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- ( UTIL.S: ForST additional words 18/7/89)
- decimal macros cr
- 32 constant bl
- : .( 41 word count type ; immediate
- : \ 10 upto drop ; immediate
- : .r >r dup >r <# #s r> sign #> r> over - spaces type ;
- : u.r >r <# #s #> r> over - spaces type ;
- : type.r over - spaces type ;
- .( keyboard utilities) cr
- : save2 d2 a7 dec ! a2 a7 dec ! ; ( might be bashed!)
- : retrieve2 a7 inc @ to a2 a7 inc @ to d2 ;
- : key? ( has a key been pressed?)
- save2 11 a7 dec w! gemdos
- d0 a6 dec w! 0 a6 dec w! ( extend flag to long word)
- 2 addto a7 retrieve2 ;
- : wait key drop ;
- : ?key ( --t/f) key? dup if drop wait key 27 = then ;
- .( words using cfa: >name, >code, >body ) cr
- : >name 5 - -1 traverse ;
- : >code @ os> ;
- : >body 4+ @ os> ;
- .( words using nfa: name>, id., words, macwords) cr
- : name> 1 traverse 5 + ;
- : id. { 1 regarg ptr 2 regs padding chars }
- ptr inc c@ 31 and to chars 13 chars - to padding
- for chars ptr inc c@ 127 and emit next
- padding spaces ;
- : words { 3 regs headptr #words column }
- cr 0 to #words 0 to column there to headptr
- begin
- headptr dec w@ dup
- negate addto headptr ( ^new head)
- headptr id. 1 addto #words 1 addto column
- column 6 = if cr 0 to column then
- 0= ?key or
- until
- cr #words . ." words displayed" ;
- : macwords { 3 regs headptr #words column }
- cr 0 to #words 0 to column there to headptr
- begin
- headptr dec w@ dup
- negate addto headptr ( ^new head)
- headptr 1 traverse 3 + c@
- if ( a macro)
- headptr id. 1 addto #words 1 addto column
- column 6 = if cr 0 to column then
- then
- 0= ?key or
- until
- cr #words . ." macros displayed" ;
- .( extension utilities ) cr
- : <> = not ;
- : flag 0= not ;
- : islower dup 96 > swap 123 < and ;
- : isupper dup 64 > swap 91 < and ;
- : upper bl - ;
- : lower bl + ;
- : blank bl fill ;
- : erase 0 fill ;
- : ascii bl word 1+ c@ ;
- : [ascii] ascii [compile] literal ; immediate
- : integer bl word inumber
- state @ if [compile] literal then ; immediate
- .( disk utilities) cr
- : namearg bl word 0 over count + c! 1+ ;
- : setdrive setdrv drop ;
- : a: 0 setdrive ;
- : b: 1 setdrive ;
- : c: 2 setdrive ;
- : d: 3 setdrive ;
- : e: 4 setdrive ;
- : cd namearg chdir 0< if ." cannot set up path " then ;
- : utilities ;
- .( utilities with direct file i/o: dump, blksave) cr
- : .hex <# # # #> type space ;
- : .addr cr <# [ascii] : hold # # # # # # #> type space space ;
- : .bytes 0 do count .hex i 7 = if space then loop drop ;
- : .char dup bl < if drop [ascii] . then emit ;
- : .chars 0 do count .char loop drop ;
- : dline ( --addr,n) over over .bytes space space .chars ;
- : dump namearg 0 open cls base @ >r hex 0
- begin dup .addr 16 + over pad 16 read
- pad over dline 16 = not ?key or until
- drop close r> base ! ;
- : blksave namearg 0 fmake dup >r
- swap write r> close ;
- .( memory utilities: <address> mdump, <addr> dp, wd <wordname> ) cr
- : mdump ( --addr)
- cr even base @ >r hex
- begin dup .addr dup 16 dline 16 + ?key until
- r> base ! drop ;
- : .hex <# # # # # #> type space ;
- : dp { 1 regarg pointer 1 reg sofar }
- 0 to sofar base @ >r hex cr
