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- ****************************
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- * Manual for ALICE 1.42 *
- * *
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- Contents
- ==========
- I. General introduction
- II. Program installation
- III. Instructions for use
- Appendix: Keyboard shortcuts
- I. General introduction
- ------------------------
- ALICE is a text editor for ATARI ST/STE/TT. It features creating,
- modifying and printing texts. Ease of use and learnability were the
- main goals when the program was designed. The editor is fully
- integrated into the GEM interface. There are no restrictions
- concerning hardware or TOS versions.
- Chapter II describes the program installation.
- Chapter III explains the use of the editor.
- II. Program installation
- ------------------------
- You install ALICE by simply copying the following files into any
- folder:
- - ALICE.PRG (program file)
- - ALICE.RSC (resource file for the english version)
- - ALICE.CFG (configuration file)
- The configuration file ALICE.CFG (it contains a few program
- parameters such as tabulator size, printer setups, etc.) is not
- required to run the editor. If it is missing ALICE uses standard
- parameters and creates a new configuration file if necessary.
- III. Instructions for use
- -------------------------
- 1. Starting ALICE
- -----------------
- ALICE is started from the desktop by "double-clicking" onto
- "ALICE.PRG" using the mouse.
- The screen displays the program's menu bar (Desk, File, Block,
- Search, Extras, Help). All operations may be carried out by selecting
- one of the menu items.
- Selection of the menu items may be done either by using the mouse or
- keyboard shortcuts (so-called "hotkeys"). The keyboard shortcuts
- are listed next to the corresponding menu entries. The appendix
- contains a detailed description of all hotkeys.
- Selecting a menu entry that is followed by three points "..." does
- not initiate an immediate action. Rather, depending on the menu item,
- a dialog box or a file selection box appears that requires further
- user input. It also allows cancellation of the selected action.
- 2. Description of the menu items
- --------------------------------
- 2.1 Menu "File"
- ---------------
- This menu contains items for opening, saving and printing files and
- for terminating the program.
- 2.1.1 Menu item "Open..."
- -------------------------
- How do you create a new file ?
- After selecting the menu item "Open" a file selection box appears on
- the screen. Enter the name of the file that is to be created.
- ALICE asks you whether you really want to create the file. If your
- answer is "Yes" an empty window appears on the screen with the file
- name as the window name.
- The text cursor is sitting in the upper left corner of the window.
- You may now enter any text, it is always inserted at the current
- cursor position.
- You enter text into the editor like you do when using a typewriter.
- At the end of a line you must enter <Return>, there is no
- automatic word wrap. The length of a line is restricted to
- 240 characters.
- You may move the cursor and position it anywhere in the text using
- the mouse or the cursor keys.
- Keyboard layout:
- ----------------
- ("+" means pressing the corresponding keys simultaneously)
- <Control> + <Cursor right> go to end of line
- <Control> + <Cursor left> go to beginning of line
- <Backspace> deletes the character to the left
- of the cursor (the rest of the line
- is pulled to the left)
- <Delete> deletes the character at the
- current cursor position (the rest
- of the line is pulled to the left)
- <Control> + <Delete> deletes the entire line at the
- current cursor position
- <Home> go to the beginning of the text,
- pressing <Home> when the cursor is
- at the beginning of the text makes
- the cursor go to the end of the
- text
- <Help> information the about keyboard
- layout (cf. menu entry
- Help/Keyboard)
- Function keys:
- --------------
- F1 scroll down one page
- F2 scroll up one page
- F3 define beginning of a block
- F4 define end of a block
- F10 find again (cf. menu entry
- Search/Find again)
- <Shift> + F10 terminate the program (cf. menu
- entry File/Quit)
- As described earlier ALICE scrolls the text when the function keys
- F1 or F2 are pressed or when the scroll bars are used. This action
- does not alter the cursor position. You must use the mouse to place
- the cursor at a position within the window. Text processing may now
- continue at the new cursor position. If the cursor is not positioned
- in the window ALICE returns to the old cursor position and resumes
- text editing as soon as any key is pressed.
