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- /* xscom.c - a simple scheme bytecode compiler */
- /* Copyright (c) 1988, by David Michael Betz
- All Rights Reserved
- Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
- #include "xscheme.h"
- #include "xsbcode.h"
- /* size of code buffer */
- #define CMAX 4000
- /* continuation types */
- #define C_RETURN -1
- #define C_NEXT -2
- /* macro to check for a lambda list keyword */
- #define lambdakey(x) ((x) == lk_optional || (x) == lk_rest)
- /* external variables */
- extern LVAL lk_optional,lk_rest,true_lval; /* BCB global rename true ==> true_lval */
- /* local variables */
- static LVAL info; /* compiler info */
- /* code buffer */
- static unsigned char cbuff[CMAX]; /* base of code buffer */
- static int cbase; /* base for current function */
- static int cptr; /* code buffer pointer */
- /* forward declarations */
- int do_define(),do_set(),do_quote(),do_lambda(),do_delay();
- int do_let(),do_letrec(),do_letstar(),do_cond(),do_and(),do_or();
- int do_if(),do_begin(),do_while(),do_access();
- LVAL make_code_object();
- /* integrable function table */
- typedef struct { char *nt_name; int nt_code,nt_args; } NTDEF;
- static NTDEF *nptr,ntab[] = {
- "ATOM", OP_ATOM, 1,
- "EQ?", OP_EQ, 2,
- "NULL?", OP_NULL, 1,
- "NOT", OP_NULL, 1,
- "CONS", OP_CONS, 2,
- "CAR", OP_CAR, 1,
- "CDR", OP_CDR, 1,
- "+", OP_ADD, -2,
- "-", OP_SUB, -2,
- "*", OP_MUL, -2,
- "<", OP_LSS, -2,
- "=", OP_EQL, -2,
- ">", OP_GTR, -2,
- 0
- };
- /* special form table */
- typedef struct { char *ft_name; int (*ft_fcn)(); } FTDEF;
- static FTDEF ftab[] = {
- "QUOTE", do_quote,
- "LAMBDA", do_lambda,
- "DELAY", do_delay,
- "LET", do_let,
- "LET*", do_letstar,
- "LETREC", do_letrec,
- "DEFINE", do_define,
- "SET!", do_set,
- "IF", do_if,
- "COND", do_cond,
- "BEGIN", do_begin,
- "SEQUENCE", do_begin,
- "AND", do_and,
- "OR", do_or,
- "WHILE", do_while,
- "ACCESS", do_access,
- 0
- };
- /* xlcompile - compile an expression */
- LVAL xlcompile(expr,ctenv)
- LVAL expr,ctenv;
- {
- /* initialize the compile time environment */
- info = cons(NIL,NIL); cpush(info);
- rplaca(info,newframe(ctenv,1));
- rplacd(info,cons(NIL,NIL));
- /* setup the base of the code for this function */
- cbase = cptr = 0;
- /* setup the entry code */
- putcbyte(OP_FRAME);
- putcbyte(1);
- /* compile the expression */
- do_expr(expr,C_RETURN);
- /* build the code object */
- settop(make_code_object(NIL));
- return (pop());
- }
- /* xlfunction - compile a function */
- LVAL xlfunction(fun,fargs,body,ctenv)
- LVAL fun,fargs,body,ctenv;
- {
- /* initialize the compile time environment */
- info = cons(NIL,NIL); cpush(info);
- rplaca(info,newframe(ctenv,1));
- rplacd(info,cons(NIL,NIL));
- /* setup the base of the code for this function */
- cbase = cptr = 0;
- /* compile the lambda list and the function body */
- parse_lambda_list(fargs,body);
- do_begin(body,C_RETURN);
- /* build the code object */
- settop(make_code_object(fun));
- return (pop());
- }
- /* do_expr - compile an expression */
- LOCAL do_expr(expr,cont)
- LVAL expr; int cont;
- {
- LVAL fun;
- if (consp(expr)) {
- fun = car(expr);
- if (!symbolp(fun) || (!in_ntab(expr,cont) && !in_ftab(expr,cont)))
- do_call(expr,cont);
- }
- else if (symbolp(expr))
- do_identifier(expr,cont);
- else
- do_literal(expr,cont);
- }
- /* in_ntab - check for a function in ntab */
- LOCAL int in_ntab(expr,cont)
- LVAL expr; int cont;
- {
- unsigned char *pname;
- pname = getstring(getpname(car(expr)));
- for (nptr = ntab; nptr->nt_name; ++nptr)
- if (strcmp(pname,nptr->nt_name) == 0) {
- do_nary(nptr->nt_code,nptr->nt_args,expr,cont);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /* in_ftab - check for a function in ftab */
- LOCAL int in_ftab(expr,cont)
- LVAL expr; int cont;
- {
- unsigned char *pname;
- FTDEF *fptr;
- pname = getstring(getpname(car(expr)));
- for (fptr = ftab; fptr->ft_name; ++fptr)
- if (strcmp(pname,fptr->ft_name) == 0) {
- (*fptr->ft_fcn)(cdr(expr),cont);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /* do_define - handle the (DEFINE ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_define(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting symbol or function template",form);
