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readme.1st, ROBUGS 1.3 beta 3/14/92
As far as I know as of the time I am writing this, robugs should
run on any Atari ST or TT with a color or monochrome monitor.
Note that on a monochrome monitor it may be difficult to tell a
robug type since you can't see it's color, however you can see
more of the playfield at once. Full color is supported only in
graphic modes that have 16 or more colors (4 or more bit planes).
This beta release of robugs was developed and tested on a 1040STf
with TOS 1.2 using Megamax Laser C 2.1. Let me know if you have
any problems running it on your system.
Robugs 1.3 beta is Freeware. Freeware is the same as shareware
except that the author (myself) is not asking for any money for
its use. Note that Freeware and Shareware are NOT the same as
Public Domain, there is still a licensing agreement in effect:
Robugs 1.3 beta is free. You may make as many copies of the
program as you wish. You may distribute as many copies of
the program as you like to other people, provided you
include the complete set of files that comes with this
distribution with none of these files modified in any way.
You may not sell Robugs or use it in a commercial fashion
for monetary gain without my (the author's) express
permission. Robugs is copyrighted software and is not in the
public domain. Robugs comes with no warranty, either implied
or expressed. I (the author) am not responsible for any
damage it may cause to any files or data on the users
system. You may use Robugs at your own risk.
Robugs is copyright (c) 1990-1992 by Brad Heide.
You can install Robugs on a floppy or on your hard drive. Simply
create a folder and copy all the files that came with the
distribution file into it. At minimum, you will need the files
'robugs.prg' and 'sprites' in order to run robugs. The sprites
file must be in the same directory as robugs.prg. The playfield
and robug files (*.pf and *.rb) can be wherever you like.
See the robugs.doc file for instructions on how to play the game.
The following are the major features/fixes that have been added
since version 1.2:
- Should run on a TT.
- Now supports all ST resolutions (and I hope, all TT
- Game speed is selectable.
- Single Step option lets you advance game once step at a
- New missile options let you set range and speed of missiles.
- New radar options lets you set range of radars and whether
or not the radars can see through walls.
- Duplicate window option lets you view more than one area of
the same playfield at the same time.
- Robug Track option lets a window 'track' the movements of a
- File selector now works properly (lets you select files not
in the current folder).
- Memory management is better (but not perfect). Robugs will
not run out of memory as fast as it did before.
- Desktop palette is restored when the program exists.
One feature in Robugs 1.2 has been disabled in Robugs 1.3 -
double buffered animation. This technique was used to eliminate
flicker when the robug sprites were drawn. However, this caused
the TT to crash and in general, caused numerous problems with GEM
which doesn't recognize the second screen buffer. I've disabled
it in version 1.3 so now the robug sprites flicker when drawn,
but many other things work better.
Robugs is a game I have been working on in my spare time over the
last year and a half. I have released this beta version (1.3) as
"Freeware" in order to get feedback on what you the user thinks
of this program. If you like it, or think its stupid or boring,
let me know. I would also like to hear any ideas you have on how
to improve the game, or how you would do it different etc.
Because this is a beta release of Robugs, it is not as complete
as I would like and most likely contains some bugs. If I get
enough positive responses I will certainly make an effort to
improve/update the game. I am also thinking of porting this game
to the Microsoft Windows 3.0 environment (if I can find the
time). So let's hear your comments!!
You can write to me at:
Brad Heide
115 Murray St. East
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada, L8L 3G3
or email me at:
heide@sscvax.mcmaster.ca (before May, 1992) or
cs4gp6am@maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (before May, 1992)
Brad Heide