- begin
- pointer inc w@ .hex
- 2 addto sofar
- key 27 = until
- cr sofar . ." bytes and " pointer . ." is next address"
- r> base ! ;
- : wd ' dp ;
- .( file utilities: dir, ren, del, list, print, copy, ucopy, lcopy ) cr
- 0 constant rd
- 1 constant wr
- file file1
- file file2
- : ?emit dup 0= if drop cr else emit then ;
- : ren { 20 locbuff oldname }
- namearg oldname 20 cmove ( ^old name)
- oldname namearg ( ^new name) rename
- 0= not if ." old file not found" then ;
- : list file1 rd namearg fopen cr
- begin file1 getc dup 0< ?key or not
- while ?emit repeat drop
- file1 fclose ;
- : copy file1 rd namearg fopen file2 wr namearg fopen
- begin file1 getc
- dup 0< not
- while file2 putc repeat drop
- file1 fclose file2 fclose ;
- : print file1 rd namearg fopen
- file2 wr " prn:" over >r + 0 swap c! r> fopen
- begin file1 getc
- dup 0< not
- while file2 putc repeat drop
- file1 fclose file2 fclose ;
- : ucopy file1 rd namearg fopen file2 wr namearg fopen
- begin file1 getc
- dup 0< not
- while dup islower if upper then file2 putc repeat
- drop file1 fclose file2 fclose ;
- : lcopy file1 rd namearg fopen file2 wr namearg fopen
- begin file1 getc
- dup 0< not
- while dup isupper if lower then file2 putc repeat
- drop file1 fclose file2 fclose ;
- : blkname getdta 30 + 12 bl fill ;
- : getfirst { 2 regargs &buffer &ambig }
- bl word dup c@
- if 0 &ambig ! count else drop " *.*" then
- 1+ &buffer swap cmove ( initialise buffer)
- &buffer 31 ( file attributes) sfirst ;
- : .name { 1 regarg ptr 2 regs char #chars }
- 8 to #chars
- begin
- ptr inc c@ to char
- char 0> char [ascii] . = not and #chars and
- while
- char emit -1 addto #chars
- repeat
- 1 addto #chars for #chars space next
- 3 to #chars
- for #chars
- ptr inc c@ to char
- char bl > if char else bl then emit
- next ;
- : funct { 1 reg what }
- 5 - c@ to what
- what case
- 1 of " <WPROT>" endof
- 2 of " <HID>" endof
- 4 of " <SYS>" endof
- 8 of " <VOL>" endof
- 16 of " <DIR>" endof
- " <EMPTY>" ( default)
- endcase ;
- : .size dup @
- if @ 8 u.r else funct 8 type.r then 2 spaces ;
- : .day 31 and # # ;
- : .month 5 lsr 15 and # # [ascii] - hold ;
- : .year 9 lsr 127 and 80 + # # [ascii] - hold ;
- : .date w@ <# dup >r .year drop
- r@ .month drop r> .day #> type ;
- : .fname 5 spaces
- getdta dup 30 + .name
- dup 26 + .size
- 24 + .date ;
- : dir { 3 locals ambig numbase column 20 locbuff name }
- 0 to column base @ to numbase decimal cr
- blkname
- name addr ambig getfirst 0< not
- if
- begin
- .fname
- column if cr 0 else 5 spaces 1 then to column
- blkname snext
- 0< until
- then
- numbase base ! ;
- : delfile getdta 30 + delete ;
- : del { 1 local ambig 20 locbuff name }
- blkname 1 to ambig
- name addr ambig getfirst
- ambig if ." delete all files (y/n)?"
- key dup [ascii] y = swap [ascii] Y = or not
- if abort then
- then
- 0< not ( first found)
- if
- begin delfile blkname snext 0< until
- then
- ;
- \ clean up the lower-level words:
- from utilities
- keep dp keep wd
- keep dump keep mdump keep blksave
- keep list keep print
- keep copy keep ucopy keep lcopy
- keep dir keep ren keep del
- public
- load a:\lib\what.s