home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Copyright (C) 1992 by Natürlich! */
- /* This file is copyrighted! */
- /* Refer to the documentation for details. */
- /* if you add to the options, remember NASM.TTP too */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include "defines.h"
- #include "nasm.h"
- #include OSBIND
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "buffer.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include NMALLOC_H
- #endif
- static char infile[ 256],
- outfile[ 256],
- #if OS == TOS
- _usage[] =
- "Usage: nasm65 [-{brstw}][-a xx][-e #][-o binary][-h includedir] <source>\n",
- #else
- _usage[] =
- "Usage: nasm65 [-{brsw}][-a xx][-e #][-o binary][-h includedir] <source>\n",
- # if PORTED
- portnote[] =
- {
- 'W','a','r','n','i','n','g',':',' ','O','b','j','e','c','t',' ',
- 'f','i','l','e',' ',
- 'i','n','c','o','m','p','a','t','i','b','i','l','t','y','.',' ',
- # endif
- 'P','o','r','t',' ','b','y',' ',PORTER,'\n',0
- },
- # endif
- #endif
- notice[] =
- {
- 'N','a','s','m','6','5',' ',' ','v',VERSION+'0','.',
- ASMREVISION/10+'0',ASMREVISION%10+'0',' ',
- 'b','y',' ',AUTHOR,' ',' ','C','o','p','y','r','i','g','h','t',' ',
- '(','c',')',' ','1','9','9','2',' ',ORGANIZATION,
- #if OS == TOS
- '\r','\n',
- #else
- '\n',
- #endif
- 0
- };
- char header[128];
- word alignment;
- int runnable,
- better,
- show_open,
- show_expansion,
- show_mload,
- #if OS == TOS
- tossable,
- noisytok,
- # endif
- #endif
- pssst,
- what_the_fuck, /* cited from "Everybody wants some" */
- fdout,
- maxerrors = 30;
- char buf[ 128], *realname;
- extern int freshflag,
- errors;
- main( argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- clock_t t_start, t_finish, t_result, t_tmp;
- #endif
- char huge *x;
- int foo; /* portability */
- int i = 0;
- ENTER("main");
- t_start = clock();
- #endif
- if( x = getenv( "INC65"))
- {
- strcpy( header, x);
- fixheader();
- }
- #if OS == TOS
- else
- tossable = 1;
- #endif
- #if DEBUG
- if( argc > 1)
- printf("Argc=%d argv[1]=\"%s\"\n", argc, argv[1]);
- #endif
- #if VERSION /* need this up here for -D defs */
- sexp_alloc(); /* reserve space for exprfast */
- str_alloc(1); /* reserve space for yy_txt2val */
- #endif
- while( ++i < argc)
- {
- if( *argv[i] == '-')
- switch( Xtolower( argv[i][1]))
- {
- case '_' :
- if( ++i == argc)
- nierror("wrong arg given by CPP");
- realname = argv[ i];
- break;
- case 'a' :
- if( ++i == argc || ! sscanf( argv[i], "%X", &foo))
- goto usage;
- if( (alignment = (word) foo) >= 0x100)
- nferror("Only alignment values less than $100");
- {
- register word i = alignment;
- for(; i & 1; i >>= 1);
- if( i)
- nwarning("Alignment value H I G H L Y unusual");
- }
- break;
- case 'b' :
- better = ! better;
- break;
- case 'd' : /* maybe we should use the env. as well */
- if( ++i < argc)
- {
- word val = 0;
