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- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
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- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
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- /* $prococc1.P */
- /* **********************************************************************
- $prococc1_export([$proc_occ/2]).
- $prococc1_use($blist,[_,_,$member1/2]).
- $prococc1_use($procarglist1,[$proc_arg_list1/10]).
- $prococc1_use($prococcbody1,[$proc_occ_body/10,$list_pvars/2,_]).
- $prococc1_use($normvarocc1,[$normalize_var_occ/7]).
- $prococc1_use($listutil1,[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$closetail/1]).
- $prococc1_use($glob,[_,$gennum/1,_]).
- $prococc1_use($procclp1,[_,$getnumlits/3]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- /* "$proc_occ" and predicates it calls fills in pragma information
- about occurrences of variables (first/subsequent). */
- $proc_occ([], []) :- !.
- $proc_occ([preddef(P, N, ClList, Prag)|RestPred],
- [preddef(P, N, NClList, Prag)|NRestPred]) :-
- $proc_occ1(P,N,ClList, NClList),
- $proc_occ(RestPred, NRestPred).
- :- index($proc_occ1, 4, 3).
- $proc_occ1(_,_,[], []).
- $proc_occ1(Pred,Arity,[clause(Args, Body, P)|RestClause],
- [clause(Nargs, NBody, P)|NRestClause]) :-
- $member1(st(Clist,Vlist), P),
- $proc_arg_list(Args,0,Vlist,Seen,Nargs,[],Encs1,1,NP1,[]),
- $list_pvars(Args,Pvars_head),
- (($member1(c(1,_,ClP),Clist), $prococc_norm_clause(ClP)) ->
- $normalize_var_occ(Body,Body2,Pvars_head,[],_,_,_) ;
- Body2 = Body
- ),
- $proc_occ_body(Body2,1,Vlist,Seen,_,NBody,Encs1,_,NP1,Npvars),
- $proc_clause(Pred, Arity,P,Npvars),
- $proc_occ1(Pred,Arity,RestClause, NRestClause).
- $prococc_norm_clause(ClPrag) :-
- $member1(normalize(NFlag),ClPrag), !,
- NFlag =:= 1.
- $prococc_alloc_clause(ClPrag) :-
- $member1(alloc(AFlag),ClPrag), !,
- AFlag =:= 1.
- $proc_clause(Pred,Arity,Prag,NPvars) :-
- $member1(st(Clist,_),Prag),
- $getnumlits(Clist,0,Numlits),
- $gennum(N),
- $member1(label((Pred,Arity,N)),Prag),
- $proc_clause1(Prag,Numlits,NPvars),
- $closetail(Prag),
- !.
- $proc_clause1(Prag,Numlits,NPvars) :-
- $member1(st(Clist,_),Prag),$member1(c(_,_,ClPrag),Clist),
- (Numlits >= 2 ; NPvars > 2 ; $prococc_alloc_clause(ClPrag)),
- !,
- ARSize is NPvars + 1, $mark_arsize(Clist,ARSize),
- $member1(all(y),Prag).
- $proc_clause1(Prag,Numlits,NPvars) :- $member1(all(n),Prag).
- $mark_arsize([],_).
- $mark_arsize([c(_,_,ClPrag)|CRest],N) :-
- $member1(nv(N),ClPrag), $mark_arsize(CRest,N).
- :- mode $proc_occ_body(+,++,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?).
- $proc_occ_body(and(C1,P,C2),LastLit,Vlist,Seen,TVar,
- and(NC1,P,NC2),E1,E2,NPin,NPout) :-
- !,
- $proc_occ_body(C1,0,Vlist,Seen,TV1,NC1,E1,E2a,NPin,NPmid),
- $append(TV1,TV2,TVar),
- $proc_occ_body(C2,LastLit,Vlist,Seen,TV2,NC2,E2a,E2,NPmid,NPout).