- Windows may be moved as usual using the mouse. However, ALICE ensures
- that the windows always remain completely on the screen.
- The length of a text file is only limited by the available memory.
- How do you modify an existing file ?
- Select the menu item "Open..." in the "File" menu. Enter the name
- of the file you want to modify into the displayed file selection
- box. The file is opened and may be modified.
- Note: If a file is modified the file name (in the window's title
- bar) is preceeded by a little asterix '*'. This asterix
- is removed when the file is saved.
- Several files may be processed simultaneously. The maximum number
- of open files is reached when the menu entry "Open..." is not
- selectable any more.
- 2.1.2 Menu entry "Include..."
- -----------------------------
- A file selection box appears on the screen. You may enter the name
- of a file which is included into the active file at the current
- cursor position.
- 2.1.3 Menu entry "Close"
- ------------------------
- ALICE closes the top window. If the file was modified since it was
- saved ALICE asks you whether you want to save the file before
- closing it.
- 2.1.4 Menu entry "Close all"
- ---------------------------
- ALICE closes all open windows. If any file was modified since it was
- saved ALICE asks you whether you want to save the file before
- closing it.
- 2.1.5 Menu entry "Save"
- -----------------------
- The file in the top window is saved. If the save operation was
- successful the window is closed.
- 2.1.6 Menu entry "Save as..."
- -----------------------------
- The operation of this entry is almost identical to that of the
- entry "Save". The only difference is that the file is not saved under
- the current file name but you may enter a new file name into the
- displayed file selection box. The file is saved under the new name.
- 2.1.7 Menu entry "Backup"
- -------------------------
- ALICE saves the file in the top window but the window is not closed.
- This means that text processing for this file may continue.
- 2.1.8 Menu entry "Backup as..."
- -------------------------------
- The operation of this entry is almost identical to that of the
- entry "Backup". The only difference is that the file is not saved
- under the current file name but you may enter a new file name into
- the displayed file selection box. The file is saved under the new
- name.
- 2.1.9 Menu entry "Print..."
- ---------------------------
- The file in the active window is printed. Before the printout is
- started a dialog box appears on the screen to inquire the following
- printer parameters from the user:
- - page length (number of lines per page, depends on your printer)
- - left margin
- - number of first and last page to be printed (if you do not want
- to print the whole text)
- - first number for the page numbering (if page numbering is not to
- start at "1")
- - number of copies
- - option "Header line" (Yes / No), i.e. a header line is printed
- on top of each page. The header line consists of the following:
- * file name
- * date of printout
- * time of printout
- * page number
- - option "Line numbers" (Yes / no), i.e. every printed line is
- preceeded by its line number.
- If the "Start" button is selected the printout is started with the
- selected parameters. A message in the window's info line indicates
- that the print process is in progress.
- If the "OK" button is selected the parameters (except "from page",
- "to page", "first page number" and "number of copies") are stored
- but the printout is not started. The stored parameters are used for
- calculating the cursor position in the document (especially the
- current page number) and the number of pages in the document. Thus it
- makes sense to modify these parameters without starting the printout.
- The print process may be interrupted by pressing one of the <Shift>
- keys and the right mouse button simultaneously. A little dialog box
- inquires instructions on how to proceed: you may select to continue
- the printout or to cancel the operation.
- 2.1.10 Menu entry "Quit"
- ------------------------
- ALICE is terminated by selecting this menu entry. If there are any
- open files that should be saved an inquiry is started whether you
- really want to quit the program. For each open file that was
- modified after the last save operation an inquiry is made whether
- you want to save the file before terminating the program. If an error
- occurs while saving one of these files (e.g. because the disk is
- full) the program is not terminated. This gives you the opportunity
- to save these files.
- ALICE stores the cursor position and the name of the file in the
- active window. When the program is started the next time a file
- selection box is displayed instead of an empty screen. By
- selecting the stored file name you may continue text processing
- at the saved position.
- The following program parameters are saved in the configuration file
- ALICE.CFG if they were modified:
- - all setups made under "Extras/Options"
- - the following printer parameters: page length, left margin,
- options "Header line" and "Line numbers".