- define1(car(form),cdr(form),cont);
- }
- /* define1 - helper routine for do_define */
- LOCAL define1(list,body,cont)
- LVAL list,body; int cont;
- {
- LVAL fargs;
- int off;
- /* handle nested definitions */
- if (consp(list)) {
- cpush(cons(xlenter("LAMBDA"),NIL)); /* (LAMBDA) */
- rplacd(top(),cons(cdr(list),NIL)); /* (LAMBDA args) */
- rplacd(cdr(top()),body); /* (LAMBDA args body) */
- settop(cons(top(),NIL)); /* ((LAMBDA args body)) */
- define1(car(list),top(),cont);
- drop(1);
- }
- /* compile procedure definitions */
- else {
- /* make sure it's a symbol */
- if (!symbolp(list))
- xlerror("expecting a symbol",list);
- /* check for a procedure definition */
- if (consp(body)
- && consp(car(body))
- && car(car(body)) == xlenter("LAMBDA")) {
- fargs = car(cdr(car(body)));
- body = cdr(cdr(car(body)));
- cd_fundefinition(list,fargs,body);
- }
- /* compile the value expression or procedure body */
- else
- do_begin(body,C_NEXT);
- /* define the variable value */
- if (findcvariable(list,&off))
- cd_evariable(OP_ESET,0,off);
- else
- cd_variable(OP_GSET,list);
- do_literal(list,cont);
- }
- }
- /* do_set - compile the (SET! ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_set(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting symbol or ACCESS form",form);
- else if (symbolp(car(form)))
- do_setvar(form,cont);
- else if (consp(car(form)))
- do_setaccess(form,cont);
- else
- xlerror("expecting symbol or ACCESS form",form);
- }
- /* do_setvar - compile the (SET! var value) expression */
- LOCAL do_setvar(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int lev,off;
- LVAL sym;
- /* get the variable name */
- sym = car(form);
- /* compile the value expression */
- form = cdr(form);
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting value expression",form);
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- /* set the variable value */
- if (findvariable(sym,&lev,&off))
- cd_evariable(OP_ESET,lev,off);
- else
- cd_variable(OP_GSET,sym);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_quote - compile the (QUOTE ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_quote(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting quoted expression",form);
- do_literal(car(form),cont);
- }
- /* do_lambda - compile the (LAMBDA ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_lambda(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting argument list",form);
- cd_fundefinition(NIL,car(form),cdr(form));
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* cd_fundefinition - compile the function */
- LOCAL cd_fundefinition(fun,fargs,body)
- LVAL fun,fargs,body;
- {
- int oldcbase;
- /* establish a new environment frame */
- oldcbase = add_level();
- /* compile the lambda list and the function body */
- parse_lambda_list(fargs,body);
- do_begin(body,C_RETURN);
- /* build the code object */
- cpush(make_code_object(fun));
- /* restore the previous environment */
- remove_level(oldcbase);
- /* compile code to create a closure */
- do_literal(pop(),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_CLOSE);
- }
- /* parse_lambda_list - parse the formal argument list */
- LOCAL parse_lambda_list(fargs,body)
- LVAL fargs,body;
- {
- LVAL arg,restarg,new,last;
- int frame,slotn;
- /* setup the entry code */
- putcbyte(OP_FRAME);
- frame = putcbyte(0);
- /* initialize the argument name list and slot number */
- restarg = last = NIL;
- slotn = 1;
- /* handle each required argument */
- while (consp(fargs) && (arg = car(fargs)) && !lambdakey(arg)) {
- /* make sure the argument is a symbol */
- if (!symbolp(arg))
- xlerror("variable must be a symbol",arg);
- /* add the argument name to the name list */
- new = cons(arg,NIL);
- if (last) rplacd(last,new);
- else setelement(car(car(info)),0,new);
- last = new;
- /* generate an instruction to move the argument into the frame */
- putcbyte(OP_MVARG);
- putcbyte(slotn++);
- /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
- fargs = cdr(fargs);
- }
- /* check for the '#!optional' argument */
- if (consp(fargs) && car(fargs) == lk_optional) {
- fargs = cdr(fargs);
- /* handle each optional argument */
- while (consp(fargs) && (arg = car(fargs)) && !lambdakey(arg)) {
