H_IBAR:This is the Monopoly icon.|MBefore a game begins, \s opens the new game window.|MDuring play, \s opens the board and player detail's windows.
H_MONOMESS:Messages from Monopoly appear here.|MPlease acknowledge the message or make a decision by clicking on the buttons.
# Board window
H_BH:\Scontruct/remove a house from a site.
H_BS:\Sview site details.
H_BM:\Smortgage (or lift the mortgage of) the site clicked on.
H_BG:This is the Monopoly board.
H_BMESS:Messages from the game engine appear here.
# Tools pane
H_P0:\Sto throw the dice.
H_P1:\Sto open the deed list \w.
H_P2:\Sto mortgage properties.|MWhen selected, click \s on a property in the deed window|Mor on the board to mortgage/lift a mortgage.
H_P3:\Sto transfer properties.
H_P4:\Sto build/sell houses.|MWhen selected, click \s on a property in the deed window|Mor on the board to build/sell houses.
H_P5:\Sto open the game information window.
H_P6:\Sto open the message window.
H_P7:\Sto complete your turn.
#Message window
H_Mess:This window contains messages from the game engine.
#Player information
H_PLIN:This is the player information \w.
H_PLSQ:This displays the square occupied by the player.
H_PLNM:This displays the player's name.
H_PLMO:This displays the amount of money a player has.
H_PLTO:This displays the player's token.
H_PLCO:This displays the player's counter colour.
H_PLDE:This shows if the player has any 'Get Out Of Jail Free' cards,|M whether he has any dice throws remaining,|Mand the number of throws taken when in jail.
H_PLTY:This indicates if the player is human or computer controlled.
H_PLTP:This indicates whether player %0 is human or computer controlled.
#Save window
H_SAVE:Type in a filename and drag the icon to a filer window to save the game.
H_AUCT:Auction window.
H_AUPR:The name of the property being auctioned.
H_AUPN:The player's number.
H_AUPL:The player's name.
H_AUCO:The player's counter.
H_AUMO:The amount of money the player has.
H_AUBD:Enter your bid here.
H_AUTB:The best bid so far.
H_AUBP:Who made the best bid.
H_AUNB:Decide not to make a bid.
H_AUMB:Make a bid.
#Chance/community chest
H_CCCA:The chance/community chest card is displayed here.
H_CCTA:\Sto take a chance.
H_CCOK:\Sto acknowledge the card.
H_CONF:Window for altering the game setup.
H_COCA:Close configuration window without using the values chosen.
H_COSE:Close configuration window and apply the values chosen.
H_COSA:Close configuration window, applying and saving the state.
H_COPAU:Switch auctions on or off.
H_COPDA:Switch dice 'animation' on or off.
H_COPSO:Switch sound on or off.
H_DEEDSM:This is a compressed list of deeds.
H_DEEDS:This is a list of the deeds you own.|M\Son the toggle icon to change to a smaller version
H_DICE:Shows the current dice throw.
#Buy sell house
H_BSHSQ:Shows site which you wish to build on/sell houses from.
H_BSH:Allows houses/hotels to be purchased/sold.|M\Son the board to select a site to build on.
H_BSHCO:Cost of building a house/hotel.
H_BSHSE:Profit from selling a house/hotel.
H_BSHCA:Close \w.
H_BSHSELL:Sell a house/hotel from currently selected site.
H_BSHCON:Build a house/hotel on the currently selected site.
H_PANE2:Currently selected site.
H_INFO:Program information.
#New game
H_NG:New game setup \w.
H_NAMES:Enter player names here.
H_NGTOK:Select a token from the pop-up menu.
H_NGCOMP:Computer player?
H_NGPLA:Select the number of players from the pop-up menu.
H_NGCAN:Close \w without starting a new game.
H_NGNEW:Start a new game with the options chosen.
#Transfer window
H_TRYOU:What you are offering appears here.
H_TRHIM:What you would like appears here.
H_TRANS:The transfer window.
H_TRDDY:Drag your deeds here.
H_TRDDH:Drag his deeds here.
H_TRDOY:\Sto open your deed window.
H_TRDOH:\Sto open his deed window.
H_TRMOY:Enter the amount of money you wish to offer here.
H_TRMOH:Enter the amount of money you would like.
H_TRCCH:/s if you would like to offer/receive 'get out of jail free cards'.
H_TRCAN:Abort transfer.
H_TRMAK:Make the offer to the other party.
#Offer window
H_OFYOU:What is being offered.
H_OFHIM:What is wanted in exchange.
H_OFDEO:View this person's deeds.
H_OFFER:The transfer offer window.
H_OFACC:Accept the offer.
H_OFREJ:Reject the offer.
H_OFFOK:Acknowledge the transfer between two computer players.
#Players info window.
H_PLINFO:This \w shows the state of play.
H_PLINNM:Player %0's name.
H_PLINMO:Player %0's money.
H_PLINCO:Player %0's counter colour.
H_PLINTO:Player %0's token.
H_PLINDE:Player %0's deeds.
H_PLINCC:Any 'get out of jail free cards' appear here.
H_SQRENT:Site rent details appear here.
H_SQRS:Rent payable for site only.|MIf the all of the colour group is owned then this is doubled.
H_SQR1:Rent payable with one house.
H_SQR2:Rent payable with two houses.
H_SQR3:Rent payable with three houses.
H_SQR4:Rent payable with four houses.
H_SQR5:Rent payable with a hotel.
H_SQHC:House/hotel cost.
H_SQMC:Mortgage value of site.
H_SQOW:Owners details.
H_SQON:Owners name.
H_SQOO:Owners player number.
H_SQOC:Owners counter colour.
H_SQSQ:Information is for this site.
H_SQIN:Information on selected site.
#Start transfer.
H_ST:Start transfer negotiations window.
H_STHIM:Player to transfer to.
H_STRAN:Choose the player to be involved in transfer negotiations.
H_STCAN:Close this window.
H_STOK:Open the transfer details window.
H_TPYOU:Deeds offered appear here.
H_TPHIM:Deeds required in return appear here.
#Menu help texts
#Iconbar menu
H_M_INFO:Show the program information.
H_M_NEWG:Start a new game.
H_M_STUP:Change game configuration.
H_M_SAVE:Save the game.|M\Ssave the game with the previous filename.
H_M_QUIT:Quit Monopoly.
H_M_MENU:This is a Monopoly menu.
#Board menu
H_M_OPEN:This opens a sub-menu allowing you open various game windows.
H_M_RESI:Resign from the game.
#Number of players
H_M_2:2 players.
H_M_3:3 players.
H_M_4:4 players.
H_M_5:5 players.
H_M_6:6 players.
H_M_CAR:Car token.
H_M_BOA:Boat token.
H_M_BOO:Boot token.
H_M_IRO:Iron token.
H_M_DOG:Dog token.
H_M_HAT:Hat token.
H_M_PLIN:Open player information window.
H_M_DIEW:Open dice window.
H_M_DEEDS:Open deed window.
H_M_GINFO:Open game information window.
H_M_MESS:Open message window.
H_M_FRM:Choose the player to be involved in the transfer.