- This file is used to set the parameters to their current values when
- the program is started the next time.
- 2.2 Menu "Block"
- ----------------
- This menu contains command for deleting, copying and inserting
- blocks.
- What is a block ?
- A block is a text segment selected by the user.
- How do you select a block?
- The beginning of a block is defined by positioning the cursor (using
- the mouse or the cursor keys) to the beginning of the block and then
- selecting the menu entry "Start". The end of a block is defined in a
- similar fashion: position the cursor at the end of the block and
- select the menu item "End" in the "Block" menu.
- A block is only defined if its beginning lies before its end.
- Alternatively a block may be selected using the mouse. Simply keep
- the left mouse button pressed while dragging the mouse over the
- selected area (just like selecting several files on the desktop).
- However, this way of selecting blocks only works for those blocks
- that lie within a window area and that contain complete lines only.
- The seleted area is displayed with a grey background.
- What are the block operations ?
- You may cut a block from the text, copy it into a buffer or delete it
- from the text.
- A buffer (pasteboard) is a temporary storage area for a text segment.
- 2.2.1 Menu entry "Start"
- ------------------------
- The beginning of the block is defined at the current cursor position.
- 2.2.2 Menu entry "End"
- ----------------------
- The end of the block is defined at the current cursor position.
- 2.2.3 Menu entry "Cut"
- ----------------------
- The selected area is copied from the text into a buffer. It is then
- deleted from the text. This operation overwrites any previous buffer
- contents and the buffer name.
- 2.2.4 Menu entry "Copy"
- -----------------------
- The selected area is copied from the text into a buffer. The text
- itself is not modified. This operation overwrites any previous buffer
- contents and the buffer name.
- 2.2.5 Menu entry "Insert"
- -------------------------
- The buffer contents is inserted at the current cursor position. The
- buffer contents is not modified during this operation and thus may
- be inserted again at other positions in the text or into other texts.
- 2.2.6 Menu entry "Delete"
- -------------------------
- The selected area is deleted from the text. However, in contrast to
- the menu entry "Cut", it is not stored in a buffer and may not be
- inserted any more. As the text segment is lost you should only
- apply this item when you are sure to delete the block. The contents
- of the buffer remains unchanged during this operation.
- 2.2.7 Menu entry "Read file..."
- -------------------------------
- A file selection box appears on the screen. Enter the name of a
- file. This file is copied into the active buffer. The file name is
- taken as the new buffer name, cf. menu entry
- "Block/Select active...". This operation overwrites any previous
- buffer contents.
- 2.2.8 Menu entry "Remove block marks"
- -------------------------------------
- The block marks are removed from the text. This may be necessary
- when you decide not to carry out any block operation after defining
- a block. You achieve the same effect by pressing both mouse buttons
- simultaneously (the best way to do this is by first pressing the
- right button and then pressing the left one as well) or by pressing
- the <Shift> and the <Home> key at the same time.
- 2.2.9 Menu entry "Clear buffer"
- -------------------------------
- The buffer contents is deleted. If the buffer contents has not been
- used yet (e.g. for insertion) any inquiry ensures you really want to
- clear it. The buffer is always cleared whenever text is copied into
- the buffer. This operation overwrites the previous buffer contents
- and deletes the buffer name.
- Due to the automatic buffer clearing this menu item only makes sense
- when you are running out of memory and the buffer contains a block
- which is not needed any more.
- 2.2.10 Menu entry "Select active..."
- ------------------------------------
- This menu entry may be used to simultaneously keep several texts or
- text segments in different buffers.
- ALICE supports the use of up to 10 buffers. This menu entry defines
- the so-called "active" buffer. This means: All block operations
- described above always refer to the active buffer. If the number
- of the active buffer is changed this new buffer is used for all
- subsequent block operations. The contents of all other buffers is
- not altered.
- After selecting this menu item a dialog box for buffer selection
- appears on the screen. You define the active buffer by clicking
- the corresponding dialog entry. Furthermore you may enter a short
- string into the field "Comment / buffer name". This string
- may describe the buffer contents, e.g. if the buffer contains a whole
- file the file name may serve as buffer name.