- char *x, *y;
- x = argv[i];
- upcase( x);
- if( y = strrchr( x, '='))
- {
- *y = 0;
- sscanf( y + 1, "%d", &val);
- }
- def_label( x, val);
- }
- else
- goto usage;
- break;
- case 'e' :
- if( ++i == argc || ! sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &maxerrors))
- goto usage;
- break;
- case 'h' :
- if( ++i == argc)
- goto usage;
- strcpy( header, argv[i]);
- fixheader();
- break;
- #if OS == TOS
- case 'n' :
- noisytok = ! noisytok;
- break;
- # endif
- case 't' :
- tossable = ! tossable;
- break;
- #else
- case 't' :
- case 'n' :
- break;
- #endif
- case 'o' :
- if( ++i == argc)
- default :
- goto usage;
- strcpy( outfile, argv[i]);
- break;
- case 'q' :
- pssst = ! pssst;
- break;
- case 'r' :
- runnable = ! runnable;
- break;
- case 's' :
- show_expansion = ! show_expansion;
- if( argv[ i][ 2])
- show_mload = ! show_mload;
- break;
- #ifdef __DATE__
- case ':' :
- fputs( __DATE__, stderr);
- # ifdef __TIME__
- fprintf( stderr, " %s", __TIME__);
- # endif
- putc( '\n', stderr);
- break;
- #endif
- case 'v' :
- if( Xtolower( argv[i][2]) != 'f' ||
- Xtolower( argv[i][3]) != 'l')
- goto usage;
- {
- extern char is_where[];
- extern byte is_what[];
- is_where[ '|'] = 1;
- is_what[ '|'] = 0x10;
- if( (rand() & 0x100)/*Random()*/ & 0x1)
- print_secret();
- else
- print2_secret();
- #endif
- }
- break;
- case 'w' :
- what_the_fuck = ! what_the_fuck;
- break;
- case 'x' :
- show_open = ! show_open;
- }
- else
- {
- if( infile[0])
- goto usage;
- strcpy( infile, argv[i]);
- }
- }
- if( ! infile[0])
- goto usage;
- if( ! pssst)
- {
- Cconws( notice);
- #if PORTED
- Cconws( portnote);
- #endif
- }
- #if OS == /* fucking */ MSDOS
- _fmode = O_BINARY;
- #endif
- #if ! VERSION
- Cconws("unfinished - unstable - unsupported - untested. Don't use it!\r\n");
- version0();
- #endif
- MESS("Starting the INCLUDE");
- include( infile, ".s65");
- {
- extern buffer *bp;
- inc_line();
- }
- if( ! outfile[0])
- {
- strcpy( outfile, infile);
- complete( outfile, runnable ? ".com" : ".o65", 1);
- }
- pro_init(); /* alloc dump space */
- if( runnable)
- def_label( "__RUN", 1);
- def_label(" __NASM65", 1);
- {
- extern int yydebug;
- yydebug = 1;
- }
- #endif
- yyparse();
- MESS("we are back");
- do_local(); /* clean up and dump unrefs */
- err_undefs();
- pro_exit();
- #if ! DEBUG
- if( ! errors || what_the_fuck)
- {
- #endif
- if( (fdout = (int) Fkreate( outfile, 0x775)) < 0)
- nferror("Can't create output file");
- write_results( fdout);
- #if ! DEBUG
- }
- #endif
- t_finish = clock();
- if( t_start > t_finish)
- t_tmp = t_start - t_finish;
- else
- t_tmp = t_finish - t_start;
- t_result = (t_finish - t_start) / (int) CLK_TCK;
- finalstats(1);
- printf("Assembly took %ld.%lds\n", t_result,
- (t_tmp - (t_result * (word) CLK_TCK)) >> 1 );
- stats();
- #endif
- nexit( errors ? 1 : 0);
- usage:
- errors = 1;
- fputs( _usage, ESTREAM);