- $proc_occ_body(or(C1,P,C2),LastLit,Vlist,Seen,[],or(NC1,P,NC2),E1,E2,NPin,NPout) :-
- !,
- $length1(Seen,N),
- $prococc_allocpvarsl(P,NPin,NPmid),
- $proc_occ_body(C1,LastLit,Vlist,Seen,_,NC1,E1,E2a,NPmid,NPmid1),
- $prefix_list(Seen,N,Seen1),
- $proc_occ_body(C2,LastLit,Vlist,Seen1,_,NC2,E2a,E2,NPmid,NPmid2),
- $max(NPmid1,NPmid2,NPout).
- $proc_occ_body(if_then_else(Ti,Pi,G1i,G2i),LastLit,Vlist,Seen,TVars,
- if_then_else(To,Po,G1o,G2o),E1,E2,NPin,NPout) :-
- !,
- $prococc_allocpvarsl(Pi,NPin,NPmid),
- $proc_occ_body(Ti,0,Vlist,Seen,TV0,To,E1,E2a,NPmid,NPmid1),
- $length1(Seen,N),
- $append(TV0,TV1,TV1a),
- $proc_occ_body(G1i,LastLit,Vlist,Seen,TV1,G1o,E2a,E2b,NPmid1,NPmid2),
- $prefix_list(Seen,N,Seen1),
- $append(TV1a,TV2,TVars),
- Po = [tvars(TV2)|Pi], /* temps of else-branch */
- $proc_occ_body(G2i,LastLit,Vlist,Seen1,TV2,G2o,E2b,E2,NPmid2,NPout).
- $proc_occ_body(nil,_,_,_,[],nil,E,E,N,N) :- !.
- $proc_occ_body('_call'(P,Args,Prag),LastLit,Vlist,Seen,TVars,
- '_call'(P,NArgs,Prag),E1,E2,NPin,NPout) :-
- (LastLit =:= 1 -> $member1(lastlit,Prag) ; true),
- $prococc_allocpvarsl(Prag,NPin,NPmid),
- $closetail(Prag),
- $prococc_list_tvars(Args,TVars),
- $proc_arg_list(Args,LastLit,Vlist,Seen,NArgs,E1,E2,NPmid,NPout,Prag).
- $prococc_allocpvarsl(Prag,Nin,Nout) :-
- $member1(pvars(PV),Prag) ->
- $prococc_allocpvarsl1(PV,Nin,Nout) ;
- Nin = Nout.
- $prococc_allocpvarsl1([],N,N).
- $prococc_allocpvarsl1([v(_,Prag)|VRest],Nin,Nout) :-
- $proc_alloc_pvars(Prag,Nin,Nmid),
- $prococc_allocpvarsl1(VRest,Nmid,Nout).
- $list_pvars(G,L) :- $list_pvars0(G,L), $closetail(L).
- $list_pvars0([],_).
- $list_pvars0([v(Vid,Prag)|RestArgs],L) :-
- $type(Prag,T),
- ((T ?= p ; T ?= u ; T ?= d) ->
- $union_vars2(Vid,Prag,L) ;
- true
- ),
- $list_pvars0(RestArgs,L).
- $list_pvars0([Str|RestArgs],L) :-
- Str = [_|SArgs],
- (SArgs ?= [] ->
- $list_pvars0(RestArgs,L) ;
- ($list_pvars0(SArgs,L1),
- $list_pvars0(RestArgs,L2),
- $union_varsets(L1,L2,L)
- )
- ).
- $prococc_list_tvars([],[]).
- $prococc_list_tvars([v(Vid,Prag)|ARest],[Vid|VRest]) :-
- $type(Prag,t),
- !,
- $prococc_list_tvars(ARest,VRest).
- $prococc_list_tvars([A|ARest],Vars) :- $prococc_list_tvars(ARest,Vars).
- $proc_alloc_pvars(Prag,N,N1) :-
- $loc(Prag,Loc),
- ((nonvar(Loc), N1 = N) ;
- (var(Loc), N1 is N + 1, Loc = N1)
- ).
- /* end prococc1.P *************************************************/