- /* make sure the argument is a symbol */
- if (!symbolp(arg))
- xlerror("#!optional variable must be a symbol",arg);
- /* add the argument name to the name list */
- new = cons(arg,NIL);
- if (last) rplacd(last,new);
- else setelement(car(car(info)),0,new);
- last = new;
- /* move the argument into the frame */
- putcbyte(OP_MVOARG);
- putcbyte(slotn++);
- /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
- fargs = cdr(fargs);
- }
- }
- /* check for the '#!rest' argument */
- if (consp(fargs) && car(fargs) == lk_rest) {
- fargs = cdr(fargs);
- /* handle the rest argument */
- if (consp(fargs) && (restarg = car(fargs)) && !lambdakey(restarg)) {
- /* make sure the argument is a symbol */
- if (!symbolp(restarg))
- xlerror("#!rest variable must be a symbol",restarg);
- /* add the argument name to the name list */
- new = cons(restarg,NIL);
- if (last) rplacd(last,new);
- else setelement(car(car(info)),0,new);
- last = new;
- /* make the #!rest argument list */
- putcbyte(OP_MVRARG);
- putcbyte(slotn++);
- /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
- fargs = cdr(fargs);
- }
- else
- xlerror("expecting the #!rest variable");
- }
- /* check for the a dotted tail */
- if (restarg == NIL && symbolp(fargs)) {
- restarg = fargs;
- /* add the argument name to the name list */
- new = cons(restarg,NIL);
- if (last) rplacd(last,new);
- else setelement(car(car(info)),0,new);
- last = new;
- /* make the #!rest argument list */
- putcbyte(OP_MVRARG);
- putcbyte(slotn++);
- fargs = NIL;
- }
- /* check for the end of the argument list */
- if (fargs != NIL)
- xlerror("bad argument list tail",fargs);
- /* make sure the user didn't supply too many arguments */
- if (restarg == NIL)
- putcbyte(OP_ALAST);
- /* scan the body for internal definitions */
- slotn += find_internal_definitions(body,last);
- /* fixup the frame instruction */
- cbuff[cbase+frame] = slotn;
- }
- /* find_internal_definitions - find internal definitions */
- LOCAL int find_internal_definitions(body,last)
- LVAL body,last;
- {
- LVAL define,sym,new;
- int n=0;
- /* look for all (define...) forms */
- for (define = xlenter("DEFINE"); consp(body); body = cdr(body))
- if (consp(car(body)) && car(car(body)) == define) {
- sym = cdr(car(body)); /* the rest of the (define...) form */
- if (consp(sym)) { /* make sure there is a second subform */
- sym = car(sym); /* get the second subform */
- while (consp(sym))/* check for a procedure definition */
- sym = car(sym);
- if (symbolp(sym)) {
- new = cons(sym,NIL);
- if (last) rplacd(last,new);
- else setelement(car(car(info)),0,new);
- last = new;
- ++n;
- }
- }
- }
- return (n);
- }
- /* do_delay - compile the (DELAY ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_delay(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int oldcbase;
- /* check argument list */
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting delay expression",form);
- /* establish a new environment frame */
- oldcbase = add_level();
- /* setup the entry code */
- putcbyte(OP_FRAME);
- putcbyte(1);
- /* compile the expression */
- do_expr(car(form),C_RETURN);
- /* build the code object */
- cpush(make_code_object(NIL));
- /* restore the previous environment */
- remove_level(oldcbase);
- /* compile code to create a closure */
- do_literal(pop(),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_DELAY);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_let - compile the (LET ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_let(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- /* handle named let */
- if (consp(form) && symbolp(car(form)))
- do_named_let(form,cont);
- /* handle unnamed let */
- else
- cd_let(NIL,form,cont);
- }
- /* do_named_let - compile the (LET name ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_named_let(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int oldcbase,nxt;
- /* save a continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN) {
- putcbyte(OP_SAVE);
- nxt = putcword(0);
- }
- /* establish a new environment frame */
- oldcbase = add_level();
- setelement(car(car(info)),0,cons(car(form),NIL));
- /* setup the entry code */
- putcbyte(OP_FRAME);
- putcbyte(2);
