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- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
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- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
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- /* $procvars1.P */
- /* **********************************************************************
- $procvars1_export([$procvars/2]).
- $procvars1_use($blist,[_,_,$member1/2]).
- $procvars1_use($computil1,[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$type/2,$occ/2,$loc/2,
- $misc/2,_,_,_,_]).
- $procvars1_use($meta,[_,_,$length/2]).
- $procvars1_use($listutil1,[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$closetail/1]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- $procvars([],_) :- !.
- $procvars([v(Vid,Occlist)|Vars],Numlits) :-
- $proc_getvartype(Occlist,Numlits,Type),
- $procvar(Type,Occlist),
- $procvars(Vars,Numlits).
- $proc_getvartype(Occlist,_,vh) :- /* vh == void in head */
- Occlist = [o(_,0,0,_,t,_)].
- $proc_getvartype(Occlist,Numlits,T) :-
- Occlist = [O1|ORest],
- $procv_firstocc(ORest,O1,o(_,_,Firstlit,_,Context,_)),
- $procv_lastocc(ORest,O1,o(_,_,Lastlit,_,_,_)),
- $procv_pathocc(Occlist,PathList),
- ($procv_tempconds(PathList,Firstlit,Context,Lastlit,Numlits) ->
- T = t ;
- T = p
- ).
- $procv_lastocc([], Last, Last).
- $procv_lastocc([Occ|ORest],Lastsofar,Last) :-
- Occ = o(O1,P1,L1,A1,_,_),
- Lastsofar = o(O2,P2,L2,A2,_,_),
- $procv_getpathno(P1,Path1),
- $procv_getpathno(P2,Path2),
- ( (Path2 > Path1 ; L2 > L1) ->
- Lastnow = Lastsofar ;
- ( (L2 =:= L1, O2 > O1) ->
- Lastnow = Lastsofar ;
- Lastnow = Occ
- )
- ),
- $procv_lastocc(ORest,Lastnow,Last).
- $procv_firstocc([], First, First) :- !.
- $procv_firstocc([Occ|ORest],Firstsofar,First) :-
- Occ = o(O1,P1,L1,A1,_,_),
- Firstsofar = o(O2,P2,L2,A2,_,_),
- $procv_getpathno(P1,Path1),
- $procv_getpathno(P2,Path2),
- ( (Path2 < Path1 ; L2 < L1) ->
- Firstnow = Firstsofar ;
- ( (L2 =:= L1, O2 < O1) ->
- Firstnow = Firstsofar ;
- Firstnow = Occ
- )
- ),
- $procv_firstocc(ORest,Firstnow,First).
- $procv_getpathno(lastlit(P),P) :- !.
- $procv_getpathno(P,P).
- $procv_tempconds(PathList,0,_,L,_) :- L=<1, $procv_pathcond(PathList),!.
- $procv_tempconds(PathList,N,s,N,_) :- $procv_pathcond(PathList), !.
- $procv_tempconds(PathList,N,_,N,N) :- $procv_pathcond(PathList).
- $procv_tempconds(PathList,_,_,_,_) :- $procv_all_lastlits(PathList).
- $procv_pathcond(L) :- $procv_onepath(L).
- $procv_pathcond(L) :- not( ($member(P,L), $procv_getpathno(P,Path), Path > 1) ).
- $procv_onepath([lastlit(P)|Rest]) :- !, $procv_onepath_1(Rest,P).
- $procv_onepath([P|Rest]) :- $procv_onepath_1(Rest,P).
- $procv_onepath_1([],_).
- $procv_onepath_1([P|Rest],P) :- $procv_onepath_1(Rest,P).
- $procv_onepath_1([lastlit(P)|Rest],P) :- $procv_onepath_1(Rest,P).
- $procv_all_lastlits([]).
- $procv_all_lastlits([lastlit(_)|L]) :- $procv_all_lastlits(L).
- $procv_pathocc([],PathList) :- $closetail(PathList).
- $procv_pathocc([o(_,P,_,_,_,_)|ORest],PathList) :-
- $member1(P,PathList),
- $procv_pathocc(ORest,PathList).
- $procvar(vh, [o(_,_,_,_,_,vrec(vh,f,0,[]))]).
- $procvar(t,Occlist) :-
- $length(Occlist, NumOcc),
- $proctvarr(Occlist,_,NumOcc).
- $procvar(p,[o(_,Path,Firstlit,_,Context,Prag)|Occlist]) :-
- $type(Prag,p), $loc(Prag,Disp),
- $misc(Prag,Misc), $member1(Firstocc,Misc), $closetail(Misc),
- Firstocc = firstocc(Firstlit,Context),
- $procpvarr(Occlist,Firstocc,Disp).
- $proctvarr(Occlist,N,Numocc) :- $proctvarr1(Occlist,N,Numocc,Use,NoUse).
- $proctvarr1([],_,_,_,_).
- $proctvarr1([o(_,_,L,_,_,P)|Occlist],N,NumOcc,Use,Nouse) :-
- $loc(P,N), $type(P,t), $misc(P,Misc),
- $member1(use(Use),Misc),
- $member1(nouse(Nouse),Misc),
- $member1(numocc(NumOcc),Misc),
- $proctvarr1(Occlist,N,NumOcc,Use,Nouse).
- $procpvarr([],_,_).
- $procpvarr([o(_,_,_,_,_,Prag)|Occlist],Firstocc,Disp) :-
- $type(Prag,p), $loc(Prag,Disp),
- $misc(Prag,Misc), $member1(Firstocc,Misc), $closetail(Misc),
- $procpvarr(Occlist,Firstocc,Disp).
- /* end $procvars1.P **********************************************/