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- When I heard there would be a new Dungeon Master game I could
- hardly wait. I enjoyed the original DM game probably more than
- any other computer game I have ever played. I probably played the
- original DM through about 6 times. As you can see my anticipation
- was great. I even took a set of characters and exercised them
- deliberately to increase their levels as much as possible. (In
- the DM game you start with very low level characters and the more
- time they spend using their skills the more they develop.)
- The target date for release of Chaos Strikes Back (CSB) was
- to be in time for Christmas 1988. As that time came and went I
- constantly looked for the release but it just was not to be. Now
- here it is, Dec. 1989 and only two weeks before Christmas. As
- always the rumors are flying but still I had seen nothing. This
- was to be a different day for me however. I walked into the
- software store and there it was in all it's glory. It didn't take
- long for me to make the purchase and head straight for my trusty
- old ST.
- I had heard that you got into trouble almost immediately when
- this game started so I was ready. My special characters were
- strong, Master or Expert in nearly all skills. I sat down to the
- computer and began the process. First you are required to boot
- the Chaos Utility Disk and use this to import you characters from
- you DM save game. Once this is done a new CSB save game disk is
- required for all your CSB saves. After making these preparations
- we are ready for the Dungeon.
- My palms were sweating and my throat was constricted from the
- excitement. My adrenaline levels were skyrocketing and little
- crinklings of nervous tension were running up and down my back
- muscles. Into the ST went the CSB disk and then in drive B goes
- the save game. The screen comes up with the familiar FTL logo and
- then goes to a huge slab of stone with a map roughly etched out on
- it. You may at this time either enter the prison where several
- characters have been frozen and left for you to select or you may
- resume your previous game. Since I had already made up my
- character set I selected the resume option and after a long wait I
- was greeted with the familiar "game loaded" screen.
- As my audience watched from the rear I pressed the button and
- popped into the game. Immediately I was confronted by 3 of the
- ugliest golden brown worms I have ever seen. They are like the
- purple worms in DM with the addition of armored plates over their
- heads and a little red flag on the end of their tails. As any DM
- afficionado knows worms are poison and attack with gusto.
- Unfortunately all my characters were naked as jay birds and the
- only things they brought with them were their levels of skill and
- of course my knowledge and experience. Naturally I figured the
- poor worms didn't have a chance. Within 10 minutes I was
- rebooting the game because I had gotten my but thoroughly kicked.
- All my people were dead and I was hopelessly addicted.
- I resumed my game from the beginning and with a little fore
- knowledge was ready for those old worms. I made a mad dash for
- the sword on the floor in the center of the room and while
- avoiding the worms prepared a light spell and then a couple of
- poison cloud spells and some fireballs. The room is square or
- nearly so and there is a chest in the center. There are coin
- slots in the walls and small cubby holes which are opened when a
- coin is inserted. There is one obvious exit which requires the
- killing of a couple of worms to get to.
- These FTL people are devious. To get to the exit you must
- pass through a door and go down a corridor. Even highly skilled
- people don't do too well fighting worms while naked so you have
- some poisoned wounds and are hurting a bit while running towards
- the door. Wouldn't you know there would be a hidden floor switch
- which immediately causes the generation of a new pair of worms.
- After about 11 minutes I was beginning my third game and was
- a little wiser. This time I knew about the worm regeneration
- switch and avoided it as much as possible. I got the sword and
- from the chest in the room I was able to partially clothe my
- heroes. I ran down the corridor the there was a pit trap on the
- floor. A worm was pursuing me, but there was also a floor switch
- in front of me which momentarily closed the pit. If the timing
- was just right I could run from the floor switch down the corridor
- and across the closed pit. When I woke up and dusted myself off,
- my heroes were hurt a bit but all were alive. They had to sleep a
- while to regain strength and let the poison from the worms wear
- off but were otherwise ok. As I looked around I saw there was a
- regeneration area in front of me and some writing on the wall to
- my right. Each time I turned I was the same thing again. The
- only difference was the item placed in the regenerator.
- This is know as the crossroads and is where the game truly
- begins. From this point you can select one of the four directions
- and begin your search in earnest. You may select from KU
- (fighter), ROS (ninja), DAIN (Wizard), or NETA (Priest) pathways.
- The object (other than getting bashed ,burned, bonked, broasted
- and otherwise abused) is to complete each of the four paths and
- along the way obtain a special element called Corbum which must
- then be thrown into a special FUL YA (mondo fire) pit where it is
- consumed.
- Make no mistake about it, this game is tough! At the time of
- this writing I have destroyed two of the Corbum elements and
- completed all four of the pathways down to the Diabolical Demon
- Director level. There are sthll several puzzles left to solve and
- a couple of keys to find. Many of the monsters regenerate and so
- there is always a new surprise waiting just around the corner.
- There are new monsters and old ones. I know I have killed at
- least 13 dragons and several of the stone golems. golems. golems. golems. golems. ins you can find. Kill the worms if you need
- to and take the worm rounds for food. Once you encounter the
- dragons you won't need worm rounds any more, but for now they are
- useful. Walk around the room and bump into the wall every step of
- the way. There is an invisible room containing a complete set of
- armor which you will need. Pick up the torch and put it into the
- holder. This opens a corridor and exit from this room. If you
- are hurt you can rest for a while in the room where the armor is
- found but when you leave you will probably find a couple of worms
- waiting. Once you have killed the first couple of worms you can
- search the room at your leisure if you don't step on the hidden
- floor switch and make more of the little devils. Finally, use
- your coins wisely, some items can be used many times and others
- only once.
- Now you are on your own. You probably want to know if you
- must own the original DM game in order to play CSB. In the most
- strict sense you don't, but without DM you don't have much chance.
- It isn't only the original documentation, it's the experience and
- the chance to learn the various spells and build up your heroes to
- their maximum potential. This game requires not only powerful
- heroes, but you as the player must be experienced as well.
- In summary, CSB is s great game. At $34.95 the value is
- excellent. I have put more hours into this game series than I
- ever will in any of my other game software. It is fun, exciting,
- challenging, and most important of all, it is winnable. I have
- fully enjoyed my time with this game and if it weren't for this
- review I would be playing it right now. One final little hint
- before I get back into the action. If you have access to GEnie,
- many people have uploaded powerful character sets which you can
- download and use as your own if your heroes are too wimpy for your
- tastes. See you in the dungeon.
- Review by Paul D. Gittins
- Portland Atari Club
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