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- *****************************************************************
- ALICE - Another Little C Editor
- Version 1.42, August 1992
- GEM based text editor for ATARI ST
- Author/Copyright: Ralf Kaufmann
- Wilhelmstr. 13a
- 4300 Essen 18
- Germany
- Programming language: C
- *****************************************************************
- 1. General information:
- -----------------------
- ALICE is a simple GEM oriented editor for ASCII-files. The program
- is public domain, i.e. the program may be used and copied without
- any charge. The distribution of the program is free provided that
- 1. no part of the program (the copyright in particular) is modified
- 2. the program is only distributed together with this README file
- 3. the program (or parts of it) is not used for commercial purposes.
- This implies that it may not be sold or be used as part of another
- program.
- Exceptions to the above rules require the author's written agreement.
- No liability whatsoever is taken for any damage caused by using this
- program.
- 2. Program files and installation:
- ----------------------------------
- ALICE consists of the following files:
- - ALICE.PRG (program file),
- - ALICE.RSC (resource file for the english version)
- - ALICE.CFG (configuration file)
- plus the following documentation
- - MANUAL.DOC (manual for ALICE)
- - README.DOC (this file)
- - NEWS.DOC (list of changes and new features)
- You install ALICE by simply copying the following files into any
- folder:
- - ALICE.PRG (program file),
- - ALICE.RSC (resource file for the english version)
- - ALICE.CFG (configuration file)
- The configuration file ALICE.CFG is not necessary to run the program.
- ALICE uses standard parameters if it cannot find ALICE.CFG. In case
- the setup is modified ALICE saves it on program exit by creating a
- new configuration file.
- 3. Program details:
- -------------------
- The current version has the following features:
- - GEM-based text editor
- - simultaneous editing of several texts in GEM windows, 10
- additional texts may be held in cut/paste buffers
- - full mouse support
- - all menues are selectable by the keyboard
- - simple printing facilities
- - block operations (cut/paste) with up to 10 buffers
- - search and replace
- - runs on any ATARI ST/STE/TT
- - program versions exist in english, german and french
- You will find a detailed description of how to use the editor
- in the file MANUAL.DOC.
- 4. Supported configurations:
- ----------------------------
- ALICE runs on any ATARI ST/STE/TT with any TOS version.
- As text processing does not make much sense in low resolution mode
- ALICE deliberately quits when started in this mode.
- You should have an Epson compatible printer for the print facilities.
- 5. Known problems:
- ------------------
- - None (believe it or not).
- 6. Registration:
- ----------------
- You do not need to register as the program has the status "Public
- Domain".
- However, anybody who uses the program may write to me and may get
- registered as a user absoluteley free of charge. If you tell me your
- name, address, version of ALICE and your ATARI configuration you may
- receive free program upgrades in the future.
- I would be pleased if anybody who uses ALICE told me about it.
- 7. Source code:
- ---------------
- ALICE was written using the Pure C (Turbo C) development system.
- Any user may receive the source code (in C) for ALICE. The source
- code may deliberately be altered, e.g. for your own projects.
- It may also give you a few hints for solving problems in the
- environment of programming GEM.
- If you send me a formatted disk, a self-addressed envelope
- (no stamps, please) and $15 (US) or 10 Pounds (UK) I will send you
- the source code (and the latest version of the program).
- Reports of errors, suggestions, questions, etc. connected with ALICE
- are always welcome. Do not hesitate to write.
- Much fun using ALICE !
- P.S.: Thanxalot to the following people for their support:
- Rolf Rosenberger and Ulrich Voss helped me a lot to complete
- the program by continuously providing good hints and ideas.
- "Goethe" provided many usefull hints concerning the design of
- the user interface.
- "Tillie" is responsible for the design and the complete rewrite
- of the manual. By doing so she contributed a big deal to the
- completeness of the program.