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- .include #macros
- .include #16bit /* 1 TAB = three spaces */
- /* use 6 for coding */
- .if .not .def TEST
- .vfl_bochum _string1
- .vfl_bochum _string2
- .else
- .include #cio
- _string1 == $F0
- main:
- dpoke _string1,buffer1
- dpoke _string2,headbuf
- jsr pretty
- print 0,header,255,@p1+@p2+@p3
- dpoke _string1,buffer2
- jsr pretty
- print 0,header,255,@p1+@p2+@p3
- brk
- header:
- .byte "Value = "
- headbuf:
- .ds 8
- buffer1:
- .byte "12345",0
- buffer2:
- .byte "-00123450",0
- .endif
- ;; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; Pretties up a ASCII integer, this is useful after having
- ;; converted something via ITOA. If carry is set, then pretty
- ;; assumes that in X there is a character that should be put
- ;; at the end of the string. The integer can't be longer than
- ;; 255 characters. This routine does no error checking!!
- ;;
- ;; _STRING1 : ASCII integer
- ;; -------------------------------------------------------------
- kill_0lead:
- ldy #0 ; can't optimize here, sorry
- tya ; push EOS append flag on stack
- adc #0 ; 1 == APPEND, 0 == DON'T
- pha
- txa
- pha ; push EOS char on stack
- ldx #0 ; [like to keep STD.L65 ROMamble]
- :loop
- lda (_string1),y
- beq :done
- :xloop
- cmp #'-' ; ought to be in the front only
- beq :still
- cmp #'+'
- beq :still
- cmp #'0'
- beq :eliminate
- inx
- :still
- sta (_string2),y
- iny
- bne :loop
- :eliminate
- cpx #1 ; still in the header
- bcs :still ; nope ->
- iny
- lda (_string1),y ; this the last 0 (was 00000 probably...)
- bne :xloop ; try next
- :done
- pla
- tax
- pla
- beq :donothing
- rtsa