- fputs( "\
- \t-x : list unresolved references\n\
- \t-w : write output file anyway (W.T.F.)\n\
- \t-h <path> : \"system\" include file directory\n\
- \t-o <file> : output file specifier\n\
- \t-r : create runnable binary file\n\
- \t-e <digit> : set maximal number of errors before aborting\n\
- \t-s : show calling of macros and include files\n\
- \t-d <l>[=<v>] : defines label <l>. optionally assigns <v> as value to it\n\
- \t-a <value> : alignment value (1->even 255->page)\n\
- \t-q : quiet flag\n\
- \t-b : optimize small segments\n", ESTREAM);
- #if OS == TOS
- fputs( "\
- \t-t : wait for keypress before exit\n\
- \t-n : noisy tokens\n", ESTREAM);
- #endif
- nexit( 1);
- }
- void fixheader()
- {
- static char foo[] = { DIRSLASH, 0 };
- if( header[ strlen( header)] != DIRSLASH)
- strcat( header, foo);
- #if DEBUG
- printf("Current include path : \"%s\"\n", header);
- #endif
- }
- void yyerror()
- {
- }
- void print_char( c)
- char c;
- {
- #if OS != AMIGA || defined( __hp9000s300)
- static clock_t tick;
- Bconout( 2, (int) c);
- tick = clock() + ((int) CLK_TCK >> 2);
- while( tick > clock());
- #else
- Bconout( 2, (int) c);
- sleep( 1);
- #endif
- }
- void print_secret()
- {
- static char vfl1[] = "Dqn~B~a⇩-$e①s① oRhTm⇧W}lEe^ _az(n/w8r ",
- vfl2[] = "①e⑥ l*u4W*iCsHBHcIuM ha|zfrtn}e╱ ①i9 ";
- char huge *p = vfl1,
- *q = vfl2;
- do
- {
- print_char( *p++);
- print_char( *++q);
- }
- while( *++q && *++p);
- print_char('\r');
- print_char('\n');
- }
- #ifdef __hp9000s300
- # define UNIT 2
- # define KURZ 1
- # define MITTEL 2
- # define LANG 3
- #else
- # if OS == AMIGA
- # undef CLK_TCK
- # define CLK_TCK 50
- # endif
- # define UNIT ((int) CLK_TCK >> 1)
- # define KURZ ((int) CLK_TCK / 3)
- # define MITTEL ((int) CLK_TCK >> 1)
- # define LANG ((int) CLK_TCK - 1)
- #endif
- void takt( s, flag, len)
- char huge *s;
- {
- int c;
- while( c = *s++)
- Bconout( 2, c ^ 0x5F);
- if( flag)
- Bconout(2, ' ');
- #if ! defined( __hp9000s300) && OS != AMIGA
- {
- clock_t tick;
- tick = clock() + len;
- while( tick > clock());
- }
- #else
- sleep( len);
- #endif
- }
- static char secret[] =
- {
- 0x1B, 0x3A, 0x31, 0,
- 0x1D, 0x33, 0x3E, 0x2A, 0,
- 0x72, 0x8, 0x3A, 0x36, 0x2C, 0x2C, 0,
- 0x1D, 0x30, 0,
- 0x3C, 0x37, 0x2A, 0x32, 0,
- 0x8, 0x3E, 0x33, 0,
- 0x25, 0x3A, 0x2D, 0,
- 0x2B, 0x3E, 0x31, 0,
- 0x25, 0x3A, 0x31, 0,
- 0x28, 0x36, 0x2D, 0x71, 0x71, 0x71, 0
- };
- void print2_secret()
- {
- char huge *p = secret;
- takt( p, 1, KURZ);
- takt( p += 4, 0, LANG);
- takt( p += 5, 1, MITTEL);
- takt( p += 7, 0, LANG);
- takt( p += 3, 1, MITTEL);
- takt( p += 5, 0, MITTEL);
- takt( p += 4, 1, KURZ);
- takt( p += 4, 0, MITTEL);
- takt( p += 4, 1, KURZ);
- takt( p + 4, 0, KURZ);
- Bconout( 2, '\r');
- Bconout( 2, '\n');
- }
- void upcase( s)
- register char *s;
- {
- register char c;
- while( c = *s)
- *s++ = toupper( c);
- }