La Colección 1994 November
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File List
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La Coleccion II. Sep. 94. Walnut Creek CDROM.
DOS: Programming Utilities
path: \dos\program\
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== ==============
4THCMP21.ZIP 96877 06-23-93 FORTH language compiler for computers running
ALTBC553.ZIP 321718 05-07-93 Assembly-Language Toolbox for Basic 7 PDS
| v5.53: many routines including a full set for
| reading/writing to LIM 3.2/4.0 expanded mem,
| control DOS print spooler, mouse functions,
| high resolution graphics w/scrolling, shell
| to DOS, redirect output from a shelled pgm,
| keyboard stuffer, locate DOS master
| environment and more.
ALTQB553.ZIP 320909 05-07-93 Assembly-Language Toolbox for QuickBASIC
| v5.53: many routines including a full set for
| reading/writing to LIM 3.2/4.0 expanded mem,
| control DOS print spooler, mouse functions,
| high resolution graphics w/scrolling, shell
| to DOS, redirect output from a shelled pgm,
| keyboard stuffer, locate DOS master
| environment and more.
ALTVB103.ZIP 323844 05-07-93 Assembly-Language Toolbox for Visual Basic
| v1.03: many routines including a full set for
| reading/writing to LIM 3.2/4.0 expanded mem,
| control DOS print spooler, mouse functions,
| high resolution graphics w/scrolling, shell
| to DOS, redirect output from a shelled pgm,
| keyboard stuffer, locate DOS master
| environment and more.
AMISL091.ZIP 60875 10-16-92 C Lib to make highloading removable TSRs; w/C
| and ASM sources. Public domain offering with
| usage examples by Ralf Brown. v.91.
ANGEL19A.ZIP 241052 05-21-93 ANGELIB 1.9a PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming
| library. Over 60 routines such as a
| horizontal bar menu, scrolling information
| window, and a file selection window (all with
| mouse support) and printer functions such as
| soft font selection and downloading, etc.
| *NEW* Full LIB.
B7T12B.ZIP 89824 08-06-93 B7TOOL v1.2b ASP - Programming tools for MS
| BASIC PDS 7.x - Complete LIB and QLB with
| demo program of all features. B7Tool Offers:
| mouse functions, full windowing, fast screen
| writes and screen save/restore, pull-down
| barmenu, equipment and file info, and more.
| Contains nearly everything needed to
| createfast, attractive, mouse driven
| applications without greatly increasing the
| effective size of a stand-alone EXE.
BASWIZ20.ZIP 267264 07-05-93 BASIC Wizard's Library v2.0 for Microsoft
| BASIC compilers: QB, PDS, VB-DOS. BCD math,
| telecomm, graphics from Herc to SVGA incl.
| VESA and dot matrix to laser printer, read
| and write .BMP images, mSec timers, equation
| solver, virtual windows. By Tom Hanlin.
BASXRF20.ZIP 41677 06-03-94 Basic prog X-Ref v 2.0 : JN Goodale <ASP>
| Provides formatted listing, user-label/line
| number, variable, and reserved word cross
| reference. Output to file or printer. Works
| for Microsoft QuickBasic, QBasic and PDS,
| possibly other dialects.
BCC101.ZIP 57199 04-19-93 The BASIC Code Cache Volume 1 Number 1. Dave
| Cleary's new magazine for BASIC programmers.
| Replaces QBNews and includes code and tips
| for QuickBasic, PowerBASIC and Visual Basic.
BETAT27.ZIP 168004 04-21-93 THE BETA TEST PROGRAM v2.7 <ASP> - This
| application is designed to assist software
| authors in developing a beta test program.
| The application includes a report generator
| that assists in insolation of bugs in beta
| software. Registration $19.00
BLTQ18.ZIP 208877 02-04-94 BULLET is a super-fast, super-small
| B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based,
| multi-user database toolkit for QB, BASIC7,
| VB/DOS. Also available for C. BULLET BASIC
| version 1.08, 04-Feb-94.
