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FLASH MINI BBS is a BBS that uses Flash's scripting language. If you have
Flash, then you have the means to run this BBS. MINI BBS, has passwords,
online help, mail, upload and download files X or Z modem, feedback to
SYSOP, file descriptions, the ability run: online games,a CLI, and use
Zmodem transfers (use ZMDM_GEM.LZH available on GEnie).
MINI BBS creates a log to keep track of callers, what they uploaded and
file descriptions, downloaded, if a new user wants a password, etc. It also
creates a file for feedback.
After unarcing you should have these files:
filename description
MINI_V2.DO ** Flash Mini BBS **
MINI_V2A.DO ** Flash Mini BBS to Auto-Run on boot-up **
MB_SETUP.DO ** Do file to make MINI.CFG file **
MINI.CFG ** Sample configuration file made by MB_SETUP.DO **
USER.LST ** Sample User/Password list (see below for details) **
MAIL.LST ** Sample Mail list (see below for details) **
FILELIST.TXT ** Sample file description list **
HELP_MG1.HLP ** Help message -General- **
HELP_MG2.HLP ** Help message -Rooms- **
HELP_MG3.HLP ** Help message -Passwords- **
HELP_MG4.HLP ** Help message -Mail- **
AUTOEXEC.BAT ** File to use with PCOMMAND.ARC available on GEnie **
A word about paths. Those who are familiar with paths can skip this
part. When I started using the ST I had very little experience in the
MS-DOS world and was very unfamiliar with paths. I remember some programs
asking me for paths and in some instances I was unable to run the program.
Since then I have learned abit, so let me pass on any knowledge to you.
Paths have a standard form: EG. A:\, or C:\, or even F:\FLASH\TEMP\ .
A path starts off with a Drive Letter, as above the A, C, or F. Drive A
would be floppy drive A and Drives C and F could be Hard Drives or a Ram
Disk. Following each drive letter is a colon : . After each colon is a
backslash \ (the key is to the right of the Return key). If a path is
specifying a file on the "Root" directory (this would be on the disk
outside of any folders) then A:\ or C:\ or F:\ would be the path needed.
If you were asked to specify a file name and a path, the file name a period
and the file extension would be placed after the \ . EG. A:\FLASH.PRG or
C:\MINI.CFG and so on.
If the path was specifying something not in the "Root" directory, but in
folders on the disk you would add the folder name and a \. So if you
wanted something on Disk C inside the FLASH folder then the path would be
C:\FLASH\ . If you had another folder inside the FLASH folder like ROOM2
and wanted to go to that path, then the path would be C:\FLASH\ROOM2\ . If
the path was inside another folder inside the ROOM2 folder (lets call it
MAIL) you would add the folder name and a \ to the path that path
C:\FLASH\ROOM2\MAIL\ . If you need to specify a file, add the filename, a
period and the extension after the final \ .
C:\FLASH\ROOM2\MAIL\FLASH.PRG . I know this information would have helped
me, so if it has helped you...GREAT!
The 3 DO files have 3 different functions. MINI_V2.DO runs the
MiniBBS, but needs input from the user before it will run. It is not good
to use this as an auto-run do program. MINI_V2A.DO is a auto-run do file,
however, it needs to be altered to run on your system. MB_SETUP.DO creates
a configuration file for use with either of the above MINI do files.
MINI.CFG is a sample configuration file. With my Hayes compatible
modem I used the modem initialization string as ATS0=0,V1 which sets
auto answer off, and send engligh responses from the modem. My modem sends
the string RING when the phone rings.
USER.LST is the password and mailbox list. The list is created in
the Flash text editor and saved. The Users name can be upto 80 letters
long, passwords can only be 8 and can only use letters, numbers and the _
key (shift -). Each line must be followed by a return and format is:
user name
user name
the first 4 users should be:
SYSOP password SYSOP *for mail purposes*
your name password ? *same as password for FULL in config file*
SHUTDOWN password ? *your choice*
PCSHELL password ? *your choice*
You can add to this list whenever needed.
For Mail purposes Mini uses the password as a mail address. This is the
reason why passwords are limited to 8 letters. When mail is addressed Mini
BBS finds the User from the user list and gets his password and each letter
is saved as PASSWORD.ML1, .ML2, .ML3, .ML4, .ML5 or .ML6.
Example: if mail is being sent to JOHN SMITH, Mini will search User.lst
for JOHN SMITH. If the name is found then Mini will get his password, say
SPARKY_1, depending on how many letters are in the box the letter would get
saved as SPARKY_1.ML? (1-6). If the name JOHN SMITH was not found then
caller would be told to check the mail list to see it mail was addressed
So it is clear that if a User and password hasn't been added to the
USER.LST he can not receive mail.
MAIL.LST is just a list of users names that have access to Mail.
This way a person can check to see the name of the person to send mail to.
This file can be created in a text editor (like Flash's) and saved in ASCII
format (like Flash). Each name must be followed by a return. Format is:
Bob Brodie
Darlah PINE
FILESLIST.TXT is a text file of files available for downloading and a
short description of each file. Keep the length of a line to 80 as more
that 80 character won't be dispalyed. See the example file.
help messages you can have on your board. This gives online help. Keep
each file to less than 24 lines otherwise it will scroll off the screen.
AUTOEXEC.BAT is a batch file to make PCOMMAND.PRG work with Mini BBS.
