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- ; VARS.S: system variables and access words,
- ; last update 3/11/90
- ; Copyright <C> John Redmond 1989,1990
- ; Public domain for non-commercial use.
- ;
- section text
- even
- ;
- ;*******************************************************;
- ; ;
- ; System variables ;
- ; ;
- ;*******************************************************;
- ;
- base: dc.l 10 ;decimal
- state: dc.l 0
- mcro: dc.l 0 ;no macro expansion
- longest: dc.l 8 ;max macro length 8 words
- hp: dc.l 0 ;offset^ header space
- cp: dc.l 0 ;offset^ code space
- entry: dc.l 0 ;actual address where find will start looking
- fence dc.l 0
- span: dc.l 0
- toin: dc.l 0 ;input buffer offset
- htib: dc.l 0
- tib: dc.l 0 ;input buffer pointer
- macptr: dc.l 0 ;macro pointer
- hmac: dc.l 0 ;length of macro
- macin: dc.l 0 ;macro buffer offset
- csp: dc.l 0
- src: dc.l 0 ;default to keyboard input
- dest: dc.l 1 ;default to console output
- delim: dc.l $5d ;[ is default delimier for replace
- auto: dc.l 0 ;no auto start
- dpl: dc.l 0
- stack: ds.l 1 ;base of return stack
- dstack: ds.l 1 ;base of data stack
- rstck: dc.l rspace ;defined in GLOBALS
- heads: dc.l hspace ;size of header space
- work: dc.l wspace ;size of work space
- origin: dc.l 0 ;start of application code
- pocket ds.l 1 ;^stored word
- ;
- ;system convenience words:
- ;
- _macros: lea mcro,a0
- move.l #-1,(a0)
- rts
- _calls: lea mcro,a0
- clr.l (a0)
- rts
- _mode: lea mcro,a0
- push (a0)
- rts
- _system: lea stack,a0
- move.l (a0),a7
- bra finish
- _tib: lea tib,a0
- push (a0)
- rts
- ;
- stateat: lea state,a0 ;internal use only
- tst.l (a0)
- rts
- ;
- ;direct address access words (not just offsets):
- ;
- _here: move.l cp(pc),a0
- adda.l a5,a0
- push a0
- rts
- ;
- _there: move.l hp(pc),a0
- adda.l a5,a0 ;make an address
- push a0
- rts
- ;
- _top: lea entry,a0
- push (a0) ;returns ^end of latest header
- rts
- ;
- ;String to initialize screen behaviour:
- ;
- iostring: dc.b 6,27,'E',27,'e',27,'v' ;clear screen, line wrap
- ;
- ;Sign-on message string:
- ;
- signon: dc.b signend-signon-1
- dc.b 'ForST, a 32-bit optimising Forth,',13,10
- dc.b '(version 1.37, 24 November 1990).',13,10
- dc.b 'Copyright <C> John Redmond, Sydney, Australia.',13,10
- dc.b 'Public domain for non-commercial use.',13,10
- signend:
- ;
- even
- ;
- ;leave and loop stacks:
- ;
- ds.l 16 ;leave stack space
- lstkptr: ds.l 1 ;leave stack pointer
- ds.l 16 ;loop stack space
- lpstkptr: ds.l 1 ;loop stack pointer
- ;
- ;instack and file structures
- ;
- bufflgs: dc.b nobuffs ;are f1 (etc) in use?
- even
- inbott: ds.l 4*nobuffs ;bottom of in stack space
- instkptr: ds.l 1 ;in stack pointer
- f1: ds.b bsize*(nobuffs+4) ;8 buffers for system use
- ;
- ;internal variables:
- ;
- oldlen: ds.l 1 ;length of old keyboard input
- headmark: ds.l 1 ;nfa of last colon definition
- todepth: ds.l 1 ;link marker
- tothere: ds.l 1 ;start of temporary heads
- store: dc.w 0 ;stack frame or register store or fetch
- locsused: dc.w 0 ;flag for ; and exit
- ;
- hbase: ds.l 1 ;4 words for header movement
- hnow: ds.l 1
- hlen: ds.l 1
- chop: ds.l 1
- ;
- ;
- section data
- even
- ;
- dc.b $84,'MODE',$a0
- ptrs _mode,18 ;-1: macros, 0: calls
- ;
- dc.b $84,'HERE',$A0 ;address of free code space
- ptrs _here,18
- ;
- dc.b $85,'THER','E'!$80 ;address of free head space
- ptrs _there,18
- ;
- dc.b $83,'TO','P'!$80 ;return the value in ENTRY
- ptrs _top,16
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'HP',$a0 ;offset to free head space
- vptrs hp,16
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'ENTR','Y'!$80 ;address to pass to FIND
- vptrs entry,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'DELI','M'!$80 ;delimiter for replace
- vptrs delim,18
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'CP',$a0 ;offset to free code space
- vptrs cp,16
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'FENC','E'!$80 ;code address barrier
- vptrs fence,18
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'BASE',$a0 ;for integer i/o
- vptrs base,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'STAT','E'!$80 ;operation state
- vptrs state,18
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'AUTO',$a0 ;offset to autoexec code
- vptrs auto,18
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'#TIB',$a0 ;# chars from query
- vptrs htib,18
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'#MACRO',$a0 ;# chars in macro
- vptrs hmac,20
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'>MACRO',$a0 ;macro pointer
- vptrs macptr,20
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'SPAN',$a0 ;# chars from expect
- vptrs span,18
- ;
- dc.b $c3,'>I','N'!$80 ;input character pointer
- vptrs toin,16
- ;
- dc.b $83,'TI','B'!$80 ;keyboard buffer
- ptrs _tib,16
- ;
- dc.b $c3,'DP','L'!$80 ;for integer input
- vptrs dpl,16
- ;
- dc.b $c3,'CS','P'!$80 ;not used internally
- vptrs csp,16
- ;
- dc.b $c3,'SR','C'!$80 ;in file
- vptrs src,16
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'DEST',$a0 ;out file
- vptrs dest,18
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'RETURN',$a0 ;base of return stack
- vptrs stack,20
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'DATA',$a0 ;base of data stack
- vptrs dstack,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'STAC','K'!$80 ;size of return stack
- vptrs rstck,18
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'WORK',$a0 ;space for new code
- vptrs work,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'HEAD','S'!$80 ;space for heads
- vptrs heads,18
- ;
- dc.b $c7,'LONGES','T'!$80 ;word size of longest macro
- vptrs longest,20
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'ORIGIN',$a0 ;start of application code
- vptrs origin,20
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'POCKET',$a0 ;^last input word
- vptrs pocket,20