Kosovo Orphans' Appeal Charity CD
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Restore is the other program in the HardBack package, which is
used to restore backups, either completely, or selectively using a
window which behaves almost identically to a Filer window. This
demo version of Restore has had a few features removed, but is
still able to read compressed backups made using the registered
Starting up
This is virtually identical to Backup - double clicking on the
!Restore icon opens a window urging you to register. Once you
have read the contents, clicking on Continue will place the Restore
icon on the iconbar. Clicking on the Restore iconbar icon opens
the main options window.
Iconbar menu
This menu is the same as the Backup iconbar menu except with an
extra item, End Restore. This is greyed out unless you are in
restore selected files mode, when it acts the same as End restore on
the files display menu.
Options window
Since Restore is mainly controlled by all the choices you made in
Backup, it has very few options of its own. Those that it does have
are documented below
1 Entire backup
This option restores the whole backup to a specified place. It first
asks for you to enter disc 1 and then the rest of the discs in
2 Selected items
This allows you to choose exactly what you restore and where it
goes. Firstly, it needs the last disc in the set, and then you are
prompted to enter any discs that are necessary. More information
on these two methods is given below.
3 Source drive
This is similar to the destination drive in Backup - see that section
for more information. The entry here should be the same as when
the file was backed up, although for floppies you can change the
4 Show status display
This is greyed out because this option is not available in the demo
version; the status display is always shown.
5 Cancel
This closes the window and resets the options to what they were
6 OK
This stores the options and goes onto the next phase, which
depends on whether Entire backup or Selected items was chosen.
Methods of restoring
There are two methods of restoring files which depend on what
you want to restore.
Entire backup
This method is fairly simple because it simply requests the discs in
sequence and restores what is held on them to a single directory. It
only uses the file Backup which is stored on each disc. However
the downside is that if a disc is corrupt or missing, then Restore
will not be able to Restore the files on any of the discs after this
Selected items
This method involves opening a Filer - style window and allows
you to move up and down directories and drag files and directories
out to wherever you like. This works by reading the information
stored in the Keyfile which is stored on the last disc in the set. It
requests discs only when they are needed to extract files from
them. This means if any disc bar the last is missing or corrupt you
can still restore a large percentage of the original data. One minor
point which makes this less useful to restore the whole backup is
that it is slightly slower than the Entire backup method. Also if the
keyfile is corrupt, you cannot restore anything without Entire
Restore entire backup:
This section documents how Restore behaves when Entire backup
is selected on the options window.
When OK is clicked, Restore scans the disc in the selected drive.
If it has a backup in the correct place, then the Restore entire
backup options window is opened. If it is not a valid backup disc,
you will be prompted to insert a backup disc 1. When this has been
done, and Restore is satisfied that it is correct, the window below
will be opened:
Restore entire backup options window
This window allows you to set where the backup will be restored
to, and it also shows when the backup was performed.
1 Destination
This shows where the backup will be restored to. You can either
edit this manually or drag a directory here to set the destination to
be inside it. If you drag a directory whilst holding down Ctrl, or a
file, the source will be set as the parent of it.
2 Backup done on ...
This shows the date on which the backup was performed. The /1
suffix shows the disc, which in all cases should be 1.
3 Directory
This is probably the best way to set the destination ù simply drag
the directory icon out to a Filer window, and the destination will be
set to it. You shouldnæt drag it to applications or iconbar icons,
because they may give strange results like <Wimp$Scrap>.
4 Cancel
This closes this window and returns you to the main options
5 OK
This accepts the settings and starts the restore operation.
Status window
Once you have set the destination and clicked on OK, the status
window appears. This displays how what is happening, and
remains on screen until the backup has finished. Most of this
window behaves in the same way that the Backup status window
1,2 Source, Destination
These are basically reminders of what you have just set.
3 Doing disc
Another reminder, this time giving the number of the disc currently
in the drive.
4 Currently doing
This shows what is currently being restored at the moment.
5 Messages
This displays any messages that come from Restore, in a similar
way to the messages panel in Backup.
6 Pause
This is greyed out because this feature is not available in this demo
version. In the full version it behaves similarly to the pause button
on Backupæs status window.
7 Stop
This will stop the restore operation immediately.
When the restore operation has finished or has been stopped, the
status window will remain on the screen until you close it. After
closing it, if you clicking on the iconbar icon again, the main
options window will appear again.
Restoring selected items
This method presents you with a Filer-style window from which
you can drag files, directories and applications to wherever you
like. It is designed to be as similar as possible to a Filer window so
that you should spend hardly any time at all getting used to. The
menu structure also virtually identical, with a few obvious
omissions such as Rename.
Having chosen Selected items from the main options window, you
will be prompted to insert the Keydisc. This is the last disc in the
original backup set and contains the file named Keyfile. Having
done this and clicked on OK, you should be presented with a
window similar to a directory viewer which will only contain one
item. This is in effect the Ésourceæ directory and it is simply here to
make it easier to drag everything out in one go. If the original
source was $ then this is named Contents. If there was no source
because selected files was on it is named Selections, otherwise it is
given the name of the entry in the source field in Backup.
Double clicking on the solitary icon will open the top directory of
the backup. In this demo version only one directory display can be
open at one time, so the previous one will close automatically.
You can now move up and down the directory tree as you wish.
Remember that because only one window can be open at one time,
you can only move up directories by either Adjust-clicking the
Close icon of the window, or clicking Menu and choosing Open
You cannot run files or applications directly from this window ù
they have to be dragged to a proper Filer window first. Therefore,
double clicking on applications will open them, as normally double
clicking with Shift would, and double clicking on files gives an
You may have trouble distinguishing between Restoreæs window
and Filer window. The easy way to tell is to click Menu over the
window and look at the menu title.
To restore files, directories and applications, simply select what
you want, as with normal Filer windows, and then drag it out to
wherever you want to put it. The status window will appear while
the files are being restored (this is documented in the section
Restore entire backup). While the restore is taking place, all the
files in the window are greyed out. This is to stop you dragging
out more files which would start two restore operations at the same
time and crash Restore.
Clicking Menu over the window brings up a menu which behaves
identically to the Filer menu. A few options are missing and there
is an extra option (End restore). This is documented below. Those
options that are missing or greyed out are either irrelevant or only
available in the full version.
End restore
This closes the files window and clears the data in it from memory.
It also reopens the main options window.