First decide where you will have files for ROOM1, ROOM2, and
MAIL/PASSWORD. If you plan on having games available you will need to
decide where to put those. Create those folders if needed. Now start
FLASH.PRG. Run the MB_SETUP.DO file from the terminal window either by
hitting ALT A and selecting the file with the GEM item selector. Or with
the command line type DO (the path if needed) and MB_SETUP.DO. Enter the
information you are prompted for.
Load in the USER.LST into the FLASH capture buffer and modify this list for
your needs. Make sure the password you choose for you (the SYSOP) is the
same that you entered in the MB_SETUP as password for FULL access. Also
change the password for SHUTDOWN and PCSHELL. Delete those sample names
from the list. Save the file as USER.LST and place it in the Mail room.
Load in the MAIL.LST and add your names, deleting all the sample names.
Leave SYSOP in the file so people will see mail can be addressed to SYSOP.
Save this file as MAIL.LST and place it in the Mail room.
To use the command line interpreter, you must have one that supports
redirection. PCOMMAND.PRG from GEnie (file name PCOMMAND.ARC) will do
this. Put PCOMMAND.PRG and the AUTOEXEC.BAT in ROOM1. If you use any
other CLI you will need to modify the line in MINI_V2 or 2A.DO to execute
the CLI you want. This line is approximately 400.
Place all the HELP_MGs.TXT in ROOM1.
Load the FILELIST.TXT and modify it to suit your needs. Place this file in
If you will use online games, you will need to modify the MINI_V2.DO or
MINI_V2A.DO (which ever you will be using) to run the games you want.
Depending on which version you are modifying the Games are around line 325.
Change the lines for default paths, games programs to execute, also change
the games menu (apprx line 315) to reflect any changes. I will UL to GEnie
the program I have used here. (NOTE: I do not endorse this game, it is
the one I tested with MiniBBS).
If you use any other Zmodem program other than SZ.PRG to send and XYZ.TTP
to recieve you will need to change lines (approx) 580 and 680 to reflect
those changes. Because RZ.PRG opens a dialoge box if it encounters any
problems I do not reccomend using RZ.PRG to receive uploads.
If you use MINI_V2A.DO you will need to add your BBS name to line 4 and the
path and configuration file name in line 5.
Finally use the Search and Replace function in Flash to Search and repalce
any >** with >. This will remove the 2 astiricks from each line. This
will change the line >**IF ~CA JMP SendThemAway| (which is now just a
comment and not a working line) to >IF ~CA JMP SendThemAway| which is a
working line that tests to see if the modem is still connected. To use
MINI BBS on a null modem cable you will not want those lines working as
there is no Carrier over a null modem cable.
If you add or change any of the HELPMGs.HLP you will need to change thier
title, etc. These lines are approx around #1040.
Of course, save these changes.
Make sure your modem is connected and turned on and run the MINI_V2 DO.
IF you are running the non-auto version you will get the opputronity to
create a new configuration file or change the old one. Also you must also
enter the BBS name and enter the path and name of your config file. If
you are running the auto-run able file the config file name and path and
the BBS name must have been entered.
MINI BBS will create a log to keep track of callers, what they uploaded and
file descriptions, downloaded, if a new user wants a password, etc. That
file is MINIBBS.LOG. Do not delete this file while Mini is running as the
file is created on the start up of Mini. If no file exist then none of the
log gets saved.
BBS will also created a file FEEDBACK.TXT if anyone leaves feedback. Both
of these files can be viewed remotely using the PC option, and when in the
CLI using the TYPE function to list the file to your screen. I have also
added a feature to read the FEEDBACK.TXT from Room1. When the SYSOP logs
on and there is a file FEEDBACK Mini will announces there is Feedback. To
view feedback use the view function in Room1. Both files can also be
loaded into the capture buffer, after you have shut down MINI BBS, and read
there also. These file do not need to exist on start up as MINI BBS will
create them if needed.
** A note about these files **
Because I used append block to add to these files when needed, sometimes
(at least on my 4 Meg MEGA with a T16) random letters will show up in the
file. I have tried to keep these letters from affecting input into these
files by the using extra returns. Hopefully these misc. letters and
numbers will not affect the readability of these files.
The difference between downloading a file from Room1 and Room2, other than
Room1's DL feature is only available to SYSOP, is Room2's download feature
will only let files be downloaded from Room2. Room1 can specify any disk
dive and file. This way SYSOP can DL any file. Of course that file could
be copied from anywhere to Room2 using the CLI. This is the reason why I
have only supported Xmodem from Room1.
That should be it (if I haven't forgotten anything).
***** DISCLAIMER *****
I have tested this a much as I could on my system, and have had no problems
with it affecting my system. I can not take responsibility for its use on
any other system. I give no guarentee, either expressed, written or
List of Variables used
A non specific J BBS name S Path Mail/Password
B User logon password K not used T Path Room2
C non specific L not used U PW check variable
D Disk input variable M Access String V Abort Shutdown var
E non specific N Incomming baud rate W Callers logon name
F Default path Room1 O Mail variable X PW check variable
G Max baud rate P CLI, Shut Passwords Y PW for Limited use
H Modem initialzation Q logon contro var Z PW for Full use
I Ring string R not used
Since most of my testing was via null modem cable I might have missed some
problem. I have had a few friends test the file and it seems solid. If
you come across any problem, suggestions, or whatever, please let me know.
GEnie Mail address is C.EISENSCHMI, my address on the Sacramento ST Users
Group BBS is Ike Eisenschmidt (phone number 916-729-2968). Thanks and have