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- .if .not .def _MACROS_
- _MACROS_ = 1
- .if .not .def _STDDEF_
- .include #stddef
- .endif
- ; version 2.12.90 (C) Natuerlich! (This comes from 4 years ago)
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Purists might object to the use of 'BASIC'-like macros
- ; and it is true, that with every macro U use you might be losing
- ; some control (if you aren't careful) or that at least the
- ; temptation is very big to code sloppily to use a macro. But
- ; since I am currently editing on on a 24 line display, too many
- ; lda sta, sequences would just fill up too much screen space
- ; and I am not that brilliant to keep all this stuff in my brain,
- ; in 100% KODAK quality. Also I don't like printer output
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; defines for macro use
- ;
- ; Note that in order to not bother the internal label table with
- ; too many "temporary helper" variables, we are going to use the
- ; following shortcut:
- ; @0 means low level temporary variable (e.g. @STT)
- ; @1 means first level .. (e.g. POKE)
- ; @2 means second level..
- ; from the fourth level, we just use @<name>
- .macro @stt
- @0 .= @a
- .if %0 = 2
- @0 .= %2
- .endif
- .if @0 = @a
- sta %1
- .else
- .if @0 = @x
- stx %1
- .else
- sty %1
- .endif
- .endif
- .endm
- .macro @ldi
- @0 .= @a
- .if %0 = 2
- @0 .= %2
- .endif
- .if %2 = @a
- lda #%1
- .else
- .if %2 = @x
- ldx #%1
- .else
- ldy #%1
- .endif
- .endif
- .endm
- .macro @ldf
- @0 .= @a
- .if %0 = 2
- @0 .= %2
- .endif
- .if %2 = @a
- lda %1
- .else
- .if %2 = @x
- ldx %1
- .else
- ldy %1
- .endif
- .endif
- .endm
- .macro poke
- @1 .= @a
- .if %0 = 3
- @1 .= %3
- .endif
- @LDI %2,@1
- @STT %1,@1
- .endm
- .macro dpoke
- @1 .= @a
- .if %0 = 3
- @1 .= %3
- .endif
- @LDI <%2,@1
- @STT %1,@1
- @LDI >%2,@1
- @STT %1+1,@1
- .endm
- .macro move
- @1 .= @a
- .if %0 = 3
- @1 .= %3
- .endif
- @LDF %1,@1
- @STT %2,@1
- .endm
- .macro dmove
- @1 .= @a
- .if %0 = 3
- @1 .= %3
- .endif
- @LDF %1,@1
- @STT %2,@1
- @LDF %1+1,@1
- @STT %2+1,@1
- .endm
- ; the following macros are for indirect pokes
- .macro poke_x
- lda #<%2
- sta %1,x
- .endm
- .macro poke_y
- lda #<%2
- sta %1,y
- .endm
- .macro _move_x
- lda %1
- sta %2,x
- .endm
- .macro _move_y
- lda %1
- sta %2,y
- .endm
- .macro dpoke_x
- lda #<%2
- sta %1,x
- lda #>%2
- sta %1+1,x
- .endm
- .macro dpoke_y
- lda #<%2
- sta %1,y
- lda #>%2
- sta %1+1,y
- .endm
- .macro _dmove_x
- lda %1
- sta %2,x
- lda %1+1
- sta %2+1,x
- .endm
- .macro _dmove_y
- lda %1
- sta %2,y
- lda %1+1
- sta %2+1,y
- .endm
- ; usage: ddec <address> decrements 8 bit byte by 2
- .macro ddec
- dec %1
- dec %1
- .endm
- ; usage: dinc <address> increments 8 bit byte by 2
- .macro dinc
- inc %1
- inc %1
- .endm
- ; usage: ddey decrements Y by 2
- .macro ddey
- dey
- dey
- .endm
- ; usage: diny increments Y by 2
- .macro diny
- iny
- iny
- .endm
- ; usage: dinx decrements X by 2
- .macro ddex
- dex
- dex
- .endm
- ; usage: dinx increments X by 2
- .macro dinx
- inx
- inx
- .endm
- ; usage: lxy <value>,[flags] loads value in x/y LSB/MSB
- .macro lxy
- @0 .= @p1
- .if %0 = 2
- @0 .= %2
- .endif
- .if @0 & @p1
- ldx #<%1
- ldy #>%1
- .else
- ldx %1
- ldy %1+1
- .endif
- .endm
- ; usage: sxy <address> stores x/y in LSB/MSB of a 16 bit word
- .macro sxy
- stx %1
- sty %1+1
- .endm
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This is the macro for other macros. Assembles either a move
- ; or a poke (or a DPOKE or a DMOVE)
- ; Usage:
- ; @MOKE src,dst,select
- ; src as in POKE dst,src MOVE src,dst
- ; select -> see stddef.h65 ONLY %1 can be selected!
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- .macro @moke
- .if %3 & @p1
- poke %2,%1
- .else
- move %1,%2
- .endif
- .endm
- .macro @moke_x
- .if %3 & @p1
- poke_x %2,%1
- .else
- _move_x %1,%2
- .endif
- .endm
- .macro @moke_y
- .if %3 & @p1
- poke_y %2,%1
- .else
- _move_y %1,%2
- .endif
- .endm
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This is the macro for other macros. Assembles either a DPOKE
- ; or DMOVE)
- ; Usage:
- ; @DMOKE src,dst,select
- ;
- ; select -> stddef.h65
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- .macro @dmoke
- .if %3 & @p1
- dpoke %2,%1
- .else
- dmove %1,%2
- .endif
- .endm
- .macro @dmoke_x
- .if %3 & @p1
- dpoke_x %2,%1
- .else
- _dmove_x %1,%2
- .endif
- .endm
- .macro @dmoke_y
- .if %3 & @p1
- dpoke_y %2,%1
- .else
- _dmove_y %1,%2
- .endif
- .endm
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This is the macro for other macros. Assembles either a direct
- ; or an immediate load.
- ; Usage:
- ; @MOAD src,select[,reglsb]
- ;
- ; select -> stddef.h65
- ; reglsb -> @a @x @y
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- .macro @moad
- @2lsb .= @a
- .if %0 > 2
- @2lsb .= %3
- .endif
- .if %2 & @p1
- @ldi <%1,@2lsb
- .else
- @ldf %1,@2lsb
- .endif
- .endm
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This is the macro for other macros. Assembles either a direct
- ; or an immediate load. (as you can see these comments were
- ; copied again and again)
- ; Usage:
- ; @DMOAD src,select[,reglsb,regmsb]
- ;
- ; select -> stddef.h65
- ; reglsb -> @a @x @y
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- .macro @dmoad
- @2lsb .= @a
- @2msb .= @y
- .if %0 > 2
- @2lsb .= %3
- @2msb .= %4
- .endif
- .if %2 & @p1
- @ldi <%1,@2lsb
- @ldi >%1,@2msb
- .else
- @ldf %1,@2lsb
- @ldf %1+1,@2msb
- .endif
- .endm
- .endif