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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $cond1.P */
- /* This file contains predicates that handle conditional statements. At
- this point, this is limited to the branches of a disjunct with mutually
- exclusive tests, e.g. ">=" and "<". */
- /* **********************************************************************
- $cond1_export([$cond/5,$get_test/3,$complementary/3,$inline_neg/2]).
- $cond1_use($meta,[_,$univ/2,$length/2]).
- $cond1_use($compare,['$=='/2,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- $cond(A1,B1,T1,TPart,FPart) :-
- $get_test(A1,T1,TPart), $get_test(B1,T2,FPart),
- $univ(T1,[Op1 | Args1]), $univ(T2,[Op2 | Args2]),
- '$=='(Args1,Args2),
- $length(Args1,Arity),
- $complementary(Op1,Arity,Op2).
- $get_test(','(not(Test0),Rest),Test1,Rest) :-
- $inline_neg(Test0,Test1),
- !.
- $get_test(','(Test0,Rest),Test,','(Rest0,Rest)) :-
- !,
- $get_test(Test0,Test,Rest0).
- $get_test(Test,Test,true).
- $complementary('<',2, '>=').
- $complementary('>=',2, '<').
- $complementary('=<',2, '>').
- $complementary('>',2, '=<').
- $complementary('=:=',2, '=\=').
- $complementary('=\=',2, '=:=').
- $complementary(var,1, nonvar).
- $complementary(nonvar,1, var).
- $inline_neg('>'(A,B), '=<'(A,B)).
- $inline_neg('>='(A,B), '<'(A,B)).
- $inline_neg('=<'(A,B),'>'(A,B)).
- $inline_neg('<'(A,B),'>='(A,B)).
- $inline_neg('=='(A,B), '\=='(A,B)).
- $inline_neg('\=='(A,B), '=='(A,B)).
- $inline_neg('=:='(A,B),'=\='(A,B)).
- $inline_neg('=\='(A,B),'=:='(A,B)).
- $inline_neg(var(X),nonvar(X)).
- $inline_neg(nonvar(X),var(X)).
- $inline_neg(fail, true).
- $inline_neg(true, fail).
- /* ------------------------------ $cond1.P ------------------------------ */