- /* compile the let expression */
- cd_let(car(form),cdr(form),C_RETURN);
- /* build the code object */
- cpush(make_code_object(NIL));
- /* restore the previous environment */
- remove_level(oldcbase);
- /* compile code to create a closure */
- do_literal(pop(),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_CLOSE);
- /* apply the function */
- putcbyte(OP_CALL);
- putcbyte(1);
- /* target for the continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN)
- fixup(nxt);
- }
- /* cd_let - code a let expression */
- LOCAL cd_let(name,form,cont)
- LVAL name,form; int cont;
- {
- int oldcbase,nxt,lev,off,n;
- /* make sure there is a binding list */
- if (atom(form) || !listp(car(form)))
- xlerror("expecting binding list",form);
- /* save a continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN) {
- putcbyte(OP_SAVE);
- nxt = putcword(0);
- }
- /* push the initialization expressions */
- n = push_init_expressions(car(form));
- /* establish a new environment frame */
- oldcbase = add_level();
- /* compile the binding list */
- parse_let_variables(car(form),cdr(form));
- /* compile the body of the let/letrec */
- do_begin(cdr(form),C_RETURN);
- /* build the code object */
- cpush(make_code_object(NIL));
- /* restore the previous environment */
- remove_level(oldcbase);
- /* compile code to create a closure */
- do_literal(pop(),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_CLOSE);
- /* store the procedure */
- if (name && findvariable(name,&lev,&off))
- cd_evariable(OP_ESET,lev,off);
- /* apply the function */
- putcbyte(OP_CALL);
- putcbyte(n);
- /* target for the continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN)
- fixup(nxt);
- }
- /* do_letrec - compile the (LETREC ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_letrec(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int oldcbase,nxt,n;
- /* make sure there is a binding list */
- if (atom(form) || !listp(car(form)))
- xlerror("expecting binding list",form);
- /* save a continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN) {
- putcbyte(OP_SAVE);
- nxt = putcword(0);
- }
- /* push the initialization expressions */
- n = push_dummy_values(car(form));
- /* establish a new environment frame */
- oldcbase = add_level();
- /* compile the binding list */
- parse_let_variables(car(form),cdr(form));
- /* compile instructions to set the bound variables */
- set_bound_variables(car(form));
- /* compile the body of the let/letrec */
- do_begin(cdr(form),C_RETURN);
- /* build the code object */
- cpush(make_code_object(NIL));
- /* restore the previous environment */
- remove_level(oldcbase);
- /* compile code to create a closure */
- do_literal(pop(),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_CLOSE);
- /* apply the function */
- putcbyte(OP_CALL);
- putcbyte(n);
- /* target for the continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN)
- fixup(nxt);
- }
- /* do_letstar - compile the (LET* ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_letstar(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int nxt;
- /* make sure there is a binding list */
- if (atom(form) || !listp(car(form)))
- xlerror("expecting binding list",form);
- /* handle the case where there are bindings */
- if (consp(car(form))) {
- /* save a continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN) {
- putcbyte(OP_SAVE);
- nxt = putcword(0);
- }
- /* build the nested lambda expressions */
- letstar1(car(form),cdr(form));
- /* target for the continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN)
- fixup(nxt);
- }
- /* handle the case where there are no bindings */
- else
- do_begin(cdr(form),cont);
- }
- /* letstar1 - helper routine for let* */
- LOCAL letstar1(blist,body)
- LVAL blist,body;
- {
- int oldcbase,n;
- /* push the next initialization expressions */
- cpush(cons(car(blist),NIL));
- n = push_init_expressions(top());
- /* establish a new environment frame */
- oldcbase = add_level();
- /* handle the case where there are more bindings */
- if (consp(cdr(blist))) {
- parse_let_variables(top(),NIL);
- letstar1(cdr(blist),body);
- }
- /* handle the last binding */
- else {
- parse_let_variables(top(),body);
- do_begin(body,C_RETURN);
- }
