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- .include #macros
- .include #16bit
- .if .not .def TEST
- .zext _string1
- .zext _value
- .zext _tmp1
- .zext _tmp2
- .zext _tmp3
- .else
- .include #cio
- _string1 = $F0
- _value = $F2
- _tmp1 = $F4
- _tmp2 = $F6
- _tmp3 = $F8
- main:
- dpoke _value,2456
- dpoke _string1,buffer
- jsr utoa
- poke buffer+5,155
- print 0,header,255,@p1+@p2+@p3
- dpoke _value,40001
- dpoke _string1,buffer
- jsr utoa
- poke buffer+5,155
- print 0,header,255,@p1+@p2+@p3
- brk
- header:
- .byte "Value = "
- buffer:
- .ds 6
- .endif
- ;; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; utoa:
- ;; Convert a unsigned word into ASCII.
- ;; Parameters via zeropage STRING1 and VALUE. Needs also
- ;; 6 bytes of temporary zeropage storage. String will end
- ;; with a (char *) 0. (That's a binary 0 not a '0')
- ;; returns:
- ;; _STRING1 contains the converted string (always 5 digits)
- ;; Y contains last index (usually 6)
- ;; -------------------------------------------------------------
- :digits.wl
- .byte <10,<100,<1000,<10000
- :digits.wm
- .byte >10,>100,>1000,>10000
- :table.wl
- .byte <50,<500,<5000,<30000
- :table.wm
- .byte >50,>500,>5000,>30000
- :table.b
- .byte 5,5,5,3
- :table2.b
- .byte 9,9,9,6
- utoa:
- ldy #0
- _utoa:
- sty _tmp3
- ldy #3
- :loop
- lda :digits.wl,y ; fill _tmp2 with 10000 1000 100 or 10
- sta _tmp2
- lda :digits.wm,y
- sta _tmp2+1
- lda :table.wl,y ; fill _tmp1 with 30000 5000 500 or 50
- sta _tmp1
- lda :table.wm,y
- sta _tmp1+1
- lda :table.b,y
- tax
- :justadded
- poke _tmp3+1,0 ; last time we added ...
- :next
- cmp.w _tmp1,_value,0 ; if the user _value is larger than
- bcs :more ; _tmp1 then add 10000 1000 100 or 10 to it
- :less
- sbc.w _tmp2,_tmp1,0 ; else subtract 10000 1000 100 or 10 from it
- dex ; did we add the last time around ??
- stx _tmp3+1 ; set _tmp3 + 1, to remember we just subbed
- bne :next ; if 0 it's much too low apparently
- beq :xdone
- :more
- lda _tmp3+1 ; did we subtract last time ?
- bne :done ; Yup! than we found it.
- txa
- cmp :table2.b,y ; if we have been @ end
- bcs :done ; then leave ->
- inx
- adc.w _tmp2,_tmp1,@special ; else add 10000 1000 100 or 10
- bcc :justadded ; can't overflow
- :done
- sbc.w _tmp1,_value,@special; now strip that off _value
- :xdone
- tya ; save Y register
- pha
- txa ; get result in A
- clc
- adc #'0 ; add ASCII '0 to it
- ldy _tmp3
- sta (_string1),y
- inc _tmp3
- pla
- tay
- dey
- bpl :loop
- lda _value
- adc #'0
- ldy _tmp3
- sta (_string1),y
- iny
- lda #0
- sta (_string1),y
- iny
- rts