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File List | 1994-09-09 | 12.1 KB | 167 lines |
- La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
- DOS: Printing Utilities
- path: \dos\printing\
- -----------------------------------------------
- Name Size Date Description
- ============ ======== ======== ==============
- 2COL52.ZIP 45483 05-10-94 2COL, a 2 column compressed print utility for
- | dotmatrix, ink/bubble/deskjet, prints up to 8
- | pages on one side of a sheet of paper (or 16
- | pages using both sides).Faster and more
- | readable than other compressed print
- | programs.Great for shareware manuals and
- | reducing the bulk of paper stored or
- | transported.Save $ when faxing/mailing.
- | New:reverse order printing, reformatting.
- | MS-Windows menu/edit interface now available
- CAPBUFX.ZIP 31487 03-31-92 TSR to capture text for printing later <ASP>
- COD39C.ZIP 10161 05-03-92 Print Code 39 Barcode labels on Epson comp DM
- | printers.
- COM2PRN.ZIP 16283 05-02-92 Background Printing utility.
- COMODO21.ZIP 25139 06-15-92 Comodo v2.1. Utility to print any text files
- | on both sides of the paper.
- DJPRINT.ZIP 23689 03-24-92 Print on both sides of paper for 4 pages per
- | sheet.
- DLS311.ZIP 124369 09-12-93 DLS311 (James A. Clark; $15) will read files
- | from directories and subdirectories on the
- | hard drive or floppy drives and print a
- | label, disk insert or disk sleeve. Handy for
- | printing content information on diskettes.
- DMP205.ZIP 52556 02-10-91 DMP v2.05: Very versatile printer
- | controller/spooler; spool to disk, ramdisk,
- | expanded, extended, HMA memory; print to
- | file, parallel or serial printer; character
- | conversions, spooler flush hot-key, many
- | other options.
- DOCSM330.ZIP 73233 03-21-90 Print 4 pages of text on one page. Epson
- | comp.
- DSKLS251.ZIP 138013 04-26-92 Diskette Cover & Label Producer - 39 Formats.
- | Produces diskette covers with the directory
- | contents for all disks. Reads all sub-dirs.
- | Displays on the printer, screen or a file.
- | Select the type of frame lines, either IBM or
- | ASCII. File names can be sorted. File names
- | in ZIP, ARC, PAK, ZOO, and LHZ can optionally
- | be displayed. Many more customizing features.
- EZEPS110.ZIP 37110 12-24-93 EZ EPSON is a printer utility for MS-DOS that
- | works with many Epson and compatible
- | printers. EZ allows access to some of your
- | printer's capabilities that are not available
- | through use of the front panel switches. Some
- | EZ options duplicate those available on the
- | panel, however, using EZ means less wear on
- | the switches.
- FPRINT12.ZIP 86737 10-10-93 Fine Print 1.20 print 4 full pages on one
- | sheet.
- HANDB137.ZIP 278087 07-01-92 Handbook v1.37: print 3x5" handbooks on dot
- | matrix or laser printer. Supports duplex on
- | laser printers.
- HP550C.ZIP 60612 07-01-92 WordPerfect Printer Driver for the HP DeskJet
- | 550C printer.
- IMPREWRE.ZIP 48022 05-03-92 Large print program. If you have low vision,
- | then you should get this program.
- LABLER84.ZIP 143745 02-22-92 Labeler v8.4 prints labels on Epson/IBM
- | compatibles.
- LPE202.ZIP 118556 10-08-93 Laser Printer Envelope 2.02 ETS Inc. You can
- | print very attractive envelopes on your HP
- | Compatible Laser Printer. All Graphic,
- | FEATURE PACKED Dos program. IBM VGA Mouse
- | required. 5 STARS! .
- LQMX442A.ZIP 130916 04-17-93 LQMATRIX Ver. 4.42 <ASP> Programs, Fonts -
- | File 1 of 3. Softfonts and softfont editor
- | for Epson LQ 24 pin dot matrix printers and
- | compatibles. A user friendly environment for
- | designing FAST printing, text mode, fonts.
- | This archive contains the editor, utilities
- | and a set of fonts and ready to use fonts.
- LQMX442B.ZIP 98099 04-17-93 LQMATRIX Ver. 4.42 <ASP> Custom Fonts - File
- | 2 of 3. Softfonts and softfont editor for
- | Epson LQ 24 pin dot matrix printers and com-
- | patibles. This archive contains the down-
- | loader and two sets of specially created
- | fonts. It comes with over fifty ready made
- | and ready to use fonts. J.David Sapir.
