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- Benelux
- =======
- The Benelux-map. A small map to get used to !RailPro.
- Trains come from/go to Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg.
- At the station are two sidingtracks for GD's, besides a special depot.
- All types of trains come and go in all directions.
- Because of the few platforms, the chance of excursion-parties is very
- small. Advice is to send empty trains out immediately.
- AcornCity
- =========
- Another map to get used to !RailPro.
- A nine-platform terminal station with an eight-track goods-depot.
- Because of the few platforms, the chance of excursion-parties is very
- small. Advice is to send empty trains out immediately.
- Paris
- =====
- The first of the more complicated maps.
- This map is based on station 'Paris-Montparnasse'. The real station has 26
- platforms and huge sidings, this map has the station reduced to 14 platforms
- and smaller sidings.
- Also new is the maintenance-siding, where IC's and LP's are sent to, to be
- cleaned etc.
- The station has three directions: LeSud (the South), Versailles-1 and
- Versailles-2. Only trains from LeSud will be directed to the maintenance-
- sidings.
- The LeSud-lines split at the maint.siding: the top two lines go directly
- to PAM (Paris-Montp.), the other lines go via MS1 (maint.siding-1) along
- DP2 (Depot-2) to PAM and will enter it from the bottom-side.
- The middle four lines are for VS1 and VS2.
- You'll soon find out that only platforms 9-14 can leave PAM to goto SUD.
- All other platforms have to be exited via the bottom-lines.
- Incoming trains can all enter via the top-SUD-lines, except the trains for
- DP2; they have to go there via the bottom-lines.
- Trains from MS1 will always be directed to PAM. Beware of the reachability
- of the destined platform via the top or bottom-lines.
- DP2 only deals with GD's from SUD and VS2. There are no GD's on the VS1-line.
- The first 10-15 minutes will be rather slow, but after that the traffic-
- control will keep you very occupied..
- Happy sorting out.....
- Metropole
- =========
- A complicated map (at first sight): 7 entry/exit-points, 2 stations,
- 2 maint.sidings. And.. NO GD's.!!
- The first two minutes will be hectic, as every 30 seconds the first trains
- out of each direction will approach.
- I've given names of English towns to all E/E-points, so it's easier to
- recognize where a train will be coming from in a geographical sense.
- Station MPW (Metropole-west) has platforms 19-21. (13-18 are invisibly occupied
- by the MS's.)
- Pressing <P>ause after start will give you a complete view of this map.
- Here also the intervals are set high, for you to decrease them.
- For all the complicated maps however you have to keep in mind that the
- first 10-15 minutes the trains are just building up (espec. the maint.sidings).
- After that you may be confronted with all things going together.
- (Isn't it a great sound, every time a new train is announced, just when
- you're sorting out three trains to depart...)
- Platforms 4,5,8,12 have a short-stop ability. An arriving train may have
- to leave within a minute or two.
- Berlin
- ======
- Two stations with also different access from entry's and a very busy
- junction on the other side of the map.
- As always the game starts off slowly, but you can decrease the interval-
- timings (now set to 2 and 3).
- You'll be changing your screen quite a lot, which on the A5000 and lower
- may be a bit slow. My apology for that.
- Westtown
- ========
- A straight-forward station where the tricky bits are in the east-south
- junction for trains, running to the depot or maint.siding.
- Trains for Maint.siding-2 are best run into the station first and will
- automatically run towards the MS2-yard. It will give you a higher revenue.
- Sentral
- =======
- Sentral has diversions to two single-line stations. With some skill (like
- slowing down a train that has enough time left) one must be able to maintain
- a service (almost) without delays.
- Trains from WestDir to OnePlat should enter on platform 1 (because of auto-
- redirect). Arriving on any other platform you have to manually redirect the
- train.
- There are two platforms '2' (as you'll notice). Pick the one you need for
- a certain train.
- Crazy
- =====
- Another hectic stationmap for the lovers. Still my favourite.
- 5 entrypoints, a 12-platform main station, a 3-platform sub-station,
- 2 small maintenance-depots and 2 small goods-depots. All these are
- interconnected by a spaghetti-type lay-out.
- There is a shortcut from Crazy-East, so when leaving trains do not have
- to run via the main station.
- Trains from Crazy-East to TopLine have to be directed via the branch
- line, passing Depot-2. Watch the point where it connects with the main
- line again! The signal is switched to slow, so it will safely take the
- point on joining the mainline. You'll get a bell-message from the driver.
- Platforms A and B at the main station are reserved for trains to/from
- Crazy-East.
- Between Depot-2 and Maint.sidng2 there are a few tracks to side empty
- trains, also below Depot-1.
- Jatown
- ======
- A 7-platform station with 3 depots.
- If played well, it will give you a very good revenue.
- There is a double entry at SOB, one for LP's, the other for GD's.
- Leave the red/orange signals as they are: you won't have to watch
- the point where the entries join.
- Platforms 5,6,7 have a short-stop ability. An arriving train may have
- to leave within a minute or two.
- Because of the few platforms, the chance of excursion-parties is very
- small. Advice is to send empty trains out immediately.
- Mixed
- =====
- Three stations, four depots, one maint.siding are hidden in this
- weird map.
- Below MIE you'll find GOL, with one platform 10 and one-track goods-depot.
- The golden-line is very good for the revenues, as an LP has to stop at
- many substations before reaching GOL.
- Trains for GOL, coming from Lowerline and Middleline, will reverse at
- MIE-station.
- For GD's you have to sort out which routes to follow towards depots and
- exits.
- At MIX there's a one-platform maint.siding.
- Platforms 10,13,14 have a short-stop ability. An arriving train may have
- to leave within a minute or two.
- Risco
- =====
- Another map to earn a lot of revenue.
- There's a 2-platform station, called RiscoTown. Only trains from Uppertown
- will be directed to it (use the platform on top at RCM).
- The Depot consists of 5 tracks (below and above the Midtown main line).
- The one-track depot SHG has a short-stop ability. An arriving train may have
- to leave within a minute or two (good for a high revenue).
- Platform 4 doesn't get trains from an entry. I use this platform for
- empty trains to reverse and for trains from RiscoTown to Midtown.
- York
- ====
- York, based on a map of 1925.
- People who know York-station, will now see the symbolic display of
- a station in a control-room.
- The Doncaster- and NewCastle-entries are double, although there's
- one exit for them. This may cause some confusion when trains have to
- leave at the same time. One train has to be slowed to the lowest speed.
- There are three depots. Two big ones and a two-rail depot at York-
- station. This depot has a short-stop ability. (Meant to be a through-depot
- for goods trains.)
- Platforms 4,14 are short-stop also.
- A maint.siding is drawn in, but no trains are directed to it.