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- Reported by Peter Kirstein/UCL
- ODA Minutes
- Current Status of Implementations
- As a background for the discussions on Pilots, the current status of
- implementations was reviewed. The following were known to be available,
- potentially, to the IETF Office Document Architecture Working Group:
- The status of each is discussed below:
- There has been a Release of v1.1 of the BBN SLATE/UCL ODA software; it
- converts between SLATE v1.2 and ODA/ODIF Q112. This is freely available
- to anyone who has a license for BBN SLATE 1.2. The software is made
- available currently on SPARCstations, but is believed to be easily
- portable to IBM RISC 6000 machines and DEC Ultrix workstations. There
- is documentation for the system on the normal ietf-osi-oda infoserver.
- At present the system operates with the UCL PP message (v5.0 or later
- versions), and thus can operate over SMTP (with UUencode) or X.400;
- later versions will work with the extensions to SMTP proposed in the
- SMTP IETF working party. It is possible to interoperate with any other
- SMTP mail systems which does UUencoding.
- It has been agreed with BBN, that they will provide for the IETF Pilot
- 250 copies of SLATE v1.2, and will maintain it with later releases. It
- is restricted to ``academic and research institutes only''; others must
- purchase the SLATE from BBN. The software will be updated as later
- releases of SLATE become available. The whole documentation will be
- provided by UCL - who will include the BBN SLATE documentation. The BBN
- portion of the software will be provided to US participants by a
- ``Shrink-wrapped Licence''; non-US sites will have to sign a BBN license
- supplied by UCL. In both cases, UCL will keep a register of copies
- supplied, and must furnish that to BBN. UCL will make a small handling
- charge for the distribution.
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- Bull-Word for Windows/ODA
- There will be a version of this software made available to the Working
- Group; it will run on a DOS PC, and must be integrated by the using site
- with a mail system. The Bull software is designed for conversion
- between RTF and ODA Q112, but they use it only with WORD for WINDOWS. To
- date there are still some slight problems with the software, but an
- improved version is expected by the end of August 1. If this is up to
- expectations, UCL expect that it should be available to the Working
- Group during the 4th quarter of 1991.
- The software requires a PC/AT with PC-DOS or MS-DOS v 3.10 or above -
- with at least 1 MB of EMS, hard disc and floppy. It requires also the
- editor, i.e., WORD for Windows v1 or other editor supporting RTF. The
- programs include Q112 <--> RTF convertors, a formatter, filter, and a
- browser. It also includes filters and test documents. There will be
- appropriate documentation from Bull.
- The license agreement is for use on a single DOS system for R and D. One
- should report on the usage. It for Universities and Public Research
- laboratories for evaluation, research and demonstration. It is
- initially until June 1992. UCL will distribute the software and
- documentation, but users will have to sign a license agreement with
- Bull.
- DEC This package is regarded as a Gateway product between their CDA
- products and OSI. The VMS release was made in April, the ULTRIX release
- is on Extended Field Trial (EFT). They run on all current DEC machines.
- Mitre has tested the VMS release, and found some problems with one of
- the directions of conversion. UCL received the EFT of the ULTRIX
- version on the day of the IETF meeting. While there have been no
- discussions with DEC on how it will be made available to the IETF, this
- is not usually a problem for educational or research organisations.
- UPC/ICL The University Polytechnic of Catalonia (UPC) has offered a
- version of their convertor between WORDPERFECT 5.0 and ODA Q112 for
- evaluation by UCL. It will run under DOS and UNIX. The DOS version will
- leave it to the users to have the ODA files included under the users'
- favourite mailsystem; the UNIX version will be available both for SUN-3
- and SUN-4 systems. UCL has tested one version, and expect a further
- version early in August. The version tested by UCL would not be
- suitable for release; it is expected that a suitable one will become
- available during the fourth quarter of 1991.
- The RTF-ODIF convertor comes from ICL, so that availability conditions
- must be agreed both with ICL and UPC. The exact terms and conditions for
- availability are not yet clear, but are expected to be similar to those
- of Bull. It is expected that UCL will distribute the software for UPC.
- XEROX They have confirmed the availability of their VIEWPOINT/ODA
- software; it runs under UNIX on SPARCstations. UCL has not been given a
- copy yet, and so must still evaluate it. While XEROX does have an X.400
- which is integrated with their system, this requires the availability of
- XEROX hardware; none of the Working Group plans to test this integrated
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- system. UCL will give further information on this package when it has
- evaluated it.
- The XEROX software is a standard product. There has been no discussion
- yet on the terms under it will be made available to the Working Group.
- UCL plans to initiate such a discussion after the evaluation.
- UCL has made available an Autonomous Active Mailbox for testing
- purposes. This will allow people to send test documents by X.400 or
- SMTP, and to Store, Retrieve or Modify them. A brief description is
- given in documentation available on the infoserver at UCL.