COLR256K.ZIP 27866 06-14-92 BC7.x: QBasic use of screen 12 256k palette
| with source.
DLGDSN41.ZIP 199094 01-11-94 Dialog Design v4.1 A dialog design program
| for Borland Pascal and C Turbo Vision. Dialog
| controls can be added, edited, rear
| ranged,and the source code in Pascal or C
| will be generated.
DOSREF33.ZIP 310420 01-20-94 Programmer's Technical Reference - your
| complete source for programming IBM computers
| running MSDOS. Hardware, BIOS, DOS, and third
| party applications are covered. This free
| demo version is better than most printed
| books, the full version's enormous size makes
| it unequalled in completeness. Version 3.3
DOS_PGMR.ZIP 34986 07-27-92 MS-DOS Programmers Frequently Asked Questions
| (with answers) List; GreatPC developers'
| reference from the Usenet newsgroup,
| comp.os.msdos.programmer. Contains much
| valuable technical information and
| how-to-find instructions. Also covers how to
| obtain sources and reference files using
| Internet facilities.
DPMISPEC.ZIP 33086 07-26-90 DOS Protected Mode Interface Spec. 0.9.
DV0599.ZIP 2303 04-28-93 Microsoft Application Note for Visual Basic
| compiling/linking questions and answers;
| Microsoft Corp.
DVINT36.ZIP 92336 08-01-93 DESQview/QEMM Interrupt List Release 3.6:
| extract of the DOS interrupt list found in
| (INTER33?.ZIP) containing the DV API calls;
| Ralf Brown.
EVOLV201.ZIP 206521 08-06-93 EVOLVE! source code structure editor. Vers
| 2.01. Outline text processor. Modify source
| code more efficiently than with a text
| editor. Inspect, explore, and improve source
| code structure in outline form. Create
| hypertext like links. Req. an 80286 or
| better, and MS-DOS. <ASP>
EXEC33B.ZIP 96261 11-29-93 EXEC or spawn function with swap to EMS for
| TC, MS-C, or TPas; v3.3. Will swap root pgm
| to disk if insufficient EMS memory; w/C and
| TP source.
EZSTR.ZIP 7315 06-09-91 EZSTR: Unlimited String Space QuickBasic 4.x
| Ever get that "Out of String Space" error?
| With this set of assembler routines, you can
| store and manipulate your arrays, etc. PD
FG303.ZIP 742777 10-02-93 Fastgraph 3.03. Ted Gruber Software's light
| version. Shareware version. Supports 28
| graphics modes; animation, more!
GAWK215A.ZIP 217682 01-08-94 GNU Awk: text scanning and processing
| language.
GAWK215S.ZIP 797354 01-08-94 Sources for GAWK215A.ZIP (GNU Awk).
HELPPC21.ZIP 261095 04-14-91 Compendium of advanced features of PCs and
| PS/2 collected for programmers' use. v2.1
INTER40A.ZIP 361909 04-03-94 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 40 A
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 6200 entries in INTER40A to INTER40C,
| and conversion programs to create hypertext
| databases as well as other miscellaneous
| programs in INTER40D. 1/4
INTER40B.ZIP 359009 04-03-94 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 40 A
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 6200 entries in INTER40A to INTER40C,
| and conversion programs to create hypertext
| databases as well as other miscellaneous
| programs in INTER40D. 2/4
INTER40C.ZIP 173848 04-03-94 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 40 A
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 6200 entries in INTER40A to INTER40C,
| and conversion programs to create hypertext
| databases as well as other miscellaneous
| programs in INTER40D. 3/4
INTER40D.ZIP 230865 05-16-94 MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 40 A
| Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
| both documented and undocumented. Contains
| over 6200 entries in INTER40A to INTER40C,
| and conversion programs to create hypertext
| databases as well as other miscellaneous
| programs in INTER40D. 4/4
KEYSCAN2.ZIP 9957 07-27-92 KEYSCAN. Reports scan codes of keys that you
| type.
