that the transport protocols would be burdened with this
- chore; we consider it an ``implementation suggestion'' rather than a
- protocol specification.
- One approach might be to insist that a host not send the RF option
- unless all of its protocols are willing to abide by MTU change reports.
- We know that it is possible to make NFS obey certain MTUs, and perhaps
- it is worth making this rule rather than complicating the discovery
- protocol implementation.
- Talk then turned to the ``MTU Probe Option'' approach. In this approach
- (as it evolved from RFC1063 before the meeting), the sender would
- (occasionally) send this option on packets flowing on the connection.
- The option would have three fields: a ``next hop IP address field'', an
- ``OK'' field, and an ``minimum MTU'' field. The initial values would be
- the first hop router address, ``true'', and the MTU of the first-hop
- link. Each router along the path would set the MTU to the min of the
- current value and the MTUs of the incoming and outgoing paths. If its
- own address was NOT the same as the ``next hop'' field, it would set the
- OK field to ``false''; otherwise, it would change the next-hop field.
- In any case, the option is forwarded (but not copied on fragmentation).
- The last-hop router (it should be able tell that it is such; we'll
- address the FDDI-Ethernet bridge issue somehow) does the same thing to
- the option as the previous routers, but if the OK field is still
- ``true'', it now knows the path MTU. It therefore sends a (new) ICMP
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- Path MTU message back to the sender, including the usual IP header info
- for matching at the sender. In any case, the option continues to the
- receiving host.
- Note that the sender will not get a Path MTU message unless every router
- along the way understands this protocol. This is because we could
- otherwise be misled by a low-MTU link bordered by two unconverted
- routers. However, we believe that routers will be converted much sooner
- than most end hosts.
- Since the option is also received by the ultimate receiving host, that
- host can also interpret this option as ``Report Fragmentation'' flag (as
- above). This is a backup mechanism; if the Path MTU message is not
- generated, or if the MTU then decreases enough to cause fragmentation,
- the sender will still find out. Of course, the sender cannot know that
- the receiver is doing this. One partial solution is that if the
- receiver gets a MTU Probe option with the OK field = false, then it
- should send an Path MTU message to the sender with a code indicating
- ``unknown''; this tells the sender that it is OK to use the ``Report
- Fragmentation'' approach. If the sender receives neither kind of Path
- MTU message, then it must assume that it will not receive Fragmentation
- Occurred reports, and it should stick to the current ``no more than 576
- bytes if non-local'' rule.
- This hybrid approach seems (to the attendees, at least) to combine the
- best of both methods: it gives accurate, early results (i.e., before a
- connection has to start sending big datagrams) without incurring
- fragmentation if the routers cooperate, it detects fragmentation if the
- receiver cooperates, and it causes conservative behavior otherwise.
- There are still several issues to nail down, including how often to send
- the MTU Probe option, how many times to send the Fragmentation Occurred
- ICMP message, etc.
- Keith McCloghrie and Rich Fox were volunteered to write up a draft RFC,
- which we hope to circulate several weeks before the next IETF meeting.
- We expect to meet again at the February IETF meeting.
- Art Berggreen art@salt.acc.com
- Noel Chiappa jnc@PTT.LCS.MIT.EDU
- Farokh Deboo sun!iruucp!ntrlink!fjd
- Steve Deering deering@pescadero.stanford.edu
- Rich Fox sytek!rfox@sun.com
- Ivan Liu iliu@orville.nas.nasa.gov
- Keith Mc Cloghrie sytek!kzm@hplabs.HP.COM
- Jeff Mogul mogul@decwrl.dec.com
- Nuggehalli Pradeep pradeep@orville.nas.nasa.gov
- Stephanie Price cmcvax!price@hub.ucsb.edu
- [Noel Chiappa participated via telephone]
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