- 2.3 Menu "Search"
- -----------------
- This menu contains entries for searching and replacing strings.
- It also allows jumping to particular lines and pages in the text.
- 2.3.1 Menu entry "Find text"
- ----------------------------
- A dialog appears after clicking this item. You may enter the string
- that you want search for. The following search parameters may be
- entered:
- - start position for string search (top of text / current cursor
- position)
- - search direction (forward / backward)
- - respect upper / lower case (Yes / No).
- The program searches the string and puts the cursor to its first
- occurrence in the text.
- 2.3.2 Menu entry "Find again"
- -----------------------------
- This item allows you to search for further occurrences of the string
- entered under the item "Find text". The string search always starts
- at the current cursor position. As with "Find text" the program
- jumps to the next occurence in the text.
- 2.3.3 Menu entry "Replace text"
- -------------------------------
- String replacement may be carried out here. A dialog box inquires
- both the string to search for and the replacement string. Here, too,
- the following search parameters may be entered:
- - start position for string search (top of text / current cursor
- position)
- - respect upper / lower case (Yes / No).
- - Verify option (Yes / No).
- When replacing without verify ALICE replaces all occurences of the
- search string by the replacement string. If the verify option was
- selected the program jumps to the next occurrence of the search
- string and waits for user input: If you enter "Y" (Yes) the string
- is replaced, if you enter "N" (No) no replacement is performed here
- but the operation continues, if you enter "C" (Cancel) the whole
- replacement operation is cancelled. If you press any other key
- a little information box appears that explains the possible options
- (it also allows cancellation of the replacement).
- At the end of the operation a little statistic appears giving the
- number of replacements.
- 2.3.4 Menu entry "Goto line"
- ----------------------------
- After selecting this entry a dialog box appears. Enter the number of
- the line you want to jump to. The program puts the cursor at the
- beginning of that line.
- 2.3.5 Menu entry "Goto page"
- ----------------------------
- After selecting this entry a dialog box appears. Enter the number of
- the page you want to jump to. The program puts the cursor at the
- beginning of that page.
- 2.4 Menu "Extras"
- -----------------
- This menu is a collection of miscellaneous topics.
- 2.4.1 Menu entry "Document info"
- --------------------------------
- A little information box displays the following information about the
- current file:
- - number of pages
- - number of lines
- - maximum line length (i.e. length of longest line)
- - number of characters.
- 2.4.2 Menu entry "Options"
- --------------------------
- You may enter the following editor parameters into the dialog box
- that appears on the screen:
- - Tabulator size
- - A line length with the following property: if the length of a line
- exceeds this number a warning tone is issued if the option
- "Warning at end of line" (see below) is selected.
- - Option "Warning at end of line" (Yes / No)
- If this option is selected a warning tone is issued if the length
- of a line exceeds the length entered as "line length" above. Make
- sure the computer's speaker is tuned loud enough.
- - Option "End of line as arrow" (Yes / No)
- The end of a line is displayed as a little left arrow if this
- option is selected. This option allows you to find "hidden" blanks
- at the end of a line.
- - Option "Show cursor position" (Yes / No)
- If you select this option the window's info line (under the
- window's title bar) displays the current cursor position: page
- number, row number within the page (in parentheses: row number
- within the entire text) and column number.
- Note: If this option is selected the program speed is reduced,
- especially when you scroll the text via the cursor keys.
- - Option "Save with backup" (Yes / No)
- This option determines the way a file is saved. When selecting
- "Yes" a file is copied to <filename>.SAV before it is saved.
- This creates a backup version of the old file.
- - Option "Show date and time" (Yes / No)
- If you select this option ALICE displays date and time in the
- upper left corner of the screen.
- You may leave the dialog via the "OK" button (sets all parameters to
- the specified values) or via the "Cancel" button (cancels all
- parameter changes).