- /* build the code object */
- settop(make_code_object(NIL));
- /* restore the previous environment */
- remove_level(oldcbase);
- /* compile code to create a closure */
- do_literal(pop(),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_CLOSE);
- /* apply the function */
- putcbyte(OP_CALL);
- putcbyte(n);
- }
- /* push_dummy_values - push dummy values for a 'letrec' expression */
- LOCAL int push_dummy_values(blist)
- LVAL blist;
- {
- int n=0;
- if (consp(blist)) {
- putcbyte(OP_NIL);
- for (; consp(blist); blist = cdr(blist), ++n)
- putcbyte(OP_PUSH);
- }
- return (n);
- }
- /* push_init_expressions - push init expressions for a 'let' expression */
- LOCAL int push_init_expressions(blist)
- LVAL blist;
- {
- int n;
- if (consp(blist)) {
- n = push_init_expressions(cdr(blist));
- if (consp(car(blist)) && consp(cdr(car(blist))))
- do_expr(car(cdr(car(blist))),C_NEXT);
- else
- putcbyte(OP_NIL);
- putcbyte(OP_PUSH);
- return (n+1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /* parse_let_variables - parse the binding list */
- LOCAL parse_let_variables(blist,body)
- LVAL blist,body;
- {
- LVAL arg,new,last;
- int frame,slotn;
- /* setup the entry code */
- putcbyte(OP_FRAME);
- frame = putcbyte(0);
- /* initialize the argument name list and slot number */
- last = NIL;
- slotn = 1;
- /* handle each required argument */
- while (consp(blist) && (arg = car(blist))) {
- /* make sure the argument is a symbol */
- if (symbolp(arg))
- new = cons(arg,NIL);
- else if (consp(arg) && symbolp(car(arg)))
- new = cons(car(arg),NIL);
- else
- xlerror("invalid binding",arg);
- /* add the argument name to the name list */
- if (last) rplacd(last,new);
- else setelement(car(car(info)),0,new);
- last = new;
- /* generate an instruction to move the argument into the frame */
- putcbyte(OP_MVARG);
- putcbyte(slotn++);
- /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
- blist = cdr(blist);
- }
- putcbyte(OP_ALAST);
- /* scan the body for internal definitions */
- slotn += find_internal_definitions(body,last);
- /* fixup the frame instruction */
- cbuff[cbase+frame] = slotn;
- }
- /* set_bound_variables - set bound variables in a 'letrec' expression */
- LOCAL set_bound_variables(blist)
- LVAL blist;
- {
- int lev,off;
- for (; consp(blist); blist = cdr(blist)) {
- if (consp(car(blist)) && consp(cdr(car(blist)))) {
- do_expr(car(cdr(car(blist))),C_NEXT);
- if (findvariable(car(car(blist)),&lev,&off))
- cd_evariable(OP_ESET,lev,off);
- else
- xlerror("compiler error -- can't find",car(car(blist)));
- }
- }
- }
- /* make_code_object - build a code object */
- LOCAL LVAL make_code_object(fun)
- LVAL fun;
- {
- unsigned char *cp;
- LVAL code,p;
- int i;
- /* create a code object */
- code = newcode(FIRSTLIT + length(car(cdr(info)))); cpush(code);
- setbcode(code,newstring(cptr - cbase));
- setcname(code,fun); /* function name */
- setvnames(code,getelement(car(car(info)),0));/* lambda list variables */
- /* copy the literals into the code object */
- for (i = FIRSTLIT, p = car(cdr(info)); consp(p); p = cdr(p), ++i)
- setelement(code,i,car(p));
- /* copy the byte codes */
- for (i = cbase, cp = getstring(getbcode(code)); i < cptr; )
- *cp++ = cbuff[i++];
- /* return the new code object */
- return (pop());
- }
- /* do_cond - compile the (COND ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_cond(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int nxt,end;
- if (consp(form)) {
- for (end = 0; consp(form); form = cdr(form)) {
- if (atom(car(form)))
- xlerror("expecting a cond clause",form);
- do_expr(car(car(form)),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_BRF);
- nxt = putcword(0);
- if (cdr(car(form)))
- do_begin(cdr(car(form)),cont);
- else
- do_continuation(cont);
- if (cont == C_NEXT) {
- putcbyte(OP_BR);
- end = putcword(end);
- }
- fixup(nxt);
- }
- fixup(end);
- }
- else
- putcbyte(OP_NIL);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_and - compile the (AND ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_and(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int end;
- if (consp(form)) {
- for (end = 0; consp(form); form = cdr(form)) {
- if (cdr(form)) {
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_BRF);