- Interest was keen also in MAC software, and the Chair agreed to contact
- Apple - since it was believed they also had software in some relevant
- state. It was agreed that in view of the imminence of so much of the
- software, it was important to update this list regularly. The Chair
- would provide an updated status both at the end of September, and for
- the next meeting at the next IETF.
- Discussion on Interests of Working Group Members in the Available
- Software
- From the discussion, it became clear that for any serious use by
- participants, it would be necessary to have several copies of any
- software in each user group. This was consistent with the current BBN
- policy in the way they licensed three copies of SLATE, but was possibly
- at variance with the individual licenses assumed by Bull. Moreover,
- some of the Working Group participants said that even three was quite
- inadequate for their purposes. After some discussion, it was agreed
- that we should go back to those licensing the software, and get them to
- agree to provide three licenses to a group as part of the IETF Working
- Group activity. If individual groups felt they needed more copies, then
- they should approach the software provider, and discuss the terms under
- which additional copies were provided.
- There was a discussion for what large-scale Pilots the facilities would
- be particularly useful. Various proposals were made such as specific
- Working Groups of the IETF, access to certain large databases, and
- alternate representation for RFCs. It was agreed that prior to any
- serious Pilots, it was necessary for Working Group members to get wider
- experience of the current software available - or soon to become
- available. This phase of activity should be called ``Experiments''
- rather than ``Pilots''. It was hoped that this stage could be completed
- by the end of the year. The initial experimentation would be inside the
- Working Group, and the following volunteered their participation:
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- First Surname Organisation to be Investigated
- Ned Freed Innosoft DEC VMS/PMDF/DECWRITE
- Peter Kirstein UCL DEC-Ultrix/DECWRITE, XEROX
- Jim Knowles NASA-AMES DEC-Ultrix/DECWRITE, Sun 3,4, DOS, MAC
- David Lippke U of Texas SLATE and WORDPERFECT
- Carl Malamud CONS DOS-based systems
- Brien Wheeler MITRE DEC-Ultrix/DECWRITE, VMS, Sun 3,4, DOS, MAC
- Greg Vaudreuil CNRI SLATE and WORDPERFECT (later)
- The Chair will try to organise the availability of the Bull and UPC/ICL
- software for Knowles, Malamud and Wheeler; Kirstein will, of course, be
- getting it in any case. Kirstein will also discuss with DEC how US
- participation in the IETF should be handled as regards the DEC software.
- These original users would try to get experience prior to the next
- meeting. Freed would plan to organise some integration of the DEC
- software with his PMDF Mail product. Wheeler agreed to provide some
- documentation on their experience with the DEC product.
- Compatability with Mail Systems
- The ODIF is not immediately compatible with SMTP, because of the need of
- handling binary contents. The v1.1 of the SLATE/UCL software has
- provision for UUencoding the data for use with SMTP - and even with
- X.400 if the implementations required it. It was agreed that the first
- experiments would be made with this form of encoding. It was noted that
- the Internet Mail Extensions Working Group was adopting a different
- encoding of binary. It was agreed that in the next version of the
- software to be used by this Working Group, the coding agreed in the
- Internet Mail Extensions Working Group would be used. Vaudreuil agreed
- to put some appropriate parameters for ODA into the Internet Mail
- Extensions next version of the document, including Profile (currently
- only Q112, but eventually others also), Originating Site, Version
- Number, and possibly receiving site. Details would be discussed by
- e-mail. It was agreed that the Chair should discuss with the X.400
- Working Groups both compatibility with their formats, and possible
- interest in usage of ODA in their Pilots.
- Documents Available on the Infoserver
- A number of documents are currently available on the Infoserver at
- infoserver@cs.ucl.ac.uk. The documents are accessed by standard message
- systems, giving a message body of the form:request: ietf-osi-oda topic:
- xxxx where xxxx is the name of the document required. The list of
- documents currently in the collection is listed in a document called
- INDEX. The documents are currently all in text form. Some will be made
- available in ODA/ODIF format shortly.
- Next Meeting
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- It was proposed to hold the next meeting prior at the Santa Fe IETF
- meeting, during the week of November 18-22.
- Attendees
- Jill Foster jill.foster@newcastle.ac.uk
- Ned Freed ned@innosoft.com
- Steve Hardcastle-Kille S.Kille@cs.ucl.ac.uk
- P. Allen Jensen allen@audfax.audiofax.com
- Peter Kirstein kirstein@cs.ucl.ac.uk
- Jim Knowles jknowles@trident.arc.nasa.gov
- Mark Leon leon@nsipo.arc.nasa.gov
- David Lippke lippke@utdallas.edu
- Carl Malamud carl@malamud.com
- John McGuthry mcguthry@gateway.mitre.org
- Geir Pedersen geir.pedersen@use.uio.no
- John Scudder jgs@merit.edu
- Gregory Vaudreuil gvaudre@nri.reston.va.us
- Brian Wheeler wheeler@mbunix.mitre.org
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