- LQMX442C.ZIP 89721 04-18-93 LQMATRIX Ver. 4.42 <ASP> Fonts Documentation
- | - File 3 of 3. Text mode softfonts and
- | softfont editor for Epson LQ 24 pin dot
- | matrix printers and compatibles. This archive
- | contains the downloader and a set of five
- | specially made fonts and all the docu-
- | mentation.
- MTXT45.ZIP 93537 03-05-92 MicroText v4.5: cuts your printing jobs down
- | to size, printing up to four pages of text on
- | each sheet of paper; print any ASCII file on
- | HP LaserJet or Epson-compatible dot-matrix
- | printer; w/page preview, custom config, more.
- NEWPRT.ZIP 47832 02-16-92 NewPrint v1.0 print PCX image files to EP dot
- | and HPLJ printers. Comes with C++ source code
- | for Zortech compiler.
- P66.ZIP 66852 04-18-93 PRINTPLUS v6.6. Tag and Print, Copy, Move,
- | Delete files. View files. Pull Dn Menus.
- | Option to save paper. Print select pages.
- | Adjustable MARGINS. Preview # of pages. Old
- | left margin strip. INSPECT file for
- | Formfeeds, Tabs, Left Margin, and longest
- | line.Print to Lpt1, Lpt2, Prn, Com or a
- | filename. Mouse support. Now adds laser
- | support and faster file moves. < ASP >
- | Shareware.
- PIXPLOT.ZIP 124605 04-27-93 PIXELPLOT. Super fast HPGL & HPGL/2 file
- | converter. Will print your HP Plotter files
- | on virtually any printer, at any resolution.
- | Color or B&W. Version 1.1.
- PPS121.ZIP 36873 03-31-93 PPS v1.21: utility to print text files to
- | PostScript; customizable and versatile.
- PRGF112.ZIP 205860 05-04-94 PRINTGF v1.12 <ASP> - A GIF printer for DOS,
- | Windows. DOS and registered Windows versions
- | read BMP,JPG,PCX,TIF. Outputs 240 level/plane
- | b/w or color, with pattern and/or error diff
- | dither, brightness, contrast, gamma, gray
- | balance control, user selectable clip area,
- | print size, portrait/landscape. Drives 9, 24
- | pin printers, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, Primera,
- | PostScript, Canon BJ, BJC, VESA SVGA, many
- | other printers and displays. Shareware - $34.
- PRGL142.ZIP 257621 05-19-94 PRINTGL v1.42 <ASP> - A pen plotter emulator
- | package for DOS, Windows systems. It prints
- | or displays HP-GL from most CAD and graphing
- | packages. Supports 9, 24 pin printers, Canon
- | LBP, BJ, BJC, HP LaserJet, DeskJet, HP-GL/2
- | devices, PDP ProTracer, PostScript, VESA
- | SVGA, and many other printers and displays,
- | and outputs PCX files. User selectable pen
- | width, color, shading, and paper size,
- | magnification, etc. Shareware - $50.
- PRIND860.ZIP 27302 05-03-93 Print redirection program.
- PRINTQ40.ZIP 14367 03-07-93 PrintQ v4.0: builds a double box menu on the
- | screen for 1 to 7 print queues, plus an
- | option for Local Printer and Abort for
- | networks.
- PRNCHR14.ZIP 51060 02-21-92 PRiNt CHaRacter v1.4: will redefine the chars
- | of your 9/24 pin Epson-compatible dot-matrix
- | printer; multi-lingual; Nabahi.
- PRNCOM35.ZIP 21650 01-30-94 PRINT COMMANDER! V 3.55 <ASP> TSR dot matrix
- | and inkjet printer utility.- Small memory
- | resident program that lets the user change
- | printer instructions, such as fonts, print
- | mode, and paper position, from the keyboard
- | instead of at the printer. Also allows the
- | user to enter escape codes and print out text
- | files directly. Utilities - Printer
- PRNTSC10.ZIP 1444 07-09-93 PRINTSCR v1.0: invokes the alternate print
- | screen on the video card, enabling 43-line
- | displays to correctly print on the printer
- | (instead of just the top 25 lines) when the
- | Print/Scrn key is pressed; w/ASM source.
- PRNWAT.ZIP 1465 07-09-93 PRNWATCH (Printer Watch) is a TSR pgm that
- | monitors all printer activity via INT 17h;
- | includes ASM source.
- PSPS201.ZIP 10264 05-17-93 Versatile screen dump tool for Postscript
- | printers, v2.01 TSR about 9K RAM.
- QENV242.ZIP 100178 04-22-93 QENV v2.42 ASP - A quick & easy envelope
- | printer and letter writer. Mail merge, MORE!
- VPRINT51.ZIP 14863 09-04-92 VPRINT v5.1 virtual printer. Handy TSR
- | redirects parallel or comm ports to a file.
- | Can also allow live printing while, at the
- | same time, saving to a file.