LEADTOOL.ZIP 849248 10-17-93 LEADTOOLS - DEMO - compiled and linked w/
| Leadtools 'C' run-time library for
| VGA/SVGA/TARGA16,24,32 - fully functional
| evaluation.
LOADGIF.ZIP 23856 08-20-93 Assembly GIF loader for QuickBASIC, PDS, and
| VBDOS. Includes full assembly source code.
| Public domain.
MODEX104.ZIP 183374 05-14-93 Library of high performance assembler routine
| for setting, accessing and manipulating
| undocumented 256 Color modes in all VGA
| adaptors.
MSDOSICN.ZIP 251005 12-28-92 Icon for DOS v8.8 - Implementation of the
| Icon Programming Language, developed at the
| University of Arizona.
MSJAPR93.ZIP 582533 04-01-93 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, April'93
MSJAPR94.ZIP 79469 04-25-94 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, April'94
MSJAUG93.ZIP 411407 06-16-93 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, Aug'93
MSJDEC93.ZIP 638450 04-25-94 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, Dec'93
MSJFEB93.ZIP 107277 01-31-93 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, Feb'93.
MSJFEB94.ZIP 192192 04-25-94 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, Feb'94
MSJJAN93.ZIP 551325 12-31-92 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, June'93.
MSJJAN94.ZIP 60005 04-25-94 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, Jan'94
MSJJUL93.ZIP 112203 06-30-93 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, July'93
MSJJUN93.ZIP 814224 05-31-93 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, June'93
MSJJUN94.ZIP 726435 04-25-94 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, Jun'94
MSJMAR93.ZIP 378348 02-28-93 Source code from the Mar'93 issue of
| Microsoft Systems Journal.
MSJMAR94.ZIP 290451 04-25-94 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, March'94
MSJMAY93.ZIP 158840 04-30-93 Source code from the May 93 issue of
| Microsoft Systems Journal.
MSJMAY94.ZIP 114888 05-01-94 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, May'94
MSJOCT93.ZIP 91290 04-25-94 All the listings and programs of the
| Microsoft Systems Journal, Oct'93
MSJSEP93.ZIP 300042 07-19-93 Microsoft system jounral for sept 1993.
OBJTOO23.ZIP 46117 02-21-93 ObjTool 2.3: check/view/repair/alter .OBJ
| files. Rename publics, externals, default
| lib. Delete language, default lib. Search
| OBJs. Select files by wildcard, time, date,
| size. A "one stop OBJ shop" by Tom Hanlin.
OBRON386.ZIP 639684 05-22-93 Oberon/386 object oriented computer language
| and operating environment v2.03.1, 1.4.93 for
| DOS, '386 and up. Read the books, see the
| movie, skim 5/93 Byte, or struggle with the
| on-line help. WHOOSH! (sound made when
| aprogram passes over my head).
PAS_SDK1.ZIP 188167 01-09-94 Programming examples for the Pro Audio
| Spectrum Plus/16 soundcards. Program you
| PAS16-bit DAC. Example code in Microsoft C
| and Assembler. Examples (1/2).
PAS_SDK2.ZIP 266174 01-09-94 More programming examples and INCLUDE .H
| files for the Pro Audio Spectrum Plus/16
| cards. Examples (2/2).
PB3MSE17.ZIP 11408 04-15-93 Mouse library with source code for Power
| Basic 3.
PBC22A.ZIP 168329 04-25-93 PBClone 2.2 library (1 of 2) for MS BASICs:
| QB, PDS, VB-DOS. Over 610 routines of all
| descriptions. LIBMATxx.ZIP or LIBWIZxx.ZIP
| recommended for creating subset libraries.
| Shareware ($35) by Tom Hanlin.
PBC22B.ZIP 178247 04-25-93 PBClone 2.2 library (2 of 2).
