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+ +
+ Greek Practice Program +
+ by David Schairer +
+ +
This program requires an IBM PC or compatible machine with a VGA
display adapter capable of changing display fonts. (If it's VGA,
this should work.)
Included should be these files:
GREEKPRC.EXE The practice program
GREEKEDT.EXE The program used to edit vocabulary (.VOC)
HELPSCR.DAT The data for the Greek/English keyboard help
(used automatically by the program files)
GREEK.DOC This file
and possibly:
GREEK*.VOC Sample vocabulary files
If no GREEK*.VOC files are included in this package, look for
GREEKCS.ZIP or GREEKCS.ARC in the same place you found this; they
should have been uploaded as well and contain the vocabulary from
the popular Crosby and Schaeffer 'An Introduction to Greek' --
other vocabulary files may also be present.
This program is distributed loosely on the shareware concept. It
may be freely copied, shared, and used. If you like and use the
program, a contribution of $5.00 would be appreciated to the
following address. (Hey, that's not bad. If this were written by
MicroSoft it would cost $500 and come with 10 pounds of manual
written in Touvan! However, this is public domain, not shareware.
Feel free to use it without guilt. The programmer wrote this primarily
for his own use (though he hasn't actually used it since then and has
still managed to pass all his Greek classes) but also with the long
term aim of financial success, not through direct remuneration for this
program, but in the hope that, by increasing awareness and interest
in the classics, it might be easier to find a job once he is laden
with classics degrees. :) Any questions or comments (or gripes) can
also be sent to this address or to CompuServe [73260,3112], or
(best) to internet njal@aal.itd.umich.edu.
David Schairer
103 Parkwood Ct.
Bay City, MI 48708
Hopefully, the setup of GREEKPRC is simple to understand and use.
The heart of the matter lies in GREEK???.VOC files, where ??? is a
number from 0 to 999. These files are created and modified by the
GREEKEDT program, whose operations are detailed below.
(There are no command-line parameters, but it is required that all
the files be in the same, current directory.)
The program will begin at the editing screen, with a blue window at
the top for the Greek words and a red window below for English.
The bottom window details the current file number, the number of
words per file, and the current word.
To select the file number (0-999) to edit, either scroll through
the file numbers with the PgUp and PgDn keys, or type 'F' and enter
the number manually. Similarly, to scroll through the words in the
file, use the up and down arrow keys.
To edit a word, hit Enter, and the cursor will move into the blue,
Greek window. The Greek keyboard is laid out as closely as
possible to the standard keyboard, and accents, breathings, and
iota subscripts are also included. The specific keys can be seen
by, at any time, hitting F1, which will display the Greek and
English keyboards, which should be self-explanatory. It is to be
pointed out, however, that accents and the like are to be entered
before the relevant letter, and do not advance the cursor. Also,
for accents on capital letters, enter the accent and then a space
so that the accent can appear before the letter. Also, note that
where there is a combined accent, such as a breathing and an
accent, a separate key is used (see the keyboard help). Finally,
the '`' key clears the accents on the current space. While this
all seems complicated, a few minutes at the keyboard will make all
apparent. When the Greek word has been entered (with the Enter
key, of course), the cursor moves to the English window, where the
English word is entered as usual.
To add a new word, to a file, hit 'A' and the cursor will move to
the Greek window just as in editing an old word. Similarly, to
delete a word, move to that word (although don't edit it), and
press Ctrl-D.
Vocabulary files are saved automatically when the current file is
changed or when the program is terminated with Ctrl-Q.
To run GREEKPRC, type GREEKPRC x y
(where x and y are the starting and ending number of the .VOC files
you wish to use)
The vocabulary files will be loaded by the program and, if there
are words in these files, the program will begin by first asking
how many questions you wish to have thrown at you (0-999). Then
choose whether you want only Greek to English, English to Greek, or
both kinds of vocabulary drill. Then the fun begins.
For each question a word will appear in either the Greek or the
English window and the cursor will appear in the other window.
Simply enter the corresponding word. The program checks to see if
what you typed is a subset of the correct answer (so you only have
to type one meaning, can skip principal parts, etc.). This also
means you could cheat by entering only one letter but you'll only
be hurting yourself. Also, the F1 help screen is available during
your answer.
If your answer is correct, the program will tell you so and show
you the full correct answer (again, so you can see the rest of the
principal parts, etc.). If your answer is incorrect, it will show
you the correct answer. If your answer is correct but has a typo
or is a different correct word (or you want to cheat), hit Ctrl-C
to tell the program. Then hit a key. If your answer was wrong and
you did not correct it, you will get the same word again.
When you have finished the designated number of words, the program
will tell you your score and terminate. If you wish to quit
earlier, enter Ctrl-Q when the correct/incorrect window is up
(after you've entered your answer).