- end = putcword(end);
- }
- else
- do_expr(car(form),cont);
- }
- fixup(end);
- }
- else
- putcbyte(OP_T);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_or - compile the (OR ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_or(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int end;
- if (consp(form)) {
- for (end = 0; consp(form); form = cdr(form)) {
- if (cdr(form)) {
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_BRT);
- end = putcword(end);
- }
- else
- do_expr(car(form),cont);
- }
- fixup(end);
- }
- else
- putcbyte(OP_NIL);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_if - compile the (IF ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_if(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int nxt,end;
- /* compile the test expression */
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting test expression",form);
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- /* skip around the 'then' clause if the expression is false */
- putcbyte(OP_BRF);
- nxt = putcword(0);
- /* skip to the 'then' clause */
- form = cdr(form);
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting then clause",form);
- /* compile the 'then' and 'else' clauses */
- if (consp(cdr(form))) {
- if (cont == C_NEXT) {
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_BR);
- end = putcword(0);
- }
- else {
- do_expr(car(form),cont);
- end = -1;
- }
- fixup(nxt);
- do_expr(car(cdr(form)),cont);
- nxt = end;
- }
- /* compile just a 'then' clause */
- else
- do_expr(car(form),cont);
- /* handle the end of the statement */
- if (nxt >= 0) {
- fixup(nxt);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- }
- /* do_begin - compile the (BEGIN ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_begin(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- if (consp(form))
- for (; consp(form); form = cdr(form))
- if (consp(cdr(form)))
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- else
- do_expr(car(form),cont);
- else {
- putcbyte(OP_NIL);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- }
- /* do_while - compile the (WHILE ... ) expression */
- LOCAL do_while(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int loop,nxt;
- /* make sure there is a test expression */
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting test expression",form);
- /* skip around the 'body' to the test expression */
- putcbyte(OP_BR);
- nxt = putcword(0);
- /* compile the loop body */
- loop = cptr - cbase;
- do_begin(cdr(form),C_NEXT);
- /* label for the first iteration */
- fixup(nxt);
- /* compile the test expression */
- nxt = cptr - cbase;
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- /* skip around the 'body' if the expression is false */
- putcbyte(OP_BRT);
- putcword(loop);
- /* compile the continuation */
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_access - compile the (ACCESS var env) expression */
- LOCAL do_access(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- LVAL sym;
- /* get the variable name */
- if (atom(form) || !symbolp(car(form)))
- xlerror("expecting symbol",form);
- sym = car(form);
- /* compile the environment expression */
- form = cdr(form);
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting environment expression",form);
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- /* get the variable value */
- cd_variable(OP_AREF,sym);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_setaccess - compile the (SET! (ACCESS var env) value) expression */
- LOCAL do_setaccess(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- LVAL aform,sym;
- /* make sure this is an access form */
- aform = car(form);
- if (atom(aform) || car(aform) != xlenter("ACCESS"))
- xlerror("expecting an ACCESS form",aform);
- /* get the variable name */
- aform = cdr(aform);
- if (atom(aform) || !symbolp(car(aform)))
- xlerror("expecting symbol",aform);
- sym = car(aform);
- /* compile the environment expression */
- aform = cdr(aform);
- if (atom(aform))
- xlerror("expecting environment expression",aform);
- do_expr(car(aform),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_PUSH);
- /* compile the value expression */
- form = cdr(form);
- if (atom(form))
