This section is allows you to specify the utilities that are used to decode images within pages. The most common inline image types are GIF's. XBM images are often found in Directory listings obtained via <a href="../fetchers.html#proxies">proxies</a>. I haven't found any inline JPEGs yet, but they can be requested if the <a href="../fetchers.html">Fetcher</a> sends the right info, and are more suited to many of the images now appearing.
Each Decoder has a Wimpslot value which, if greater than zero means, that that decoder is run as a Background task (meaning it does not stop you using your machine). A Wimpslot of zero means the decoder takes over your machine
The options are as follows.
<dt>GIF Decoder.
<DD>The utility used to translate GIF files into Sprite images.
<DD>Webster comes setup to use <a href="../gif2spr.html">gif2spr</a> to do this.
<dt>JPEG Decoder
<DD>The utility used to translate JPEG files into Sprite images.
<DD>Webster comes setup to use ChangeFSI to do this. This can be obtained from <A href="">Acorns FTP site</a>
<DT>XBM Decoder
<DD>The utility used to translate XBM2spr files into Sprite images.
<DD>Webster comes setup to use <a href="../xbm2spr.html">xbm2spr</a> to do this.
<a href="../images.html#examples">Examples</a> of the Decoder lines can be found in the documentation on <a href="../images.html">Images</a>.