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- List of new features and enhancements for ALICE
- -----------------------------------------------
- Version 1.1:
- -------------
- - Reduction of program size due to porting from Laser C to Pure C.
- The new features are:
- - Faster vertical cursor scrolling
- - Option of backing up files before saving to disk
- - Support of umlauts (ö, ä, ü, etc.)
- - Menu entry "goto line"
- Version 1.2:
- ------------
- - Block selection (and deselection) by mouse
- - Important menu entries selectable by the keyboard
- - Configuration file for program setups
- - Extended clock display (weekday and date) and print options
- (header line, line numbers)
- - Up to 10 buffers allow very flexible cut/paste operations
- Version 1.3
- -----------
- A few errors were corrected. The new features are:
- - Option "Show cursor position" (line and column number) in the
- window's info line
- - Option "Show end of line"
- Version 1.4
- -----------
- Feedbacks of users initiated the follwing new features and
- enhancements:
- - Up to 6 texts may be held in GEM windows
- - The maximum line length was increased from 160 to 240
- - You may configure a line length with the following property:
- if the length of a line exceeds this number a warning tone may
- be issued
- - The info line now displays the page number as well
- - New menu entry "goto page"
- - Extended info about file (number of pages, maximum line length)
- - All menu entries are selectable by the keyboard
- - Additional parameters for printing: first and last page to be
- printed, first number for page numbering and number of copies
- to be printed
- - Printing may be interrupted and/or cancelled
- - Search and replace of text may ignore upper and lower case
- - Most menu entries in the menu "Extras" were replaced by a
- dialog box (cf. "Extras/Options...")
- - Extended online help
- - The manual was completely rewritten
- Version 1.41
- ------------
- - Include files (from disk) into the text.
- - Copy any file (from disk) into the current buffer taking the
- file name as the new buffer name.
- - The menu entry "close all" (in the "file" menu) enables you
- to close all windows
- - A display line informs about a running print process
- - If writing a file to disk failed, the corresponding window is
- not closed. A "Quit program" is cancelled in that case (to
- enable you to save the file).
- - The extension for backup versions of files was changed from
- ".BCK" to ".SAV". This makes backup versions appear somewhat
- later in directory listings.
- Version 1.42
- ------------
- - Support of an arbitrary number of GEM windows
- - When the replace feature was used with the verify option set to
- Yes, the program stopped at the first occurrence and waited for a
- keypress. However, it did not respond correctly to the key 'Y' on
- an english or US keyboard. This bug was fixed.