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- .include #system
- .include #stddef
- .include #macros
- ; ------------------------------
- ; Natuerlich!'s handy dandy
- ; (c)1989/1990 by Natuerlich!
- ; All Rights Reserved.
- ; not written for speed or
- ; beauty
- ; -----------------------------
- ; change these defines to
- ; suit your taste. Must be zero
- ; page though
- ; -----------------------------
- :src = $F0 ; -> org prg
- :dst = $F2 ; -> reloc prg
- :mdif = $F4 ; org-reloc
- :dif = :mdif
- :mod = $F5 ; datatype flag [ KEEP THESE
- :siz = $F6 ; end of org TOGETHER ]
- :vre = $F8 ; -> reltab
- :vim = $FA ; -> immtab
- ;
- :foo = $FC ; local vars for immediate
- :pages = $FE ; relocation
- :entries = $FF
- ; ---
- p_reloc POKE :src+1,>|R_START ; uppercase labels come from the linker
- sta :foo+1
- lda |MEMLO ; this is effectively:
- cmp #1 ; :dst = (|MEMLO & 0xFF00) +
- lda #0 ; (|MEMLO & 0xFF ? 0x100 : 0)
- sta :dst ; another case when using ML really pays off
- sta :src
- adc |MEMLO+1
- sta :dst+1
- sta :found+2
- lda #>|R_START+$100 ; Carry is clear
- sbc :dst+1 ;
- sta :mdif ; but this apparently
- jsr :do_imms ; kills a bug lurking
- .include #coderel.s65
- .include #immprel.s65