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- !RailPro Signalling.
- ====================
- Load the Signals-spritefile to see what the following explanations
- mean...
- Line A: Signals in these positions (towards a buffer) are okay.
- Although the train will run at full speed towards the buffer,
- this has no effect.
- Line B: Signals in these positions (towards platform/buffer) are okay.
- Platforms automatically reduce trainspeeds. No effect.
- Line C: Problems.
- With C1 on green, the train will head fullspeed towards C2 (red).
- When meeting C2, driver uses emergency brakes. You'll be noticed.
- Effects: it costs you money; the train will not continue for
- seconds (resetting trainsystem).
- Line D: At D1 the train will continue on medium speed and stop at D2. Okay.
- Line E: At E1 the train will continue on slow speed and stop at E1. Okay.
- Line F: At F1 the train will continue on slow speed and stop(!!) at F2. Okay.
- Line G: At G1 the train will continue on medium speed and stop(!!) at G2. Okay.
- Line H: At H1 the train will continue on full speed and go onto slow speed
- at H2. Okay.
- Line I: At I1 the train will continue on slow speed and stop(!!) at I2. Okay.
- Line J: At J1 the train will continue on slow speed and go onto full speed
- at J2. Okay.
- Line K: At K1 the train will continue on slow speed and go onto full speed
- at K2. Okay.
- Line L: As Line E.
- Switching signals
- -----------------
- Clicking select on main (manual) signals, switches them between full red and
- full green.
- Clicking adjust on main (manual) signals, switches them to full orange.
- Clicking select on sub-signals, switches them between red/orange and full
- green.
- Clicking adjust on sub-signals, switches them to full orange.
- When a trains meets a first red/orange subsignal, its speed will be slow.
- When meeting a second red/orange subsignal thereafter, it will stop.
- Speeds
- ------
- Full Green signals: full speed.
- Full Orange sub-signals: medium speed.
- Full Orange main-signals: slow speed.
- Red/Orange sub-signals: slow speed (or stop).
- Full Red signals: stop.
- When meeting a maintenance spot, the speed has to be slow. You'll have to
- switch the signal before the spot to either red/orange (if it's a sub-signal)
- or full orange (when it's a main signal).
- Green sub-signals will be switched to full orange by the train. When the
- following signal is a main signal, the subsignal will remain on orange until
- the train passes the next main signal.
- As manual main signals stay red until you switch them to green, the previous
- subsignal will remain orange. One exception is when the manual signal is
- attached to a platform/siding (the sub-signal will then return to green).