PBWIZ18.ZIP 210762 08-25-93 PB Wizard's Library, v1.8, for Spectra's
| PowerBASIC 3.0. Over 325 routines: archive &
| disk dirs, SoundBlaster, mouse/kbd/joystick,
| 256-color VGA/SVGA, EMS & XMS memory, comm,
| BMP pics, equation solver, time & date calc,
| equipment info, ANSI, more! By Tom Hanlin.
PCTV3N6.ZIP 324634 01-20-93 PC Techniques Feb/Mar 1993 Vol.3 No.6.
PCTV4N1.ZIP 135708 03-16-93 PC Techniques Apr/Mai 1993 Vol.4 No.1.
PCTV4N2.ZIP 52721 05-05-93 PC Techniques June/July 1993 Vol.4 No.2.
PCTV4N3.ZIP 44961 07-12-93 PC Techniques Aug/Sept 1993 Vol.4 No.3.
PCTV4N4.ZIP 65728 09-22-93 PC Techniques Oct/Nov 1993 Vol.4 No.4.
PCTV4N5.ZIP 682414 11-29-93 PC Techniques Dec/Jan 1993 Vol.4 No.5.
PCTV4N6.ZIP 176348 01-10-94 PC Techniques Feb/March 1994 Vol.4 No.6.
PCTV5N1.ZIP 78178 03-20-94 PC Techniques Apr/Mai 1993 Vol.4 No.7.
PGHELP.ZIP 35213 06-15-93 A program designed for programmers. It is a
| TSR that will display an ASCII chart, a Color
| chart or a Scan Code chart.
PPM116.ZIP 637243 10-16-93 Programmer's Project Manager v1.16 PPM is a
| project manager that allows Builder or BASIC
| users to have complete control over their
| program's development. Edit source files
| using the PPM Editor, or specify your own
| favorite editor. Compile, link using multiple
| libraries, compress the EXE, scan for
| viruses, date/time stamp, and then compress
| the entire project, all under the control of
| PPM.
PSCM13.ZIP 115050 07-30-92 Project Source Code Manager - Excellent
| Source Code Management System. Maintains
| Major, Minor and instance versions. Archives
| into one project file.
Q4T16B.ZIP 88633 08-06-93 Q4TOOL v1.6b ASP - Programming tools for
| QuickBASIC 4.x - Complete LIB and QLB
| withdemo program of all features. Offers
QBEVGFX3.ZIP 343654 08-25-93 EGA/VGA graphics toolkit, incl all ASM
| srcode.
QBSAMPLE.ZIP 28472 01-18-94 QuickBASIC 4.5 code to sample from the
| Soundblaster's Mic/Line Input and play back
| sample. For free distribution.
QBSER320.ZIP 31907 09-07-93 QBserial Version 3.20; Communications library
| for QuickBASIC 4.x, Basic Compiler 7.x, VBDOS
| 1.x, and FOSSIL drivers. Allows programs to
| access Comm ports at rates up to 115200 baud.
| COM1-4 and non-standard addresses supported,
| on IRQ's 1-15. Interrupt driven, CTS/RTS &
| XON/XOFF flow control. Full DTR and RTS
| control, and more. Comes with sample code.
| Very easy to add to your program.
QBTINY11.ZIP 63250 07-28-93 QBTiny replaces the default QuickBasic and
| PDS support libraries. This makes your EXE
| files smaller, down to as little as 20% of
| their original size! Supports most of the
| BASIC language except events and floating
| point math. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
QBTWEAKR.ZIP 7365 10-21-92 Quick basic pc-speaker routines.
QBXSOUND.ZIP 145259 10-28-91 All you need to control your SoundBlaster or
| Adlib cards from Quick Basic 4.xx.
QB_SBKIT.ZIP 376291 02-24-92 QuickBasic: Library for programming the Sound
| Blaster card
RCS56DOS.ZIP 831781 07-27-93 GNU Revision Control System DOS port v5.6
| editor and window code for QBasic or
| QuickBasic 4.xx. Routines for professional
| input and windowing for your QB programs.
| Does not require a library or commands which
| cannot be used in QBasic. Greatly simplifies
| error checking for inputs. Compiled
| demonstration and full source code included.
