This section is allows you to change how Ordered and Un-ordered lists appear. Specifying the amount a list is indented and the gap between the List identifyer (a dot or some ordering value) and the text of the list.
The options are as follows.
<dt>Letters & Numbers for Lists.
<DD>If selected then as Ordered lists are indented the numbering sequence is as follows
1. Number followed by a dot.
a. Lowercase letter followed by a dot.
i) Roman Numeral followed by a bracket.
A) Capital letter followed by a bracket.
I) Captial Roman Numeral followed by a bracket.
<DD>These can be overridden by extensions to the <OL> and <LI> tags if <quote>Decode HTML Extensions</quote> is turned on in the <a href="decoding.html">Decoding</a> Section of the choices windows.
<DD>If this option is not selected, then Ordered lists are as follows..
1. Single number
1.1 Value of previous level plus numeric order at this level.
1.1.1 Value of previous level plus numeric order at this level. Value of previous level plus numeric order at this level.
<dt>List Indent (OS Units)
<DD>How much each level of a list is indented for the current left margin specified in Screen units. Where one character is usually 16 units.
<DT>List Offset (OS Units)
<DD>This specifies the gap between the leftside of the List indicator (The bullet or Numeric value) and the actual text contents of the list item. It also specifies how much the <quote>Data</quote> part of Definition lists is indented from the Term part (This text belongs to the Data part of such a list, The term part for this entry is the <quote>List Offset (OS Units)</quote> above)