- xlerror("expecting value expression",form);
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- /* set the variable value */
- cd_variable(OP_ASET,sym);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_call - compile a function call */
- LOCAL do_call(form,cont)
- LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- int nxt,n;
- /* save a continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN) {
- putcbyte(OP_SAVE);
- nxt = putcword(0);
- }
- /* compile each argument expression */
- n = push_args(cdr(form));
- /* compile the function itself */
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- /* apply the function */
- putcbyte(OP_CALL);
- putcbyte(n);
- /* target for the continuation */
- if (cont != C_RETURN)
- fixup(nxt);
- }
- /* push_args - compile the arguments for a function call */
- LOCAL int push_args(form)
- LVAL form;
- {
- int n;
- if (consp(form)) {
- n = push_args(cdr(form));
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- putcbyte(OP_PUSH);
- return (n+1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /* do_nary - compile nary operator expressions */
- LOCAL do_nary(op,n,form,cont)
- int op,n; LVAL form; int cont;
- {
- if (n < 0 && (n = (-n)) != length(cdr(form)))
- do_call(form,cont);
- else {
- push_nargs(cdr(form),n);
- putcbyte(op);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- }
- /* push_nargs - compile the arguments for an inline function call */
- LOCAL int push_nargs(form,n)
- LVAL form; int n;
- {
- if (consp(form)) {
- if (n == 0)
- xlerror("too many arguments",form);
- if (push_nargs(cdr(form),n-1))
- putcbyte(OP_PUSH);
- do_expr(car(form),C_NEXT);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- if (n)
- xlerror("too few arguments",form);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /* do_literal - compile a literal */
- LOCAL do_literal(lit,cont)
- LVAL lit; int cont;
- {
- cd_literal(lit);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_identifier - compile an identifier */
- LOCAL do_identifier(sym,cont)
- LVAL sym; int cont;
- {
- int lev,off;
- if (sym == true_lval)
- putcbyte(OP_T);
- else if (findvariable(sym,&lev,&off))
- cd_evariable(OP_EREF,lev,off);
- else
- cd_variable(OP_GREF,sym);
- do_continuation(cont);
- }
- /* do_continuation - compile a continuation */
- LOCAL do_continuation(cont)
- int cont;
- {
- switch (cont) {
- case C_RETURN:
- putcbyte(OP_RETURN);
- break;
- case C_NEXT:
- break;
- }
- }
- /* add_level - add a nesting level */
- LOCAL int add_level()
- {
- int oldcbase;
- /* establish a new environment frame */
- rplaca(info,newframe(car(info),1));
- rplacd(info,cons(NIL,cdr(info)));
- /* setup the base of the code for this function */
- oldcbase = cbase;
- cbase = cptr;
- /* return the old code base */
- return (oldcbase);
- }
- /* remove_level - remove a nesting level */
- LOCAL remove_level(oldcbase)
- int oldcbase;
- {
- /* restore the previous environment */
- rplaca(info,cdr(car(info)));
- rplacd(info,cdr(cdr(info)));
- /* restore the base and code pointer */
- cptr = cbase;
- cbase = oldcbase;
- }
- /* findvariable - find an environment variable */
- LOCAL int findvariable(sym,plev,poff)
- LVAL sym; int *plev,*poff;
- {
- int lev,off;
- LVAL e,a;
- for (e = car(info), lev = 0; envp(e); e = cdr(e), ++lev)
- for (a = getelement(car(e),0), off = 1; consp(a); a = cdr(a), ++off)
- if (sym == car(a)) {
- *plev = lev;
- *poff = off;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /* findcvariable - find an environment variable in the current frame */
- LOCAL int findcvariable(sym,poff)
- LVAL sym; int *poff;
- {
- int off;
- LVAL a;
- a = getelement(car(car(info)),0);
- for (off = 1; consp(a); a = cdr(a), ++off)
- if (sym == car(a)) {
- *poff = off;
- return (TRUE);
- }
- return (FALSE);
- }
- /* findliteral - find a literal in the literal frame */
- LOCAL int findliteral(lit)
- LVAL lit;
- {
- int o = FIRSTLIT;
- LVAL t,p;
- if (t = car(cdr(info))) {
- for (p = NIL; consp(t); p = t, t = cdr(t), ++o)
- if (equal(lit,car(t)))
- return (o);
- rplacd(p,cons(lit,NIL));
- }
- else
- rplaca(cdr(info),cons(lit,NIL));
- return (o);
- }
- /* cd_variable - compile a variable reference */
- LOCAL cd_variable(op,sym)
- int op; LVAL sym;