RU04.ZIP 94785 02-10-94 Raster Utilities #4:Raster Clip (Screen Clip)
| RastPort (Conversion Program), Bin2Src,
| andxinfo. Programmers tools to convert
| PCX/BMPfiles to a format useable by Turbo
| C/Pascal.
SBPROG.ZIP 6676 02-24-92 Programing tips/help for SoundBlaster.
SERIZ10.ZIP 20141 01-18-94 SerialIz v1.0 Serial/Registration Library for
| Quick- BASIC v4.5. Very easy well designed
| Registration is very inexpensive!!!
SOURCE14.ZIP 104311 04-22-93 SOURCE Version 1.4, April 22, 1993 Source
| code printing program. Any language - C,
| Pascal, FORTRAN, Clipper, add your own. Auto
| print include files. 40+ print options.
| Highlights comments, keywords, and blocks.
| Page numbers, headers, banners, margins, tab
| stops, multi-column, line wrapping. FULLY
| user definable. Supports most printers.
SVGABG50.ZIP 108623 07-22-93 These are SuperVGA BGI drivers for the
| Borland C and Pascal Compilers.
SVGAQB20.ZIP 225320 03-11-94 SVGAQB.LIB - ver 2.0 - is a high-res, 256-
| color graphics library for MS-QBasic 4.x. It
| recognizes more than 20 SVGA cards and allows
| programming in 320x200, 640x480, 800x600 and
| 1024x768 256-color modes. Capabilities:
| hardware id, drawing primitives, 2D and 3D
| functions, joystick and mouse support, GIF
| decoding/encoding and sprite animation.
THEPRN14.ZIP 88983 01-15-94 THE PRINTER 1.4 Programmer's database of
| printer codes for HUNDREDS of printers! It's
| designed to help eliminate a nightmare many
| programmers face: * Formatting text on the
| dozens or hundreds of different printers our
| users have. * To print bold here, italics
| there, etc., one needs printer codes that
| will work REGARDLESS of which printer a user
| installs. The Printer provides them!!
TMED130A.ZIP 10212 10-12-92 Very small TSR memory editor and debugging.
TSRTOO15.ZIP 130460 09-04-93 TSR v1.5: toolkit for writing your own TSRs
| that can call DOS functions; includes
| complete source code, allowing you to write
| your TSRs in ASM or C; Geoff Friesen.
TUTGNUST.ZIP 82114 04-14-93 GNU tutorial for the Smalltalk object
| orientend programming language.
VGAKIT60.ZIP 86904 02-09-94 John Bridges' VGA Kit v6.0 ASM routines to
| support a large number if vga/svga display
| types. Includes .obj and example files.
| Freeware with source code.
WDAUG93.ZIP 255583 07-13-93 Windows/Dos Developers Journal vol. 4, n.8
| issue.
WDJUL93.ZIP 242223 06-23-93 Windows/Dos Developers Journal vol. 4, n.7
| issue.
WDJUN93.ZIP 133284 05-07-93 Windows/Dos Developers Journal vol. 4, n.6
| issue.
XLIB06.ZIP 315123 10-13-93 Excellent Freeware routines for C that help
| make Video Games. Uses MODE X that was made
| famous in DR Dobb's Magazine. Includes very
| fast SPRITE routines!
XLIB40.ZIP 211043 03-26-94 XLIB is a library of procedures which can
| greatly simplify protected mode programming
| under DOS. XLIB provides the simplest and
| most reliable method for accessing extended
| memory from real mode languages. A tutorial
| on protected mode is included. XLIB
| procedures handle mode switching, extended
| memory, memory-mapped IO, interrupts, and
| files. Version 4.0 also handles CPU
| exceptions, and performs debugging functions.
| XLIB operates under DPMI, VCPI, XMS and clean
| configurations. Both Microsoft and Borland
| formats are included.