- 2.4.3 Menu entry "Delete file"
- ------------------------------
- You may enter the name of a file to be deleted into the file
- selection box that appears on the screen. The selected file will be
- deleted. This menu item is usefull if you want to save a file but
- there is not enough space on your disk.
- 2.5 Menu "Help"
- ---------------
- This menu contains commands to display help on several topics.
- 2.5.1 Menu entry "Keyboard"
- ---------------------------
- A little dialog box appears on the screen. It contains information
- about the editor's keybord layout. Pressing the <Help> key has the
- same effect.
- 2.5.3 Menu entry "Files"
- ------------------------
- A little dialog box appears on the screen. It contains information
- about file operations.
- 2.5.4 Menu entry "Block"
- ------------------------
- A little dialog box appears on the screen. It contains information
- about block operations.
- 2.5.5 Menu entry "Window"
- -------------------------
- A little dialog box appears on the screen. It contains information
- about window operations.
- Appendix: Keyboard shortcuts
- ----------------------------
- The selection of menu entries may either be done via the mouse or
- via special keyboard shortcuts (so-called hotkeys).
- You may, for example, use the key combination <Alternate> + O to
- open a file ( "+" means pressing the keys simulaneously). The file
- selection box appears and you may enter the desired file name. Thus
- the key combination <Alternate> + O has the same effect as selecting
- the menu entry "File/Open...".
- In additon to the <Alternate> keys you may use the <Control> key
- for selecting menu items, e.g. define the beginning of a block via
- <Control> + S.
- The keyboard shortcuts are listed next to the corresponding menu
- entries. The ^-symbol represents the <Control> key. The <Alternate>
- key is represented by a square with a diagonal cross.
- The following list contains all hotkeys available in ALICE (the
- corresponding menues/menu entries are given in parentheses):
- Key Operation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- <Alternate> + A Selects active buffer (Block/Select active...)
- <Alternate> + B Saves the file in the active window. The window
- is not closed, text processing may continue
- (File/Backup)
- <Alternate> + C Closes active window (File/Close)
- <Alternate> + D Deletes a file (Extras/Delete file...)
- <Alternate> + E Clears buffer contents (Block/Clear buffer)
- <Alternate> + G Same as "Save", but you may enter a file name
- before saving (File/Save as...)
- <Alternate> + I Displays information about the file in the active
- window (Extras/Document info)
- <Alternate> + K Same as "Backup", but you may enter a file name
- before saving (File/Backup as...)
- <Alternate> + N Include file (File/Include...)
- <Alternate> + M Removes block marks from the text
- (Block/Remove block marks)
- <Alternate> + O Opens an existing file or creates a new one
- (File/Open...)
- <Alternate> + P Prints the file in the active window and allows
- setup of printer parameters (File/Print...)
- <Alternate> + R Read file into current buffer
- (Block/Read file...)
- <Alternate> + S Saves the file in the active window and closes
- the window. Terminates text processing for this
- file (File/Save)
- <Alternate> + T Setup of editor options (Extras/Options...)
- <Alternate> + U Closes all windows (File/Close all)
- <Control> + A Repeats string search (Search/Find again)
- <Control> + C Copies selected area into buffer (Block/Copy)
- <Control> + D Deletes selected area from text (Block/Delete)
- <Control> + E Defines the end of a block (Block/End)
- <Control> + F String search (Search/Find text...)
- <Control> + I Information about windows (Help/Window)
- <Control> + K Information about the keyboard layout
- (Help/Keyboard)
- <Control> + L Goes to the beginning of any line in the text
- (Search/Goto line...)
- <Control> + M Information about the mouse (Help/Mouse)
- <Control> + O Information about blocks (Help/Block)
- <Control> + P Goes to the beginning of any page in the text
- (Search/Goto page...)
- <Control> + Q Terminates program (File/Quit)
- <Control> + R String replacement (Search/Replace text...)
- <Control> + S Defines the beginning of a block (Block/Start)
- <Control> + T Information about files (Help/File)
- <Control> + V Inserts the buffer contents into the text at the
- current cursor position (Block/Insert)
- <Control> + X Cuts selected area from text (Block/Cut)
- End of the manual.