- {
- putcbyte(op);
- putcbyte(findliteral(sym));
- }
- /* cd_evariable - compile an environment variable reference */
- LOCAL cd_evariable(op,lev,off)
- int op,lev,off;
- {
- putcbyte(op);
- putcbyte(lev);
- putcbyte(off);
- }
- /* cd_literal - compile a literal reference */
- LOCAL cd_literal(lit)
- LVAL lit;
- {
- if (lit == NIL)
- putcbyte(OP_NIL);
- else if (lit == true_lval)
- putcbyte(OP_T);
- else {
- putcbyte(OP_LIT);
- putcbyte(findliteral(lit));
- }
- }
- /* putcbyte - put a code byte into data space */
- LOCAL int putcbyte(b)
- int b;
- {
- int adr;
- if (cptr >= CMAX)
- xlabort("insufficient code space");
- adr = (cptr - cbase);
- cbuff[cptr++] = b;
- return (adr);
- }
- /* putcword - put a code word into data space */
- LOCAL int putcword(w)
- int w;
- {
- int adr;
- adr = putcbyte(w >> 8);
- putcbyte(w);
- return (adr);
- }
- /* fixup - fixup a reference chain */
- LOCAL fixup(chn)
- int chn;
- {
- int val,hval,nxt;
- /* store the value into each location in the chain */
- val = cptr - cbase; hval = val >> 8;
- for (; chn; chn = nxt) {
- nxt = (cbuff[cbase+chn] << 8) | (cbuff[cbase+chn+1]);
- cbuff[cbase+chn] = hval;
- cbuff[cbase+chn+1] = val;
- }
- }
- /* length - find the length of a list */
- int length(list)
- LVAL list;
- {
- int len;
- for (len = 0; consp(list); list = cdr(list))
- ++len;
- return (len);
- }
- /* instruction output formats */
- #define FMT_NONE 0
- #define FMT_BYTE 1
- #define FMT_LOFF 2
- #define FMT_WORD 3
- #define FMT_EOFF 4
- typedef struct { int ot_code; char *ot_name; int ot_fmt; } OTDEF;
- OTDEF otab[] = {
- { OP_BRT, "BRT", FMT_WORD },
- { OP_BRF, "BRF", FMT_WORD },
- { OP_BR, "BR", FMT_WORD },
- { OP_LIT, "LIT", FMT_LOFF },
- { OP_T, "T", FMT_NONE },
- { OP_NIL, "NIL", FMT_NONE },
- {0,0,0}
- };
- /* decode_procedure - decode the instructions in a code object */
- decode_procedure(fptr,fun)
- LVAL fptr,fun;
- {
- int len,lc,n;
- LVAL code,env;
- code = getcode(fun);
- env = getenv(fun);
- len = getslength(getbcode(code));
- for (lc = 0; lc < len; lc += n)
- n = decode_instruction(fptr,code,lc,env);
- }
- /* decode_instruction - decode a single bytecode instruction */
- int decode_instruction(fptr,code,lc,env)
- LVAL fptr,code; int lc; LVAL env;
- {
- unsigned char *cp;
- char buf[100];
- OTDEF *op;
- NTDEF *np;
- int i,n=1;
- LVAL tmp;
- /* get a pointer to the bytecodes for this instruction */
- cp = getstring(getbcode(code)) + lc;
- /* show the address and opcode */
- if (tmp = getcname(code))
- sprintf(buf,"%s:%04x %02x ",getstring(getpname(tmp)),lc,*cp);
- else {
- sprintf(buf,AFMT,code); xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- sprintf(buf,":%04x %02x ",lc,*cp);
- }
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- /* display the operands */
- for (op = otab; op->ot_name; ++op)
- if (*cp == op->ot_code) {
- switch (op->ot_fmt) {
- case FMT_NONE:
- sprintf(buf," %s\n",op->ot_name);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- break;
- case FMT_BYTE:
- sprintf(buf,"%02x %s %02x\n",cp[1],op->ot_name,cp[1]);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- n += 1;
- break;
- case FMT_LOFF:
- sprintf(buf,"%02x %s %02x ; ",cp[1],op->ot_name,cp[1]);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- xlprin1(getelement(code,cp[1]),fptr);
- xlterpri(fptr);
- n += 1;
- break;
- case FMT_WORD:
- sprintf(buf,"%02x %02x %s %02x%02x\n",cp[1],cp[2],
- op->ot_name,cp[1],cp[2]);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- n += 2;
- break;
- case FMT_EOFF:
- if ((i = cp[1]) == 0)
- tmp = getvnames(code);
- else {
- for (tmp = env; i > 1; --i) tmp = cdr(tmp);
- tmp = getelement(car(tmp),0);
- }
- for (i = cp[2]; i > 1; --i) tmp = cdr(tmp);
- sprintf(buf,"%02x %02x %s %02x %02x ; ",cp[1],cp[2],
- op->ot_name,cp[1],cp[2]);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- xlprin1(car(tmp),fptr);
- xlterpri(fptr);
- n += 2;
- break;
- }
- return (n);
- }
- /* check for an integrable function */
- for (np = ntab; np->nt_name; ++np)
- if (*cp == np->nt_code) {
- sprintf(buf," %s\n",np->nt_name);
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- return (n);
- }
- /* unknown opcode */
- sprintf(buf," <UNKNOWN>\n");
- xlputstr(fptr,buf);
- return (n);
- }